Commit 3f8f42ac authored by Julia Radzhabova's avatar Julia Radzhabova

[PE] Добавлена настройка ориентации слайда.

parent 210327a7
......@@ -525,9 +525,10 @@ define([
this.currentPageSize.height = height;
this.currentPageSize.type = -1;
var portrait = (height>width);
for (var i = 0; i < this.slideSizeArr.length; i++) {
if (Math.abs(this.slideSizeArr[i][0] - this.currentPageSize.width) < 0.001 &&
Math.abs(this.slideSizeArr[i][1] - this.currentPageSize.height) < 0.001) {
if (Math.abs(this.slideSizeArr[i][portrait ? 1 : 0] - this.currentPageSize.width) < 0.001 &&
Math.abs(this.slideSizeArr[i][portrait ? 0 : 1] - this.currentPageSize.height) < 0.001) {
this.currentPageSize.type = i;
......@@ -1345,16 +1346,17 @@ define([
onSlideSize: function(menu, item) {
if (item.value !== 'advanced') {
var portrait = (this.currentPageSize.height > this.currentPageSize.width);
this.currentPageSize = {
type : item.value,
width : this.slideSizeArr[item.value][0],
height : this.slideSizeArr[item.value][1]
width : this.slideSizeArr[item.value][portrait ? 1 : 0],
height : this.slideSizeArr[item.value][portrait ? 0 : 1]
if (this.api)
this.slideSizeArr[item.value][portrait ? 1 : 0],
this.slideSizeArr[item.value][portrait ? 0 : 1]
Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('edit:complete', this.toolbar);
......@@ -58,12 +58,12 @@ define([
}, options || {});
this.template = [
'<div class="box" style="height: 95px;">',
'<div class="box" style="height: 148px;">',
'<div class="input-row">',
'<label class="text columns-text" style="font-weight: bold;">' + this.textSlideSize + '</label>',
'<div id="slide-size-combo" class="" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"></div>',
'<table cols="2" style="width: 100%;margin-bottom: 10px;">',
'<table cols="2" style="width: 100%;margin-bottom: 7px;">',
'<td class="padding-small" style="padding-right: 10px;">',
'<label class="input-label" style="font-weight: bold;">' + this.textWidth + '</label>',
......@@ -75,6 +75,10 @@ define([
'<div class="input-row">',
'<label class="text columns-text" style="font-weight: bold;">' + this.textSlideOrientation + '</label>',
'<div id="slide-orientation-combo" class="" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"></div>',
'<div class="separator horizontal"/>',
'<div class="footer center">',
......@@ -122,8 +126,12 @@ define([
if (record.value<0) {
// set current slide size
} else {
this.spnWidth.setValue(Common.Utils.Metric.fnRecalcFromMM(record.size[0]), true);
this.spnHeight.setValue(Common.Utils.Metric.fnRecalcFromMM(record.size[1]), true);
var w = record.size[0],
h = record.size[1],
orient = this.cmbSlideOrientation.getValue(),
cond = orient==0 && w>h || orient==1 && h>w;
this.spnWidth.setValue(Common.Utils.Metric.fnRecalcFromMM(cond ? h : w), true);
this.spnHeight.setValue(Common.Utils.Metric.fnRecalcFromMM(cond ? w : h), true);
this._noApply = false;
}, this));
......@@ -139,8 +147,12 @@ define([
this.spnWidth.on('change', _.bind(function(field, newValue, oldValue, eOpts){
if (!this._noApply && this.cmbSlideSize.getValue() >-1) {
if (!this._noApply) {
if (this.cmbSlideSize.getValue() >-1)
var w = this.spnWidth.getNumberValue(),
h = this.spnHeight.getNumberValue();
this.cmbSlideOrientation.setValue( h>w ? 0 : 1);
}, this));
......@@ -155,9 +167,36 @@ define([
this.spnHeight.on('change', _.bind(function(field, newValue, oldValue, eOpts){
if (!this._noApply && this.cmbSlideSize.getValue() >-1) {
if (!this._noApply) {
if (this.cmbSlideSize.getValue() >-1)
var w = this.spnWidth.getNumberValue(),
h = this.spnHeight.getNumberValue();
this.cmbSlideOrientation.setValue( h>w ? 0 : 1);
}, this));
this.cmbSlideOrientation = new Common.UI.ComboBox({
el: $('#slide-orientation-combo'),
cls: 'input-group-nr',
style: 'width: 100%;',
menuStyle: 'min-width: 218px;',
editable: false,
data: [
{value:0, displayValue: this.strPortrait},
{value:1, displayValue: this.strLandscape}
this.cmbSlideOrientation.on('selected', _.bind(function(combo, record) {
this._noApply = true;
var w = this.spnWidth.getNumberValue(),
h = this.spnHeight.getNumberValue();
if (record.value==0 && w>h || record.value==1 && h>w) {
this.spnWidth.setValue(h, true);
this.spnHeight.setValue(w, true);
this._noApply = false;
}, this));
var $window = this.getChild();
......@@ -189,6 +228,7 @@ define([
this.spnWidth.setValue(Common.Utils.Metric.fnRecalcFromMM(pagewitdh), true);
this.spnHeight.setValue(Common.Utils.Metric.fnRecalcFromMM(pageheight), true);
this.cmbSlideOrientation.setValue((pageheight>pagewitdh) ? 0 : 1);
......@@ -225,6 +265,9 @@ define([
txt35: '35 mm Slides',
txtOverhead: 'Overhead',
txtBanner: 'Banner',
txtCustom: 'Custom'
txtCustom: 'Custom',
textSlideOrientation: 'Slide Orientation',
strPortrait: 'Portrait',
strLandscape: 'Landscape'
}, PE.Views.SlideSizeSettings || {}))
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -611,7 +611,10 @@
"PE.Views.SlideSettings.txtWood": "Wood",
"PE.Views.SlideSizeSettings.cancelButtonText": "Cancel",
"PE.Views.SlideSizeSettings.okButtonText": "OK",
"PE.Views.SlideSizeSettings.strPortrait": "Portrait",
"PE.Views.SlideSizeSettings.strLandscape": "Landscape",
"PE.Views.SlideSizeSettings.textHeight": "Height",
"PE.Views.SlideSizeSettings.textSlideOrientation": "Slide Orientation",
"PE.Views.SlideSizeSettings.textSlideSize": "Slide Size",
"PE.Views.SlideSizeSettings.textTitle": "Slide Size Settings",
"PE.Views.SlideSizeSettings.textWidth": "Width",
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