Commit f3aba59a authored by Alexander.Trofimov's avatar Alexander.Trofimov

cell/model/CellInfo to function-closure

parent 181d07e1
......@@ -95,13 +95,13 @@
......@@ -77,6 +77,7 @@
......@@ -147,7 +148,6 @@
"private": [
......@@ -80,6 +80,7 @@
......@@ -144,9 +145,7 @@
"private": [
"use strict";
* @param {Window} window
* @param {undefined} undefined
function ( window, undefined) {
function(window, undefined) {
// Import
var c_oAscBorderStyles = AscCommon.c_oAscBorderStyles;
if (!window["Asc"]) {window["Asc"] = {};}
var prot;
/** @constructor */
function asc_CCellFlag(m, s, w, t, l) {
this.merge = !!m;
......@@ -21,24 +16,20 @@
this.selectionType = t;
this.lockText = !!l;
asc_CCellFlag.prototype = {
asc_getMerge: function() { return this.merge; },
asc_getShrinkToFit: function() { return this.shrinkToFit; },
asc_getWrapText: function() { return this.wrapText; },
asc_getSelectionType: function() { return this.selectionType; },
asc_getLockText: function() { return this.lockText; }
asc_getMerge: function() {
return this.merge;
}, asc_getShrinkToFit: function() {
return this.shrinkToFit;
}, asc_getWrapText: function() {
return this.wrapText;
}, asc_getSelectionType: function() {
return this.selectionType;
}, asc_getLockText: function() {
return this.lockText;
window["Asc"].asc_CCellFlag = window["Asc"]["asc_CCellFlag"] = asc_CCellFlag;
prot = asc_CCellFlag.prototype;
prot["asc_getMerge"] = prot.asc_getMerge;
prot["asc_getShrinkToFit"] = prot.asc_getShrinkToFit;
prot["asc_getWrapText"] = prot.asc_getWrapText;
prot["asc_getSelectionType"] = prot.asc_getSelectionType;
prot["asc_getLockText"] = prot.asc_getLockText;
/** @constructor */
function asc_CFont(name, size, color, b, i, u, s, sub, sup) { = name !== undefined ? name : "Arial";
......@@ -51,73 +42,69 @@
this.subscript = !!sub;
this.superscript = !!sup;
asc_CFont.prototype = {
asc_getName: function () { return; },
asc_getSize: function () { return this.size; },
asc_getBold: function () { return this.bold; },
asc_getItalic: function () { return this.italic; },
asc_getUnderline: function () { return this.underline; },
asc_getStrikeout: function () { return this.strikeout; },
asc_getSubscript: function () { return this.subscript; },
asc_getSuperscript: function () { return this.superscript; },
asc_getColor: function () { return this.color; }
asc_getName: function() {
}, asc_getSize: function() {
return this.size;
}, asc_getBold: function() {
return this.bold;
}, asc_getItalic: function() {
return this.italic;
}, asc_getUnderline: function() {
return this.underline;
}, asc_getStrikeout: function() {
return this.strikeout;
}, asc_getSubscript: function() {
return this.subscript;
}, asc_getSuperscript: function() {
return this.superscript;
}, asc_getColor: function() {
return this.color;
window["Asc"].asc_CFont = window["Asc"]["asc_CFont"] = asc_CFont;
prot = asc_CFont.prototype;
prot["asc_getName"] = prot.asc_getName;
prot["asc_getSize"] = prot.asc_getSize;
prot["asc_getBold"] = prot.asc_getBold;
prot["asc_getItalic"] = prot.asc_getItalic;
prot["asc_getUnderline"] = prot.asc_getUnderline;
prot["asc_getStrikeout"] = prot.asc_getStrikeout;
prot["asc_getSubscript"] = prot.asc_getSubscript;
prot["asc_getSuperscript"] = prot.asc_getSuperscript;
prot["asc_getColor"] = prot.asc_getColor;
/** @constructor */
function asc_CFill(color) {
this.color = color !== undefined ? color : null;
asc_CFill.prototype = {
asc_getColor: function() { return this.color; }
asc_getColor: function() {
return this.color;
window["Asc"].asc_CFill = window["Asc"]["asc_CFill"] = asc_CFill;
prot = asc_CFill.prototype;
prot["asc_getColor"] = prot.asc_getColor;
/** @constructor */
function asc_CBorder(style, color) {
// ToDo заглушка для создания border-а
if (typeof style === "string") {
switch (style) {
case "thin" : = c_oAscBorderStyles.Thin; break;
case "medium" : = c_oAscBorderStyles.Medium; break;
case "thick" : = c_oAscBorderStyles.Thick; break;
default : = c_oAscBorderStyles.None; break;
case "thin" : = c_oAscBorderStyles.Thin;
case "medium" : = c_oAscBorderStyles.Medium;
case "thick" : = c_oAscBorderStyles.Thick;
default : = c_oAscBorderStyles.None;
} else { = style !== undefined ? style : c_oAscBorderStyles.None;
this.color = color !== undefined ? color : null;
asc_CBorder.prototype = {
asc_getStyle: function() { return; },
asc_getColor: function() { return this.color; }
asc_getStyle: function() {
}, asc_getColor: function() {
return this.color;
window["Asc"].asc_CBorder = window["Asc"]["asc_CBorder"] = asc_CBorder;
prot = asc_CBorder.prototype;
prot["asc_getStyle"] = prot.asc_getStyle;
prot["asc_getColor"] = prot.asc_getColor;
/** @constructor */
function asc_CBorders() {
this.left = null;
......@@ -127,26 +114,22 @@
this.diagDown = null;
this.diagUp = null;
asc_CBorders.prototype = {
asc_getLeft: function() { return this.left; },
asc_getTop: function() { return; },
asc_getRight: function() { return this.right; },
asc_getBottom: function() { return this.bottom; },
asc_getDiagDown: function() { return this.diagDown; },
asc_getDiagUp: function() { return this.diagUp; }
asc_getLeft: function() {
return this.left;
}, asc_getTop: function() {
}, asc_getRight: function() {
return this.right;
}, asc_getBottom: function() {
return this.bottom;
}, asc_getDiagDown: function() {
return this.diagDown;
}, asc_getDiagUp: function() {
return this.diagUp;
window["Asc"].asc_CBorders = window["Asc"]["asc_CBorders"] = asc_CBorders;
prot = asc_CBorders.prototype;
prot["asc_getLeft"] = prot.asc_getLeft;
prot["asc_getTop"] = prot.asc_getTop;
prot["asc_getRight"] = prot.asc_getRight;
prot["asc_getBottom"] = prot.asc_getBottom;
prot["asc_getDiagDown"] = prot.asc_getDiagDown;
prot["asc_getDiagUp"] = prot.asc_getDiagUp;
/** @constructor */
function asc_CAutoFilterInfo() {
this.isApplyAutoFilter = false; // Кнопка очистить фильтр: false - disable, true - pressed button
......@@ -154,19 +137,18 @@
// - null - мы в пересечении с таблицой (но не полностью в ней)
// - true/false - когда мы полностью в таблице или вне ее (true/false в зависимости от того применен фильтр или нет)
asc_CAutoFilterInfo.prototype = {
asc_getIsAutoFilter: function () { return this.isAutoFilter; },
asc_getIsApplyAutoFilter: function () { return this.isApplyAutoFilter; }
asc_getTableStyleName: function() {
return this.tableStyleName;
}, asc_getTableName: function() {
return this.tableName;
}, asc_getIsAutoFilter: function() {
return this.isAutoFilter;
}, asc_getIsApplyAutoFilter: function() {
return this.isApplyAutoFilter;
window["Asc"].asc_CAutoFilterInfo = window["Asc"]["asc_CAutoFilterInfo"] = asc_CAutoFilterInfo;
prot = asc_CAutoFilterInfo.prototype;
prot["asc_getIsAutoFilter"] = prot.asc_getIsAutoFilter;
prot["asc_getIsApplyAutoFilter"] = prot.asc_getIsApplyAutoFilter;
/** @constructor */
function asc_CFormatTableInfo() {
this.tableStyleName = null;
......@@ -189,54 +171,48 @@
this.isDeleteColumn = null;
this.isDeleteTable = null;
asc_CFormatTableInfo.prototype = {
asc_getTableStyleName: function () { return this.tableStyleName; },
asc_getTableName: function () { return this.tableName; },
asc_getFirstRow: function () { return this.firstRow; },
asc_getLastRow: function () { return this.lastRow; },
asc_getBandHor: function () { return this.bandHor; },
asc_getFirstCol: function () { return this.firstCol; },
asc_getLastCol: function () { return this.lastCol; },
asc_getBandVer: function () { return this.bandVer; },
asc_getFilterButton: function () { return this.filterButton; },
asc_getTableRange: function () { return this.tableRange; },
asc_getIsInsertRowAbove: function () { return this.isInsertRowAbove; },
asc_getIsInsertRowBelow: function () { return this.isInsertRowBelow; },
asc_getIsInsertColumnLeft: function () { return this.isInsertColumnLeft; },
asc_getIsInsertColumnRight: function () { return this.isInsertColumnRight; },
asc_getIsDeleteRow: function () { return this.isDeleteRow; },
asc_getIsDeleteColumn: function () { return this.isDeleteColumn; },
asc_getIsDeleteTable: function () { return this.isDeleteTable; }
asc_getTableStyleName: function() {
return this.tableStyleName;
}, asc_getTableName: function() {
return this.tableName;
asc_getFirstRow: function() {
return this.firstRow;
}, asc_getLastRow: function() {
return this.lastRow;
}, asc_getBandHor: function() {
return this.bandHor;
}, asc_getFirstCol: function() {
return this.firstCol;
}, asc_getLastCol: function() {
return this.lastCol;
}, asc_getBandVer: function() {
return this.bandVer;
}, asc_getFilterButton: function() {
return this.filterButton;
}, asc_getTableRange: function() {
return this.tableRange;
asc_getIsInsertRowAbove: function() {
return this.isInsertRowAbove;
}, asc_getIsInsertRowBelow: function() {
return this.isInsertRowBelow;
}, asc_getIsInsertColumnLeft: function() {
return this.isInsertColumnLeft;
}, asc_getIsInsertColumnRight: function() {
return this.isInsertColumnRight;
}, asc_getIsDeleteRow: function() {
return this.isDeleteRow;
}, asc_getIsDeleteColumn: function() {
return this.isDeleteColumn;
}, asc_getIsDeleteTable: function() {
return this.isDeleteTable;
window["Asc"].asc_CFormatTableInfo = window["Asc"]["asc_CFormatTableInfo"] = asc_CFormatTableInfo;
prot = asc_CFormatTableInfo.prototype;
prot["asc_getTableStyleName"] = prot.asc_getTableStyleName;
prot["asc_getTableName"] = prot.asc_getTableName;
prot["asc_getFirstRow"] = prot.asc_getFirstRow;
prot["asc_getLastRow"] = prot.asc_getLastRow;
prot["asc_getBandHor"] = prot.asc_getBandHor;
prot["asc_getFirstCol"] = prot.asc_getFirstCol;
prot["asc_getLastCol"] = prot.asc_getLastCol;
prot["asc_getBandVer"] = prot.asc_getBandVer;
prot["asc_getFilterButton"] = prot.asc_getFilterButton;
prot["asc_getTableRange"] = prot.asc_getTableRange;
prot["asc_getIsInsertRowAbove"] = prot.asc_getIsInsertRowAbove;
prot["asc_getIsInsertRowBelow"] = prot.asc_getIsInsertRowBelow;
prot["asc_getIsInsertColumnLeft"] = prot.asc_getIsInsertColumnLeft;
prot["asc_getIsInsertColumnRight"] = prot.asc_getIsInsertColumnRight;
prot["asc_getIsDeleteRow"] = prot.asc_getIsDeleteRow;
prot["asc_getIsDeleteColumn"] = prot.asc_getIsDeleteColumn;
prot["asc_getIsDeleteTable"] = prot.asc_getIsDeleteTable;
/** @constructor */
function asc_CCellInfo() { = null;
......@@ -259,36 +235,169 @@
this.autoFilterInfo = null;
this.formatTableInfo = null;
asc_CCellInfo.prototype = {
asc_getName: function(){ return; },
asc_getFormula: function() { return this.formula; },
asc_getText: function(){ return this.text; },
asc_getHorAlign: function(){ return this.halign; },
asc_getVertAlign: function(){ return this.valign; },
asc_getFlags: function(){ return this.flags; },
asc_getFont: function(){ return this.font; },
asc_getFill: function(){ return this.fill; },
asc_getBorders: function(){ return this.border; },
asc_getInnerText: function(){ return this.innertext; },
asc_getNumFormat: function(){ return this.numFormat; },
asc_getHyperlink: function(){ return this.hyperlink; },
asc_getComments: function(){ return this.comments; },
asc_getLocked: function(){ return this.isLocked; },
asc_getStyleName: function () { return this.styleName; },
asc_getNumFormatType: function(){ return this.numFormatType; },
asc_getAngle: function () { return this.angle; },
asc_getAutoFilterInfo: function () { return this.autoFilterInfo; },
asc_getFormatTableInfo: function () { return this.formatTableInfo; },
asc_getIsFormatTable: function() {return null},//TODO DELETE
asc_getIsAutoFilter: function() {return null},//TODO DELETE
asc_getTableStyleName: function() {return null},//TODO DELETE
asc_getClearFilter: function() {return null}//TODO DELETE
asc_getName: function() {
}, asc_getFormula: function() {
return this.formula;
}, asc_getText: function() {
return this.text;
}, asc_getHorAlign: function() {
return this.halign;
}, asc_getVertAlign: function() {
return this.valign;
}, asc_getFlags: function() {
return this.flags;
}, asc_getFont: function() {
return this.font;
}, asc_getFill: function() {
return this.fill;
}, asc_getBorders: function() {
return this.border;
}, asc_getInnerText: function() {
return this.innertext;
}, asc_getNumFormat: function() {
return this.numFormat;
}, asc_getHyperlink: function() {
return this.hyperlink;
}, asc_getComments: function() {
return this.comments;
}, asc_getLocked: function() {
return this.isLocked;
}, asc_getStyleName: function() {
return this.styleName;
}, asc_getNumFormatType: function() {
return this.numFormatType;
}, asc_getAngle: function() {
return this.angle;
}, asc_getAutoFilterInfo: function() {
return this.autoFilterInfo;
}, asc_getFormatTableInfo: function() {
return this.formatTableInfo;
}, asc_getIsFormatTable: function() {
return null
asc_getIsAutoFilter: function() {
return null
asc_getTableStyleName: function() {
return null
asc_getClearFilter: function() {
return null
window["Asc"].asc_CCellInfo = window["Asc"]["asc_CCellInfo"] = asc_CCellInfo;
prot = asc_CCellInfo.prototype;
/** @constructor */
function asc_CDefName(n, r, s, t, h, l) {
this.Name = n;
this.LocalSheetId = s;
this.Ref = r;
this.isTable = t;
this.Hidden = h;
this.isLock = l;
asc_CDefName.prototype = {
asc_getName: function() {
return this.Name;
}, asc_getScope: function() {
return this.LocalSheetId;
}, asc_getRef: function() {
return this.Ref;
}, asc_getIsTable: function() {
return this.isTable;
}, asc_getIsHidden: function() {
return this.Hidden;
}, asc_getIsLock: function() {
return this.isLock;
/** @constructor */
function asc_CCheckDefName(s, r) {
this.status = s;
this.reason = r;
asc_CCheckDefName.prototype = {
asc_getStatus: function() {
return this.status;
}, asc_getReason: function() {
return this.reason;
var prot;
window['Asc'] = window['Asc'] || {};
window['AscCommonExcel'] = window['AscCommonExcel'] || {};
window["AscCommonExcel"].asc_CCellFlag = asc_CCellFlag;
prot = asc_CCellFlag.prototype;
prot["asc_getMerge"] = prot.asc_getMerge;
prot["asc_getShrinkToFit"] = prot.asc_getShrinkToFit;
prot["asc_getWrapText"] = prot.asc_getWrapText;
prot["asc_getSelectionType"] = prot.asc_getSelectionType;
prot["asc_getLockText"] = prot.asc_getLockText;
window["AscCommonExcel"].asc_CFont = asc_CFont;
prot = asc_CFont.prototype;
prot["asc_getName"] = prot.asc_getName;
prot["asc_getSize"] = prot.asc_getSize;
prot["asc_getBold"] = prot.asc_getBold;
prot["asc_getItalic"] = prot.asc_getItalic;
prot["asc_getUnderline"] = prot.asc_getUnderline;
prot["asc_getStrikeout"] = prot.asc_getStrikeout;
prot["asc_getSubscript"] = prot.asc_getSubscript;
prot["asc_getSuperscript"] = prot.asc_getSuperscript;
prot["asc_getColor"] = prot.asc_getColor;
window["AscCommonExcel"].asc_CFill = asc_CFill;
prot = asc_CFill.prototype;
prot["asc_getColor"] = prot.asc_getColor;
window["Asc"].asc_CBorder = window["Asc"]["asc_CBorder"] = asc_CBorder;
prot = asc_CBorder.prototype;
prot["asc_getStyle"] = prot.asc_getStyle;
prot["asc_getColor"] = prot.asc_getColor;
window["AscCommonExcel"].asc_CBorders = asc_CBorders;
prot = asc_CBorders.prototype;
prot["asc_getLeft"] = prot.asc_getLeft;
prot["asc_getTop"] = prot.asc_getTop;
prot["asc_getRight"] = prot.asc_getRight;
prot["asc_getBottom"] = prot.asc_getBottom;
prot["asc_getDiagDown"] = prot.asc_getDiagDown;
prot["asc_getDiagUp"] = prot.asc_getDiagUp;
window["AscCommonExcel"].asc_CAutoFilterInfo = asc_CAutoFilterInfo;
prot = asc_CAutoFilterInfo.prototype;
prot["asc_getTableStyleName"] = prot.asc_getTableStyleName;
prot["asc_getTableName"] = prot.asc_getTableName;
prot["asc_getIsAutoFilter"] = prot.asc_getIsAutoFilter;
prot["asc_getIsApplyAutoFilter"] = prot.asc_getIsApplyAutoFilter;
window["AscCommonExcel"].asc_CFormatTableInfo = asc_CFormatTableInfo;
prot = asc_CFormatTableInfo.prototype;
prot["asc_getTableStyleName"] = prot.asc_getTableStyleName;
prot["asc_getTableName"] = prot.asc_getTableName;
prot["asc_getFirstRow"] = prot.asc_getFirstRow;
prot["asc_getLastRow"] = prot.asc_getLastRow;
prot["asc_getBandHor"] = prot.asc_getBandHor;
prot["asc_getFirstCol"] = prot.asc_getFirstCol;
prot["asc_getLastCol"] = prot.asc_getLastCol;
prot["asc_getBandVer"] = prot.asc_getBandVer;
prot["asc_getFilterButton"] = prot.asc_getFilterButton;
prot["asc_getTableRange"] = prot.asc_getTableRange;
prot["asc_getIsInsertRowAbove"] = prot.asc_getIsInsertRowAbove;
prot["asc_getIsInsertRowBelow"] = prot.asc_getIsInsertRowBelow;
prot["asc_getIsInsertColumnLeft"] = prot.asc_getIsInsertColumnLeft;
prot["asc_getIsInsertColumnRight"] = prot.asc_getIsInsertColumnRight;
prot["asc_getIsDeleteRow"] = prot.asc_getIsDeleteRow;
prot["asc_getIsDeleteColumn"] = prot.asc_getIsDeleteColumn;
prot["asc_getIsDeleteTable"] = prot.asc_getIsDeleteTable;
window["AscCommonExcel"].asc_CCellInfo = asc_CCellInfo;
prot = asc_CCellInfo.prototype;
prot["asc_getName"] = prot.asc_getName;
prot["asc_getFormula"] = prot.asc_getFormula;
prot["asc_getText"] = prot.asc_getText;
......@@ -313,28 +422,8 @@
prot["asc_getTableStyleName"] = prot.asc_getTableStyleName;//TODO DELETE
prot["asc_getClearFilter"] = prot.asc_getClearFilter;//TODO DELETE
/** @constructor */
function asc_CDefName(n, r, s, t, h, l) {
this.Name = n;
this.LocalSheetId = s;
this.Ref = r;
this.isTable = t;
this.Hidden = h;
this.isLock = l;
asc_CDefName.prototype = {
asc_getName: function(){return this.Name;},
asc_getScope: function(){return this.LocalSheetId;},
asc_getRef: function(){return this.Ref;},
asc_getIsTable: function(){return this.isTable;},
asc_getIsHidden: function(){return this.Hidden;},
asc_getIsLock: function(){return this.isLock;}
window["Asc"].asc_CDefName = window["Asc"]["asc_CDefName"] = asc_CDefName;
prot = asc_CDefName.prototype;
prot["asc_getName"] = prot.asc_getName;
prot["asc_getScope"] = prot.asc_getScope;
prot["asc_getRef"] = prot.asc_getRef;
......@@ -342,20 +431,9 @@
prot["asc_getIsHidden"] = prot.asc_getIsHidden;
prot["asc_getIsLock"] = prot.asc_getIsLock;
function asc_CCheckDefName(s, r) {
this.status = s;
this.reason = r;
asc_CCheckDefName.prototype = {
asc_getStatus: function(){return this.status;},
asc_getReason: function(){return this.reason;}
window["Asc"].asc_CCheckDefName = window["Asc"]["asc_CCheckDefName"] = asc_CCheckDefName;
prot = asc_CCheckDefName.prototype;
prot["asc_getStatus"] = prot.asc_getStatus;
prot["asc_getReason"] = prot.asc_getReason;
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -2147,7 +2147,7 @@
tmp = this.options.fragments[tmp.index].format;
var result = new asc.asc_CFont();
var result = new AscCommonExcel.asc_CFont(); = tmp.fn;
result.size = tmp.fs;
result.bold = tmp.b;
......@@ -48,16 +48,16 @@
var asc_CMM = AscCommonExcel.asc_CMouseMoveData;
var asc_VR = AscCommonExcel.VisibleRange;
var asc_CCellFlag = asc.asc_CCellFlag;
var asc_CFont = asc.asc_CFont;
var asc_CFill = asc.asc_CFill;
var asc_CCellInfo = asc.asc_CCellInfo;
var asc_CCellFlag = AscCommonExcel.asc_CCellFlag;
var asc_CFont = AscCommonExcel.asc_CFont;
var asc_CFill = AscCommonExcel.asc_CFill;
var asc_CCellInfo = AscCommonExcel.asc_CCellInfo;
var asc_CHyperlink = asc.asc_CHyperlink;
var asc_CPageOptions = asc.asc_CPageOptions;
var asc_CPageSetup = asc.asc_CPageSetup;
var asc_CPageMargins = asc.asc_CPageMargins;
var asc_CPagePrint = AscCommonExcel.CPagePrint;
var asc_CAutoFilterInfo = asc.asc_CAutoFilterInfo;
var asc_CAutoFilterInfo = AscCommonExcel.asc_CAutoFilterInfo;
var c_oTargetType = AscCommonExcel.c_oTargetType;
var c_oAscCanChangeColWidth = AscCommonExcel.c_oAscCanChangeColWidth;
......@@ -7309,7 +7309,7 @@
if(curTablePart !== null)
cell_info.formatTableInfo = new asc.asc_CFormatTableInfo();
cell_info.formatTableInfo = new AscCommonExcel.asc_CFormatTableInfo();
cell_info.formatTableInfo.tableName = curTablePart.DisplayName;
if (tableStyleInfo) {
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