Commit 13674419 authored by Christoffer Ackelman's avatar Christoffer Ackelman

Refactored FlowDraw: Combined similar drawing methods.

Instead of calling ctx->redraw() to redraw the window, call ctx->set_dirty().
The FlowCtx will redraw the window at the end of the event_handler if any event has marked it as dirty.
If you really need to redraw the window NOW (ex. after a timer triggered event),
call ctx->set_dirty followed by ctx->redraw_if_dirty().
parent 91585a52
......@@ -1149,7 +1149,7 @@ int WGre::window_draw()
return GRE__SUCCESS;
......@@ -2718,7 +2718,7 @@ int WGre::display()
flow_attr.display_level = flow_mDisplayLevel_1 | flow_mDisplayLevel_2;
mask = flow_eAttr_display_level;
flow_SetAttributes(flow_ctx, &flow_attr, mask);
return GRE__SUCCESS;
......@@ -2746,7 +2746,7 @@ int WGre::undisplay()
flow_attr.display_level = flow_mDisplayLevel_1;
mask = flow_eAttr_display_level;
flow_SetAttributes(flow_ctx, &flow_attr, mask);
return GRE__SUCCESS;
......@@ -1013,8 +1013,11 @@ static void EndPrint(flow_tCtx ctx, ctx_settings* settings)
ctx->offset_x = settings->offset_x;
ctx->offset_y = settings->offset_y;
ctx->draw(0, 0, ctx->window_width, ctx->window_height);
int nav_backup = ctx->no_nav;
ctx->no_nav = true;
ctx->no_nav = nav_backup;
......@@ -1040,11 +1043,15 @@ static void PrintPage(QPainter* painter, const char* title, flow_tCtx ctx, QImag
ctx->offset_x = ll_x * zoom;
ctx->offset_y = ll_y * zoom;
double document_width = (ur_x - ll_x) * zoom + 2;
double document_height = (ur_y - ll_y) * zoom + 2;
ctx->draw(0, 0, document_width, document_height);
double width_backup = ctx->window_width;
double height_backup = ctx->window_height;
int nav_backup = ctx->no_nav;
ctx->window_width = (ur_x - ll_x) * zoom + 2;
ctx->window_height = (ur_y - ll_y) * zoom + 2;
ctx->no_nav = true;
double margin_y = GetPrintHeaderMargin(painter);
......@@ -1052,7 +1059,7 @@ static void PrintPage(QPainter* painter, const char* title, flow_tCtx ctx, QImag
QPen pen = QPen(QColor::fromRgbF(0, 0, 0));
painter->drawLine(0, margin_y, document_width, margin_y);
painter->drawLine(0, margin_y, ctx->window_width, margin_y);
painter->setPen(tmpPen); // Restore pen
......@@ -1063,20 +1070,24 @@ static void PrintPage(QPainter* painter, const char* title, flow_tCtx ctx, QImag
if (page > 0) {
char page_str[40];
sprintf(page_str, "Page %d", page);
painter->drawText(document_width - fm.width(fl(page_str)), margin_y, fl(page_str));
painter->drawText(ctx->window_width - fm.width(fl(page_str)), margin_y, fl(page_str));
painter->drawText(document_width / 2.0 - fm.width(fl(title)) / 2.0, margin_y, fl(title));
painter->drawText(ctx->window_width / 2.0 - fm.width(fl(title)) / 2.0, margin_y, fl(title));
painter->setFont(tmpFont); // Restore font
painter->translate(0, margin_y);
painter->setClipRect(0, 0, document_width, document_height);
painter->setClipRect(0, 0, ctx->window_width, ctx->window_height);
painter->drawImage(0, 0, *image);
ctx->window_width = width_backup;
ctx->window_height = height_backup;
ctx->no_nav = nav_backup;
#include <assert.h>
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -42,14 +42,21 @@
#include <gtk/gtk.h>
#include "flow_draw.h"
class DrawWind {
GdkWindow* window = NULL;
GdkPixmap* buffer = NULL;
class FlowDrawGtk : public FlowDraw {
GtkWidget* toplevel;
GtkWidget* nav_shell;
GtkWidget* nav_toplevel;
GdkDisplay* display;
GdkWindow* window;
GdkWindow* nav_window;
DrawWind m_wind;
DrawWind nav_wind;
DrawWind* w = NULL;
GdkScreen* screen;
GdkGC* gc;
GdkGC* gc_erase;
......@@ -73,122 +80,50 @@ public:
int (*init_proc)(GtkWidget* w, FlowCtx* ctx, void* client_data),
void* client_data, flow_eCtxType type);
int init_nav(GtkWidget* nav_widget, void* flow_ctx);
int event_handler(FlowCtx* ctx, GdkEvent event);
void init_nav(GtkWidget* nav_widget, void* flow_ctx);
void event_handler(FlowCtx* ctx, GdkEvent event);
void enable_event(FlowCtx* ctx, flow_eEvent event, flow_eEventType event_type,
int (*event_cb)(FlowCtx* ctx, flow_tEvent event));
void clear(FlowCtx* ctx);
void nav_clear(FlowCtx* ctx);
void create_buffer(DrawWind *wind);
void clear();
void get_window_size(DrawWind *wind, int* width, int* height);
void set_window_size(DrawWind *wind, int width, int height);
void get_window_size(FlowCtx* ctx, int* width, int* height);
void get_nav_window_size(FlowCtx* ctx, int* width, int* height);
void set_nav_window_size(FlowCtx* ctx, int width, int height);
int begin(DrawWind *wind);
void end();
int rect(FlowCtx* ctx, int x, int y, int width, int height,
flow_eDrawType gc_type, int idx, int highlight, int dimmed);
int rect_erase(FlowCtx* ctx, int x, int y, int width, int height, int idx);
int nav_rect(FlowCtx* ctx, int x, int y, int width, int height,
flow_eDrawType gc_type, int idx, int highlight);
int nav_rect_erase(
FlowCtx* ctx, int x, int y, int width, int height, int idx);
int triangle(FlowCtx* ctx, int x, int y, int width, int height,
flow_eDrawType gc_type, int idx, int highlight, int dimmed);
int triangle_erase(
FlowCtx* ctx, int x, int y, int width, int height, int idx);
int nav_triangle(FlowCtx* ctx, int x, int y, int width, int height,
flow_eDrawType gc_type, int idx, int highlight);
int nav_fill_triangle(FlowCtx* ctx, int x, int y, int width, int height,
flow_eDrawType gc_type);
int nav_triangle_erase(
FlowCtx* ctx, int x, int y, int width, int height, int idx);
int arrow(FlowCtx* ctx, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3,
flow_eDrawType gc_type, int idx, int highlight);
int arrow_erase(
FlowCtx* ctx, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3, int idx);
int nav_arrow(FlowCtx* ctx, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3,
flow_eDrawType gc_type, int idx, int highlight);
int nav_arrow_erase(
FlowCtx* ctx, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3, int idx);
int arc(FlowCtx* ctx, int x, int y, int width, int height, int angle1,
int angle2, flow_eDrawType gc_type, int idx, int highlight, int dimmed);
int arc_erase(FlowCtx* ctx, int x, int y, int width, int height, int angle1,
int angle2, int idx);
int nav_arc(FlowCtx* ctx, int x, int y, int width, int height, int angle1,
int angle2, flow_eDrawType gc_type, int idx, int highlight);
int nav_arc_erase(FlowCtx* ctx, int x, int y, int width, int height,
int angle1, int angle2, int idx);
int line(FlowCtx* ctx, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, flow_eDrawType gc_type,
int idx, int highlight, int dimmed);
int line_erase(FlowCtx* ctx, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int idx);
int nav_line(FlowCtx* ctx, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,
flow_eDrawType gc_type, int idx, int highlight);
int nav_line_erase(FlowCtx* ctx, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int idx);
int text(FlowCtx* ctx, int x, int y, char* text, int len,
flow_eDrawType gc_type, int idx, int highlight, int dimmed, int line,
double size);
int text_inverse(FlowCtx* ctx, int x, int y, char* text, int len,
flow_eDrawType gc_type, int idx, int line, double size);
int text_erase(FlowCtx* ctx, int x, int y, char* text, int len,
flow_eDrawType gc_type, int idx, int line, double size);
int nav_text(FlowCtx* ctx, int x, int y, char* text, int len,
flow_eDrawType gc_type, int idx, int highlight, int line, double size);
int nav_text_erase(FlowCtx* ctx, int x, int y, char* text, int len,
flow_eDrawType gc_type, int idx, int line, double size);
int fill_rect(FlowCtx* ctx, int x, int y, int width, int height,
flow_eDrawType gc_type);
int fill_triangle(FlowCtx* ctx, int x, int y, int width, int height,
flow_eDrawType gc_type);
int image(FlowCtx* ctx, int x, int y, int width, int height,
flow_tImImage image, flow_tPixmap pixmap, flow_tPixmap clip_mask);
int pixmaps_create(
FlowCtx* ctx, flow_sPixmapData* pixmap_data, void** pixmaps);
void pixmaps_delete(FlowCtx* ctx, void* pixmaps);
int pixmap(FlowCtx* ctx, int x, int y, flow_sPixmapData* pixmap_data,
void* pixmaps, flow_eDrawType gc_type, int idx, int highlight, int line);
int pixmap_inverse(FlowCtx* ctx, int x, int y, flow_sPixmapData* pixmap_data,
void* pixmaps, flow_eDrawType gc_type, int idx, int line);
int pixmap_erase(FlowCtx* ctx, int x, int y, flow_sPixmapData* pixmap_data,
void* pixmaps, flow_eDrawType gc_type, int idx, int line);
int nav_pixmap(FlowCtx* ctx, int x, int y, flow_sPixmapData* pixmap_data,
void* pixmaps, flow_eDrawType gc_type, int idx, int highlight, int line);
int nav_pixmap_erase(FlowCtx* ctx, int x, int y,
flow_sPixmapData* pixmap_data, void* pixmaps, flow_eDrawType gc_type,
int idx, int line);
void rect(int x, int y, int width, int height, flow_eDrawType gc_type,
int fill, int idx, int highlight = 0, int dimmed = 0);
void triangle(int x, int y, int width, int height, flow_eDrawType gc_type,
int fill, int idx, int highlight = 0, int dimmed = 0);
void arrow(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3,
flow_eDrawType gc_type, int idx, int highlight = 0);
void arc(int x, int y, int width, int height, int angle1, int angle2,
flow_eDrawType gc_type, int idx, int highlight = 0, int dimmed = 0);
void line(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, flow_eDrawType gc_type, int idx,
int highlight = 0, int dimmed = 0);
void text(int x, int y, char* text, int len, flow_eDrawType gc_type, int idx,
double size, int highlight = 0, int dimmed = 0);
void image(int x, int y, int width, int height, flow_tImImage image,
flow_tPixmap pixmap, flow_tPixmap clip_mask);
void pixmaps_create(flow_sPixmapData* pixmap_data, void** pixmaps);
void pixmaps_delete(void* pixmaps);
void pixmap(int x, int y, flow_sPixmapData* pixmap_data, void* pixmaps,
flow_eDrawType gc_type, int idx);
void set_timer(FlowCtx* ctx, int time_ms, void (*callback_func)(FlowCtx* ctx),
void** id);
void cancel_timer(FlowCtx* ctx, void* id);
void set_cursor(FlowCtx* ctx, draw_eCursor cursor);
void set_nav_cursor(FlowCtx* ctx, draw_eCursor cursor);
int get_text_extent(FlowCtx* ctx, const char* text, int len,
flow_eDrawType gc_type, int idx, int* width, int* height, double size);
int create_input(FlowCtx* ctx, int x, int y, char* text, int len, int idx,
int width, int height, void* node, int number, void** data)
return 1;
int close_input(FlowCtx* ctx, void* data)
return 1;
int get_input(FlowCtx* ctx, void* data, char** text)
return 1;
void move_input(
FlowCtx* ctx, void* data, int x, int y, flow_ePosition pos_type)
void cancel_timer(void* id);
void set_cursor(DrawWind *wind, draw_eCursor cursor);
void get_text_extent(const char* text, int len, flow_eDrawType gc_type,
int idx, int* width, int* height, double size);
void delete_secondary_ctx(FlowCtx* ctx);
int create_secondary_ctx(FlowCtx* flow_ctx, void** secondary_flow_ctx,
void create_secondary_ctx(FlowCtx* flow_ctx, void** secondary_flow_ctx,
int (*init_proc)(FlowCtx*, void*), void* client_data, flow_eCtxType type);
int change_ctx(FlowCtx* from_ctx, FlowCtx* to_ctx);
void set_inputfocus(FlowCtx* ctx);
void set_click_sensitivity(FlowCtx* ctx, int value);
void set_image_clip_mask(FlowCtx* ctx, flow_tPixmap pixmap, int x, int y);
void reset_image_clip_mask(FlowCtx* ctx);
void set_white_background(FlowCtx* ctx);
int get_font_idx(int gc_type);
void change_ctx(FlowCtx* from_ctx, FlowCtx* to_ctx);
void set_click_sensitivity(int value);
void set_white_background();
int image_get_width(flow_tImImage image);
int image_get_height(flow_tImImage image);
void image_scale(float scale, flow_tImImage orig_im, flow_tImImage* im,
......@@ -197,15 +132,6 @@ public:
flow_tImImage* orig_im, flow_tImImage* im, flow_tPixmap* im_pixmap,
flow_tPixmap* im_mask, flow_tPixmap* im_nav_pixmap,
flow_tPixmap* im_nav_mask);
int text_pango(FlowCtx* ctx, int x, int y, char* text, int len,
flow_eDrawType gc_type, int idx, int highlight, int dimmed, int line,
double size);
int text_inverse_pango(FlowCtx* ctx, int x, int y, char* text, int len,
flow_eDrawType gc_type, int idx, int line, double size);
int text_erase_pango(FlowCtx* ctx, int x, int y, char* text, int len,
flow_eDrawType gc_type, int idx, int line, double size);
int get_text_extent_pango(FlowCtx* ctx, const char* text, int len,
flow_eDrawType gc_type, int idx, double size, int* width, int* height);
FlowPrintDraw* print_draw_new(void* context, const char* title, int page,
void* flow_ctx, int page_border, int* sts);
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ void QtScrollWidgetFlow::handleEvent(QEvent* event)
FlowCtx* ctx = (FlowCtx*)parent_ctx;
FlowDrawQt* drawer = ((FlowDrawQt*)ctx->fdraw);
if (event->type() == QEvent::MouseMove) {
drawer->event_handler((FlowCtx*)parent_ctx, event, this);
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -52,7 +52,6 @@ public:
void zoom();
void nav_zoom();
void print_zoom();
void traverse(int x, int y);
void conpoint_select(void* pos, int x, int y, double* distance, void** cp){}
int event_handler(void* pos, flow_eEvent event, int x, int y, void* node);
void print(void* pos, void* node, int highlight);
......@@ -72,11 +72,6 @@ void FlowAnnotPixmap::print_zoom()
void FlowAnnotPixmap::traverse(int x, int y)
p.traverse(x, y);
void FlowAnnotPixmap::print(void* pos, void* node, int highlight)
if (!((FlowNode*)node)->annotpixmapv[number])
......@@ -127,10 +122,10 @@ void FlowAnnotPixmap::draw(
((FlowNode*)node)->rel_annotpixmap_x[number] * ctx->zoom_factor));
} else
x = p.z_x + ((FlowPoint*)pos)->z_x - ctx->offset_x;
ctx->fdraw->pixmap(ctx, x, p.z_y + ((FlowPoint*)pos)->z_y - ctx->offset_y,
ctx->fdraw->pixmap(x, p.z_y + ((FlowPoint*)pos)->z_y - ctx->offset_y,
((FlowNode*)node)->annotpixmapv[number]->pixmaps, draw_type, idx,
highlight, 0);
flow_eDrawType_LineErase, idx);
void FlowAnnotPixmap::draw_inverse(void* pos, int hot, void* node)
......@@ -150,11 +145,10 @@ void FlowAnnotPixmap::draw_inverse(void* pos, int hot, void* node)
((FlowNode*)node)->rel_annotpixmap_x[number] * ctx->zoom_factor));
} else
x = p.z_x + ((FlowPoint*)pos)->z_x - ctx->offset_x;
ctx->fdraw->pixmap_inverse(ctx, x,
p.z_y + ((FlowPoint*)pos)->z_y - ctx->offset_y,
ctx->fdraw->pixmap(x, p.z_y + ((FlowPoint*)pos)->z_y - ctx->offset_y,
((FlowNode*)node)->annotpixmapv[number]->pixmaps, ctx->inverse_color, idx,
((FlowNode*)node)->annotpixmapv[number]->pixmaps, ctx->inverse_color,
void FlowAnnotPixmap::erase(void* pos, int hot, void* node)
......@@ -174,10 +168,10 @@ void FlowAnnotPixmap::erase(void* pos, int hot, void* node)
((FlowNode*)node)->rel_annotpixmap_x[number] * ctx->zoom_factor));
} else
x = p.z_x + ((FlowPoint*)pos)->z_x - ctx->offset_x;
ctx->fdraw->pixmap_erase(ctx, x,
p.z_y + ((FlowPoint*)pos)->z_y - ctx->offset_y,
((FlowNode*)node)->annotpixmapv[number]->pixmaps, draw_type, idx, 0);
flow_sPixmapData* pixmap_data = &((FlowNode*)node)->annotpixmapv[number]->pixmap_data;
flow_sPixmapDataElem* pdata = (flow_sPixmapDataElem*)pixmap_data + idx;
ctx->fdraw->rect(x, p.z_y + ((FlowPoint*)pos)->z_y - ctx->offset_y,
pdata->width, pdata->height, flow_eDrawType_LineErase, 1, 0);
void FlowAnnotPixmap::nav_draw(void* pos, int highlight, void* node)
......@@ -189,12 +183,10 @@ void FlowAnnotPixmap::nav_draw(void* pos, int highlight, void* node)
if (idx < 0)
idx = MIN(idx, DRAW_TYPE_SIZE - 1);
p.nav_z_x + ((FlowPoint*)pos)->nav_z_x - ctx->nav_offset_x,
ctx->fdraw->pixmap(p.nav_z_x + ((FlowPoint*)pos)->nav_z_x - ctx->nav_offset_x,
p.nav_z_y + ((FlowPoint*)pos)->nav_z_y - ctx->nav_offset_y,
((FlowNode*)node)->annotpixmapv[number]->pixmaps, draw_type, idx,
highlight, 0);
((FlowNode*)node)->annotpixmapv[number]->pixmaps, draw_type, idx);
void FlowAnnotPixmap::nav_erase(void* pos, void* node)
......@@ -206,11 +198,11 @@ void FlowAnnotPixmap::nav_erase(void* pos, void* node)
if (idx < 0)
idx = MIN(idx, DRAW_TYPE_SIZE - 1);
p.nav_z_x + ((FlowPoint*)pos)->nav_z_x - ctx->nav_offset_x,
flow_sPixmapData* pixmap_data = &((FlowNode*)node)->annotpixmapv[number]->pixmap_data;
flow_sPixmapDataElem* pdata = (flow_sPixmapDataElem*)pixmap_data + idx;
ctx->fdraw->rect(p.nav_z_x + ((FlowPoint*)pos)->nav_z_x - ctx->nav_offset_x,
p.nav_z_y + ((FlowPoint*)pos)->nav_z_y - ctx->nav_offset_y,
((FlowNode*)node)->annotpixmapv[number]->pixmaps, draw_type, idx, 0);
pdata->width, pdata->height, flow_eDrawType_LineErase, 1, 0);
int FlowAnnotPixmap::event_handler(
......@@ -245,28 +237,21 @@ void FlowAnnotPixmap::get_borders(double pos_x, double pos_y, double* x_right,
void FlowAnnotPixmap::move(
void* pos, double x, double y, int highlight, int dimmed, int hot)
erase(pos, hot, NULL);
nav_erase(pos, NULL);
p.x = x;
p.y = y;
draw(pos, highlight, dimmed, hot, NULL);
nav_draw(pos, highlight, NULL);
void FlowAnnotPixmap::shift(void* pos, double delta_x, double delta_y,
int highlight, int dimmed, int hot)
erase(pos, hot, NULL);
nav_erase(pos, NULL);
p.x += delta_x;
p.y += delta_y;
draw(pos, highlight, dimmed, hot, NULL);
nav_draw(pos, highlight, NULL);
void FlowAnnotPixmap::configure_annotations(void* pos, void* node)
......@@ -298,11 +283,11 @@ void flow_annot_pixmap_create(
*pixmap = (flow_sAnnotPixmap*)calloc(1, sizeof(flow_sAnnotPixmap));
memcpy(&(*pixmap)->pixmap_data, pixmap_data, sizeof(flow_sPixmapData));
ctx->fdraw->pixmaps_create(ctx, pixmap_data, &(*pixmap)->pixmaps);
ctx->fdraw->pixmaps_create(pixmap_data, &(*pixmap)->pixmaps);
void flow_annot_pixmap_free(FlowCtx* ctx, flow_sAnnotPixmap* pixmap)
ctx->fdraw->pixmaps_delete(ctx, pixmap->pixmaps);
......@@ -50,7 +50,6 @@ public:
void zoom();
void nav_zoom();
void print_zoom();
void traverse(int x, int y);
int event_handler(void* pos, flow_eEvent event, int x, int y, void* node);
void conpoint_select(void* pos, int x, int y, double* distance, void** cp){}
void print(void* pos, void* node, int highlight);
......@@ -759,11 +759,6 @@ void flow_ResetNodraw(flow_tCtx ctx)
void flow_Redraw(flow_tCtx ctx)
int flow_FindByName(flow_tCtx ctx, char* name, flow_tObject* object)
return ctx->find_by_name(name, (FlowArrayElem**)object);
......@@ -787,7 +782,7 @@ int flow_GetConPoint(
void flow_SetClickSensitivity(flow_tCtx ctx, int value)
ctx->fdraw->set_click_sensitivity(ctx, value);
void flow_SetNoConObstacle(flow_tNodeClass nc, int no_obstacle)
......@@ -261,7 +261,6 @@ void flow_GetObjectName(flow_tObject object, char* name);
void flow_Reconfigure(flow_tCtx ctx);
void flow_SetNodraw(flow_tCtx ctx);
void flow_ResetNodraw(flow_tCtx ctx);
void flow_Redraw(flow_tCtx ctx);
int flow_FindByName(flow_tCtx ctx, char* name, flow_tObject* object);
int flow_FindByNameNoCase(flow_tCtx ctx, char* name, flow_tObject* object);
FlowTraceAttr flow_GetConPointTraceAttr(flow_tObject object, int num);
......@@ -56,12 +56,6 @@ void FlowArc::print_zoom()
void FlowArc::traverse(int x, int y)
ll.traverse(x, y);
ur.traverse(x, y);
void FlowArc::print(void* pos, void* node, int highlight)
double idx = ctx->print_zoom_factor / ctx->base_zoom_factor * line_width;
......@@ -135,7 +129,7 @@ void FlowArc::draw(void* pos, int highlight, int dimmed, int hot, void* node)
idx += hot;
idx = MAX(0, idx);
idx = MIN(idx, DRAW_TYPE_SIZE - 1);
ctx->fdraw->arc(ctx, ll.z_x + ((FlowPoint*)pos)->z_x - ctx->offset_x,
ctx->fdraw->arc(ll.z_x + ((FlowPoint*)pos)->z_x - ctx->offset_x,
ll.z_y + ((FlowPoint*)pos)->z_y - ctx->offset_y, ur.z_x - ll.z_x,
ur.z_y - ll.z_y, angle1, angle2, draw_type, idx, highlight, dimmed);
......@@ -146,9 +140,9 @@ void FlowArc::erase(void* pos, int hot, void* node)
idx += hot;
idx = MAX(0, idx);
idx = MIN(idx, DRAW_TYPE_SIZE - 1);
ctx->fdraw->arc_erase(ctx, ll.z_x + ((FlowPoint*)pos)->z_x - ctx->offset_x,
ctx->fdraw->arc(ll.z_x + ((FlowPoint*)pos)->z_x - ctx->offset_x,
ll.z_y + ((FlowPoint*)pos)->z_y - ctx->offset_y, ur.z_x - ll.z_x,
ur.z_y - ll.z_y, angle1, angle2, idx);
ur.z_y - ll.z_y, angle1, angle2, flow_eDrawType_LineErase, idx);
void FlowArc::nav_draw(void* pos, int highlight, void* node)
......@@ -156,8 +150,7 @@ void FlowArc::nav_draw(void* pos, int highlight, void* node)
int idx = int(ctx->nav_zoom_factor / ctx->base_zoom_factor * line_width - 1);
idx = MAX(0, idx);
idx = MIN(idx, DRAW_TYPE_SIZE - 1);
ll.nav_z_x + ((FlowPoint*)pos)->nav_z_x - ctx->nav_offset_x,
ctx->fdraw->arc(ll.nav_z_x + ((FlowPoint*)pos)->nav_z_x - ctx->nav_offset_x,
ll.nav_z_y + ((FlowPoint*)pos)->nav_z_y - ctx->nav_offset_y,
ur.nav_z_x - ll.nav_z_x, ur.nav_z_y - ll.nav_z_y, angle1, angle2,
draw_type, idx, highlight);
......@@ -168,10 +161,10 @@ void FlowArc::nav_erase(void* pos, void* node)
int idx = int(ctx->nav_zoom_factor / ctx->base_zoom_factor * line_width - 1);
idx = MAX(0, idx);
idx = MIN(idx, DRAW_TYPE_SIZE - 1);
ll.nav_z_x + ((FlowPoint*)pos)->nav_z_x - ctx->nav_offset_x,
ctx->fdraw->arc(ll.nav_z_x + ((FlowPoint*)pos)->nav_z_x - ctx->nav_offset_x,
ll.nav_z_y + ((FlowPoint*)pos)->nav_z_y - ctx->nav_offset_y,
ur.nav_z_x - ll.nav_z_x, ur.nav_z_y - ll.nav_z_y, angle1, angle2, idx);
ur.nav_z_x - ll.nav_z_x, ur.nav_z_y - ll.nav_z_y, angle1, angle2,
flow_eDrawType_LineErase, idx);
int FlowArc::event_handler(
......@@ -205,8 +198,6 @@ void FlowArc::get_borders(double pos_x, double pos_y, double* x_right,
void FlowArc::move(void* pos, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2,
int ang1, int ang2, int highlight, int dimmed, int hot)
erase(pos, hot, NULL);
nav_erase(pos, NULL);
ll.x = x1;
ll.y = y1;
ur.x = x2;
......@@ -215,24 +206,19 @@ void FlowArc::move(void* pos, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2,
angle2 = ang2;
draw(pos, highlight, dimmed, hot, NULL);
nav_draw(pos, highlight, NULL);
void FlowArc::shift(void* pos, double delta_x, double delta_y, int highlight,
int dimmed, int hot)
erase(pos, hot, NULL);
nav_erase(pos, NULL);
ll.x += delta_x;
ll.y += delta_y;
ur.x += delta_x;
ur.y += delta_y;
draw(pos, highlight, dimmed, hot, NULL);
nav_draw(pos, highlight, NULL);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const FlowArc a)
......@@ -51,7 +51,6 @@ public:
void zoom();
void nav_zoom();
void print_zoom();
void traverse(int x, int y);
int event_handler(void* pos, flow_eEvent event, int x, int y, void* node);
void conpoint_select(void* pos, int x, int y, double* distance, void** cp){}
void print(void* pos, void* node, int highlight);
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -72,7 +72,6 @@ public:
void draw_inverse(void* pos, int hot, void* node);
void nav_draw(void* pos, int highlight, void* node);
void nav_erase(void* pos, void* node);
void traverse(int x, int y);
void get_borders(
double* x_right, double* x_left, double* y_high, double* y_low);
void get_borders();
......@@ -92,7 +91,6 @@ public:
void move(int delta_x, int delta_y, int grid);
void move_noerase(int delta_x, int delta_y, int grid);
void conpoint_refcon_redraw(void* node, int conpoint);
void conpoint_refcon_erase(void* node, int conpoint);
void set_inverse(int on);
void configure();
int brow_insert(
......@@ -48,10 +48,6 @@ void FlowArrayElem::print_zoom()
void FlowArrayElem::traverse(int x, int y)
void FlowArrayElem::get_borders(
double* x_right, double* x_left, double* y_high, double* y_low)
......@@ -224,14 +220,6 @@ int FlowArrayElem::in_horiz_line(double y, double l_x, double u_x)
return 0;
void FlowArrayElem::conpoint_refcon_redraw(void* node, int conpoint)
void FlowArrayElem::conpoint_refcon_erase(void* node, int conpoint)
void FlowArrayElem::remove_notify()
......@@ -54,7 +54,6 @@ public:
virtual void zoom();
virtual void nav_zoom();
virtual void print_zoom();
virtual void traverse(int x, int y);
virtual void get_borders(
double* x_right, double* x_left, double* y_high, double* y_low);
virtual void get_borders(double pos_x, double pos_y, double* x_right,
......@@ -99,8 +98,7 @@ public:
virtual int in_area_exact(double ll_x, double ll_y, double ur_x, double ur_y);
virtual int in_vert_line(double x, double l_y, double u_y);
virtual int in_horiz_line(double y, double l_x, double u_x);
virtual void conpoint_refcon_redraw(void* node, int conpoint);
virtual void conpoint_refcon_erase(void* node, int conpoint);
virtual void conpoint_refcon_redraw(void* node, int conpoint) {}
virtual void remove_notify();
virtual void set_user_data(void* data);
virtual void get_user_data(void** data);
......@@ -104,13 +104,6 @@ void FlowArrow::print_zoom()
void FlowArrow::traverse(int x, int y)
p_dest.traverse(x, y);
p1.traverse(x, y);
p2.traverse(x, y);
void FlowArrow::print(void* pos, void* node, int highlight)
double idx = ctx->print_zoom_factor / ctx->base_zoom_factor * line_width;
......@@ -192,7 +185,7 @@ void FlowArrow::draw(void* pos, int highlight, int dimmed, int hot, void* node)
idx += hot;
idx = MAX(0, idx);
idx = MIN(idx, DRAW_TYPE_SIZE - 1);
ctx->fdraw->arrow(ctx, p_dest.z_x + ((FlowPoint*)pos)->z_x - ctx->offset_x,
ctx->fdraw->arrow(p_dest.z_x + ((FlowPoint*)pos)->z_x - ctx->offset_x,
p_dest.z_y + ((FlowPoint*)pos)->z_y - ctx->offset_y,
p1.z_x + ((FlowPoint*)pos)->z_x - ctx->offset_x,
p1.z_y + ((FlowPoint*)pos)->z_y - ctx->offset_y,
......@@ -207,13 +200,13 @@ void FlowArrow::erase(void* pos, int hot, void* node)
idx += hot;
idx = MAX(0, idx);
idx = MIN(idx, DRAW_TYPE_SIZE - 1);
p_dest.z_x + ((FlowPoint*)pos)->z_x - ctx->offset_x,
ctx->fdraw->arrow(p_dest.z_x + ((FlowPoint*)pos)->z_x - ctx->offset_x,
p_dest.z_y + ((FlowPoint*)pos)->z_y - ctx->offset_y,
p1.z_x + ((FlowPoint*)pos)->z_x - ctx->offset_x,
p1.z_y + ((FlowPoint*)pos)->z_y - ctx->offset_y,
p2.z_x + ((FlowPoint*)pos)->z_x - ctx->offset_x,
p2.z_y + ((FlowPoint*)pos)->z_y - ctx->offset_y, idx);
p2.z_y + ((FlowPoint*)pos)->z_y - ctx->offset_y,
flow_eDrawType_LineErase, idx);
void FlowArrow::nav_draw(void* pos, int highlight, void* node)
......@@ -221,7 +214,7 @@ void FlowArrow::nav_draw(void* pos, int highlight, void* node)
int idx = int(ctx->nav_zoom_factor / ctx->base_zoom_factor * line_width - 1);
idx = MAX(0, idx);
idx = MIN(idx, DRAW_TYPE_SIZE - 1);
p_dest.nav_z_x + ((FlowPoint*)pos)->nav_z_x - ctx->nav_offset_x,
p_dest.nav_z_y + ((FlowPoint*)pos)->nav_z_y - ctx->nav_offset_y,
p1.nav_z_x + ((FlowPoint*)pos)->nav_z_x - ctx->nav_offset_x,
......@@ -236,21 +229,19 @@ void FlowArrow::nav_erase(void* pos, void* node)
int idx = int(ctx->nav_zoom_factor / ctx->base_zoom_factor * line_width - 1);
idx = MAX(0, idx);
idx = MIN(idx, DRAW_TYPE_SIZE - 1);
p_dest.nav_z_x + ((FlowPoint*)pos)->nav_z_x - ctx->nav_offset_x,
p_dest.nav_z_y + ((FlowPoint*)pos)->nav_z_y - ctx->nav_offset_y,
p1.nav_z_x + ((FlowPoint*)pos)->nav_z_x - ctx->nav_offset_x,
p1.nav_z_y + ((FlowPoint*)pos)->nav_z_y - ctx->nav_offset_y,
p2.nav_z_x + ((FlowPoint*)pos)->nav_z_x - ctx->nav_offset_x,
p2.nav_z_y + ((FlowPoint*)pos)->nav_z_y - ctx->nav_offset_y, idx);
p2.nav_z_y + ((FlowPoint*)pos)->nav_z_y - ctx->nav_offset_y,
flow_eDrawType_LineErase, idx);
void FlowArrow::move(void* pos, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2,
int highlight, int dimmed, int hot)
erase(pos, hot, NULL);
nav_erase(pos, NULL);
if (fabs(x2 - x1) < DBL_EPSILON) {
if (y1 > y2) {
p1.x = x2 + arrow_width / 2;
......@@ -286,15 +277,12 @@ void FlowArrow::move(void* pos, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2,
p_dest.y = y2;
draw(pos, highlight, dimmed, hot, NULL);
nav_draw(pos, highlight, NULL);
void FlowArrow::shift(void* pos, double delta_x, double delta_y, int highlight,
int dimmed, int hot)
erase(pos, hot, NULL);
nav_erase(pos, NULL);
p_dest.x += delta_x;
p_dest.y += delta_y;
p1.x += delta_x;
......@@ -303,9 +291,7 @@ void FlowArrow::shift(void* pos, double delta_x, double delta_y, int highlight,
p2.y += delta_y;
draw(pos, highlight, dimmed, hot, NULL);
nav_draw(pos, highlight, NULL);
int FlowArrow::event_handler(
......@@ -46,7 +46,6 @@ public:
void zoom();
void nav_zoom();
void print_zoom();
void traverse(int x, int y);
int event_handler(void* pos, flow_eEvent event, int x, int y, void* node);
void conpoint_select(void* pos, int x, int y, double* distance, void** cp){}
void print(void* pos, void* node, int highlight);
......@@ -852,11 +852,11 @@ int brow_Page(brow_tCtx ctx, double factor)
return ctx->page(factor);
extern "C" int brow_CreateSecondaryCtx(brow_tCtx ctx, brow_tCtx* secondary_ctx,
extern "C" void brow_CreateSecondaryCtx(brow_tCtx ctx, brow_tCtx* secondary_ctx,
int (*init_proc)(brow_tCtx ctx, void* client_data), void* client_data,
flow_eCtxType type)
return ctx->fdraw->create_secondary_ctx((FlowCtx*)ctx, (void**)secondary_ctx,
ctx->fdraw->create_secondary_ctx((FlowCtx*)ctx, (void**)secondary_ctx,
(int (*)(FlowCtx*, void*))init_proc, client_data, type);
......@@ -865,24 +865,19 @@ void brow_DeleteSecondaryCtx(brow_tCtx ctx)
int brow_ChangeCtx(brow_tCtx from_ctx, brow_tCtx to_ctx)
void brow_ChangeCtx(brow_tCtx from_ctx, brow_tCtx to_ctx)
return from_ctx->fdraw->change_ctx((FlowCtx*)from_ctx, (FlowCtx*)to_ctx);
void brow_SetInputFocus(brow_tCtx ctx)
from_ctx->fdraw->change_ctx((FlowCtx*)from_ctx, (FlowCtx*)to_ctx);
void brow_SetClickSensitivity(brow_tCtx ctx, int value)
ctx->fdraw->set_click_sensitivity((FlowCtx*)ctx, value);
void brow_SetWhiteBackground(brow_tCtx ctx)
void brow_SetFillColor(brow_tNode node, flow_eDrawType color)
......@@ -244,12 +244,11 @@ int brow_IsVisible(brow_tCtx ctx, brow_tObject object, flow_eVisible type);
int brow_GetFirstVisible(brow_tCtx ctx, brow_tObject* object);
int brow_GetLastVisible(brow_tCtx ctx, brow_tObject* object);
int brow_Page(brow_tCtx ctx, double factor);
int brow_CreateSecondaryCtx(brow_tCtx ctx, brow_tCtx* secondary_ctx,
void brow_CreateSecondaryCtx(brow_tCtx ctx, brow_tCtx* secondary_ctx,
int (*init_proc)(brow_tCtx ctx, void* client_data), void* client_data,
flow_eCtxType type);
void brow_DeleteSecondaryCtx(brow_tCtx ctx);
int brow_ChangeCtx(brow_tCtx from_ctx, brow_tCtx to_ctx);
void brow_SetInputFocus(brow_tCtx ctx);
void brow_ChangeCtx(brow_tCtx from_ctx, brow_tCtx to_ctx);
void brow_SetClickSensitivity(brow_tCtx ctx, int value);
void brow_SetWhiteBackground(brow_tCtx ctx);
void brow_SetFillColor(brow_tNode node, flow_eDrawType color);
......@@ -80,12 +80,12 @@ void BrowCtx::configure()
if (nodraw)
fdraw->get_window_size(this, &window_width, &window_height);
fdraw->get_window_size(mw, &window_width, &window_height);
frame_x_right = MAX(x_right, 1.0 * (window_width + offset_x) / zoom_factor);
......@@ -116,14 +116,6 @@ void BrowCtx::change_scrollbar()
void BrowCtx::redraw()
fdraw->get_window_size(this, &window_width, &window_height);
draw(0, 0, window_width, window_height);
void BrowCtx::zoom(double factor)
if (fabs(factor) < DBL_EPSILON)
......@@ -143,11 +135,10 @@ void BrowCtx::zoom(double factor)
if ((y_high - y_low) * zoom_factor <= window_height)
offset_y = 0;
draw(0, 0, window_width, window_height);
a_nc.zoom(); // Zoom inactive nodeclasses
int BrowCtx::print(char* filename)
......@@ -400,7 +391,6 @@ void BrowCtx::zoom_absolute(double factor)
zoom_factor = factor;
draw(0, 0, window_width, window_height);
......@@ -53,7 +53,6 @@ public:
void remove(FlowArrayElem* element);
void configure();
void change_scrollbar();
void redraw();
void zoom(double factor);
void unzoom()
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -73,10 +73,6 @@ public:
void zoom();
void nav_zoom();
void print_zoom();
void traverse(int x, int y)
line_a.traverse(x, y);
void get_borders(
double* x1_right, double* x1_left, double* y1_high, double* y1_low){}
void get_con_borders();
......@@ -101,9 +97,6 @@ public:
double dest_x, double dest_y, flow_eDirection dest_dir);
int con_route_grafcet(flow_eConType con_type, double src_x, double src_y,
double dest_x, double dest_y);
void draw_routed_roundcorner(int points, double* x, double* y);
void draw_routed(int points, double* x, double* y);
void draw_routed_trans(int points, double* x, double* y);
void set_highlight(int on);
int get_highlight()
......@@ -217,7 +210,6 @@ public:
double src_x, double src_y, flow_eDirection src_dir);
void move_ref(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2);
void conpoint_refcon_redraw(void* node, int conpoint);
void conpoint_refcon_erase(void* node, int conpoint);
void remove_notify();
int ideal_line_cnt;
int current_line_cnt;
......@@ -49,7 +49,6 @@ public:
void zoom(){}
void nav_zoom(){}
void print_zoom(){}
void traverse(int x, int y){}
void get_borders(double pos_x, double pos_y, double* x_right, double* x_left,
double* y_high, double* y_low, void* node){}
int event_handler(void* pos, flow_eEvent event, int x, int y, void* node)
......@@ -122,11 +122,6 @@ void FlowConPoint::open(std::ifstream& fp)
void FlowConPoint::traverse(int x, int y)
p.traverse(x, y);
int FlowConPoint::event_handler(
void* pos, flow_eEvent event, int x, int y, void* node)
......@@ -211,8 +206,7 @@ void FlowConPoint::draw(
x = p.z_x + ((FlowPoint*)pos)->z_x - ctx->offset_x - size / 2;
y = p.z_y + ((FlowPoint*)pos)->z_y - ctx->offset_y - size / 2;
ctx, x, y, size, size, 0, 360, flow_eDrawType_LineRed, idx, 0, 0);
ctx->fdraw->arc(x, y, size, size, 0, 360, flow_eDrawType_LineRed, idx, 0, 0);
......@@ -249,7 +243,7 @@ void FlowConPoint::erase(void* pos, int hot, void* node)
x = p.z_x + ((FlowPoint*)pos)->z_x - ctx->offset_x - size / 2;
y = p.z_y + ((FlowPoint*)pos)->z_y - ctx->offset_y - size / 2;
ctx->fdraw->arc_erase(ctx, x, y, size, size, 0, 360, idx);
ctx->fdraw->arc(x, y, size, size, 0, 360, flow_eDrawType_LineErase, idx);
......@@ -47,7 +47,6 @@ public:
void zoom();
void nav_zoom();
void print_zoom();
void traverse(int x, int y);
int event_handler(void* pos, flow_eEvent event, int x, int y, void* node);
void conpoint_select(void* pos, int x, int y, double* distance, void** cp);
void print(void* pos, void* node){}
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This diff is collapsed.
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