Luke review : add try/catch and be safer, documentation, follow conventions

parent ed24d550
......@@ -164,23 +164,30 @@ class Script:
return extract_dir
def copytree(self, origin, destination, overwrite=False, ignore_dir_list=[]):
"""Recursively Copy directory. if "overwrite" is set to False, will stop if
destination already exists. ignore_dir_list is an array of directories
you want to exclude.
Example : copytree("/from", "/to", overwrite=True, ignore_dir_list=["a_private_dir"])
def copyTree(self, origin, destination, ignore_dir_list=None):
"""Recursively Copy directory.
ignore_dir_list is a list of relative directories you want to exclude.
Example :
copytree("/from", "/to", ignore_dir_list=["a_private_dir"])
if os.path.exists(destination) and not overwrite:'Destination already exists, aborting.')
return False
# Check existence before beginning. We don't want to cleanup something
# that does not belong to us.
if os.path.exists(destination):
raise shutil.Error('Destination already exists: %s' % destination)"Copying %s to %s" % (origin, destination))
if ignore_dir_list is None:
ignore_dir_list = []
shutil.copytree(origin, destination,
ignore=lambda src,names:ignore_dir_list)
except shutil.Error:
self.logger.error("Error occurred : %s")
return False
except (shutil.Error, OSError) as error:
# Cleanup in case of failure
shutil.rmtree(destination, ignore_errors=True)
except (shutil.Error, OSError), strerror:
self.logger.error("Error occurred when cleaning after error: %s", strerror)
raise error
return True
script = 'raise NotImplementedError'
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