Commit 8d86fe3a authored by Reinout van Rees's avatar Reinout van Rees

Removed buildout.dumppickedversions from the warning.

I *have* retained buildout.dumppickedversions in the doctest with
the qualification 'only part of it'.

Removing the warning *does* make it less obvious for the people
that use buildout.dumppickedversions in the way I thought it
was used most, but apparently the default behaviour of dumppickedversions
was otherwise.
parent 8c13789c
......@@ -953,14 +953,13 @@ class Buildout(DictMixin):
def _load_extensions(self):
__doing__ = 'Loading extensions.'
specs = self['buildout'].get('extensions', '').split()
for superceded_extension in ['buildout-versions',
if superceded_extension in specs:
msg = ("The extension %s is now included in buildout itself.\n"
if 'buildout-versions' in specs:
raise zc.buildout.UserError(
"The extension 'buildout-versions' is now included in "
"buildout itself.\n"
"Remove the extension from your configuration and "
"look at the `show-picked-versions`\n"
"option in buildout's documentation.")
raise zc.buildout.UserError(msg % superceded_extension)
if specs:
path = [self['buildout']['develop-eggs-directory']]
if self.offline:
......@@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ The versions file contains the extra pin:
>>> 'spam = 2' in open('my_versions.cfg').read()
Because buildout now includes buildout-versions' (and the older
Because buildout now includes buildout-versions' (and part of the older
buildout.dumppickedversions') functionality, it warns if these extensions are
......@@ -425,6 +425,6 @@ configured.
Loading extensions.
Error: The extension buildout-versions is now included in buildout itself.
Error: The extension 'buildout-versions' is now included in buildout itself.
Remove the extension from your configuration and look at the `show-picked-versions`
option in buildout's documentation.
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