Commit 32cb97da authored by Jérome Perrin's avatar Jérome Perrin

graph_editor: use renderjs style event handler for node click dialog

parent c33f8221
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with DREAM. If not, see <>.
* ==========================================================================*/
/*global console, window, RSVP, rJS, $, jsPlumb, Handlebars,
/*global console, window, Node, RSVP, rJS, $, jsPlumb, Handlebars,
loopEventListener, promiseEventListener, DOMParser, Springy */
/*jslint unparam: true todo: true */
(function(RSVP, rJS, $, jsPlumb, Handlebars, loopEventListener, promiseEventListener, DOMParser, Springy) {
......@@ -611,10 +611,6 @@
function waitForNodeClick(gadget, node) {
gadget.props.nodes_click_monitor.monitor(loopEventListener(node, "dblclick", false, openNodeEditionDialog.bind(null, gadget, node)));
function waitForConnection(gadget) {
return loopJsplumbBind(gadget, "connection", function(info, originalEvent) {
updateConnectionData(gadget, info.connection, false);
......@@ -661,7 +657,6 @@
name: ||
}), "text/html").querySelector(".window");
waitForNodeClick(gadget, domElement);
box = $(gadget.props.element).find("#" + dom_element_id);
absolute_position = convertToAbsolutePosition(gadget, coordinate.left,;
if (class_definition && class_definition.css) {
......@@ -801,6 +796,13 @@
return JSON.stringify(;
.onEvent("dblclick", function (evt) {
var node =;
if ((node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) &&
(node.tagName === "DIV") && node.classList.contains(['window'])) {
return openNodeEditionDialog(this, node);
.declareService(function() {
var gadget = this, jsplumb_instance;
this.props.main = this.props.element.querySelector(".graph_container");
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