Commit d24e0b30 authored by Anna.Pavlova's avatar Anna.Pavlova Committed by Alexander.Trofimov

Поправила баг : некорректная работа с формулой, которая может разбиваться на...

Поправила баг : некорректная работа с формулой, которая может разбиваться на строки(мат ф-ии), при добавлении в контент формулы, которая не бьется на строки

git-svn-id: svn:// 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent 02666472
......@@ -24,7 +24,10 @@ function CMathBase(bInside)
this.nCol = 0;
this.bInside = bInside === true;
this.bMath_OneLine = true;
this.bOneLine = true;
this.bCanBreak = false;
this.NumBreakContent = -1;
this.elements = [];
this.LinesWidths = [];
......@@ -91,6 +94,11 @@ CMathBase.prototype.setDimension = function(countRow, countCol)
CMathBase.prototype.NeedBreakContent = function(Number)
this.bCanBreak = true;
this.NumBreakContent = Number;
///////// RunPrp, CtrPrp
CMathBase.prototype.setCtrPrp = function(txtPrp) // выставляем ctrPrp на чтение
......@@ -282,6 +290,8 @@ CMathBase.prototype.align = function(pos_x, pos_y)
CMathBase.prototype.setPosition = function(pos, Line, Range)
this.pos.x = pos.x;
if(this.bInside === true)
......@@ -316,37 +326,32 @@ CMathBase.prototype.setPosition = function(pos, Line, Range)
pos.x += this.size.width;
CMathBase.prototype.old_setPosition = function(pos)
this.pos.x = pos.x;
if(this.bInside === true)
this.pos.y = pos.y;
this.pos.y = pos.y - this.size.ascent; ///!!!!
var CurLine = Line - this.StartLine;
var CurRange = ( 0 === CurLine ? Range - this.StartRange : Range );
var maxWH = this.getWidthsHeights();
var Widths = maxWH.widths;
var Heights = maxWH.heights;
var StartPos = this.protected_GetRangeStartPos(CurLine, CurRange);
var EndPos = this.protected_GetRangeEndPos(CurLine, CurRange);
var h = 0, w = 0;
var NewPos = new CMathPosition();
if(CurLine == 0 && CurRange == 0)
pos.x += this.GapLeft;
for(var i=0; i < this.nRow; i++)
w = 0;
for(var j = 0; j < this.nCol; j++)
this.Content[StartPos].setPosition(pos, Line, Range);
for(var Pos = StartPos + 1; Pos <= EndPos; Pos++)
var al = this.align(i, j);
NewPos.x = this.pos.x + this.GapLeft + al.x + this.dW*j + w;
NewPos.y = this.pos.y + al.y + this.dH*i + h;
w += Widths[j];
pos.x += this.dW;
this.Content[Pos].setPosition(pos, Line, Range);
h += Heights[i];
var LinesCount = this.protected_GetLinesCount();
if(LinesCount - 1 == CurLine)
pos.x += this.GapRight;
CMathBase.prototype.draw = function(x, y, pGraphics, PDSE)
......@@ -375,6 +380,8 @@ CMathBase.prototype.draw = function(x, y, pGraphics, PDSE)
CMathBase.prototype.Draw_Elements = function(PDSE)
var X = PDSE.X;
this.Make_ShdColor(PDSE, this.Get_CompiledCtrPrp()); // для Just-Draw элементов
......@@ -403,6 +410,33 @@ CMathBase.prototype.Draw_Elements = function(PDSE)
PDSE.X = X + this.size.width;
var CurLine = PDSE.Line - this.StartLine;
var CurRange = ( 0 === CurLine ? PDSE.Range - this.StartRange : PDSE.Range );
var StartPos = this.protected_GetRangeStartPos(CurLine, CurRange);
var EndPos = this.protected_GetRangeEndPos(CurLine, CurRange);
if(CurLine == 0 && CurRange == 0)
PDSE.X += this.GapLeft;
for (var CurPos = StartPos + 1; CurPos <= EndPos; CurPos++ )
PDSE.X += this.dW;
var LinesCount = this.protected_GetLinesCount();
if(LinesCount - 1 == CurLine)
PDSE.X += this.GapRight;
CMathBase.prototype.remove = function(order)
......@@ -1029,6 +1063,8 @@ CMathBase.prototype.Recalculate_Range_Spaces = function(PRSA, _CurLine, _CurRang
var WidthVisible;
if ( 0 !== PRSA.LettersSkip )
WidthVisible = this.size.width;
......@@ -1039,12 +1075,56 @@ CMathBase.prototype.Recalculate_Range_Spaces = function(PRSA, _CurLine, _CurRang
PRSA.X += WidthVisible;
PRSA.LastW = WidthVisible;
var CurLine = _CurLine - this.StartLine;
var CurRange = ( 0 === CurLine ? _CurRange - this.StartRange : _CurRange );
var StartPos = this.protected_GetRangeStartPos(CurLine, CurRange);
var EndPos = this.protected_GetRangeEndPos(CurLine, CurRange);
if(CurLine == 0 && CurRange == 0)
PRSA.X += this.GapLeft;
for ( var CurPos = StartPos; CurPos <= EndPos; CurPos++ )
var Item = this.Content[CurPos];
if(CurPos == this.NumBreakContent)
Item.Recalculate_Range_Spaces( PRSA, _CurLine, _CurRange, _CurPage );
if ( 0 !== PRSA.LettersSkip )
WidthVisible = Item.size.width;
WidthVisible = Item.size.width + PRSA.JustifyWord;
PRSA.LastW = WidthVisible;
PRSA.X += WidthVisible;
PRSA.X += this.dW*(EndPos - StartPos);
var LinesCount = this.protected_GetLinesCount();
if(LinesCount - 1 == CurLine)
PRSA.X += this.GapRight;
CMathBase.prototype.Get_Width = function(_CurLine)
var Width = 0;
Width = this.size.width;
......@@ -1063,6 +1143,11 @@ CMathBase.prototype.Get_ParaPosByContentPos = CParagraphContentWithParagraphLike
CMathBase.prototype.Set_ParaMath = CMathContent.prototype.Set_ParaMath;
CMathBase.prototype.Recalculate_Reset = function(StartRange, StartLine)
this.StartLine = StartLine;
this.StartRange = StartRange;
for (var nPos = 0, nCount = this.Content.length; nPos < nCount; nPos++)
this.Content[nPos].Recalculate_Reset(StartRange, StartLine);
......@@ -1285,7 +1370,7 @@ CMathBase.prototype.Get_ParaContentPosByXY = function(SearchPos, Depth, _CurLine
if (nCount <= 0)
return false;
var aBounds = [];
for (var nIndex = 0; nIndex < nCount; nIndex++)
......@@ -1403,6 +1488,8 @@ CMathBase.prototype.Set_ParaContentPos = function(ContentPos, Depth)
CMathBase.prototype.Selection_DrawRange = function(_CurLine, _CurRange, SelectionDraw)
var SelectionStartPos = this.Selection.StartPos;
var SelectionEndPos = this.Selection.EndPos;
......@@ -1432,7 +1519,57 @@ CMathBase.prototype.Selection_DrawRange = function(_CurLine, _CurRange, Selectio
SelectionDraw.StartX += this.size.width;
var CurLine = _CurLine - this.StartLine;
var CurRange = ( 0 === CurLine ? _CurRange - this.StartRange : _CurRange );
var StartPos = this.protected_GetRangeStartPos(CurLine, CurRange);
var EndPos = this.protected_GetRangeEndPos(CurLine, CurRange);
var LinesCount = this.protected_GetLinesCount();
var SelectionStartPos = this.Selection.StartPos;
var SelectionEndPos = this.Selection.EndPos;
var SelectionUse = this.Selection.Use;
if(SelectionUse == true && SelectionStartPos !== SelectionEndPos)
SelectionDraw.FindStart = false;
SelectionDraw.W += this.LinesWidths[CurLine];
if(CurLine == 0)
if(SelectionDraw.FindStart == true)
SelectionDraw.StartX += this.GapLeft;
else if(SelectionUse == true)
SelectionDraw.W += this.GapLeft;
this.Content[StartPos].Selection_DrawRange(_CurLine, _CurRange, SelectionDraw);
var Len = SelectionUse == true ? Math.min(EndPos, SelectionStartPos) : EndPos;
for(var Pos = StartPos + 1; Pos <= Len; Pos++)
var Item = this.Content[Pos];
if(SelectionDraw.FindStart == true)
SelectionDraw.StartX += this.dW;
else if(SelectionUse == true)
SelectionDraw.W += this.dW;
Item.Selection_DrawRange(_CurLine, _CurRange, SelectionDraw);
if(SelectionDraw.FindStart == true && LinesCount - 1 == CurLine)
SelectionDraw.StartX += this.GapRight;
CMathBase.prototype.Selection_IsEmpty = function()
......@@ -1645,17 +1782,16 @@ CMathBase.prototype.GetFirstElement = function()
CMathBase.prototype.Recalculate_Range = function(PRS, ParaPr, Depth)
//var ParaRange = PRS.Range;
//var ParaLine = PRS.Line;
var CurLine = PRS.Line - this.StartLine;
var CurRange = ( 0 === CurLine ? PRS.Range - this.StartRange : PRS.Range );
var bMath_OneLine = PRS.bMath_OneLine;
var WordLen = PRS.WordLen; // запоминаем, чтобы внутр мат объекты не увеличили WordLen
this.bMath_OneLine = true;
PRS.bMath_OneLine = true;
var bOneLine = PRS.bMath_OneLine;
this.bOneLine = this.bCanBreak == false || PRS.bMath_OneLine == true;
if(this.bOneLine == true)
PRS.bMath_OneLine = this.bOneLine;
for(var i=0; i < this.nRow; i++)
......@@ -1681,15 +1817,8 @@ CMathBase.prototype.Recalculate_Range = function(PRS, ParaPr, Depth)
// когда мат объект будет разбиваться на строки
// var CurLine = PRS.Line - this.StartLine;
// var CurRange = ( 0 === CurLine ? PRS.Range - this.StartRange : PRS.Range );
//if ( Item.Type == para_Math_Content && ( 0 === CurLine && 0 === CurRange ) ) // CMathContent для первой строки нужно обновить Lines
if(Item.Type == para_Math_Content)
Item.Recalculate_Reset( PRS.Range, PRS.Line ); // обновим StartLine и StartRange
Item.Recalculate_Range(PRS, ParaPr, Depth);
......@@ -1698,10 +1827,74 @@ CMathBase.prototype.Recalculate_Range = function(PRS, ParaPr, Depth)
PRS.bMath_OneLine = bMath_OneLine;
this.Update_WordLen(PRS, WordLen);
var Numb = this.NumBreakContent;
var Len = this.Content.length;
var RangeStartPos = this.protected_AddRange(CurLine, CurRange),
RangeEndPos = Len - 1;
if(CurLine == 0 && CurRange == 0)
PRS.WordLen += this.GapLeft;
for(var Pos = RangeStartPos; Pos < Len; Pos++)
var Item = this.Content[Pos];
PRS.bMath_OneLine = true;
var bOneLineContent = Pos !== Numb;
if(bOneLineContent == false)
PRS.Update_CurPos(Pos, Depth);
PRS.bMath_OneLine = false;
var NeedSetReset = CurLine == 0 && CurRange == 0 || Pos !== RangeStartPos;
if(Item.Type == para_Math_Content && NeedSetReset)
Item.Recalculate_Reset( PRS.Range, PRS.Line ); // обновим StartLine и StartRange
Item.Recalculate_Range(PRS, ParaPr, Depth+1);
if(bOneLineContent == true)
if(true !== PRS.Word)
PRS.WordLen = Item.size.width;
PRS.Word = true;
PRS.WordLen += Item.size.width;
if(true === PRS.NewRange)
RangeEndPos = Numb;
if(PRS.NewRange == false)
PRS.WordLen += this.GapRight;
this.protected_FillRange(CurLine, CurRange, RangeStartPos, RangeEndPos);
PRS.bMath_OneLine = bOneLine;
CMathBase.prototype.Math_GetWidth = function(_CurLine, _CurRange)
......@@ -1727,196 +1920,18 @@ CMathBase.prototype.Recalculate_Range_OneLine = function(PRS, ParaPr, Depth)
CMathBase.prototype.Recalculate_LineMetrics = function(PRS, ParaPr, _CurLine, _CurRange)
if ( PRS.LineAscent < this.size.ascent )
PRS.LineAscent = this.size.ascent;
if ( PRS.LineDescent < this.size.height - this.size.ascent )
PRS.LineDescent = this.size.height - this.size.ascent;
CMathBase.prototype.Recalculate_Reset = function()
// будет реализовано, когда мат объекты будут разбиваться на строки
CMathBase.prototype.Recalculate_Range_Width = function(PRSC, _CurLine, _CurRange)
PRSC.Range.W += this.size.width;
CMathBase.prototype.Is_EmptyRange = function()
return false;
CMathBase.prototype.Get_CurrentParaPos = CMathContent.prototype.Get_CurrentParaPos;
CMathBase.prototype.private_UpdatePosOnAdd = CMathContent.prototype.private_UpdatePosOnAdd;
CMathBase.prototype.private_UpdatePosOnRemove = CMathContent.prototype.private_UpdateOnRemove;
CMathBase.prototype.private_CorrectSelectionPos = CMathContent.prototype.private_CorrectSelectionPos;
CMathBase.prototype.private_CorrectSelectionPos = CMathContent.prototype.private_CorrectSelectionPos;
CMathBase.prototype.private_SetNeedResize = CMathContent.prototype.private_SetNeedResize;
CMathBase.prototype.private_CorrectCurPos = function()
if (this.CurPos > this.Content.length - 1)
this.CurPos = this.Content.length - 1;
if (this.CurPos < 0)
this.CurPos = this.Content.length - 1;
CMathBase.prototype.Search = CParagraphContentWithParagraphLikeContent.prototype.Search;
CMathBase.prototype.Add_SearchResult = CParagraphContentWithParagraphLikeContent.prototype.Add_SearchResult;
CMathBase.prototype.Clear_SearchResults = CParagraphContentWithParagraphLikeContent.prototype.Clear_SearchResults;
CMathBase.prototype.Remove_SearchResult = CParagraphContentWithParagraphLikeContent.prototype.Remove_SearchResult;
CMathBase.prototype.Search_GetId = CParagraphContentWithParagraphLikeContent.prototype.Search_GetId;
CMathBase.prototype.Set_SelectionContentPos = CParagraphContentWithParagraphLikeContent.prototype.Set_SelectionContentPos;
CMathBase.prototype.Get_LeftPos = CParagraphContentWithParagraphLikeContent.prototype.Get_LeftPos;
CMathBase.prototype.Get_RightPos = CParagraphContentWithParagraphLikeContent.prototype.Get_RightPos;
CMathBase.prototype.Get_WordStartPos = CParagraphContentWithParagraphLikeContent.prototype.Get_WordStartPos;
CMathBase.prototype.Get_WordEndPos = CParagraphContentWithParagraphLikeContent.prototype.Get_WordEndPos;
CMathBase.prototype.Selection_Remove = CParagraphContentWithParagraphLikeContent.prototype.Selection_Remove;
CMathBase.prototype.Select_All = CParagraphContentWithParagraphLikeContent.prototype.Select_All;
CMathBase.prototype.Check_NearestPos = CParagraphContentWithParagraphLikeContent.prototype.Check_NearestPos;
CMathBase.prototype.Get_SelectionDirection = CParagraphContentWithParagraphLikeContent.prototype.Get_SelectionDirection;
CMathBase.prototype.Selection_CheckParaContentPos = function(ContentPos, Depth, bStart, bEnd)
if (true !== this.Selection.Use)
return false;
var CurPos = ContentPos.Get(Depth);
if (this.Selection.StartPos === this.Selection.EndPos && this.Selection.StartPos === CurPos)
return this.Content[CurPos].Selection_CheckParaContentPos(ContentPos, Depth + 1, bStart, bEnd);
if (this.Selection.StartPos !== this.Selection.EndPos)
return true;
return false;
CMathBase.prototype.Document_UpdateInterfaceState = function(MathProps)
CMathBase.prototype.Is_ContentUse = function(MathContent)
for (var Pos = 0, Count = this.Content.length; Pos < Count; Pos++)
if (MathContent === this.Content[Pos])
return true;
return false;
function CMathBasePr()
CMathBasePr.prototype.Set_FromObject = function(Obj){};
CMathBasePr.prototype.Copy = function(){return new CMathBasePr();};
CMathBasePr.prototype.Write_ToBinary = function(Writer){};
CMathBasePr.prototype.Read_FromBinary = function(Reader){};
function CMathBase_2()
this.NumberBreak = -1;
Asc.extendClass(CMathBase_2, CMathBase);
CMathBase_2.prototype.Set_NumberBreakContent = function(Numb)
this.NumberBreak = Numb;
CMathBase_2.prototype.Recalculate_Range = function(PRS, ParaPr, Depth)
if(PRS.bMath_OneLine == false)
this.bMath_OneLine = false;
var CurLine = PRS.Line - this.StartLine;
var CurRange = (0 === CurLine ? PRS.Range - this.StartRange : PRS.Range);
var Numb = this.NumberBreak;
var RangeStartPos = this.protected_AddRange(CurLine, CurRange),
RangeEndPos = 0;
if(CurLine == 0 && CurRange == 0)
this.Recalculate_Range_OneLineContents(0, Numb, PRS, ParaPr, Depth);
this.Content[Numb].Recalculate_Reset(PRS.Range, PRS.Line);
PRS.WordLen += this.GapLeft;
PRS.Update_CurPos(Numb, Depth);
PRS.bMath_OneLine = false;
this.Content[Numb].Recalculate_Range(PRS, ParaPr, Depth+1);
if(true === PRS.NewRange)
RangeEndPos = Numb;
var Len = this.Content.length;
this.Recalculate_Range_OneLineContents(Numb+1, Len, PRS, ParaPr, Depth);
RangeEndPos = Len - 1;
PRS.WordLen += this.GapRight;
this.protected_FillRange(CurLine, CurRange, RangeStartPos, RangeEndPos);
PRS.bMath_OneLine = false;
{, PRS, ParaPr, Depth);
CMathBase_2.prototype.Recalculate_Range_OneLineContents = function(FirstPos, EndPos, PRS, ParaPr, Depth)
var WordLen = PRS.WordLen;
var Word = PRS.Word;
PRS.bMath_OneLine = true;
for(var Pos = FirstPos; Pos < EndPos; Pos++)
var Item = this.Content[Pos];
if(Item.Type == para_Math_Content)
Item.Recalculate_Reset( PRS.Range, PRS.Line ); // обновим StartLine и StartRange
Item.Recalculate_Range(PRS, ParaPr, Depth);
if(true !== PRS.Word)
WordLen = Item.size.width;
Word = true;
WordLen += Item.size.width;
PRS.WordLen = WordLen + (EndPos - FirstPos)*this.dW;
PRS.Word = Word;
CMathBase_2.prototype.Recalculate_LineMetrics = function(PRS, ParaPr, _CurLine, _CurRange)
var CurLine = _CurLine - this.StartLine;
var CurRange = (0 === CurLine ? _CurRange - this.StartRange : _CurRange);
var CurLine = _CurLine - this.StartLine;
var CurRange = (0 === CurLine ? _CurRange - this.StartRange : _CurRange);
var StartPos = this.protected_GetRangeStartPos(CurLine, CurRange);
var EndPos = this.protected_GetRangeEndPos(CurLine, CurRange);
......@@ -1925,7 +1940,7 @@ CMathBase_2.prototype.Recalculate_LineMetrics = function(PRS, ParaPr, _CurLine,
var Item = this.Content[CurPos];
if(CurPos == this.NumberBreak)
if(CurPos == this.NumBreakContent)
Item.Recalculate_LineMetrics(PRS, ParaPr, _CurLine, _CurRange);
......@@ -1938,89 +1953,17 @@ CMathBase_2.prototype.Recalculate_LineMetrics = function(PRS, ParaPr, _CurLine,
PRS.LineDescent = Item.size.height - Item.size.ascent;
CMathBase_2.prototype.Recalculate_Reset = function(StartRange, StartLine)
this.StartLine = StartLine;
this.StartRange = StartRange;
for (var nPos = 0, nCount = this.Content.length; nPos < nCount; nPos++)
this.Content[nPos].Recalculate_Reset(StartRange, StartLine);
CMathBase_2.prototype.setPosition = function(pos, Line, Range)
var CurLine = Line - this.StartLine;
var CurRange = ( 0 === CurLine ? Range - this.StartRange : Range );
var StartPos = this.protected_GetRangeStartPos(CurLine, CurRange);
var EndPos = this.protected_GetRangeEndPos(CurLine, CurRange);
if(CurLine == 0 && CurRange == 0)
pos.x += this.GapLeft;
this.Content[StartPos].setPosition(pos, Line, Range);
for(var Pos = StartPos + 1; Pos <= EndPos; Pos++)
pos.x += this.dW;
this.Content[Pos].setPosition(pos, Line, Range);
var LinesCount = this.protected_GetLinesCount();
if(LinesCount - 1 == CurLine)
pos.x += this.GapRight;
CMathBase_2.prototype.Recalculate_Range_Spaces = function(PRSA, _CurLine, _CurRange, _CurPage)
CMathBase.prototype.Recalculate_Range_Width = function(PRSC, _CurLine, _CurRange)
var CurLine = _CurLine - this.StartLine;
var CurRange = ( 0 === CurLine ? _CurRange - this.StartRange : _CurRange );
var StartPos = this.protected_GetRangeStartPos(CurLine, CurRange);
var EndPos = this.protected_GetRangeEndPos(CurLine, CurRange);
if(CurLine == 0 && CurRange == 0)
PRSA.X += this.GapLeft;
var WidthVisible;
for ( var CurPos = StartPos; CurPos <= EndPos; CurPos++ )
var Item = this.Content[CurPos];
if(CurPos == this.NumberBreak)
Item.Recalculate_Range_Spaces( PRSA, _CurLine, _CurRange, _CurPage );
if ( 0 !== PRSA.LettersSkip )
WidthVisible = Item.size.width;
PRSC.Range.W += this.size.width;
WidthVisible = Item.size.width + PRSA.JustifyWord;
PRSA.LastW = WidthVisible;
PRSA.X += WidthVisible;
PRSA.X += this.dW*(EndPos - StartPos);
var LinesCount = this.protected_GetLinesCount();
if(LinesCount - 1 == CurLine)
PRSA.X += this.GapRight;
CMathBase_2.prototype.Recalculate_Range_Width = function(PRSC, _CurLine, _CurRange)
var CurLine = _CurLine - this.StartLine;
var CurRange = ( 0 === CurLine ? _CurRange - this.StartRange : _CurRange );
......@@ -2036,7 +1979,7 @@ CMathBase_2.prototype.Recalculate_Range_Width = function(PRSC, _CurLine, _CurRan
var Item = this.Content[CurPos];
if(CurPos == this.NumberBreak)
if(CurPos == this.NumBreakContent)
Item.Recalculate_Range_Width( PRSC, _CurLine, _CurRange );
......@@ -2056,80 +1999,81 @@ CMathBase_2.prototype.Recalculate_Range_Width = function(PRSC, _CurLine, _CurRan
this.LinesWidths[CurLine] = PRSC.Range.W - RangeW;
CMathBase_2.prototype.Draw_Elements = function(PDSE)
CMathBase.prototype.Is_EmptyRange = function()
var CurLine = PDSE.Line - this.StartLine;
var CurRange = ( 0 === CurLine ? PDSE.Range - this.StartRange : PDSE.Range );
var StartPos = this.protected_GetRangeStartPos(CurLine, CurRange);
var EndPos = this.protected_GetRangeEndPos(CurLine, CurRange);
if(CurLine == 0 && CurRange == 0)
PDSE.X += this.GapLeft;
for (var CurPos = StartPos + 1; CurPos <= EndPos; CurPos++ )
return false;
CMathBase.prototype.Get_CurrentParaPos = CMathContent.prototype.Get_CurrentParaPos;
CMathBase.prototype.private_UpdatePosOnAdd = CMathContent.prototype.private_UpdatePosOnAdd;
CMathBase.prototype.private_UpdatePosOnRemove = CMathContent.prototype.private_UpdateOnRemove;
CMathBase.prototype.private_CorrectSelectionPos = CMathContent.prototype.private_CorrectSelectionPos;
CMathBase.prototype.private_CorrectSelectionPos = CMathContent.prototype.private_CorrectSelectionPos;
CMathBase.prototype.private_SetNeedResize = CMathContent.prototype.private_SetNeedResize;
CMathBase.prototype.private_CorrectCurPos = function()
if (this.CurPos > this.Content.length - 1)
PDSE.X += this.dW;
this.CurPos = this.Content.length - 1;
var LinesCount = this.protected_GetLinesCount();
if(LinesCount - 1 == CurLine)
if (this.CurPos < 0)
PDSE.X += this.GapRight;
this.CurPos = this.Content.length - 1;
CMathBase_2.prototype.Selection_DrawRange = function(_CurLine, _CurRange, SelectionDraw)
var CurLine = _CurLine - this.StartLine;
var CurRange = ( 0 === CurLine ? _CurRange - this.StartRange : _CurRange );
var StartPos = this.protected_GetRangeStartPos(CurLine, CurRange);
var EndPos = this.protected_GetRangeEndPos(CurLine, CurRange);
var LinesCount = this.protected_GetLinesCount();
var SelectionStartPos = this.Selection.StartPos;
var SelectionEndPos = this.Selection.EndPos;
var SelectionUse = this.Selection.Use;
CMathBase.prototype.Search = CParagraphContentWithParagraphLikeContent.prototype.Search;
CMathBase.prototype.Add_SearchResult = CParagraphContentWithParagraphLikeContent.prototype.Add_SearchResult;
CMathBase.prototype.Clear_SearchResults = CParagraphContentWithParagraphLikeContent.prototype.Clear_SearchResults;
CMathBase.prototype.Remove_SearchResult = CParagraphContentWithParagraphLikeContent.prototype.Remove_SearchResult;
CMathBase.prototype.Search_GetId = CParagraphContentWithParagraphLikeContent.prototype.Search_GetId;
CMathBase.prototype.Set_SelectionContentPos = CParagraphContentWithParagraphLikeContent.prototype.Set_SelectionContentPos;
CMathBase.prototype.Get_LeftPos = CParagraphContentWithParagraphLikeContent.prototype.Get_LeftPos;
CMathBase.prototype.Get_RightPos = CParagraphContentWithParagraphLikeContent.prototype.Get_RightPos;
CMathBase.prototype.Get_WordStartPos = CParagraphContentWithParagraphLikeContent.prototype.Get_WordStartPos;
CMathBase.prototype.Get_WordEndPos = CParagraphContentWithParagraphLikeContent.prototype.Get_WordEndPos;
CMathBase.prototype.Selection_Remove = CParagraphContentWithParagraphLikeContent.prototype.Selection_Remove;
CMathBase.prototype.Select_All = CParagraphContentWithParagraphLikeContent.prototype.Select_All;
CMathBase.prototype.Check_NearestPos = CParagraphContentWithParagraphLikeContent.prototype.Check_NearestPos;
CMathBase.prototype.Get_SelectionDirection = CParagraphContentWithParagraphLikeContent.prototype.Get_SelectionDirection;
CMathBase.prototype.Selection_CheckParaContentPos = function(ContentPos, Depth, bStart, bEnd)
if (true !== this.Selection.Use)
return false;
if(SelectionUse == true && SelectionStartPos !== SelectionEndPos)
SelectionDraw.FindStart = false;
SelectionDraw.W += this.LinesWidths[CurLine];
var CurPos = ContentPos.Get(Depth);
if(CurLine == 0)
if(SelectionDraw.FindStart == true)
SelectionDraw.StartX += this.GapLeft;
else if(SelectionUse == true)
SelectionDraw.W += this.GapLeft;
if (this.Selection.StartPos === this.Selection.EndPos && this.Selection.StartPos === CurPos)
return this.Content[CurPos].Selection_CheckParaContentPos(ContentPos, Depth + 1, bStart, bEnd);
this.Content[StartPos].Selection_DrawRange(_CurLine, _CurRange, SelectionDraw);
if (this.Selection.StartPos !== this.Selection.EndPos)
return true;
var Len = SelectionUse == true ? Math.min(EndPos, SelectionStartPos) : EndPos;
return false;
CMathBase.prototype.Document_UpdateInterfaceState = function(MathProps)
for(var Pos = StartPos + 1; Pos <= Len; Pos++)
CMathBase.prototype.Is_ContentUse = function(MathContent)
for (var Pos = 0, Count = this.Content.length; Pos < Count; Pos++)
var Item = this.Content[Pos];
if(SelectionDraw.FindStart == true)
SelectionDraw.StartX += this.dW;
else if(SelectionUse == true)
SelectionDraw.W += this.dW;
Item.Selection_DrawRange(_CurLine, _CurRange, SelectionDraw);
if (MathContent === this.Content[Pos])
return true;
if(SelectionDraw.FindStart == true && LinesCount - 1 == CurLine)
SelectionDraw.StartX += this.GapRight;
return false;
function CMathBasePr()
CMathBasePr.prototype.Set_FromObject = function(Obj){};
CMathBasePr.prototype.Copy = function(){return new CMathBasePr();};
CMathBasePr.prototype.Write_ToBinary = function(Writer){};
CMathBasePr.prototype.Read_FromBinary = function(Reader){};
......@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ function CMathFunc(props)
g_oTableId.Add( this, this.Id );
Asc.extendClass(CMathFunc, CMathBase_2);
Asc.extendClass(CMathFunc, CMathBase);
CMathFunc.prototype.ClassType = historyitem_type_mathFunc;
CMathFunc.prototype.kind = MATH_FUNCTION;
......@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ CMathFunc.prototype.init = function(props)
CMathFunc.prototype.PreRecalc = function(Parent, ParaMath, ArgSize, RPI, GapsInfo)
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