Commit 7bd395b2 authored by Ayush Tiwari's avatar Ayush Tiwari

bt5_config: BusinessItem object should also be an ERP5 document

parent d97700ff
......@@ -56,6 +56,8 @@ from Acquisition import Implicit, aq_base, aq_inner, aq_parent
from zLOG import LOG, INFO, WARNING
from Products.ERP5Type.XMLObject import XMLObject
from Products.ERP5Type.Globals import InitializeClass
from Products.ERP5Type.Core.Folder import Folder
from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName
from Products.PythonScripts.PythonScript import PythonScript
from Products.ERP5Type.dynamic.lazy_class import ERP5BaseBroken
......@@ -135,7 +137,7 @@ def _recursiveRemoveUid(obj):
class BusinessManager(XMLObject):
class BusinessManager(Folder):
"""Business Manager is responsible for saving objects and properties in
an ERP5Site. Everything will be saved just via path"""
......@@ -143,11 +145,13 @@ class BusinessManager(XMLObject):
meta_type = 'ERP5 Business Manager'
portal_type = 'Business Manager'
add_permission = Permissions.AddPortalContent
allowed_types = ('Business Item',)
# Declarative security
security = ClassSecurityInfo()
_properties = (
{'id': 'template_path_list',
'type': 'lines',
......@@ -168,6 +172,7 @@ class BusinessManager(XMLObject):
'override': 1,
'mode': 'w'},
template_path_list = ()
template_format_version = 3
......@@ -225,6 +230,12 @@ class BusinessManager(XMLObject):
def getTemplatePathList(self):
return self.template_path_list
def getPathItemList(self):
return self._path_item_list
except AttributeError:
return []
security.declareProtected(Permissions.ManagePortal, '_getTemplatePathList')
def _getTemplatePathList(self):
result = self.getTemplatePathList()
......@@ -232,6 +243,7 @@ class BusinessManager(XMLObject):
result = tuple(result)
return result
security.declareProtected(Permissions.ManagePortal, 'getTemplateFormatVersion')
def getTemplateFormatVersion(self):
return self.template_format_version
......@@ -301,16 +313,16 @@ class BusinessManager(XMLObject):
Override subtract to find difference b/w the values in different cases.
# Create the sha list for all path item list available in current object
sha_list = [item._sha for item in self._path_item_list]
sha_list = [item.sha for item in self._path_item_list]
# Reverse the sign of Business Item objects for the old Business Manager
# Trying comparing/subtracting ZODB with old installed object
for path_item in other._path_item_list:
if path_item._sha in sha_list:
if path_item.sha in sha_list:
self._path_item_list = [item for item
in self._path_item_list
if item._sha != path_item._sha]
if item.sha != path_item.sha]
path_item._sign = -1
path_item.sign = -1
return self
......@@ -333,10 +345,15 @@ class BusinessManager(XMLObject):
new_path_item_list = []
for path_item in path_item_list:
if '#' in str(path_item[0]):
PathItem = self.newContent(portal_type='Business Item')
# If its a property, no need to resolve the path
self._path_item_list.append(BusinessItem(path_item[0], path_item[1], path_item[2]))
# Here we check for the path which also add sub-objects, in that case,
# we create separate BusinessItem objects for each sub-object with
......@@ -349,14 +366,26 @@ class BusinessManager(XMLObject):
path_list = self._resolvePath(portal, [], path_item[0].split('/'))
for path in path_list:
self._path_item_list.append(BusinessItem(path, path_item[1], path_item[2]))
PathItem = self.newContent(portal_type='Business Item')
resolved_path = (' | ').join((path, path_item[1], path_item[2]))
except IndexError:
PathItem = self.newContent(portal_type='Business Item')
# If not build, i.e, import/export, just update the _path_item_list
self._path_item_list.append(BusinessItem(path_item[0], path_item[1], path_item[2]))
if isBuild:
# If build process, update the path list of the Business Manager
......@@ -396,21 +425,21 @@ class BusinessManager(XMLObject):
def getPathList(self):
path_list = []
for item in self._path_item_list:
return path_list
def getPathShaDict(self):
path_sha_dict = {}
# TODO: Handle error for BM with multiple items at same path
for item in self._path_item_list:
path_sha_dict[item._path] = item._sha
path_sha_dict[item.path] = item.sha
return path_item_dict
def getPathItemDict(self):
path_item_dict = {}
# TODO: Handle error for BM with multiple items at same path
for item in self._path_item_list:
path_item_dict[item._path] = item
path_item_dict[item.path] = item
return path_item_dict
def getBusinessItemByPath(self, path):
......@@ -476,11 +505,11 @@ class BusinessManager(XMLObject):
path_list = self.getTemplatePathList()
for path_item in self._path_item_list:
path = path_item._path
layer = path_item._layer
path = path_item.path
layer = path_item.layer
# Flatten the BusinessItem to the lowest layer ?? Why required, no change
if layer != 0:
path_item._layer = 0
path_item.layer = 0
self.status = 'flattened'
def reduceBusinessManager(self):
......@@ -516,10 +545,10 @@ class BusinessManager(XMLObject):
seen_path_dict = {path: [] for path in seen_path_list}
for path_item in self._path_item_list:
if path_item._path in seen_path_list:
if path_item.path in seen_path_list:
# In case the path is repeated keep the path_item in a separate dict
# for further arithmetic
# If the path is unique, add them in the list of reduced Business Item
......@@ -528,21 +557,21 @@ class BusinessManager(XMLObject):
for path, path_item_list in seen_path_dict.items():
# Create separate list of list items with highest priority
higest_priority_layer = max(path_item_list, key=attrgetter('_layer'))._layer
higest_priority_layer = max(path_item_list, key=attrgetter('layer')).layer
prioritized_path_item = [path_item for path_item
in path_item_list
if path_item._layer == higest_priority_layer]
if path_item.layer == higest_priority_layer]
# Separate the positive and negative sign path_item
if len(prioritized_path_item) > 1:
path_item_list_add = [item for item
in prioritized_path_item
if item._sign > 0]
if item.sign > 0]
path_item_list_subtract = [item for item
in prioritized_path_item
if item._sign < 0]
if item.sign < 0]
combined_added_path_item = reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, path_item_list_add)
combined_subtracted_path_item = reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, path_item_list_subtract)
......@@ -596,7 +625,7 @@ class BusinessManager(XMLObject):
return added_value, subtracted_value
class BusinessItem(Persistent):
class BusinessItem(XMLObject):
"""Saves the path and values for objects, properties, etc, the
attributes for a path configuration being:
......@@ -612,22 +641,44 @@ class BusinessItem(Persistent):
- value (a set of pickable value in python)
- hash of the value"""
add_permission = Permissions.AddPortalContent
# Declarative security
security = ClassSecurityInfo()
portal_type = 'Business Item'
meta_type = 'Business Item'
isProperty = False
isIndexable = False
def __init__(self, path, sign=1, layer=0, value=None, *args, **kw):
Initialize/update the attributes
self._path = path
self._sign = int(sign)
self._layer = int(layer)
self.path = path
self.sign = int(sign)
self.layer = int(layer)
self.value = value
if value:
# Generate hash of from the value
self._sha = self._generateHash()
self.sha = self._generateHash()
self.sha = ''
def _edit(self, **kw):
Overriden function so that we can update attributes for BusinessItem objects
self.path = kw.get('path', '')
self.sign = int(kw.get('sign', 1))
self.layer = int(kw.get('layer', 0))
self.value = kw.get('value', None)
if self.value:
# Generate hash of from the value
self.sha = self._generateHash()
self._sha = ''
self.sha = ''
def _generateHash(self):
......@@ -637,7 +688,7 @@ class BusinessItem(Persistent):
LOG('Business Manager', INFO, 'Genrating hash')
if not self.value:
# Raise in case there is no value for the BusinessItem object
raise ValueError, "Value not defined for the %s BusinessItem" % self._path
raise ValueError, "Value not defined for the %s BusinessItem" % self.path
elif self.isProperty:
# In case of property, the value is a PersisitentMapping object, so it
# can be easily hashed after formatting
......@@ -651,7 +702,7 @@ class BusinessItem(Persistent):
obj_dict = self.value.__dict__.copy()
del obj_dict['uid']
sha256 = hash(pprint.pformat(obj_dict))
self._sha = sha256
self.sha = sha256
def build(self, context, **kw):
......@@ -665,7 +716,7 @@ class BusinessItem(Persistent):
LOG('Business Manager', INFO, 'Building Business Item')
p = context.getPortalObject()
path = self._path
path = self.path
if '#' in str(path):
self.isProperty = True
relative_url, property_id = path.split('#')
......@@ -777,18 +828,18 @@ class BusinessItem(Persistent):
# In case the path denotes property, we create separate object for
# ObjectTemplateItem and handle the installation there.
portal = context.getPortalObject()
if '#' in str(self._path):
if '#' in str(self.path):
self.isProperty = True
relative_url, property_id = self._path.split('#')
relative_url, property_id = self.path.split('#')
obj = portal.unrestrictedTraverse(relative_url)
prop = self.value
# First remove the property from the existing path and keep the default
# empty, and update only if the sign is +1
if self._sign == 1:
if self.sign == 1:
obj.setProperty(prop['name'], prop['value'], prop['type'])
path_list = self._path.split('/')
path_list = self.path.split('/')
container_path = path_list[:-1]
object_id = path_list[-1]
......@@ -802,7 +853,7 @@ class BusinessItem(Persistent):
# Create a new object only if sign is +1
# If sign is +1, set the new object on the container
if self._sign == 1:
if self.sign == 1:
# install object
obj = self.value
obj = obj._getCopy(container)
......@@ -867,9 +918,9 @@ class BusinessItem(Persistent):
Add the values from the path when the path is same for 2 objects
if self._path != other._path:
if self.path != other.path:
raise ValueError, "BusinessItem are incommensurable, have different path"
elif self._sign != other._sign:
elif self.sign != other.sign:
raise ValueError, "BusinessItem are incommensurable, have different sign"
self.value = self._mergeValue(value_list=[self.value, other.value])
......@@ -1048,13 +1099,13 @@ class BusinessItem(Persistent):
return obj
def getBusinessPath(self):
return self._path
return self.path
def getBusinessPathSign(self):
return self._sign
return self.sign
def getBusinessPathLayer(self):
return self._layer
return self.layer
def getBusinessPathValue(self):
return self.value
......@@ -1063,7 +1114,7 @@ class BusinessItem(Persistent):
self.value = value
def getBusinessPathSha(self):
return self._sha
return self.sha
def getParentBusinessManager(self):
return self.aq_parent
......@@ -1075,3 +1126,5 @@ class bm(dict):
def _importFile(self, file_name, file, parent):
self[file_name] =
......@@ -1424,10 +1424,8 @@ class TemplateTool (BaseTool):
available_bt5_list = self.getRepositoryBusinessTemplateList()
template_title_list = set(template_title_list)
installed_bt5_title_list = self.getInstalledBusinessTemplateTitleList()
bt5_set = set()
for available_bt5 in available_bt5_list:
if available_bt5.title in template_title_list:
......@@ -1744,24 +1742,24 @@ class TemplateTool (BaseTool):
# Add the removed path with negative sign in the to_install_path_item_list
for path in removed_path_list:
old_item = old_installation_state.getBusinessItemByPath(path)
old_item._sign = -1
old_item.sign = -1
# Update hashes of item in old state before installation
for item in old_installation_state._path_item_list:
print item.value
if item.value:
item._sha = self.calculateComparableHash(item.value)
item.sha = self.calculateComparableHash(item.value)
# Path Item List for installation_process should be the difference between
# old and new installation state
for item in new_installation_state._path_item_list:
# If the path has been removed, then add it with sign = -1
old_item = old_installation_state.getBusinessItemByPath(item._path)
old_item = old_installation_state.getBusinessItemByPath(item.path)
if old_item:
# If the old_item exists, we match the hashes and if it differs, then
# add the new item
if old_item._sha != item._sha:
if old_item.sha != item.sha:
......@@ -1846,13 +1844,13 @@ class TemplateTool (BaseTool):
if old_item:
# Compare hash with ZODB
if old_item._sha == obj_sha:
if old_item.sha == obj_sha:
# No change at ZODB on old item, so get the new item
new_item = installation_process.getBusinessItemByPath(path)
# Compare new item hash with ZODB
if new_item._sha == obj_sha:
if new_item._sign == -1:
if new_item.sha == obj_sha:
if new_item.sign == -1:
# If the sign is negative, remove the value from the path
......@@ -1868,7 +1866,7 @@ class TemplateTool (BaseTool):
new_item = installation_process.getBusinessItemByPath(path)
# Compare new item hash with ZODB
if new_item._sha == obj_sha:
if new_item.sha == obj_sha:
# If same hash, do nothing
......@@ -1881,7 +1879,7 @@ class TemplateTool (BaseTool):
# Compare with the new_item
new_item = installation_process.getBusinessItemByPath(path)
if new_item._sha == obj_sha:
if new_item.sha == obj_sha:
# If same hash, do nothing
......@@ -1900,7 +1898,7 @@ class TemplateTool (BaseTool):
new_item = installation_process.getBusinessItemByPath(path)
# Check sign of new_item
if new_item._sign == 1:
if new_item.sign == 1:
error_list.append('Object at %s removed by user' % path)
......@@ -1920,6 +1918,19 @@ class TemplateTool (BaseTool):
return error_list
def migrateBTToBM(self, template_path, REQUEST=None, **kw):
Migrate Business Template to Business Manager object.
* Download from path
* Build the template
* Create zexp file from the built object
* Save the zexp in the path
template_downloaded =
if template_downloaded.getPortalType() == 'Business Manager':
LOG(template_downloaded.getTitle(), 0, 'Already migrated')
def createNewInstallationState(self, bm_list, old_installation_state):
......@@ -1936,9 +1947,9 @@ class TemplateTool (BaseTool):
for bm in new_bm_list:
for item in bm._path_item_list:
for item in bm.path_item_list:
installed_bm_list = [l for l
in self.getInstalledBusinessManagerList()
......@@ -1962,7 +1973,7 @@ class TemplateTool (BaseTool):
removable_path_list = []
for item in old_installation_state._path_item_list:
if item._path in path_list and item._sha in sha_list:
if item.path in path_list and item.sha in sha_list:
# If there is Business Item which have no change on updation, then
# no need to reinstall it, cause in that case we prefer the changes
# at ZODB
......@@ -1970,12 +1981,12 @@ class TemplateTool (BaseTool):
# XXX: BAD DESIGN: Should compare both path as well as hash and keep
# them together in a dictionary,using them separately can lead to
# conflict in case two paths have same hash.
# If there is update of path item, change the sign of the last
# version of that Business Item and add it to final_path_item_list
item._sign = -1
item.sign = -1
......@@ -1988,9 +1999,9 @@ class TemplateTool (BaseTool):
final_path_item_list = [item for item
in final_path_item_list
if item._sha not in removable_sha_list]
if item.sha not in removable_sha_list]
final_path_item_list.sort(key=lambda x: x._sign)
final_path_item_list.sort(key=lambda x: x.sign)
# Remove the old installation state
......@@ -2031,12 +2042,12 @@ class TemplateTool (BaseTool):
# XXX: BAD DESIGN: Should compare both path as well as hash, just path
# can lead to conflict in case two paths have same sha.
built_item_dict = {
item._path: item._sha for item
item.path: item.sha for item
in buildBM._path_item_list
old_item_dict = {
item._path: item._sha for item
item.path: item.sha for item
in old_installation_state._path_item_list
......@@ -2044,22 +2055,22 @@ class TemplateTool (BaseTool):
# property as there can be case where we have path but not path_item as
# the new state already gets filtered while creation
new_item_dict = {
item._path: item._sha for item
item.path: item.sha for item
in new_installation_state._path_item_list
if item._sign == 1
if item.sign == 1
build_sha_list = built_item_dict.values()
final_item_list = []
for item in new_installation_state._path_item_list:
if item._sign == 1:
if item.sign == 1:
if path in old_item_dict.keys():
if old_item_dict[path] == item._sha:
if old_item_dict[path] == item.sha:
for item in new_installation_state._path_item_list:
if item._sha in build_sha_list and item._sign == 1:
if item.sha in build_sha_list and item.sign == 1:
# No need to install value which we already have
......@@ -2095,7 +2106,7 @@ class TemplateTool (BaseTool):
final_path_item_list = []
for item in installation_state._path_item_list:
if item._sign == 1:
if item.sign == 1:
installation_state._path_item_list = final_path_item_list
......@@ -53,10 +53,11 @@ from Tool import CategoryTool, SimulationTool, RuleTool, IdTool, TemplateTool,\
ConversionTool, RoundingTool, UrlRegistryTool, InterfaceTool,\
CertificateAuthorityTool, InotifyTool, TaskDistributionTool
import ERP5Site
from Document import PythonScript, SQLMethod
from Document import PythonScript, SQLMethod, BusinessManager
object_classes = ( ERP5Site.ERP5Site,
portal_tools = ( CategoryTool.CategoryTool,
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