Commit b5c02956 authored by Sergey.Luzyanin's avatar Sergey.Luzyanin

не подбираем размер автофигуры в определенных случаях.

git-svn-id: svn:// 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent 07505b87
......@@ -3669,6 +3669,7 @@ DrawingObjectsController.prototype =
content.Remove(dir, true, bRemoveOnlySelection)
else if(this.selectedObjects.length > 0)
......@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ var APPROXIMATE_EPSILON3 = 5;
var cToRad = Math.PI/(60000*180);
var cToDeg = 1/cToRad;
var MAX_ITER_COUNT = 50;
var oGdLst = {};
oGdLst["_3cd4"]= 16200000;
......@@ -1330,7 +1331,7 @@ Geometry.prototype=
var dDelta = 0;
var dWi = dTextWidth, dHi = dTextHeight, dWNext, dHNext;
var oGeometry = ExecuteNoHistory(function(){return this.createDuplicate()}, this, []);
var iter_Count = 0;
if(!isRealNumber(dGeometryWidth) && !isRealNumber(dGeometryHeight))
......@@ -1341,9 +1342,10 @@ Geometry.prototype=
dDelta = Math.max(Math.abs(dWNext - dWi), Math.abs(dHNext - dHi));
dWi = dWNext;
dHi = dHNext;
return {W: dWi, H: dHi};
while(dDelta > EPSILON_TEXT_AUTOFIT && iter_Count < MAX_ITER_COUNT);
return {W: dWi, H: dHi, bError: dDelta > EPSILON_TEXT_AUTOFIT};
else if(isRealNumber(dGeometryWidth))
......@@ -1353,9 +1355,10 @@ Geometry.prototype=
dHNext = dTextHeight - (oGeometry.rect.b - oGeometry.rect.t) + dHi;
dDelta = Math.abs(dHNext - dHi);
dHi = dHNext;
return {W: dGeometryWidth, H: dHi};
while(dDelta > EPSILON_TEXT_AUTOFIT && iter_Count < MAX_ITER_COUNT);
return {W: dGeometryWidth, H: dHi, bError: dDelta > EPSILON_TEXT_AUTOFIT};
......@@ -1365,9 +1368,10 @@ Geometry.prototype=
dWNext = dTextWidth - (oGeometry.rect.r - oGeometry.rect.l) + dWi;
dDelta = Math.abs(dWNext - dWi);
dWi = dWNext;
return {W: dWi, H: dGeometryHeight};
while(dDelta > EPSILON_TEXT_AUTOFIT && iter_Count < MAX_ITER_COUNT);
return {W: dWi, H: dGeometryHeight, bError: dDelta > EPSILON_TEXT_AUTOFIT};
......@@ -358,6 +358,36 @@ function RecalculateDocContentByMaxLine(oDocContent, dMaxWidth, bNeedRecalcAllDr
function CheckExcelDrawingXfrm(xfrm)
var rot = isRealNumber(xfrm.rot) ? xfrm.rot : 0;
if (checkNormalRotate(rot))
if(xfrm.offX < 0)
if(xfrm.offY < 0)
var dPosX = xfrm.offX + xfrm.extX/2 - xfrm.extY/2;
var dPosY = xfrm.offY + xfrm.extY/2 - xfrm.extX/2;
if(dPosX < 0)
xfrm.setOffX(xfrm.offX - dPosX);
if(dPosY < 0)
xfrm.setOffY(xfrm.offY - dPosY);
function CShape()
this.nvSpPr = null;
......@@ -1864,6 +1894,13 @@ CShape.prototype =
default_style.ParaPr.Spacing.Before = 0;
default_style.ParaPr.Spacing.After = 0;
default_style.ParaPr.Align = align_Center;
default_style.TextPr.RFonts.Ascii = {Name: "+mn-lt", Index: -1};
default_style.TextPr.RFonts.EastAsia = {Name: "+mn-ea", Index: -1};
default_style.TextPr.RFonts.CS = {Name: "+mn-cs", Index: -1};
default_style.TextPr.RFonts.HAnsi = {Name: "+mn-lt", Index: -1};
if (isRealObject(parent_objects.presentation) && isRealObject(parent_objects.presentation.defaultTextStyle)
&& isRealObject(parent_objects.presentation.defaultTextStyle.levels[level])) {
var default_ppt_style = parent_objects.presentation.defaultTextStyle.levels[level];
......@@ -1874,7 +1911,7 @@ CShape.prototype =
var master_style;
if (isRealObject(parent_objects.master) && isRealObject(parent_objects.master.txStyles)) {
var master_ppt_styles;
master_style = new CStyle("masterStyele", null, null, null, true);
master_style = new CStyle("masterStyle", null, null, null, true);
if (this.isPlaceholder()) {
switch (this.getPlaceholderType()) {
case phType_ctrTitle:
......@@ -2335,8 +2372,11 @@ CShape.prototype =
if (!(oBodyPr.vert === nVertTTvert || oBodyPr.vert === nVertTTvert270)) {
if (oGeometry) {
oWH = oGeometry.getNewWHByTextRect(oContentMetrics.w + l_ins + r_ins, oContentMetrics.contentH + t_ins + b_ins);
this.extX = oWH.W;
this.extY = oWH.H;
this.extX = oWH.W;
this.extY = oWH.H;
else {
this.extX = oContentMetrics.w + l_ins + r_ins;
......@@ -2347,8 +2387,11 @@ CShape.prototype =
else {
if (oGeometry) {
oWH = oGeometry.getNewWHByTextRect(oContentMetrics.w + t_ins + b_ins, oContentMetrics.contentH + l_ins + r_ins);
this.extX = oWH.H;
this.extY = oWH.W;
this.extX = oWH.H;
this.extY = oWH.W;
else {
this.extY = oContentMetrics.w + t_ins + b_ins;
......@@ -2363,8 +2406,10 @@ CShape.prototype =
if (oGeometry) {
oWH = oGeometry.getNewWHByTextRect(oContentMetrics.w + l_ins + r_ins, oContentMetrics.contentH + t_ins + b_ins);
this.extX = oWH.W;
this.extY = oWH.H;
if(!oWH.bError) {
this.extX = oWH.W;
this.extY = oWH.H;
else {
this.extX = oContentMetrics.w + l_ins + r_ins;
......@@ -2374,8 +2419,10 @@ CShape.prototype =
else {
if (oGeometry) {
oWH = oGeometry.getNewWHByTextRect(oContentMetrics.w + t_ins + b_ins, oContentMetrics.contentH + l_ins + r_ins);
this.extX = oWH.H;
this.extY = oWH.W;
if(!oWH.bError) {
this.extX = oWH.H;
this.extY = oWH.W;
else {
this.extY = oContentMetrics.w + t_ins + b_ins;
......@@ -2388,8 +2435,10 @@ CShape.prototype =
if (!(oBodyPr.vert === nVertTTvert || oBodyPr.vert === nVertTTvert270)) {
if (oGeometry) {
oWH = oGeometry.getNewWHByTextRect(oContentMetrics.w + l_ins + r_ins, oContentMetrics.contentH + t_ins + b_ins);
this.extX = oWH.W;
this.extY = oWH.H;
if(!oWH.bError) {
this.extX = oWH.W;
this.extY = oWH.H;
else {
this.extX = oContentMetrics.w + l_ins + r_ins;
......@@ -2399,8 +2448,10 @@ CShape.prototype =
else {
if (oGeometry) {
oWH = oGeometry.getNewWHByTextRect(oContentMetrics.w + t_ins + b_ins, oContentMetrics.contentH + l_ins + r_ins);
this.extX = oWH.H;
this.extY = oWH.W;
if(!oWH.bError) {
this.extX = oWH.H;
this.extY = oWH.W;
else {
this.extY = oContentMetrics.w + t_ins + b_ins;
......@@ -2415,7 +2466,9 @@ CShape.prototype =
if (!(oBodyPr.vert === nVertTTvert || oBodyPr.vert === nVertTTvert270)) {
if (oGeometry) {
oWH = oGeometry.getNewWHByTextRect(undefined, oContentMetrics.contentH + t_ins + b_ins, this.extX, undefined);
this.extY = oWH.H;
if(!oWH.bError) {
this.extY = oWH.H;
else {
this.extY = oContentMetrics.contentH + t_ins + b_ins;
......@@ -2424,7 +2477,9 @@ CShape.prototype =
else {
if (oGeometry) {
oWH = oGeometry.getNewWHByTextRect(oContentMetrics.contentH + l_ins + b_ins, undefined, undefined, this.extY);
this.extX = oWH.W;
if(!oWH.bError) {
this.extX = oWH.W;
else {
this.extX = oContentMetrics.contentH + l_ins + r_ins;
......@@ -2437,7 +2492,9 @@ CShape.prototype =
if (!(oBodyPr.vert === nVertTTvert || oBodyPr.vert === nVertTTvert270)) {
if (oGeometry) {
oWH = oGeometry.getNewWHByTextRect(undefined, oContentMetrics.contentH + t_ins + b_ins, this.extX, undefined);
this.extY = oWH.H;
if(!oWH.bError) {
this.extY = oWH.H;
else {
this.extY = oContentMetrics.contentH + t_ins + b_ins;
......@@ -2447,7 +2504,9 @@ CShape.prototype =
else {
if (oGeometry) {
oWH = oGeometry.getNewWHByTextRect(oContentMetrics.contentH + l_ins + r_ins, undefined, undefined, this.extY);
this.extX = oWH.W;
if(!oWH.bError) {
this.extX = oWH.W;
else {
this.extX = oContentMetrics.contentH + l_ins + r_ins;
......@@ -2458,7 +2517,9 @@ CShape.prototype =
if (!(oBodyPr.vert === nVertTTvert || oBodyPr.vert === nVertTTvert270)) {
if (oGeometry) {
oWH = oGeometry.getNewWHByTextRect(oContentMetrics.contentH + l_ins + r_ins, undefined, undefined, this.extY);
this.extX = oWH.W;
if(!oWH.bError) {
this.extX = oWH.W;
else {
this.extX = oContentMetrics.contentH + l_ins + r_ins;
......@@ -2467,7 +2528,9 @@ CShape.prototype =
else {
if (oGeometry) {
oWH = oGeometry.getNewWHByTextRect(undefined, oContentMetrics.contentH + t_ins + b_ins, this.extX, undefined);
this.extY = oWH.H;
if(!oWH.bError) {
this.extY = oWH.H;
else {
this.extY = oContentMetrics.contentH + t_ins + b_ins;
......@@ -2704,11 +2767,23 @@ CShape.prototype =
checkDrawingBaseCoords: function()
if(this.drawingBase && this.spPr && this.spPr.xfrm && !
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