Commit eb055bd0 authored by Alexander.Trofimov's avatar Alexander.Trofimov


parent 2e41bddd
......@@ -2676,11 +2676,11 @@ CT_pivotTableDefinition.prototype.getRowFieldsCount = function (compact) {
CT_pivotTableDefinition.prototype.getField = function (arrFields, callback) {
return arrFields &&, this);
CT_pivotTableDefinition.prototype.forEachColItems = function (callback, thisArg) {
return this.colItems && this.colItems.i.forEach(callback, thisArg);
CT_pivotTableDefinition.prototype.getRowItems = function () {
return this.rowItems && this.rowItems.i;
CT_pivotTableDefinition.prototype.forEachRowItems = function (callback, thisArg) {
return this.rowItems && this.rowItems.i.forEach(callback, thisArg);
CT_pivotTableDefinition.prototype.getColItems = function () {
return this.colItems && this.colItems.i;
CT_pivotTableDefinition.prototype.asc_getName = function () {
......@@ -4884,7 +4884,7 @@
var cleanRanges = [];
var pos, cells, bWarning, pivotRange;
var l = pivotTable.pageFieldsPositions.length;
var i, l = pivotTable.pageFieldsPositions.length;
pos = 0 < l && pivotTable.pageFieldsPositions[0];
if (pos && 0 > pos.row) {
// ToDo add check exist data in cells
......@@ -4897,15 +4897,16 @@
pivotTable.pageFieldsPositions.forEach(function (pageFieldPos) {
cells = this.getRange3(pageFieldPos.row, pageFieldPos.col, pageFieldPos.row, pageFieldPos.col + 1);
for (i = 0; i < pivotTable.pageFieldsPositions.length; ++i) {
pos = pivotTable.pageFieldsPositions[i];
cells = this.getRange3(pos.row, pos.col, pos.row, pos.col + 1);
if (!bWarning) {
cells._foreachNoEmpty(function (cell) {
return (bWarning = !cell.isEmptyText()) ? null : cell;
}, this);
var t = this;
function callback(res) {
if (res) {
......@@ -4920,10 +4921,10 @@
Worksheet.prototype._updatePivotTable = function (pivotTable, cleanRanges) {
cleanRanges.forEach(function (element) {
var pos, cells, index, i;
var pos, cells, index, i, j, v, indexField, cacheIndex, sharedItem;
for (i = 0; i < cleanRanges.length; ++i) {
var pivotRange = pivotTable.getRange();
var cacheFields = pivotTable.asc_getCacheFields();
var pivotFields = pivotTable.asc_getPivotFields();
......@@ -4947,26 +4948,29 @@
cells = this.getRange3(start, c1, start, c1);
cells.setValue('Row Labels');
pivotTable.forEachRowItems(function (rowItem, rIndex) {
rowItem.x.forEach(function (x, i) {
var v;
var rowItem, rowItems = pivotTable.getRowItems();
if (rowItems) {
for (i = 0; i < rowItems.length; ++i) {
rowItem = rowItems[i];
for (j = 0; j < rowItem.x.length; ++j) {
if (AscCommonExcel.c_oAscItemType.Grand === rowItem.t) {
v = 'Grand Total';
} else {
var indexField = rowFields[rowItem.getR()].asc_getIndex();
var cacheIndex = pivotFields[indexField].getItem(x.getV());
var sharedItem = cacheFields[indexField].getSharedItem(cacheIndex.x);
indexField = rowFields[rowItem.getR()].asc_getIndex();
cacheIndex = pivotFields[indexField].getItem(rowItem.x[j].getV());
sharedItem = cacheFields[indexField].getSharedItem(cacheIndex.x);
v = sharedItem.v;
cells = this.getRange3(start + rIndex, c1 + i, start + rIndex, c1 + i);
cells = this.getRange3(start + i, c1 + j, start + i, c1 + j);
}, this);
}, this);
Worksheet.prototype.updatePivotTablesStyle = function (range) {
var pivotTable, pivotRange, styleInfo, style, wholeStyle, cells, j, pos, countC, countR, stripe1, stripe2,
start = 0, emptyStripe = new Asc.CTableStyleElement();
var pivotTable, pivotRange, styleInfo, style, wholeStyle, cells, j, r, pos, countC, countR, stripe1, stripe2,
items, item, start = 0, emptyStripe = new Asc.CTableStyleElement();
var dxf, dxfLabels, dxfValues;
for (var i = 0; i < this.pivotTables.length; ++i) {
pivotTable = this.pivotTables[i];
......@@ -5055,56 +5059,59 @@
pivotTable.forEachColItems((function (thisArg, _pivotRange, _style, _styleInfo, _countC, startCol) {
return function (item, index) {
var _dxf, _cells, r, _col;
if (AscCommonExcel.c_oAscItemType.Grand === item.t || 0 === _countC) {
_dxf = _style.lastColumn;
items = pivotTable.getColItems();
if (items) {
start = pivotRange.c1 + Math.max(1, countR);
for (j = 0; j < items.length; ++j) {
item = items[j];
if (AscCommonExcel.c_oAscItemType.Grand === item.t || 0 === countC) {
dxf = style.lastColumn;
} else {
r = item.getR();
if (r + 1 !== _countC) {
if (r + 1 !== countC) {
if (0 === r) {
_dxf = item.t ? _style.firstSubtotalColumn : _style.firstColumnSubheading;
dxf = item.t ? style.firstSubtotalColumn : style.firstColumnSubheading;
} else if (1 === r % 2) {
_dxf = item.t ? _style.secondSubtotalColumn : _style.secondColumnSubheading;
dxf = item.t ? style.secondSubtotalColumn : style.secondColumnSubheading;
} else {
_dxf = item.t ? _style.thirdSubtotalColumn : _style.thirdColumnSubheading;
dxf = item.t ? style.thirdSubtotalColumn : style.thirdColumnSubheading;
_dxf = _dxf && _dxf.dxf;
if (_dxf) {
_col = startCol + index;
_cells = thisArg.getRange3(_pivotRange.r1 + 1, _col, _pivotRange.r2, _col);
dxf = dxf && dxf.dxf;
if (dxf) {
cells = this.getRange3(pivotRange.r1 + 1, start + j, pivotRange.r2, start + j);
})(this, pivotRange, style, styleInfo, countC, pivotRange.c1 + Math.max(1, countR)));
pivotTable.forEachRowItems((function (thisArg, _pivotRange, _style, _styleInfo, _countR, startRow) {
return function (item, index) {
var _dxf, _cells, r, _row;
if (AscCommonExcel.c_oAscItemType.Grand === item.t || 0 === _countR) {
_dxf = _style.totalRow;
} else if (_styleInfo.showRowHeaders) {
items = pivotTable.getRowItems();
if (items) {
start = pivotRange.r1 + countC + 1;
countR = pivotTable.getRowFieldsCount();
for (j = 0; j < items.length; ++j) {
item = items[j];
if (AscCommonExcel.c_oAscItemType.Grand === item.t || 0 === countR) {
dxf = style.totalRow;
} else if (styleInfo.showRowHeaders) {
r = item.getR();
if (r + 1 !== _countR) {
if (r + 1 !== countR) {
if (0 === r) {
_dxf = item.t ? _style.firstSubtotalRow : _style.firstRowSubheading;
dxf = item.t ? style.firstSubtotalRow : style.firstRowSubheading;
} else if (1 === r % 2) {
_dxf = item.t ? _style.secondSubtotalRow : _style.secondRowSubheading;
dxf = item.t ? style.secondSubtotalRow : style.secondRowSubheading;
} else {
_dxf = item.t ? _style.thirdSubtotalRow : _style.thirdRowSubheading;
dxf = item.t ? style.thirdSubtotalRow : style.thirdRowSubheading;
_dxf = _dxf && _dxf.dxf;
if (_dxf) {
_row = startRow + index;
_cells = thisArg.getRange3(_row, _pivotRange.c1, _row, _pivotRange.c2);
dxf = dxf && dxf.dxf;
if (dxf) {
cells = this.getRange3(start + j, pivotRange.c1, start + j, pivotRange.c2);
})(this, pivotRange, style, styleInfo, pivotTable.getRowFieldsCount(), pivotRange.r1 + countC + 1));
Worksheet.prototype.inPivotTable = function (range) {
......@@ -1017,13 +1017,13 @@
SelectionRange.prototype.getUnion = function () {
var result = new SelectionRange();
var unionRanges = function (ranges, res) {
ranges.forEach(function (item, i) {
for (var i = 0; i < ranges.length; ++i) {
if (0 === i) {
} else {
unionRanges(this.ranges, result);
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