Commit d055cc3b authored by Dmitry.Vikulov's avatar Dmitry.Vikulov Committed by Alexander.Trofimov

- Добавлены asc_классы для текстовых свойств автофигур

- Исправлен баг с неверным отображением граф.объектов на разных листах при разных значениях скрола

git-svn-id: svn:// 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent f4b16a72
......@@ -1266,8 +1266,6 @@ prot["asc_setFormatCode"] = prot.asc_setFormatCode;
// Selected graphic object(properties)
......@@ -1548,6 +1546,346 @@ prot["asc_getId"] = prot.asc_getId;
prot["asc_getImage"] = prot.asc_getImage;
// CParagraphProperty
function asc_CParagraphProperty(obj) {
if (obj) {
this.ContextualSpacing = (undefined != obj.ContextualSpacing) ? obj.ContextualSpacing : null;
this.Ind = (undefined != obj.Ind && null != obj.Ind) ? new asc_CParagraphInd (obj.Ind) : null;
this.KeepLines = (undefined != obj.KeepLines) ? obj.KeepLines : null;
this.KeepNext = (undefined != obj.KeepNext) ? obj.KeepNext : undefined;
this.WidowControl = (undefined != obj.WidowControl ? obj.WidowControl : undefined );
this.PageBreakBefore = (undefined != obj.PageBreakBefore) ? obj.PageBreakBefore : null;
this.Spacing = (undefined != obj.Spacing && null != obj.Spacing) ? new asc_CParagraphSpacing (obj.Spacing) : null;
this.Brd = (undefined != obj.Brd && null != obj.Brd) ? new asc_CParagraphBorders (obj.Brd) : null;
this.Shd = (undefined != obj.Shd && null != obj.Shd) ? new asc_CParagraphShd (obj.Shd) : null;
this.Tabs = (undefined != obj.Tabs) ? new asc_CParagraphTabs(obj.Tabs) : undefined;
this.DefaultTab = Default_Tab_Stop;
this.Locked = (undefined != obj.Locked && null != obj.Locked ) ? obj.Locked : false;
this.CanAddTable = (undefined != obj.CanAddTable ) ? obj.CanAddTable : true;
this.Subscript = (undefined != obj.Subscript) ? obj.Subscript : undefined;
this.Superscript = (undefined != obj.Superscript) ? obj.Superscript : undefined;
this.SmallCaps = (undefined != obj.SmallCaps) ? obj.SmallCaps : undefined;
this.AllCaps = (undefined != obj.AllCaps) ? obj.AllCaps : undefined;
this.Strikeout = (undefined != obj.Strikeout) ? obj.Strikeout : undefined;
this.DStrikeout = (undefined != obj.DStrikeout) ? obj.DStrikeout : undefined;
this.TextSpacing = (undefined != obj.TextSpacing) ? obj.TextSpacing : undefined;
this.Position = (undefined != obj.Position) ? obj.Position : undefined;
else {
//ContextualSpacing : false, // Удалять ли интервал между параграфами одинакового стиля
// Ind :
// {
// Left : 0, // Левый отступ
// Right : 0, // Правый отступ
// FirstLine : 0 // Первая строка
// },
// Jc : align_Left, // Прилегание параграфа
// KeepLines : false, // переносить параграф на новую страницу,
// // если на текущей он целиком не убирается
// KeepNext : false, // переносить параграф вместе со следующим параграфом
// PageBreakBefore : false, // начинать параграф с новой страницы
this.ContextualSpacing = undefined;
this.Ind = new asc_CParagraphInd();
this.KeepLines = undefined;
this.KeepNext = undefined;
this.WidowControl = undefined;
this.PageBreakBefore = undefined;
this.Spacing = new asc_CParagraphSpacing();
this.Brd = undefined;
this.Shd = undefined;
this.Locked = false;
this.CanAddTable = true;
this.Tabs = undefined;
this.Subscript = undefined;
this.Superscript = undefined;
this.SmallCaps = undefined;
this.AllCaps = undefined;
this.Strikeout = undefined;
this.DStrikeout = undefined;
this.TextSpacing = undefined;
this.Position = undefined;
asc_CParagraphProperty.prototype = {
asc_getContextualSpacing: function () { return this.ContextualSpacing; },
asc_putContextualSpacing: function (v) { this.ContextualSpacing = v; },
asc_getInd: function () { return this.Ind; },
asc_putInd: function (v) { this.Ind = v; },
asc_getKeepLines: function () { return this.KeepLines; },
asc_putKeepLines: function (v) { this.KeepLines = v; },
asc_getKeepNext: function () { return this.KeepNext; },
asc_putKeepNext: function (v) { this.KeepNext = v; },
asc_getPageBreakBefore: function (){ return this.PageBreakBefore; },
asc_putPageBreakBefore: function (v){ this.PageBreakBefore = v; },
asc_getWidowControl: function (){ return this.WidowControl; },
asc_putWidowControl: function (v){ this.WidowControl = v; },
asc_getSpacing: function () { return this.Spacing; },
asc_putSpacing: function (v) { this.Spacing = v; },
asc_getBorders: function () { return this.Brd; },
asc_putBorders: function (v) { this.Brd = v; },
asc_getShade: function () { return this.Shd; },
asc_putShade: function (v) { this.Shd = v; },
asc_getLocked: function() { return this.Locked; },
asc_getCanAddTable: function() { return this.CanAddTable; },
asc_getSubscript: function () { return this.Subscript; },
asc_putSubscript: function (v) { this.Subscript = v; },
asc_getSuperscript: function () { return this.Superscript; },
asc_putSuperscript: function (v) { this.Superscript = v; },
asc_getSmallCaps: function () { return this.SmallCaps; },
asc_putSmallCaps: function (v) { this.SmallCaps = v; },
asc_getAllCaps: function () { return this.AllCaps; },
asc_putAllCaps: function (v) { this.AllCaps = v; },
asc_getStrikeout: function () { return this.Strikeout; },
asc_putStrikeout: function (v) { this.Strikeout = v; },
asc_getDStrikeout: function () { return this.DStrikeout; },
asc_putDStrikeout: function (v) { this.DStrikeout = v; },
asc_getTextSpacing: function () { return this.TextSpacing; },
asc_putTextSpacing: function (v) { this.TextSpacing = v; },
asc_getPosition: function () { return this.Position; },
asc_putPosition: function (v) { this.Position = v; },
asc_getTabs: function () { return this.Tabs; },
asc_putTabs: function (v) { this.Tabs = v; },
asc_getDefaultTab: function () { return this.DefaultTab; },
asc_putDefaultTab: function (v) { this.DefaultTab = v; }
//{ asc_CParagraphProperty export
window["Asc"].asc_CParagraphProperty = asc_CParagraphProperty;
window["Asc"]["asc_CParagraphProperty"] = asc_CParagraphProperty;
prot = asc_CParagraphProperty.prototype;
prot["asc_getContextualSpacing"] = prot.asc_getContextualSpacing;
prot["asc_putContextualSpacing"] = prot.asc_putContextualSpacing;
prot["asc_getInd"] = prot.asc_getInd;
prot["asc_putInd"] = prot.asc_putInd;
prot["asc_getKeepLines"] = prot.asc_getKeepLines;
prot["asc_putKeepLines"] = prot.asc_putKeepLines;
prot["asc_getKeepNext"] = prot.asc_getKeepNext;
prot["asc_putKeepNext"] = prot.asc_putKeepNext;
prot["asc_getPageBreakBefore"] = prot.asc_getPageBreakBefore;
prot["asc_putPageBreakBefore"] = prot.asc_putPageBreakBefore;
prot["asc_getWidowControl"] = prot.asc_getWidowControl;
prot["asc_putWidowControl"] = prot.asc_putWidowControl;
prot["asc_getSpacing"] = prot.asc_getSpacing;
prot["asc_putSpacing"] = prot.asc_putSpacing;
prot["asc_getBorders"] = prot.asc_getBorders;
prot["asc_putBorders"] = prot.asc_putBorders;
prot["asc_getShade"] = prot.asc_getShade;
prot["asc_putShade"] = prot.asc_putShade;
prot["asc_getLocked"] = prot.asc_getLocked;
prot["asc_getCanAddTable"] = prot.asc_getCanAddTable;
prot["asc_getSubscript"] = prot.asc_getSubscript;
prot["asc_putSubscript"] = prot.asc_putSubscript;
prot["asc_getSuperscript"] = prot.asc_getSuperscript;
prot["asc_putSuperscript"] = prot.asc_putSuperscript;
prot["asc_getSmallCaps"] = prot.asc_getSmallCaps;
prot["asc_putSmallCaps"] = prot.asc_putSmallCaps;
prot["asc_getAllCaps"] = prot.asc_getAllCaps;
prot["asc_putAllCaps"] = prot.asc_putAllCaps;
prot["asc_getStrikeout"] = prot.asc_getStrikeout;
prot["asc_putStrikeout"] = prot.asc_putStrikeout;
prot["asc_getDStrikeout"] = prot.asc_getDStrikeout;
prot["asc_putDStrikeout"] = prot.asc_putDStrikeout;
prot["asc_getTextSpacing"] = prot.asc_getTextSpacing;
prot["asc_putTextSpacing"] = prot.asc_putTextSpacing;
prot["asc_getPosition"] = prot.asc_getPosition;
prot["asc_putPosition"] = prot.asc_putPosition;
prot["asc_getTabs"] = prot.asc_getTabs;
prot["asc_putTabs"] = prot.asc_putTabs;
prot["asc_getDefaultTab"] = prot.asc_getDefaultTab;
prot["asc_putDefaultTab"] = prot.asc_putDefaultTab;
// CParagraphInd
function asc_CParagraphInd(obj) {
if (obj) {
this.Left = (undefined != obj.Left ) ? obj.Left : null; // Левый отступ
this.Right = (undefined != obj.Right ) ? obj.Right : null; // Правый отступ
this.FirstLine = (undefined != obj.FirstLine) ? obj.FirstLine : null; // Первая строка
else {
this.Left = undefined; // Левый отступ
this.Right = undefined; // Правый отступ
this.FirstLine = undefined; // Первая строка
asc_CParagraphInd.prototype = {
asc_getLeft: function () { return this.Left; },
asc_putLeft: function (v) { this.Left = v; },
asc_getRight: function () { return this.Right; },
asc_putRight: function (v) { this.Right = v; },
asc_getFirstLine: function () { return this.FirstLine; },
asc_putFirstLine: function (v) { this.FirstLine = v; }
//{ asc_CParagraphInd export
window["Asc"].asc_CParagraphInd = asc_CParagraphInd;
window["Asc"]["asc_CParagraphInd"] = asc_CParagraphInd;
prot = asc_CParagraphInd.prototype;
prot["asc_getLeft"] = prot.asc_getLeft;
prot["asc_putLeft"] = prot.asc_putLeft;
prot["asc_getRight"] = prot.asc_getRight;
prot["asc_putRight"] = prot.asc_putRight;
prot["asc_getFirstLine"] = prot.asc_getFirstLine;
prot["asc_getFirstLine"] = prot.asc_getFirstLine;
// CParagraphSpacing
function asc_CParagraphSpacing(obj) {
if (obj) {
this.Line = (undefined != obj.Line ) ? obj.Line : null; // Расстояние между строками внутри абзаца
this.LineRule = (undefined != obj.LineRule) ? obj.LineRule : null; // Тип расстрояния между строками
this.Before = (undefined != obj.Before ) ? obj.Before : null; // Дополнительное расстояние до абзаца
this.After = (undefined != obj.After ) ? obj.After : null; // Дополнительное расстояние после абзаца
else {
this.Line = undefined; // Расстояние между строками внутри абзаца
this.LineRule = undefined; // Тип расстрояния между строками
this.Before = undefined; // Дополнительное расстояние до абзаца
this.After = undefined; // Дополнительное расстояние после абзаца
asc_CParagraphSpacing.prototype = {
asc_getLine: function () { return this.Line; },
asc_getLineRule: function () { return this.LineRule; },
asc_getBefore: function () { return this.Before; },
asc_getAfter: function () { return this.After; }
//{ asc_CParagraphSpacing export
window["Asc"].asc_CParagraphSpacing = asc_CParagraphSpacing;
window["Asc"]["asc_CParagraphSpacing"] = asc_CParagraphSpacing;
prot = asc_CParagraphSpacing.prototype;
prot["asc_getLine"] = prot.asc_getLine;
prot["asc_getLineRule"] = prot.asc_getLineRule;
prot["asc_getBefore"] = prot.asc_getBefore;
prot["asc_getAfter"] = prot.asc_getAfter;
// CParagraphShd
function asc_CParagraphShd(obj) {
if (obj) {
this.Value = (undefined != obj.Value) ? obj.Value : null;
this.Color = (undefined != obj.Color && null != obj.Color) ? CreateAscColorCustom( obj.Color.r, obj.Color.g, obj.Color.b ) : null;
else {
this.Value = shd_Nil;
this.Color = CreateAscColorCustom(255, 255, 255);
asc_CParagraphShd.prototype = {
asc_getValue: function (){ return this.Value; },
asc_putValue: function (v){ this.Value = v; },
asc_getColor: function (){ return this.Color; },
asc_putColor: function (v){ this.Color = (v) ? v : null; }
//{ asc_CParagraphShd export
window["Asc"].asc_CParagraphShd = asc_CParagraphShd;
window["Asc"]["asc_CParagraphShd"] = asc_CParagraphShd;
prot = asc_CParagraphShd.prototype;
prot["asc_getValue"] = prot.asc_getValue;
prot["asc_putValue"] = prot.asc_putValue;
prot["asc_getColor"] = prot.asc_getColor;
prot["asc_putColor"] = prot.asc_putColor;
// CParagraphTab
function asc_CParagraphTab(Pos, Value) {
this.Pos = Pos;
this.Value = Value;
asc_CParagraphTab.prototype = {
asc_getValue: function (){ return this.Value; },
asc_putValue: function (v){ this.Value = v; },
asc_getPos: function (){ return this.Pos; },
asc_putPos: function (v){ this.Pos = v; }
//{ asc_CParagraphTab export
window["Asc"].asc_CParagraphTab = asc_CParagraphTab;
window["Asc"]["asc_CParagraphTab"] = asc_CParagraphTab;
prot = asc_CParagraphTab.prototype;
prot["asc_getValue"] = prot.asc_getValue;
prot["asc_putValue"] = prot.asc_putValue;
prot["asc_getPos"] = prot.asc_getPos;
prot["asc_putPos"] = prot.asc_putPos;
// CParagraphTabs
function asc_CParagraphTabs(obj) {
this.Tabs = new Array();
if ( undefined != obj ) {
var Count = obj.Tabs.length;
for (var Index = 0; Index < Count; Index++)
this.Tabs.push( new asc_CParagraphTab(obj.Tabs[Index].Pos, obj.Tabs[Index].Value) );
asc_CParagraphTabs.prototype = {
asc_getCount: function (){ return this.Tabs.length; },
asc_getTab: function (Index){ return this.Tabs[Index]; },
asc_addTab: function (Tab){ this.Tabs.push(Tab) },
asc_clear: function (){ this.Tabs.length = 0; }
//{ asc_CParagraphTabs export
window["Asc"].asc_CParagraphTabs = asc_CParagraphTabs;
window["Asc"]["asc_CParagraphTabs"] = asc_CParagraphTabs;
prot = asc_CParagraphTabs.prototype;
prot["asc_getCount"] = prot.asc_getCount;
prot["asc_getTab"] = prot.asc_getTab;
prot["asc_addTab"] = prot.asc_addTab;
prot["asc_clear"] = prot.asc_clear;
// Manager
function DrawingObjects() {
......@@ -1577,6 +1915,7 @@ function DrawingObjects() {
var userId = null;
var documentId = null;
_this.zoom = 1;
_this.isViewerMode = null;
_this.objectLocker = null;
_this.drawingDocument = null;
......@@ -2084,6 +2423,7 @@ function DrawingObjects() {
_this.changeZoom = function(factor) {
_this.zoom = factor;
shapeCtx.init( drawingCtx.ctx, drawingCtx.getWidth(0), drawingCtx.getHeight(0), drawingCtx.getWidth(3), drawingCtx.getHeight(3) );
......@@ -2145,6 +2485,11 @@ function DrawingObjects() {
_this.callTrigger = function(triggerName, param) {
if ( triggerName )
worksheet.model.workbook.handlers.trigger(triggerName, param);
_this.getBoundsChecker = function(drawingObject) {
if ( drawingObject && drawingObject.graphicObject ) {
var boundsChecker = new CSlideBoundsChecker();
......@@ -2158,14 +2503,6 @@ function DrawingObjects() {
_this.clearDrawingObjects = function() {
// Чистим предыдущие области
var bHeaders = false;
var _top = worksheet.getCellTop(worksheet.getFirstVisibleRow(), 3);
......@@ -3170,6 +3507,20 @@ function DrawingObjects() {
_this.restoreScrollOffset = function() {
shapeCtx.m_oCoordTransform.tx = scrollOffset.x;
shapeCtx.m_oCoordTransform.ty = scrollOffset.y;
shapeOverlayCtx.m_oCoordTransform.tx = scrollOffset.x;
shapeOverlayCtx.m_oCoordTransform.ty = scrollOffset.y;
autoShapeTrack.Graphics.m_oCoordTransform.tx = scrollOffset.x;
autoShapeTrack.Graphics.m_oCoordTransform.ty = scrollOffset.y;
_this.convertMetric = function(val, from, to) {
/* Параметры конвертирования (from/to)
0 - px, 1 - pt, 2 - in, 3 - mm
......@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ function DrawingObjectsController(drawingObjects)
this.arrPreTrackObjects = [];
this.arrTrackObjects = [];
this.defaultColorMap = GenerateDefaultColorMap().color_map;
var ascSelectedObjects = [];
DrawingObjectsController.prototype =
......@@ -746,7 +748,91 @@ DrawingObjectsController.prototype =
getGraphicObjectProps: function()
var shape_props, image_props, chart_props;
ascSelectedObjects = [];
// Текстовые свойства объекта
var flag = false;
flag = true;
var s_arr2 = this.selectedObjects;
if(s_arr2.length === 1 && s_arr2[0] instanceof CShape && !isRealObject(s_arr2[0].txBody))
flag = true;
for(var i = 0; i < this.selectedObjects.length; ++i)
if(this.selectedObjects[i].isShape() && this.selectedObjects[i].txBody)
flag = true;
var gr_sel_array =;
for(var i = 0; i < gr_sel_array.length; ++i)
if(gr_sel_array[i].isShape() && gr_sel_array[i].textBoxContent)
flag = true;
var cur_state = this.curState;
var text_object = cur_state.textObject;
if(text_object != null && text_object != null && text_object.txBody.content != null)
text_object = cur_state.textObject;
if(text_object != null && text_object.txBody.content != null)
var para_pr = this.getParagraphParaPr();
if(this.selectedObjects.length === 1
&& this.selectedObjects[0] instanceof CShape
&& !isRealObject(this.selectedObjects[0].textBoxContent))
if(isRealObject(this.selectedObjects[0].Parent) && typeof this.selectedObjects[0].Parent.Get_CompiledPr2 === "function")
var para_pr2 = this.selectedObjects[0].Parent.Get_CompiledPr2(false).ParaPr;
if(isRealObject(para_pr2) && isRealObject(para_pr2.Ind))
para_pr.Ind = para_pr2.Ind;
//ascSelectedObjects.push(new asc_CSelectedObject( c_oAscTypeSelectElement.Paragraph, new asc_CParagraphProperty( prProp ) );
// Основные свойства объекта
var selected_objects =;
......@@ -1000,8 +1086,7 @@ DrawingObjectsController.prototype =
var ascSelectedObjects = [];
for (var i = 0; i < ret.length; i++) {
ascSelectedObjects.push(new asc_CSelectedObject( c_oAscTypeSelectElement.Image, new asc_CImgProperty(ret[i]) ));
......@@ -5271,13 +5271,13 @@ CDocumentContent.prototype =
StartPr = this.Content[0].Get_CompiledPr2().ParaPr;
Pr = StartPr.Copy();
Pr.Locked = this.Content[0].Lock.Is_Locked();
//Pr.Locked = this.Content[0].Lock.Is_Locked();
else if ( type_Table == this.Content[0].GetType() )
StartPr = this.Content[0].Get_Paragraph_ParaPr();
Pr = StartPr.Copy();
Pr.Locked = StartPr.Locked;
//Pr.Locked = StartPr.Locked;
for ( var Index = 1; Index < this.Content.length; Index++ )
......@@ -5288,7 +5288,7 @@ CDocumentContent.prototype =
if ( type_Paragraph == Item.GetType() )
TempPr = Item.Get_CompiledPr2(false).ParaPr.Copy();
TempPr.Locked = Item.Lock.Is_Locked();
//TempPr.Locked = Item.Lock.Is_Locked();
else if ( type_Table == Item.GetType() )
......@@ -5333,13 +5333,13 @@ CDocumentContent.prototype =
StartPr = this.Content[StartPos].Get_CompiledPr2(false).ParaPr;
Pr = StartPr.Copy();
Pr.Locked = this.Content[StartPos].Lock.Is_Locked();
//Pr.Locked = this.Content[StartPos].Lock.Is_Locked();
else if ( type_Table == this.Content[StartPos].GetType() )
StartPr = this.Content[StartPos].Get_Paragraph_ParaPr();
Pr = StartPr.Copy();
Pr.Locked = StartPr.Locked;
//Pr.Locked = StartPr.Locked;
for ( var Index = StartPos + 1; Index <= EndPos; Index++ )
......@@ -5350,7 +5350,7 @@ CDocumentContent.prototype =
if ( type_Paragraph == Item.GetType() )
TempPr = Item.Get_CompiledPr2(false).ParaPr;
TempPr.Locked = Item.Lock.Is_Locked();
//TempPr.Locked = Item.Lock.Is_Locked();
else if ( type_Table == Item.GetType() )
......@@ -5370,7 +5370,7 @@ CDocumentContent.prototype =
Pr.Ind.FirstLine = StartPr.Ind.FirstLine;
Result_ParaPr = Pr;
Result_ParaPr.CanAddTable = ( true === Locked ? false : true );
//Result_ParaPr.CanAddTable = ( true === Locked ? false : true );
......@@ -5378,11 +5378,11 @@ CDocumentContent.prototype =
if ( type_Paragraph == Item.GetType() )
var ParaPr = Item.Get_CompiledPr2(false).ParaPr;
var Locked = Item.Lock.Is_Locked();
//var Locked = Item.Lock.Is_Locked();
Result_ParaPr = ParaPr.Copy();
Result_ParaPr.Locked = Locked;
Result_ParaPr.CanAddTable = ( ( true === Locked ) ? ( ( true === Item.Cursor_IsEnd() ) ? true : false ) : true );
//Result_ParaPr.CanAddTable = ( ( true === Locked ) ? ( ( true === Item.Cursor_IsEnd() ) ? true : false ) : true );
else if ( type_Table == Item.GetType() )
......@@ -5644,10 +5644,10 @@ CDocumentContent.prototype =
if ( null != ParaPr )
if ( undefined != ParaPr.Tabs )
editor.Update_ParaTab( Default_Tab_Stop, ParaPr.Tabs );
//if ( undefined != ParaPr.Tabs )
// editor.Update_ParaTab( Default_Tab_Stop, ParaPr.Tabs );
editor.UpdateParagraphProp( ParaPr );
//editor.UpdateParagraphProp( ParaPr );
......@@ -5656,8 +5656,8 @@ CDocumentContent.prototype =
var TextPr = this.Get_Paragraph_TextPr();
if ( null != TextPr )
//if ( null != TextPr )
// editor.UpdateTextPr( TextPr );
Interface_Update_DrawingPr : function(Flag)
......@@ -772,7 +772,7 @@ function PreMoveInternalChartObjectState(drawingObjectsController, drawingObject
this.isPointInDrawingObjects = function(x, y)
return {objectId: this.chartElement.chartGroup.Id, cursorType:"move"};
return {objectId: this.chartElement.chartGroup.Id, cursorType: "move"};
......@@ -1433,7 +1433,10 @@ function TextAddState(drawingObjectsController, drawingObjects, textObject)
this.isPointInDrawingObjects = function(x, y)
return this.nullState.isPointInDrawingObjects(x, y);
var cursorInfo = this.nullState.isPointInDrawingObjects(x, y);
//if ( cursorInfo )
// cursorInfo.cursorType = "text";
return cursorInfo;
// Уменьшение размера шрифта
......@@ -2339,7 +2342,7 @@ function MoveState(drawingObjectsController, drawingObjects, startX, startY, rec
this.isPointInDrawingObjects = function(x, y)
return {objectId:this.majorObject.Id, cursorType: "move"}
return { objectId: this.majorObject.Id, cursorType: "move" };
......@@ -958,6 +958,7 @@
// Мы меняли zoom, но не перерисовывали данный лист (он был не активный)
if (ws.updateZoom)
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