Commit e55617e7 authored by Dmitry.Shahtanov's avatar Dmitry.Shahtanov

ускорена формула INDEX

git-svn-id: svn:// 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent 1c6324bc
......@@ -508,22 +508,26 @@ cINDEX.prototype.Calculate = function ( arg ) {
res = arg0.getValue2( arg1 == 0 ? 0 : arg1 - 1, arg2 == 0 ? 0 : arg2 - 1 );
else if( arg0 instanceof cArea ){
var _a_ = arg0.getRefMatrix();
if ( _a_.length == 1 ) {/*одна строка*/
res = _a_[0][arg1 - 1];
else if ( arg0 instanceof cArea ) {
var ws = arg0.getWS(),
bbox = arg0.getBBox0();
if ( bbox.r1 == bbox.r2 ) {/*одна строка*/
res = ws.getRange3( bbox.r1, bbox.c1 + arg1 - 1, bbox.r1, bbox.c1 + arg1 - 1 ).getCells()[0].getName();
res = new cRef( res, ws );
else {
if ( arg1 == 0 && arg2 > 0 ) {
var _a1 = _a_[0][arg2 - 1], _a2 = _a_[_a_.length - 1][arg2 - 1];
res = new cArea( _a1.toString() + ":" + _a2.toString(), );
var _a1 = ws.getRange3( bbox.r1, bbox.c1 + arg2 - 1, bbox.r1, bbox.c2 + arg2 - 1 ).getCells()[0].getName(),
_a2 = ws.getRange3( bbox.r2, bbox.c1 + arg2 - 1, bbox.r2, bbox.c2 + arg2 - 1 ).getCells()[0].getName();
res = new cArea( _a1.toString() + ":" + _a2.toString(), ws );
if( arg1 > _a_.length || arg2 > _a_[0].length ){
else {
if ( arg1 > Math.abs( bbox.r1 - bbox.r2 ) + 1 || arg2 > Math.abs( bbox.c1 - bbox.c2 ) + 1 ) {
res = new cError( cErrorType.bad_reference );
res = _a_[arg1 - 1][arg2 - 1];
res = new cRef( ws.getRange3( bbox.r1 + arg1 - 1, bbox.c1 + arg2 - 1, bbox.r1 + arg1 - 1, bbox.c1 + arg2 - 1 ).getCells()[0].getName(), ws );
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