Commit 33b793bd authored by claes's avatar claes

*** empty log message ***

parent 39ac621d
......@@ -8,3 +8,4 @@
060331 cs pwrs Modified attribute added to RootVolume, SubVolume and SharedVolume.
060502 cs co Bugfix in time_Dcomp, 0 was not returned for equal times.
060502 cs pwrb New signals for absolute and delta time, and plc objects for time arithmetics added.
060511 cs wbl Possibility to freeze dbs versions, i.e. minor changes can be made without version mismatch.
\ No newline at end of file
* Proview $Id: wb_ldlist.c,v 1.2 2005-09-01 14:57:49 claes Exp $
* Copyright (C) 2005 SSAB Oxelsund AB.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with the program, if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
/* wb_ldlist.c --
Lists load data files. */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <descrip.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <lib$routines.h>
#include "pwr.h"
#include "pwr_class.h"
#include "wb_ldh_msg.h"
#include "rt_load.h"
#include "wb_ldhi.h"
#include "wb_ldh.h"
#include "co_cdh.h"
#include "co_time.h"
FILE *lf;
FILE *lsf;
Function prototypes to local functions.
static pwr_tBoolean ReadHead (load_sHead *Head);
static pwr_tBoolean ListSectBoot (load_sHead *Head);
static pwr_tBoolean ListSectFile (load_sHead *Head);
static pwr_tBoolean ListSectObjBody (load_sHead *Head);
static pwr_tBoolean ListSectObjHead (load_sHead *Head);
static pwr_tBoolean ListSectVolume (load_sHead *Head);
static void ErrorExit(char *string);
static int psts(unsigned long int sts, FILE *logfile, char *string);
static void usage(char *mes) {
printf("PWR_LDLIST-E-%s\n", mes);
printf("Usage: PWR_LDLIST [-ob] loadfile [listfile]\n");
static void help() {
printf("PWR_LDLIST lists a load file, to screen or to a list file.\n");
printf("Usage: PWR_LDLIST [-ob] loadfile [listfile]\n");
printf("Flags are:\n\t-o\tincludes object headers\n");
printf("\t-b\tincludes object bodies\n");
main (
int argc,
char *argv[]
load_sHead Head;
int bflag = 0;
int oflag = 0;
char c;
while (--argc > 0 && (*++argv)[0] == '-') {
while (c = *++argv[0]) {
switch (c) {
case 'o':
case 'b':
usage("Unknown flag");
if ((*argv)[0] == '?') help();
if (argc < 1) usage("No load file given!\n");
lf = fopen(*argv, "rb");
if (lf == NULL) {
if (argc >= 2) {
lsf = fopen(*++argv, "w");
if (lsf == NULL) {
} else {
lsf = stdout;
for(;;) {
if (!ReadHead(&Head)) exit(1);
if (Head.SectType == load_eSect_End)
switch ((int) Head.SectType) {
case load_eSect_Boot:
if (!ListSectBoot(&Head)) exit(1);
case load_eSect_CreObj:
case load_eSect_ChgObj:
case load_eSect_DelObj:
case load_eSect_ObjHead:
if (oflag) {
if (!ListSectObjHead(&Head)) exit(1);
} else {
if (fseek(lf, Head.SectSize, 1) != 0)
case load_eSect_Volume:
if(!ListSectVolume(&Head)) exit(1);
case load_eSect_File:
if (!ListSectFile(&Head)) exit(1);
case load_eSect_ObjBody:
if (bflag) {
if(!ListSectObjBody(&Head)) exit(1);
} else {
if (fseek(lf, Head.SectSize, 1) != 0)
static pwr_tBoolean
ReadHead (
load_sHead *Head
static char *SectType[] = {
"?", "Boot", "CreObj",
"ChgObj", "DelObj",
"End", "File",
"ObjBody", "ObjHead",
"Volume", "VolRef", "?"
memset(Head, 0, sizeof(Head));
fread(Head, sizeof(*Head), 1, lf);
if (feof(lf)) {
Head->SectType = load_eSect_End;
return 1;
if (Head->HeadVersion != load_cVersionHead)
return psts(LDH__BADVER, NULL, "HeadVersion");
fprintf(lsf, "HeadVersion.: %d\n", Head->HeadVersion);
fprintf(lsf, "SectType....: load_eSect_%s\n",
Head->SectType > load_eSect_ ? SectType[load_eSect_] : SectType[Head->SectType]);
fprintf(lsf, "SectVersion.: %d\n", Head->SectVersion);
fprintf(lsf, "SectSize....: %d\n", Head->SectSize);
fprintf(lsf, "\n");
return 1;
static pwr_tBoolean
ListSectBoot (
load_sHead *Head
) {
#if 0
load_sBoot Boot;
int i;
int j;
char timbuf[24];
if (Head->SectVersion != load_cVersionBoot)
return psts(LDH__BADVER, NULL, "Section: Boot");
for (i = 0; i < Head->SectSize; i+= sizeof(Boot)) {
memset(&Boot, 0, sizeof(Boot));
fread(&Boot, sizeof(Boot), 1, lf);
fprintf(lsf, "BootVersion.: %d\n", Boot.BootVersion);
time_AtoAscii(&Boot.BootCreTime, 0, timbuf, sizeof(timbuf));
fprintf(lsf, "BootCreTime.: %s\n", timbuf);
fprintf(lsf, "\n%11s %11s %8s\n", "NodeIndex", "DnoVersion", "NodeName");
for (j = 1; j < 256; j++) {
if (Boot.NodeDb[j].DnoVersion == 0) continue;
fprintf(lsf, "%11d %11d %-8s\n", j, Boot.NodeDb[j].DnoVersion, Boot.NodeDb[j].NodeName);
fprintf(lsf, "\n");
printf("Section Boot not implemented!\n");
return 1;
static pwr_tBoolean
ListSectVolume (
load_sHead *Head
load_sVolume Volume;
char timbuf[24];
int i;
if (Head->SectVersion != load_cVersionVolume)
return psts(LDH__BADVER, NULL, "Section: Volume");
for (i = 0; i < Head->SectSize; i+= sizeof(Volume)) {
memset(&Volume, 0, sizeof(Volume));
fread(&Volume, sizeof(Volume), 1, lf);
time_AtoAscii(&Volume.CreTime, 0, timbuf, sizeof(timbuf));
fprintf(lsf, "Id...............: %s\n", cdh_VolumeIdToString(NULL, Volume.Id, 1, 1));
fprintf(lsf, "Name.............: %s\n", Volume.Name);
fprintf(lsf, "Class............: %s\n", cdh_ClassIdToString(NULL, Volume.Class, 1));
fprintf(lsf, "ClassName........: %s\n", Volume.ClassName);
fprintf(lsf, "Version..........: %d\n", Volume.Version);
fprintf(lsf, "CreTime..........: %s\n", timbuf);
fprintf(lsf, "Cardinality......: %d\n", Volume.Cardinality);
fprintf(lsf, "BodySize.........: %d\n", Volume.BodySize);
fprintf(lsf, "BodySize.........: %d\n", Volume.BodySize);
fprintf(lsf, "Volume object body:\n");
#if 0
fprintf(lsf, " Description....: %d\n", Volume.Volume.Root.Description);
fprintf(lsf, " NextOix........: %d\n", Volume.Volume.Root.NextOix);
fprintf(lsf, " RtVersion......: %d\n", Volume.Volume.Root.RtVersion);
time_AtoAscii(&Volume.Volume.Root.RtCreTime, 0, timbuf, sizeof(timbuf));
fprintf(lsf, " RtCreTime......: %s\n", timbuf);
#if 0
fprintf(lsf, " RtCreator......: %d\n", Volume.Volume.Root.RtCreator);
fprintf(lsf, " RtCardinality..: %d\n", Volume.Volume.Root.RtCardinality);
fprintf(lsf, " RtBodySize.....: %d\n", Volume.Volume.Root.RtBodySize);
switch (Volume.Class) {
case pwr_eClass_RootVolume:
case pwr_eClass_SubVolume:
fprintf(lsf, " OperatingSystem: %d\n", Volume.Volume.Root.Description);
case pwr_eClass_ClassVolume:
fprintf(lsf, "\n");
return 1;
static pwr_tBoolean
ListSectFile (
load_sHead *Head
load_sFile File;
int i;
char timbuf[24];
static char *FileType[] = {"?", "Boot", "Diff", "Volume", "?"};
if (Head->SectVersion != load_cVersionFile)
return psts(LDH__BADVER, NULL, "Section: File");
for (i = 0; i < Head->SectSize; i+= sizeof(File)) {
memset(&File, 0, sizeof(File));
fread(&File, sizeof(File), 1, lf);
fprintf(lsf, "PwrMDVersion.: %d\n", File.PwrVersion);
fprintf(lsf, "FormatVersion: %d\n", File.FormatVersion);
fprintf(lsf, "FileType.....: load_eFile_%s\n",
File.FileType > load_eFile_ ? FileType[load_eFile_] : FileType[File.FileType]);
time_AtoAscii(&File.CreationTime, 0, timbuf, sizeof(timbuf));
fprintf(lsf, "CreationTime.: %s\n", timbuf);
fprintf(lsf, "\n");
return 1;
static pwr_tBoolean
ListSectObjHead (
load_sHead *Head
load_sObjHead ObjHead;
int i;
if (Head->SectVersion != load_cVersionObjHead)
return psts(LDH__BADVER, NULL, "Section: ObjHead");
fprintf(lsf, "%-32s", "ObjectName");
fprintf(lsf, " %9s", "Objid");
fprintf(lsf, " %9s", "Class");
fprintf(lsf, " %9s", "Father");
fprintf(lsf, " %6s", "Size");
fprintf(lsf, " %17s", "Server");
fprintf(lsf, " %9s", "Flags");
fprintf(lsf, " %11s", "HeadGen");
fprintf(lsf, " %11s", "BodyGen");
fprintf(lsf, " %8s", "Change");
fprintf(lsf, "\n");
for (i = 1; i < Head->SectSize; i+= sizeof(ObjHead)) {
memset(&ObjHead, 0, sizeof(ObjHead));
fread(&ObjHead, sizeof(ObjHead), 1, lf);
fprintf(lsf, "%-32s", ObjHead.Name);
fprintf(lsf, " %9X", ObjHead.Objid.oix);
fprintf(lsf, " %9X", ObjHead.Class);
fprintf(lsf, " %9X", ObjHead.Father.oix);
fprintf(lsf, " %6d", ObjHead.Size);
fprintf(lsf, " %8X%9X", ObjHead.Server.vid, ObjHead.Server.oix);
fprintf(lsf, " %9X", ObjHead.Flags);
fprintf(lsf, " %11d", ObjHead.HeadGeneration);
fprintf(lsf, " %11d", ObjHead.BodyGeneration);
fprintf(lsf, " %08.8X", ObjHead.Change);
fprintf(lsf, "\n");
fprintf(lsf, "\n");
return 1;
static pwr_tBoolean
ListSectObjBody (
load_sHead *Head
load_sObjBody ObjBody;
int i;
int j;
char c;
static char Body[ldhi_cSizBody];
static char tab[] = "\
! #$!&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>!\
if (Head->SectVersion != load_cVersionObjBody)
return psts(LDH__BADVER, NULL, "Section: ObjBody");
fprintf(lsf, "%9s %9s %9s Data...\n", "Objid", "Offset", "Size");
for (i = 0; i < Head->SectSize;) {
memset(&ObjBody, 0, sizeof(ObjBody));
fread(&ObjBody, sizeof(ObjBody), 1, lf);
fread(&Body, ObjBody.Size, 1, lf);
i += sizeof(ObjBody) + ObjBody.Size;
#if 0
for (j = 0; j < MIN(ObjBody.Size, 80); j++) {
c = Body[j];
Body[j] = tab[c] == '!' ? '.' : c;
Body[j] = '\0';
fprintf(lsf, "%11X %11d %11d %s\n", ObjBody.Objid, ObjBody.Offset, ObjBody.Size, Body);
fprintf(lsf, "%9X %9d %9d\n", ObjBody.Objid.oix, ObjBody.Offset, ObjBody.Size);
fprintf(lsf, "\n");
return 1;
static void
ErrorExit (
char *string
static int
psts (
unsigned long int sts,
FILE *logfile,
char *string
static int msgsts;
static int msglen;
static char msg[256];
static $DESCRIPTOR(msgdesc, msg);
if (!(sts & 1)) {
msgsts = sts;
lib$sys_getmsg(&msgsts, &msglen, &msgdesc, 0, 0);
if (logfile != NULL)
fprintf(logfile, "%s\n%s\n", string, msg);
printf("%s\n%s\n", string, msg);
return sts & 1;
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