Commit e5eda783 authored by Alexey.Musinov's avatar Alexey.Musinov

[mobile] сборка скриптов для таблиц

parent 237b88c2
......@@ -175,21 +175,22 @@
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// FT_Common
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var _p1=d.pos;
var _p2=p;
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this.realloc = function(memory, pointer, cur_count, new_count)
var ret = { block: null, err : 0, size : new_count};
if (cur_count < 0 || new_count < 0)
/* may help catch/prevent nasty security issues */
ret.err = 6;
else if (new_count == 0)
ret.block = null;
else if (cur_count == 0)
ret.block = memory.Alloc(new_count);
var block2 = memory.Alloc(new_count);
FT_Common.memcpy_p(block2, pointer, cur_count);
ret.block = block2;
return ret;
this.realloc_long = function(memory, pointer, cur_count, new_count)
var ret = { block: null, err : 0, size : new_count};
if (cur_count < 0 || new_count < 0)
/* may help catch/prevent nasty security issues */
ret.err = 6;
else if (new_count == 0)
ret.block = null;
else if (cur_count == 0)
ret.block = CreateIntArray(new_count);
var block2 = CreateIntArray(new_count);
for (var i = 0; i < cur_count; i++)
block2[i] = pointer[i];
ret.block = block2;
return ret;
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setTransform : function(transform) {}
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addColorStop : function(offset,color) {}
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var console = {
log : function(param) { window.native.consoleLog(param); },
time : function (param) {},
timeEnd : function (param) {}
window["NativeCorrectImageUrlOnPaste"] = function(url) {
return window["native"]["CorrectImageUrlOnPaste"](url);
window["NativeCorrectImageUrlOnCopy"] = function(url) {
return window["native"]["CorrectImageUrlOnCopy"](url);
// font engine
var FONT_ITALIC_ANGLE = 0.3090169943749;
var FT_ENCODING_UNICODE = 1970170211;
var FT_ENCODING_MS_SYMBOL = 1937337698;
var FT_ENCODING_APPLE_ROMAN = 1634889070;
var LOAD_MODE = 40970;
var REND_MODE = 0;
var FontStyle = {
FontStyleRegular: 0,
FontStyleBold: 1,
FontStyleItalic: 2,
FontStyleBoldItalic: 3,
FontStyleUnderline: 4,
FontStyleStrikeout: 8
var EGlyphState = {
glyphstateNormal: 0,
glyphstateDeafault: 1,
glyphstateMiss: 2
window['AscFonts'].CFontManager = function CFontManager() {
this.m_oLibrary = {};
this.Initialize = function(){};
this.ClearFontsRasterCache = function(){};
window["use_native_fonts_only"] = true;
// FT_Common
function _FT_Common() {
this.UintToInt = function(v)
return (v>2147483647)?v-4294967296:v;
this.UShort_To_Short = function(v)
return (v>32767)?v-65536:v;
this.IntToUInt = function(v)
return (v<0)?v+4294967296:v;
this.Short_To_UShort = function(v)
return (v<0)?v+65536:v;
this.memset = function(d,v,s)
for (var i=0;i<s;i++)
this.memcpy = function(d,s,l)
for (var i=0;i<l;i++)
this.memset_p = function(d,v,s)
var _d =;
var _e = d.pos+s;
for (var i=d.pos;i<_e;i++)
this.memcpy_p = function(d,s,l)
var _p1=d.pos;
var _p2=s.pos;
for (var i=0;i<l;i++)
this.memcpy_p2 = function(d,s,p,l)
var _p1=d.pos;
var _p2=p;
for (var i=0;i<l;i++)
this.realloc = function(memory, pointer, cur_count, new_count)
var ret = { block: null, err : 0, size : new_count};
if (cur_count < 0 || new_count < 0)
/* may help catch/prevent nasty security issues */
ret.err = 6;
else if (new_count == 0)
ret.block = null;
else if (cur_count == 0)
ret.block = memory.Alloc(new_count);
var block2 = memory.Alloc(new_count);
FT_Common.memcpy_p(block2, pointer, cur_count);
ret.block = block2;
return ret;
this.realloc_long = function(memory, pointer, cur_count, new_count)
var ret = { block: null, err : 0, size : new_count};
if (cur_count < 0 || new_count < 0)
/* may help catch/prevent nasty security issues */
ret.err = 6;
else if (new_count == 0)
ret.block = null;
else if (cur_count == 0)
ret.block = CreateIntArray(new_count);
var block2 = CreateIntArray(new_count);
for (var i = 0; i < cur_count; i++)
block2[i] = pointer[i];
ret.block = block2;
return ret;
var FT_Common = new _FT_Common();
var global_memory_stream_menu = CreateNativeMemoryStream();
function asc_menu_ReadColor(_params, _cursor) {
var _color = new Asc.asc_CColor();
......@@ -5623,7 +4965,9 @@ function OfflineEditor () {
var _s = new OfflineEditor();
function offline_of() {_s.openFile();}
function offline_of() {
function offline_stz(v) {_s.zoom = v; _api.asc_setZoom(v);}
function offline_ds(x, y, width, height, ratio, istoplayer) {_s.drawSheet(x, y, width, height, ratio, istoplayer);}
function offline_dh(x, y, width, height, type, ratio) {_s.drawHeader(x, y, width, height, type, ratio);}
......@@ -7496,5 +6840,3 @@ function offline_apply_event(type,params) {
return _return;
window['AscFonts'].FT_Common = FT_Common;
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