Commit 62e4358f authored by Claes Sjofors's avatar Claes Sjofors

Ge, subgraph for limitswitch added

parent 4c13e289
* Proview $Id: opc_server.cpp,v 1.23 2008-10-31 12:51:29 claes Exp $
* Proview $Id: opc_server.cpp,v 1.23 2008-10-31 12:51:29 claes Exp $
* Copyright (C) 2005 SSAB Oxelsund AB.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with the program, if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#include <map>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <net/if.h>
#include <net/if_arp.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <float.h>
#include "pwr.h"
#include "pwr_version.h"
#include "pwr_baseclasses.h"
#include "pwr_opcclasses.h"
#include "co_cdh.h"
#include "co_time.h"
#include "co_cnv.h"
#include "rt_gdh.h"
#include "opc_utl.h"
#include "opc_soap_H.h"
#include "Service.nsmap"
#include "rt_errh.h"
#include "rt_qcom.h"
#include "rt_ini_event.h"
#include "rt_aproc.h"
#include "rt_pwr_msg.h"
#include "rt_qcom_msg.h"
using namespace std;
typedef struct {
int address;
int access;
} opc_sClientAccess;
class opcsrv_sub {
void *p;
int size;
opc_eDataType opc_type;
pwr_eType pwr_type;
pwr_tSubid subid;
float deadband;
std::string client_handle;
pwr_tInt64 old_value;
class opcsrv_client {
int access;
pwr_tTime m_last_time;
map< std::string, vector<opcsrv_sub> > m_sublist;
bool m_multi_threaded;
typedef map< std::string, vector<opcsrv_sub> >::iterator sublist_iterator;
typedef map< int, opcsrv_client>::iterator client_iterator;
class opc_server {
opc_server() : m_client_access_cnt(0), m_grant_all(true), m_client(0),
qid(qcom_cNQid) {}
map< int, opcsrv_client> m_clientlist;
pwr_tTime m_start_time;
pwr_sClass_Opc_ServerConfig *m_config;
opc_sClientAccess m_client_access[20];
int m_client_access_cnt;
int m_current_access;
bool m_grant_all;
opcsrv_client *m_client;
qcom_sQid qid;
opcsrv_client *find_client( int sid);
opcsrv_client *new_client( int sid);
int fault( struct soap *soap, int code);
int get_access( int sid);
static opc_server *opcsrv;
static void *opcsrv_cyclic( void *arg);
static void *opcsrv_process_request( void *soap);
static int
opcsrv_set_error(struct soap *soap, const char *faultcode, const char *faultsubcode, const char *faultstring, const char *faultdetail, int soaperror)
{ *soap_faultcode(soap) = faultcode;
if (faultsubcode)
*soap_faultsubcode(soap) = faultsubcode;
*soap_faultstring(soap) = faultstring;
if (faultdetail && *faultdetail)
{ register const char **s = soap_faultdetail(soap);
if (s)
*s = faultdetail;
return soap->error = soaperror;
static int
opcsrv_fault(struct soap *soap, const char *faultcode, const char *faultsubcode, const char *faultstring, const char *faultdetail)
{ char *r = NULL, *s = NULL, *t = NULL;
if (faultsubcode)
r = soap_strdup(soap, faultsubcode);
if (faultstring)
s = soap_strdup(soap, faultstring);
if (faultdetail)
t = soap_strdup(soap, faultdetail);
return opcsrv_set_error(soap, faultcode, r, s, t, SOAP_FAULT);
int opc_server::fault( struct soap *soap, int code)
return opcsrv_fault( soap, opc_resultcode_to_string( code), 0, opc_resultcode_to_text( code), 0);
opcsrv_client *opc_server::find_client( int sid)
client_iterator it = opcsrv->m_clientlist.find( sid);
if ( it == opcsrv->m_clientlist.end())
return 0;
else {
time_GetTime( &it->second.m_last_time);
return &it->second;
opcsrv_client *opc_server::new_client( int sid)
opcsrv_client client;
m_clientlist[sid] = client;
m_clientlist[sid].access = get_access( sid);
m_clientlist[sid].m_multi_threaded = false;
time_GetTime( &m_clientlist[sid].m_last_time);
//fprintf( stderr, "New client IP=%d.%d.%d.%d\n",
// (sid>>24)&0xFF,(sid>>16)&0xFF,(sid>>8)&0xFF,sid&0xFF);
return &m_clientlist[sid];
int main()
struct soap soap;
int m,s; // Master and slave sockets
pwr_tStatus sts;
pwr_tOid config_oid;
qcom_sQid qini;
qcom_sQattr qAttr;
qcom_sQid qid = qcom_cNQid;
int restarts = 10;
sts = gdh_Init("opc_server");
if ( EVEN(sts)) {
errh_Init("opc_server", errh_eAnix_opc_server);
errh_SetStatus( PWR__SRVSTARTUP);
if (!qcom_Init(&sts, 0, "opc_server")) {
errh_Fatal("qcom_Init, %m", sts);
errh_SetStatus( PWR__SRVTERM);
qAttr.type = qcom_eQtype_private;
qAttr.quota = 100;
if (!qcom_CreateQ(&sts, &qid, &qAttr, "events")) {
errh_Fatal("qcom_CreateQ, %m", sts);
errh_SetStatus( PWR__SRVTERM);
qini = qcom_cQini;
if (!qcom_Bind(&sts, &qid, &qini)) {
errh_Fatal("qcom_Bind(Qini), %m", sts);
errh_SetStatus( PWR__SRVTERM);
opcsrv = new opc_server();
opcsrv->qid = qid;
// Get OpcServerConfig object
sts = gdh_GetClassList( pwr_cClass_Opc_ServerConfig, &config_oid);
if ( EVEN(sts)) {
// Not configured
errh_SetStatus( 0);
sts = gdh_ObjidToPointer( config_oid, (void **)&opcsrv->m_config);
if ( EVEN(sts)) {
errh_SetStatus( sts);
aproc_RegisterObject( config_oid);
for ( int i = 0;
i < (int)(sizeof(opcsrv->m_config->ClientAccess)/sizeof(opcsrv->m_config->ClientAccess[0]));
i++) {
if ( strcmp( opcsrv->m_config->ClientAccess[i].Address, "") != 0) {
opcsrv->m_client_access[opcsrv->m_client_access_cnt].address =
inet_network( opcsrv->m_config->ClientAccess[i].Address);
if ( opcsrv->m_client_access[opcsrv->m_client_access_cnt].address != -1) {
opcsrv->m_client_access[opcsrv->m_client_access_cnt].access = opcsrv->m_config->ClientAccess[i].Access;
// Create a cyclic tread
pthread_t thread;
sts = pthread_create( &thread, NULL, opcsrv_cyclic, NULL);
time_GetTime( &opcsrv->m_start_time);
errh_SetStatus( PWR__SRUN);
soap_init( &soap);
for ( int k = 0; k < restarts + 1; k++) {
m = soap_bind( &soap, NULL, opcsrv->m_config->Port, 100);
if ( m < 0) {
if ( k == restarts) {
soap_print_fault( &soap, stderr);
printf( "Soap bind failed, retrying...\n");
sleep( 10);
else {
fprintf( stderr, "Socket connection successfull: master socket = %d\n", m);
for ( int i = 1;; i++) {
s = soap_accept( &soap);
if ( s < 0) {
soap_print_fault( &soap, stderr);
//fprintf( stderr, "%d: request from IP=%lu.%lu.%lu.%lu socket=%d\n", i,
// (soap.ip>>24)&0xFF,(soap.ip>>16)&0xFF,(soap.ip>>8)&0xFF,soap.ip&0xFF, s);
opcsrv->m_client = opcsrv->find_client( soap.ip);
if ( !opcsrv->m_client)
opcsrv->m_client = opcsrv->new_client( soap.ip);
if ( !opcsrv->m_client->m_multi_threaded) {
if ( soap_serve( &soap) != SOAP_OK) // Process RPC request
soap_print_fault( &soap, stderr);
soap_destroy( &soap); // Clean up class instances
soap_end( &soap); // Clean up everything and close socket
else {
// Create a thread for every request
struct soap *tsoap;
pthread_t tid;
tsoap = soap_copy( &soap);
if ( !tsoap)
pthread_create( &tid, NULL, opcsrv_process_request, (void *)tsoap);
soap_done( &soap); // Close master socket and detach environment
return SOAP_OK;
static void *opcsrv_process_request( void *soap)
pthread_detach( pthread_self());
soap_serve( (struct soap *) soap);
soap_destroy( (struct soap *) soap);
soap_end( (struct soap *) soap);
soap_done( (struct soap *) soap);
free( soap);
return 0;
static void *opcsrv_cyclic( void *arg)
pwr_tTime current_time;
pwr_tDeltaTime diff;
int tmo = 1000;
char mp[2000];
qcom_sGet get;
pwr_tStatus sts;
for (;;) {
time_GetTime( &current_time);
aproc_TimeStamp( ((float)tmo)/1000, 5);
get.maxSize = sizeof(mp); = mp;
qcom_Get( &sts, &opcsrv->qid, &get, tmo);
if (sts == QCOM__TMO || sts == QCOM__QEMPTY) {
// Check if any client can be removed
for ( client_iterator it = opcsrv->m_clientlist.begin(); it != opcsrv->m_clientlist.end(); it++) {
time_Adiff( &diff, &current_time, &it->second.m_last_time);
if ( diff.tv_sec > 600) {
//fprintf( stderr, "Client erased IP=%d.%d.%d.%d\n",
// (it->first>>24)&0xFF,(it->first>>16)&0xFF,(it->first>>8)&0xFF,it->first&0xFF);
opcsrv->m_clientlist.erase( it);
else {
ini_mEvent new_event;
qcom_sEvent *ep = (qcom_sEvent*);
new_event.m = ep->mask;
if (new_event.b.oldPlcStop) {
errh_SetStatus( PWR__SRVRESTART);
} else if (new_event.b.swapDone) {
errh_SetStatus( PWR__SRUN);
} else if (new_event.b.terminate) {
SOAP_FMAC5 int SOAP_FMAC6 __s0__GetStatus(struct soap *soap,
_s0__GetStatus *s0__GetStatus,
_s0__GetStatusResponse *s0__GetStatusResponse)
pwr_tTime current_time;
// Check access for connection
opcsrv_client *client = opcsrv->find_client( soap->ip);
if ( !client)
client = opcsrv->new_client( soap->ip);
opcsrv->m_current_access = client->access;
switch ( opcsrv->m_current_access) {
case pwr_eOpc_AccessEnum_None:
return opcsrv->fault( soap, opc_eResultCode_E_ACCESS_DENIED);
default: ;
time_GetTime( &current_time);
s0__GetStatusResponse->GetStatusResult = soap_new_s0__ReplyBase( soap, -1);
s0__GetStatusResponse->GetStatusResult->RcvTime.assign( opc_datetime(0));
s0__GetStatusResponse->GetStatusResult->ReplyTime.assign( opc_datetime(0));
s0__GetStatusResponse->GetStatusResult->RevisedLocaleID = soap_new_std__string( soap, -1);
s0__GetStatusResponse->GetStatusResult->RevisedLocaleID->assign( "en");
s0__GetStatusResponse->GetStatusResult->ServerState = s0__serverState__running;
if ( s0__GetStatus->ClientRequestHandle) {
s0__GetStatusResponse->GetStatusResult->ClientRequestHandle =
soap_new_std__string( soap, -1);
s0__GetStatusResponse->GetStatusResult->ClientRequestHandle->assign( *s0__GetStatus->ClientRequestHandle);
s0__GetStatusResponse->Status = soap_new_s0__ServerStatus( soap, -1);
s0__GetStatusResponse->Status->VendorInfo = soap_new_std__string( soap, -1);
s0__GetStatusResponse->Status->VendorInfo->assign( "Proview - Open Source Process Control");
s0__GetStatusResponse->Status->SupportedInterfaceVersions.push_back( s0__interfaceVersion__XML_USCOREDA_USCOREVersion_USCORE1_USCORE0);
s0__GetStatusResponse->Status->SupportedLocaleIDs.push_back( std::string("en"));
s0__GetStatusResponse->Status->SupportedLocaleIDs.push_back( std::string("en-US"));
s0__GetStatusResponse->Status->StartTime.assign( opc_datetime( &opcsrv->m_start_time));
s0__GetStatusResponse->Status->ProductVersion = soap_new_std__string( soap, -1);
s0__GetStatusResponse->Status->ProductVersion->assign( pwrv_cPwrVersionStr);
return SOAP_OK;
SOAP_FMAC5 int SOAP_FMAC6 __s0__Read(struct soap *soap,
_s0__Read *s0__Read,
_s0__ReadResponse *s0__ReadResponse)
int ii;
class s0__ReadRequestItem *item;
pwr_sAttrRef ar;
pwr_tStatus sts;
pwr_tOName itemname;
pwr_tOName itempath;
pwr_tOName path;
int reqType = -1;
pwr_tTypeId tid;
unsigned int elem;
char buf[1024];
unsigned int options = 0;
// Check access for connection
opcsrv_client *client = opcsrv->find_client( soap->ip);
if ( !client)
client = opcsrv->new_client( soap->ip);
opcsrv->m_current_access = client->access;
switch ( opcsrv->m_current_access) {
case pwr_eOpc_AccessEnum_ReadOnly:
case pwr_eOpc_AccessEnum_ReadWrite:
return opcsrv->fault( soap, opc_eResultCode_E_ACCESS_DENIED);
s0__ReadResponse->ReadResult = soap_new_s0__ReplyBase( soap, -1);
s0__ReadResponse->ReadResult->RcvTime.assign( opc_datetime(0));
s0__ReadResponse->ReadResult->ReplyTime.assign( opc_datetime(0));
if (s0__Read->Options && s0__Read->Options->ClientRequestHandle) {
s0__ReadResponse->ReadResult->ClientRequestHandle = soap_new_std__string( soap, -1);
s0__ReadResponse->ReadResult->ClientRequestHandle->assign( *s0__Read->Options->ClientRequestHandle);
s0__ReadResponse->ReadResult->ServerState = s0__serverState__running;
if (!s0__Read->ItemList)
return SOAP_OK;
if (s0__Read->ItemList->Items.empty())
return SOAP_OK;
memset(path, 0, sizeof(path));
opc_requestoptions_to_mask(s0__Read->Options, &options);
if (s0__Read->ItemList->ItemPath && !s0__Read->ItemList->ItemPath->empty())
strncpy(path, s0__Read->ItemList->ItemPath->c_str(), sizeof(path));
for (ii = 0; ii < (int) s0__Read->ItemList->Items.size(); ii++) {
s0__ItemValue *iv = soap_new_s0__ItemValue( soap, -1);
if (!s0__ReadResponse->RItemList)
s0__ReadResponse->RItemList = soap_new_s0__ReplyItemList( soap, -1);
item = s0__Read->ItemList->Items[ii];
if (item->ItemPath && !item->ItemPath->empty())
strncpy(itempath, item->ItemPath->c_str(), sizeof(itempath));
strncpy(itempath, path, sizeof(itempath));
strncpy(itemname, itempath, sizeof(itemname));
strncat(itemname, item->ItemName->c_str(), sizeof(itemname));
if (options & opc_mRequestOption_ReturnItemPath) {
iv->ItemPath = soap_new_std__string( soap, -1);
iv->ItemPath->assign( itempath);
if (options & opc_mRequestOption_ReturnItemName) {
iv->ItemName = soap_new_std__string( soap, -1);
if (options & opc_mRequestOption_ReturnDiagnosticInfo) {
iv->DiagnosticInfo = soap_new_std__string( soap, -1);
iv->DiagnosticInfo->assign(""); // ToDo !!
if ( s0__Read->ItemList->Items[ii]->ClientItemHandle) {
iv->ClientItemHandle = soap_new_std__string( soap, -1);
iv->ClientItemHandle->assign( *s0__Read->ItemList->Items[ii]->ClientItemHandle);
sts = gdh_NameToAttrref(pwr_cNObjid, cnv_utf8_to_iso8859( itemname, strlen(itemname)+1), &ar);
if (EVEN(sts)) {
opcsrv_returnerror( soap, s0__ReadResponse->Errors, &iv->ResultID, opc_eResultCode_E_INVALIDITEMNAME, options);
if (!item->ReqType || item->ReqType->empty()) {
if (!s0__Read->ItemList->ReqType || s0__Read->ItemList->ReqType->empty()) {
reqType = -1;
} else {
opc_string_to_opctype(s0__Read->ItemList->ReqType->c_str(), &reqType);
} else {
opc_string_to_opctype(item->ReqType->c_str(), &reqType);
gdh_GetAttributeCharAttrref(&ar, &tid, NULL, NULL, &elem);
if (cdh_tidIsCid(tid) || elem > 1) {
opcsrv_returnerror( soap, s0__ReadResponse->Errors, &iv->ResultID, opc_eResultCode_E_BADTYPE, options);
sts = gdh_GetObjectInfoAttrref(&ar, buf, sizeof(buf));
if ( ODD(sts)) {
if (reqType < 0) opc_pwrtype_to_opctype(tid, &reqType);
if (opc_convert_pwrtype_to_opctype(buf, 0, sizeof(buf), reqType, tid)) {
iv->Value = opc_opctype_to_value( soap, buf, sizeof(buf), reqType);
if (options & opc_mRequestOption_ReturnItemTime) {
// ToDo !!!
} else {
opcsrv_returnerror( soap, s0__ReadResponse->Errors, &iv->ResultID, opc_eResultCode_E_BADTYPE, options);
} else {
opcsrv_returnerror( soap, s0__ReadResponse->Errors, &iv->ResultID, opc_eResultCode_E_BADTYPE, options);
return SOAP_OK;
SOAP_FMAC5 int SOAP_FMAC6 __s0__Write(struct soap* soap,
_s0__Write *s0__Write,
_s0__WriteResponse *s0__WriteResponse)
int ii;
s0__ItemValue *item;
pwr_sAttrRef ar;
pwr_tStatus sts;
pwr_tOName itemname;
pwr_tOName itempath;
pwr_tOName path;
pwr_tTypeId a_type;
unsigned int a_size, a_elem;
char buf[1024];
unsigned int options = 0;
// Check access for connection
opcsrv_client *client = opcsrv->find_client( soap->ip);
if ( !client)
client = opcsrv->new_client( soap->ip);
opcsrv->m_current_access = client->access;
switch ( opcsrv->m_current_access) {
case pwr_eOpc_AccessEnum_ReadWrite:
return opcsrv->fault( soap, opc_eResultCode_E_ACCESS_DENIED);
s0__WriteResponse->WriteResult = soap_new_s0__ReplyBase( soap, -1);
s0__WriteResponse->WriteResult->RcvTime.assign( opc_datetime(0));
s0__WriteResponse->WriteResult->ReplyTime.assign( opc_datetime(0));
if (s0__Write->Options && s0__Write->Options->ClientRequestHandle) {
s0__WriteResponse->WriteResult->ClientRequestHandle = soap_new_std__string( soap, -1);
s0__WriteResponse->WriteResult->ClientRequestHandle->assign( *s0__Write->Options->ClientRequestHandle);
s0__WriteResponse->WriteResult->ServerState = s0__serverState__running;
if (!s0__Write->ItemList)
return SOAP_OK;
if (s0__Write->ItemList->Items.empty())
return SOAP_OK;
strcpy(path, "");
opc_requestoptions_to_mask(s0__Write->Options, &options);
if (s0__Write->ItemList->ItemPath && !s0__Write->ItemList->ItemPath->empty())
strncpy(path, s0__Write->ItemList->ItemPath->c_str(), sizeof(path));
for (ii = 0; ii < (int) s0__Write->ItemList->Items.size(); ii++) {
s0__ItemValue *iv = new s0__ItemValue();
if (!s0__WriteResponse->RItemList)
s0__WriteResponse->RItemList = soap_new_s0__ReplyItemList( soap, -1);
item = s0__Write->ItemList->Items[ii];
if (item->ItemPath && !item->ItemPath->empty())
strncpy(itempath, item->ItemPath->c_str(), sizeof(itempath));
strncpy(itempath, path, sizeof(itempath));
strncpy(itemname, itempath, sizeof(itemname));
strncat(itemname, item->ItemName->c_str(), sizeof(itemname));
if (options & opc_mRequestOption_ReturnItemPath) {
iv->ItemPath = soap_new_std__string( soap, -1);
iv->ItemPath->assign( itempath);
if (options & opc_mRequestOption_ReturnItemName) {
iv->ItemName = soap_new_std__string( soap, -1);
if (options & opc_mRequestOption_ReturnDiagnosticInfo) {
iv->DiagnosticInfo = soap_new_std__string( soap, -1);
iv->DiagnosticInfo->assign(""); // ToDo !!
sts = gdh_NameToAttrref(pwr_cNObjid, cnv_utf8_to_iso8859(itemname, strlen(itemname)+1), &ar);
if (EVEN(sts)) {
opcsrv_returnerror( soap, s0__WriteResponse->Errors, &iv->ResultID, opc_eResultCode_E_INVALIDITEMNAME, options);
gdh_GetAttributeCharAttrref(&ar, &a_type, &a_size, NULL, &a_elem);
if (cdh_tidIsCid(a_type) || a_elem > 1) {
opcsrv_returnerror( soap, s0__WriteResponse->Errors, &iv->ResultID, opc_eResultCode_E_BADTYPE, options);
if ( !opc_convert_opctype_to_pwrtype( buf, a_size, item->Value, (pwr_eType) a_type)) {
opcsrv_returnerror( soap, s0__WriteResponse->Errors, &iv->ResultID, opc_eResultCode_E_BADTYPE, options);
sts = gdh_SetObjectInfoAttrref(&ar, buf, a_size);
if ( EVEN(sts)) {
opcsrv_returnerror( soap, s0__WriteResponse->Errors, &iv->ResultID, opc_eResultCode_E_BADTYPE, options);
return SOAP_OK;
SOAP_FMAC5 int SOAP_FMAC6 __s0__Subscribe(struct soap* soap,
_s0__Subscribe *s0__Subscribe,
_s0__SubscribeResponse *s0__SubscribeResponse)
pwr_tStatus sts;
pwr_tTypeId a_tid;
pwr_tUInt32 a_size, a_offs, a_elem;
pwr_tAName aname;
float list_deadband = 0;
float deadband;
// Check access for connection
opcsrv_client *client = opcsrv->find_client( soap->ip);
if ( !client)
client = opcsrv->new_client( soap->ip);
opcsrv->m_current_access = client->access;
s0__SubscribeResponse->SubscribeResult = soap_new_s0__ReplyBase( soap, -1);
s0__SubscribeResponse->SubscribeResult->RcvTime.assign( opc_datetime(0));
s0__SubscribeResponse->SubscribeResult->ReplyTime.assign( opc_datetime(0));
s0__SubscribeResponse->SubscribeResult->ServerState = s0__serverState__running;
if ( s0__Subscribe->Options && s0__Subscribe->Options->ClientRequestHandle) {
s0__SubscribeResponse->SubscribeResult->ClientRequestHandle =
soap_new_std__string( soap, -1);
switch ( opcsrv->m_current_access) {
case pwr_eOpc_AccessEnum_ReadOnly:
case pwr_eOpc_AccessEnum_ReadWrite:
return opcsrv->fault( soap, opc_eResultCode_E_ACCESS_DENIED);
if ( s0__Subscribe->ItemList) {
if ( s0__Subscribe->ItemList->Deadband)
list_deadband = *s0__Subscribe->ItemList->Deadband;
for ( int i = 0; i < (int) s0__Subscribe->ItemList->Items.size(); i++) {
opcsrv_sub sub;
int resultid = 0;
while (1) {
strcpy( aname,
cnv_utf8_to_iso8859( (char *)s0__Subscribe->ItemList->Items[i]->ItemName->c_str(),
sts = gdh_GetAttributeCharacteristics( aname, &a_tid, &a_size, &a_offs, &a_elem);
if ( EVEN(sts)) {
resultid = opc_eResultCode_E_UNKNOWNITEMNAME;
memset( &sub.old_value, 0, sizeof(sub.old_value));
sub.size = a_size;
sub.pwr_type = (pwr_eType) a_tid;
if ( cdh_tidIsCid( a_tid)) {
resultid = opc_eResultCode_E_BADTYPE;
if ( !opc_pwrtype_to_opctype( sub.pwr_type, (int *)&sub.opc_type)) {
resultid = opc_eResultCode_E_BADTYPE;
sts = gdh_RefObjectInfo( aname, &sub.p, &sub.subid, sub.size);
if ( EVEN(sts)) {
resultid = opc_eResultCode_E_FAIL;
deadband = list_deadband;
if ( s0__Subscribe->ItemList->Items[i]->Deadband)
deadband = *s0__Subscribe->ItemList->Items[i]->Deadband;
sub.deadband = 0;
if ( deadband != 0) {
// Deadband in percentage of range, get range
pwr_tAName oname;
pwr_tAttrRef oaref;
pwr_tCid cid;
char *s;
strcpy( oname, aname);
if ( (s = strrchr( oname, '.')))
*s = 0;
sts = gdh_NameToAttrref( pwr_cNOid, oname, &oaref);
if ( EVEN(sts)) break;
sts = gdh_GetAttrRefTid( &oaref, &cid);
if ( EVEN(sts)) break;
switch ( cid) {
case pwr_cClass_Ai:
case pwr_cClass_Ao:
case pwr_cClass_Ii:
case pwr_cClass_Io: {
// Get range from channel
pwr_tAttrRef aaref;
pwr_tAttrRef sigchancon;
pwr_tFloat32 range_high = 0;
pwr_tFloat32 range_low = 0;
pwr_tStatus sts;
// Get Range from channel
sts = gdh_ArefANameToAref( &oaref, "SigChanCon", &aaref);
if ( ODD(sts))
sts = gdh_GetObjectInfoAttrref( &aaref, &sigchancon, sizeof(sigchancon));
if ( ODD(sts))
if ( cdh_ObjidIsNull( sigchancon.Objid))
sts = 0;
if ( ODD(sts))
sts = gdh_ArefANameToAref( &sigchancon, "ActValRangeHigh", &aaref);
if ( ODD(sts))
sts = gdh_GetObjectInfoAttrref( &aaref, &range_high, sizeof(range_high));
if ( ODD(sts))
sts = gdh_ArefANameToAref( &sigchancon, "ActValRangeLow", &aaref);
if ( ODD(sts))
sts = gdh_GetObjectInfoAttrref( &aaref, &range_low, sizeof(range_low));
if ( ODD(sts) && !(range_high == 0 && range_low == 0)) {
sub.deadband = (range_high - range_low) * deadband / 100;
// Else continue and use PresMaxLimit and PresMinLimit
case pwr_cClass_Av:
case pwr_cClass_Iv: {
// Get range from Min/MaxShow
pwr_tAttrRef aaref;
pwr_tFloat32 range_high = 0;
pwr_tFloat32 range_low = 0;
pwr_tStatus sts;
sts = gdh_ArefANameToAref( &oaref, "PresMaxLimit", &aaref);
if ( ODD(sts))
sts = gdh_GetObjectInfoAttrref( &aaref, &range_high, sizeof(range_high));
if ( ODD(sts))
sts = gdh_ArefANameToAref( &oaref, "PresMinLimit", &aaref);
if ( ODD(sts))
sts = gdh_GetObjectInfoAttrref( &aaref, &range_low, sizeof(range_low));
if ( ODD(sts) && !(range_high == 0 && range_low == 0))
sub.deadband = (range_high - range_low) * deadband / 100;
// No range exist
if ( s0__Subscribe->ItemList->Items[i]->ClientItemHandle)
sub.client_handle.assign( *s0__Subscribe->ItemList->Items[i]->ClientItemHandle);
if ( !s0__SubscribeResponse->ServerSubHandle) {
vector<opcsrv_sub> subv;
s0__SubscribeResponse->ServerSubHandle = soap_new_std__string( soap, -1);
s0__SubscribeResponse->ServerSubHandle->assign( cdh_SubidToString( 0, sub.subid, 0));
client->m_sublist[*s0__SubscribeResponse->ServerSubHandle] = subv;
client->m_sublist[*s0__SubscribeResponse->ServerSubHandle].push_back( sub);
if ( resultid || s0__Subscribe->ReturnValuesOnReply) {
if ( !s0__SubscribeResponse->RItemList)
s0__SubscribeResponse->RItemList = new s0__SubscribeReplyItemList();
s0__SubscribeItemValue *iv = soap_new_s0__SubscribeItemValue( soap, -1);
iv->ItemValue = soap_new_s0__ItemValue( soap, -1);
iv->ItemValue->ItemName = soap_new_std__string( soap, -1);
cnv_utf8_to_iso8859( (char *)s0__Subscribe->ItemList->Items[i]->ItemName->c_str(),
if ( s0__Subscribe->ItemList->Items[i]->ClientItemHandle) {
iv->ItemValue->ClientItemHandle = soap_new_std__string( soap, -1);
if ( resultid) {
opcsrv_returnerror( soap, s0__SubscribeResponse->Errors,
&iv->ItemValue->ResultID, resultid, 0);
else if ( s0__Subscribe->ReturnValuesOnReply) {
int reqType;
char buf[1024];
opc_pwrtype_to_opctype( a_tid, &reqType);
if (opc_convert_pwrtype_to_opctype( sub.p, buf, sizeof(buf), reqType, a_tid)) {
iv->ItemValue->Value = opc_opctype_to_value( soap, buf, sizeof(buf), reqType);
opcsrv_returnerror( soap, s0__SubscribeResponse->Errors,
&iv->ItemValue->ResultID, opc_eResultCode_E_BADTYPE, 0);
s0__SubscribeResponse->RItemList->Items.push_back( iv);
return SOAP_OK;
SOAP_FMAC5 int SOAP_FMAC6 __s0__SubscriptionPolledRefresh(struct soap* soap,
_s0__SubscriptionPolledRefresh *s0__SubscriptionPolledRefresh,
_s0__SubscriptionPolledRefreshResponse *s0__SubscriptionPolledRefreshResponse)
// Check access for the connection
opcsrv_client *client = opcsrv->find_client( soap->ip);
if ( !client)
client = opcsrv->new_client( soap->ip);
opcsrv->m_current_access = client->access;
switch ( opcsrv->m_current_access) {
case pwr_eOpc_AccessEnum_ReadOnly:
case pwr_eOpc_AccessEnum_ReadWrite:
return opcsrv->fault( soap, opc_eResultCode_E_ACCESS_DENIED);
s0__SubscriptionPolledRefreshResponse->SubscriptionPolledRefreshResult =
soap_new_s0__ReplyBase( soap, -1);
s0__SubscriptionPolledRefreshResponse->SubscriptionPolledRefreshResult->RcvTime.assign( opc_datetime(0));
s0__SubscriptionPolledRefreshResponse->SubscriptionPolledRefreshResult->ReplyTime.assign( opc_datetime(0));
s0__SubscriptionPolledRefreshResponse->SubscriptionPolledRefreshResult->ServerState =
if ( s0__SubscriptionPolledRefresh->Options &&
s0__SubscriptionPolledRefresh->Options->ClientRequestHandle) {
s0__SubscriptionPolledRefreshResponse->SubscriptionPolledRefreshResult->ClientRequestHandle = soap_new_std__string( soap, -1);
s0__SubscriptionPolledRefreshResponse->SubscriptionPolledRefreshResult->ClientRequestHandle->assign( *s0__SubscriptionPolledRefresh->Options->ClientRequestHandle);
pwr_tTime hold_time;
int wait_time;
bool has_holdtime = false;
bool has_waittime = false;
int waited_time = 0;
pwr_tFloat32 wait_scan = 0.5;
pwr_tFloat32 min_hold = 0.5;
pwr_tDeltaTime dwait_scan, dmin_hold;
if ( s0__SubscriptionPolledRefresh->HoldTime) {
if ( !client->m_multi_threaded)
client->m_multi_threaded = true;
else {
has_holdtime = true;
time_FloatToD( &dmin_hold, min_hold);
opc_time_OPCAsciiToA( (char *)s0__SubscriptionPolledRefresh->HoldTime->c_str(),
if ( s0__SubscriptionPolledRefresh->WaitTime) {
has_waittime = true;
wait_time = *s0__SubscriptionPolledRefresh->WaitTime;
time_FloatToD( &dwait_scan, wait_scan);
if ( has_holdtime) {
pthread_mutex_t mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
pthread_cond_t cond = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
pwr_tTime current_time, next_time;
if ( min_hold > FLT_EPSILON) {
time_GetTime( &current_time);
time_Aadd( &next_time, &current_time, &dmin_hold);
if ( time_Acomp( &next_time, &hold_time) == -1)
next_time = hold_time;
struct timespec next_time_ts;
next_time_ts.tv_sec = next_time.tv_sec;
next_time_ts.tv_nsec = next_time.tv_nsec;
pthread_cond_timedwait( &cond, &mutex, &next_time_ts);
else {
struct timespec hold_time_ts;
hold_time_ts.tv_sec = hold_time.tv_sec;
hold_time_ts.tv_nsec = hold_time.tv_nsec;
pthread_cond_timedwait( &cond, &mutex, &hold_time_ts);
if ( has_waittime) {
// Check all values
bool change_found = false;
for ( waited_time = 0; waited_time < wait_time; waited_time += (int)(wait_scan * 1000)) {
for ( int i = 0; i < (int) s0__SubscriptionPolledRefresh->ServerSubHandles.size(); i++) {
sublist_iterator it =
client->m_sublist.find( s0__SubscriptionPolledRefresh->ServerSubHandles[i]);
if ( it != client->m_sublist.end()) {
for ( int j = 0; j < (int)it->second.size(); j++) {
if ( !opc_cmp_pwr( &it->second[j].old_value, it->second[j].p, it->second[j].size,
it->second[j].pwr_type, it->second[j].deadband)) {
change_found = true;
if ( change_found)
if ( change_found)
pthread_mutex_t mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
pthread_cond_t cond = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
pwr_tTime current_time, next_time;
time_GetTime( &current_time);
time_Aadd( &next_time, &current_time, &dwait_scan);
struct timespec next_time_ts;
next_time_ts.tv_sec = next_time.tv_sec;
next_time_ts.tv_nsec = next_time.tv_nsec;
pthread_cond_timedwait( &cond, &mutex, &next_time_ts);
for ( int i = 0; i < (int) s0__SubscriptionPolledRefresh->ServerSubHandles.size(); i++) {
sublist_iterator it =
client->m_sublist.find( s0__SubscriptionPolledRefresh->ServerSubHandles[i]);
if ( it != client->m_sublist.end()) {
// Test
for ( int jj = 0; jj < (int) it->second.size(); jj++) {
//printf( "%d sub: p %d size %d opc_type %d pwr_type %d subid %d,%d\n", jj, (int)it->second[jj].p,
// it->second[jj].size, it->second[jj].opc_type, it->second[jj].pwr_type, it->second[jj].subid.nid,
// it->second[jj].subid.rix);
s0__SubscribePolledRefreshReplyItemList *rlist =
soap_new_s0__SubscribePolledRefreshReplyItemList( soap, -1);
rlist->SubscriptionHandle = soap_new_std__string( soap, -1);
rlist->SubscriptionHandle->assign( s0__SubscriptionPolledRefresh->ServerSubHandles[i]);
for ( int j = 0; j < (int)it->second.size(); j++) {
s0__ItemValue *ritem = soap_new_s0__ItemValue( soap, -1);
ritem->Value = opc_opctype_to_value( soap, it->second[j].p, it->second[j].size,
if ( it->second[j].size <= (int)sizeof(it->second[j].old_value))
memcpy( &it->second[j].old_value, it->second[j].p, it->second[j].size);
ritem->Timestamp = soap_new_std__string( soap, -1);
ritem->Timestamp->assign( opc_datetime(0));
if ( !it->second[j].client_handle.empty()) {
ritem->ClientItemHandle = soap_new_std__string( soap, -1);
ritem->ClientItemHandle->assign( it->second[j].client_handle.c_str());
rlist->Items.push_back( ritem);
s0__SubscriptionPolledRefreshResponse->RItemList.push_back( rlist);
else {
// Subscription not found
s0__SubscribePolledRefreshReplyItemList *rlist = soap_new_s0__SubscribePolledRefreshReplyItemList( soap, -1);
rlist->SubscriptionHandle = soap_new_std__string( soap, -1);
rlist->SubscriptionHandle->assign( s0__SubscriptionPolledRefresh->ServerSubHandles[i]);
s0__ItemValue *ritem = soap_new_s0__ItemValue( soap, -1);
opcsrv_returnerror( soap, s0__SubscriptionPolledRefreshResponse->Errors, &ritem->ResultID,
opc_eResultCode_E_NOSUBSCRIPTION, 0);
rlist->Items.push_back( ritem);
s0__SubscriptionPolledRefreshResponse->RItemList.push_back( rlist);
return SOAP_OK;
SOAP_FMAC5 int SOAP_FMAC6 __s0__SubscriptionCancel(struct soap* soap,
_s0__SubscriptionCancel *s0__SubscriptionCancel,
_s0__SubscriptionCancelResponse *s0__SubscriptionCancelResponse)
opcsrv_client *client = opcsrv->find_client( soap->ip);
if ( !client)
return opcsrv->fault( soap, opc_eResultCode_E_FAIL);
// Check access for the connection
switch ( client->access) {
case pwr_eOpc_AccessEnum_ReadOnly:
case pwr_eOpc_AccessEnum_ReadWrite:
return opcsrv->fault( soap, opc_eResultCode_E_ACCESS_DENIED);
if ( !s0__SubscriptionCancel->ServerSubHandle)
return opcsrv->fault( soap, opc_eResultCode_E_FAIL);
time_GetTime( &client->m_last_time);
sublist_iterator it =
client->m_sublist.find( *s0__SubscriptionCancel->ServerSubHandle);
if ( it != client->m_sublist.end()) {
client->m_sublist.erase( it);
else {
return opcsrv->fault( soap, opc_eResultCode_E_FAIL);
if ( s0__SubscriptionCancel->ClientRequestHandle) {
s0__SubscriptionCancelResponse->ClientRequestHandle = soap_new_std__string( soap, -1);
return SOAP_OK;
bool opcsrv_get_properties( struct soap *soap, bool is_item, pwr_tCid pcid, pwr_tAttrRef *parp,
pwr_tAttrRef *arp, unsigned int propmask, gdh_sAttrDef *bd,
std::vector<s0__ItemProperty *>& properties)
pwr_tStatus sts;
if ( !is_item) {
if ( propmask & opc_mProperty_Description) {
pwr_tAttrRef aaref;
pwr_tString80 desc;
sts = gdh_ArefANameToAref( arp, "Description", &aaref);
if ( ODD(sts)) {
sts = gdh_GetObjectInfoAttrref( &aaref, desc, sizeof(desc));
if ( ODD(sts)) {
s0__ItemProperty *ip = soap_new_s0__ItemProperty( soap, -1);
ip->Value = soap_new_xsd__string( soap, -1);
((xsd__string *)ip->Value)->__item.assign(desc);
properties.push_back( ip);
if ( EVEN(sts)) {
s0__ItemProperty *ip = soap_new_s0__ItemProperty( soap, -1);
ip->Name.assign( "description");
ip->Value = soap_new_xsd__string( soap, -1);
properties.push_back( ip);
else {
// IsItem
// Description
if ( propmask & opc_mProperty_Description) {
switch ( pcid) {
case pwr_cClass_Di:
case pwr_cClass_Do:
case pwr_cClass_Dv:
case pwr_cClass_Ai:
case pwr_cClass_Ao:
case pwr_cClass_Av:
case pwr_cClass_Ii:
case pwr_cClass_Io:
case pwr_cClass_Iv: {
if ( strcmp( bd->attrName, "ActualValue") != 0)
pwr_tAttrRef aaref;
pwr_tString80 desc;
// Description from signal object
sts = gdh_ArefANameToAref( parp, "Description", &aaref);
if ( EVEN(sts)) break;
sts = gdh_GetObjectInfoAttrref( &aaref, desc, sizeof(desc));
if ( EVEN(sts)) break;
s0__ItemProperty *ip = soap_new_s0__ItemProperty( soap, -1);
ip->Name.assign( "description");
ip->Value = soap_new_xsd__string( soap, -1);
((xsd__string *)ip->Value)->__item.assign( desc);
properties.push_back( ip);
default: {
s0__ItemProperty *ip = soap_new_s0__ItemProperty( soap, -1);
ip->Name.assign( "description");
ip->Value = soap_new_xsd__string( soap, -1);
properties.push_back( ip);
// DataType
if ( propmask & opc_mProperty_DataType) {
char *type_p;
s0__ItemProperty *ip = soap_new_s0__ItemProperty( soap, -1);
if ( opc_pwrtype_to_string( bd->attr->Param.Info.Type, &type_p)) {
ip->Name.assign( "dataType");
ip->Value = soap_new_xsd__QName_( soap, -1);
((xsd__QName_ *)ip->Value)->__item.assign(type_p);
properties.push_back( ip);
else {
// Untranslatable type TODO
// Quality
if ( propmask & opc_mProperty_Quality) {
char *qual_p;
s0__ItemProperty *ip = soap_new_s0__ItemProperty( soap, -1);
if ( opc_quality_to_string( s0__qualityBits__good, &qual_p)) {
ip->Name.assign( "quality");
ip->Value = soap_new_xsd__string( soap, -1);
((xsd__string *)ip->Value)->__item.assign( qual_p);
properties.push_back( ip);
// Timestamp
if ( propmask & opc_mProperty_Timestamp) {
// TODO ...
// Access Rights
if ( propmask & opc_mProperty_AccessRights) {
s0__ItemProperty *ip = soap_new_s0__ItemProperty( soap, -1);
ip->Name.assign( "accessRights");
ip->Value = soap_new_xsd__string( soap, -1);
switch ( opcsrv->m_current_access) {
case pwr_eOpc_AccessEnum_ReadOnly:
((xsd__string *)ip->Value)->__item.assign( "readable");
case pwr_eOpc_AccessEnum_ReadWrite:
if ( bd->attr->Param.Info.Flags & PWR_MASK_RTVIRTUAL ||
bd->attr->Param.Info.Flags & PWR_MASK_PRIVATE)
((xsd__string *)ip->Value)->__item.assign( "readable");
((xsd__string *)ip->Value)->__item.assign( "readWritable");
((xsd__string *)ip->Value)->__item.assign( "unknown");
properties.push_back( ip);
// EngineeringUnits
if ( propmask & opc_mProperty_EngineeringUnits) {
if ( parp) {
switch ( pcid) {
case pwr_cClass_Ai:
case pwr_cClass_Ao:
case pwr_cClass_Av: {
if ( strcmp( bd->attrName, "ActualValue") != 0)
pwr_tAttrRef aaref;
pwr_tString16 unit;
// Get Range from channel
sts = gdh_ArefANameToAref( parp, "Unit", &aaref);
if ( EVEN(sts)) break;
sts = gdh_GetObjectInfoAttrref( &aaref, &unit, sizeof(unit));
if ( EVEN(sts)) break;
s0__ItemProperty *ip = soap_new_s0__ItemProperty( soap, -1);
ip->Name.assign( "engineeringUnits");
ip->Value = soap_new_xsd__string( soap, -1);
((xsd__string *)ip->Value)->__item.assign( unit);
properties.push_back( ip);
default: ;
// EuType
if ( propmask & opc_mProperty_EuType) {
switch( bd->attr->Param.Info.Type) {
case pwr_eType_Float32: {
s0__ItemProperty *ip = soap_new_s0__ItemProperty( soap, -1);
ip->Name.assign( "euType");
ip->Value = soap_new_xsd__string( soap, -1);
((xsd__string *)ip->Value)->__item.assign( "analog");
properties.push_back( ip);
default: {
s0__ItemProperty *ip = soap_new_s0__ItemProperty( soap, -1);
ip->Name.assign( "euType");
ip->Value = soap_new_xsd__string( soap, -1);
((xsd__string *)ip->Value)->__item.assign( "noEnum");
properties.push_back( ip);
// HighEU
if ( propmask & opc_mProperty_HighEU) {
if ( parp) {
pwr_tAttrRef aaref;
pwr_tFloat32 fval;
switch ( pcid) {
case pwr_cClass_Av:
case pwr_cClass_Ai:
case pwr_cClass_Ao:
sts = gdh_ArefANameToAref( parp, "PresMaxLimit", &aaref);
if ( ODD(sts)) {
sts = gdh_GetObjectInfoAttrref( &aaref, &fval, sizeof(fval));
if ( ODD(sts)) {
s0__ItemProperty *ip = soap_new_s0__ItemProperty( soap, -1);
ip->Name.assign( "highEU");
ip->Value = soap_new_xsd__double( soap, -1);
((xsd__double *)ip->Value)->__item = fval;
properties.push_back( ip);
default: ;
// LowEU
if ( propmask & opc_mProperty_LowEU) {
if ( parp) {
pwr_tAttrRef aaref;
pwr_tFloat32 fval;
switch ( pcid) {
case pwr_cClass_Av:
case pwr_cClass_Ai:
case pwr_cClass_Ao:
sts = gdh_ArefANameToAref( parp, "PresMinLimit", &aaref);
if ( ODD(sts)) {
sts = gdh_GetObjectInfoAttrref( &aaref, &fval, sizeof(fval));
if ( ODD(sts)) {
s0__ItemProperty *ip = soap_new_s0__ItemProperty( soap, -1);
ip->Name.assign( "lowEU");
ip->Value = soap_new_xsd__double( soap, -1);
((xsd__double *)ip->Value)->__item = fval;
properties.push_back( ip);
default: ;
// HighIR
if ( propmask & opc_mProperty_HighIR) {
if ( parp) {
switch ( pcid) {
case pwr_cClass_Ai:
case pwr_cClass_Ii:
case pwr_cClass_Ao:
case pwr_cClass_Io: {
if ( strcmp( bd->attrName, "ActualValue") != 0)
pwr_tAttrRef aaref;
pwr_tAttrRef sigchancon;
pwr_tFloat32 fval;
// Get Range from channel
sts = gdh_ArefANameToAref( parp, "SigChanCon", &aaref);
if ( EVEN(sts)) break;
sts = gdh_GetObjectInfoAttrref( &aaref, &sigchancon, sizeof(sigchancon));
if ( EVEN(sts)) break;
if ( cdh_ObjidIsNull( sigchancon.Objid))
sts = gdh_ArefANameToAref( &sigchancon, "ActValRangeHigh", &aaref);
if ( EVEN(sts)) break;
sts = gdh_GetObjectInfoAttrref( &aaref, &fval, sizeof(fval));
if ( EVEN(sts)) break;
s0__ItemProperty *ip = soap_new_s0__ItemProperty( soap, -1);
ip->Name.assign( "highIR");
ip->Value = soap_new_xsd__double( soap, -1);
((xsd__double *)ip->Value)->__item = fval;
properties.push_back( ip);
default: ;
// LowIR
if ( propmask & opc_mProperty_LowIR) {
if ( parp) {
switch ( pcid) {
case pwr_cClass_Ai:
case pwr_cClass_Ii:
case pwr_cClass_Ao:
case pwr_cClass_Io: {
if ( strcmp( bd->attrName, "ActualValue") != 0)
pwr_tAttrRef sigchancon;
pwr_tAttrRef aaref;
pwr_tFloat32 fval;
// Get Range from channel
sts = gdh_ArefANameToAref( parp, "SigChanCon", &aaref);
if ( EVEN(sts)) break;
sts = gdh_GetObjectInfoAttrref( &aaref, &sigchancon, sizeof(sigchancon));
if ( EVEN(sts)) break;
if ( cdh_ObjidIsNull( sigchancon.Objid))
sts = gdh_ArefANameToAref( &sigchancon, "ActValRangeLow", &aaref);
if ( EVEN(sts)) break;
sts = gdh_GetObjectInfoAttrref( &aaref, &fval, sizeof(fval));
if ( EVEN(sts)) break;
s0__ItemProperty *ip = soap_new_s0__ItemProperty( soap, -1);
ip->Name.assign( "lowIR");
ip->Value = soap_new_xsd__double( soap, -1);
((xsd__double *)ip->Value)->__item = fval;
properties.push_back( ip);
default: ;
return true;
int opc_server::get_access( int sid)
int access = pwr_eOpc_AccessEnum_None;
if ( m_grant_all)
access = pwr_eOpc_AccessEnum_ReadWrite;
else {
for ( int i = 0; i < m_client_access_cnt; i++) {
if ( m_client_access[i].address == (int)sid) {
access = m_client_access[i].access;
return access;
SOAP_FMAC5 int SOAP_FMAC6 __s0__Browse(struct soap *soap, _s0__Browse *s0__Browse,
_s0__BrowseResponse *s0__BrowseResponse)
pwr_tStatus sts;
pwr_tOid oid, child, ch;
pwr_tOName name;
pwr_tCid cid;
unsigned int property_mask;
pwr_tTime current_time;
bool has_max_elem = false;
int max_elem = 0;
// Check access for connection
opcsrv_client *client = opcsrv->find_client( soap->ip);
if ( !client)
client = opcsrv->new_client( soap->ip);
opcsrv->m_current_access = client->access;
switch ( opcsrv->m_current_access) {
case pwr_eOpc_AccessEnum_ReadOnly:
case pwr_eOpc_AccessEnum_ReadWrite:
return opcsrv->fault( soap, opc_eResultCode_E_ACCESS_DENIED);
time_GetTime( &current_time);
if ( s0__Browse->MaxElementsReturned) {
has_max_elem = true;
max_elem = *s0__Browse->MaxElementsReturned;
s0__BrowseResponse->BrowseResult = soap_new_s0__ReplyBase( soap, -1);
s0__BrowseResponse->BrowseResult->RcvTime.assign( opc_datetime(0));
s0__BrowseResponse->BrowseResult->ReplyTime.assign( opc_datetime(0));
if ( s0__Browse->ClientRequestHandle) {
s0__BrowseResponse->BrowseResult->ClientRequestHandle = soap_new_std__string( soap, -1);
s0__BrowseResponse->BrowseResult->ServerState = s0__serverState__running;
s0__BrowseResponse->MoreElements = (bool *) soap_malloc( soap, sizeof(bool));
*s0__BrowseResponse->MoreElements = false;
if ( s0__Browse->ContinuationPoint) {
// Continue with next siblings
pwr_tOName pname;
pwr_tOName itemname;
pwr_sAttrRef paref;
pwr_sAttrRef aref;
cdh_StringToObjid( s0__Browse->ContinuationPoint->c_str(), &child);
// Check continuationpoint
sts = gdh_GetObjectClass( child, &cid);
if ( EVEN(sts)) {
return opcsrv->fault( soap, opc_eResultCode_E_INVALIDCONTINUATIONPOINT);
for ( sts = 1;
sts = gdh_GetNextSibling( child, &child)) {
if ( has_max_elem && (int)s0__BrowseResponse->Elements.size() > max_elem) {
// Max elements reached, return current oid as continuation point
s0__BrowseResponse->ContinuationPoint = soap_new_std__string( soap, -1);
s0__BrowseResponse->ContinuationPoint->assign( cdh_ObjidToString( 0, child, 1));
*s0__BrowseResponse->MoreElements = true;
sts = gdh_ObjidToName( child, name, sizeof(name), cdh_mName_object);
if ( EVEN(sts)) continue;
sts = gdh_GetObjectClass( child, &cid);
if ( EVEN(sts)) continue;
s0__BrowseElement *element = soap_new_s0__BrowseElement( soap, -1);
element->Name = soap_new_std__string( soap, -1);
element->Name->assign( name);
strcpy( itemname, pname);
strcat( itemname, "-");
strcat( itemname, name);
element->ItemName = soap_new_std__string( soap, -1);
element->ItemName->assign( itemname);
element->IsItem = false;
if ( cid == pwr_eClass_PlantHier || cid == pwr_eClass_NodeHier)
element->HasChildren = ODD( gdh_GetChild( child, &ch)) ? true : false;
element->HasChildren = true;
if ( s0__Browse->ReturnAllProperties)
property_mask = ~0;
opc_propertynames_to_mask( s0__Browse->PropertyNames, &property_mask);
if ( property_mask) {
aref = cdh_ObjidToAref( child);
opcsrv_get_properties( soap, element->IsItem, cid, &paref, &aref,
property_mask, 0,
s0__BrowseResponse->Elements.push_back( element);
return SOAP_OK;
if ( (!s0__Browse->ItemName || s0__Browse->ItemName->empty()) &&
(!s0__Browse->ItemPath || s0__Browse->ItemPath->empty())) {
// Return rootlist
for ( sts = gdh_GetRootList( &oid); ODD(sts); sts = gdh_GetNextSibling( oid, &oid)) {
if ( has_max_elem && (int)s0__BrowseResponse->Elements.size() > max_elem) {
// Max elements reached, return current oid as continuation point
s0__BrowseResponse->ContinuationPoint = soap_new_std__string( soap, -1);
s0__BrowseResponse->ContinuationPoint->assign( cdh_ObjidToString( 0, oid, 1));
*s0__BrowseResponse->MoreElements = true;
sts = gdh_ObjidToName( oid, name, sizeof(name), cdh_mName_object);
if ( EVEN(sts))
return opcsrv->fault( soap, opc_eResultCode_E_FAIL);
sts = gdh_GetObjectClass( oid, &cid);
if ( EVEN(sts))
return opcsrv->fault( soap, opc_eResultCode_E_FAIL);
s0__BrowseElement *element = new s0__BrowseElement();
element->Name = soap_new_std__string( soap, -1);
element->Name->assign( name);
element->ItemName = element->Name;
element->IsItem = false;
if ( cid == pwr_eClass_PlantHier || cid == pwr_eClass_NodeHier)
element->HasChildren = ODD( gdh_GetChild( child, &ch)) ? true : false;
element->HasChildren = true;
if ( s0__Browse->ReturnAllProperties)
property_mask = ~0;
opc_propertynames_to_mask( s0__Browse->PropertyNames, &property_mask);
pwr_tAttrRef aref = cdh_ObjidToAref( oid);
opcsrv_get_properties( soap, false, cid, 0, &aref,
property_mask, 0,
s0__BrowseResponse->Elements.push_back( element);
else {
// Return attributes and children
pwr_tOName pname;
pwr_tOName itemname;
pwr_tObjName aname;
gdh_sAttrDef *bd;
int rows;
pwr_sAttrRef paref;
pwr_sAttrRef aref;
if ( s0__Browse->ItemPath && !s0__Browse->ItemPath->empty()) {
strncpy( pname, s0__Browse->ItemPath->c_str(), sizeof( pname));
if ( s0__Browse->ItemName && !s0__Browse->ItemName->empty()) {
strcat( pname, s0__Browse->ItemName->c_str());
strncpy( pname, s0__Browse->ItemName->c_str(), sizeof(pname));
strcpy( pname, cnv_utf8_to_iso8859( pname, strlen(pname)+1));
sts = gdh_NameToAttrref( pwr_cNOid, pname, &paref);
if ( EVEN(sts))
return opcsrv->fault( soap, opc_eResultCode_E_UNKNOWNITEMNAME);
sts = gdh_GetAttrRefTid( &paref, &cid);
if ( EVEN(sts))
return opcsrv->fault( soap, opc_eResultCode_E_FAIL);
if ( paref.Flags.b.Array) {
// Return all elements
pwr_tTypeId a_type;
unsigned int a_size, a_offs, a_dim;
pwr_tAttrRef oaref;
char *s;
char *attrname;
sts = gdh_AttrArefToObjectAref( &paref, &oaref);
if ( EVEN(sts))
return opcsrv->fault( soap, opc_eResultCode_E_FAIL);
sts = gdh_GetAttrRefTid( &oaref, &cid);
if ( EVEN(sts))
return opcsrv->fault( soap, opc_eResultCode_E_FAIL);
if ( !( attrname = strrchr( pname, '.')))
return opcsrv->fault( soap, opc_eResultCode_E_FAIL);
// Get body definition
sts = gdh_GetObjectBodyDef( cid, &bd, &rows, pwr_cNOid);
if ( EVEN(sts))
return opcsrv->fault( soap, opc_eResultCode_E_FAIL);
int bd_idx = -1;
for ( int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
if ( cdh_NoCaseStrcmp( attrname, bd[i].attrName) == 0) {
bd_idx = i;
if ( bd_idx == -1) {
free( (char *)bd);
return opcsrv->fault( soap, opc_eResultCode_E_FAIL);
sts = gdh_GetAttributeCharAttrref( &paref, &a_type, &a_size, &a_offs, &a_dim);
if ( EVEN(sts)) {
free( (char *)bd);
return opcsrv->fault( soap, opc_eResultCode_E_FAIL);
for ( int i = 0; i < (int)a_dim; i++) {
s0__BrowseElement *element = soap_new_s0__BrowseElement( soap, -1);
sprintf( itemname, "%s[%d]", pname, i);
s = strrchr( itemname, '.');
if ( s)
strcpy( aname, s + 1);
return opcsrv->fault( soap, opc_eResultCode_E_FAIL);
element->Name = soap_new_std__string( soap, -1);
element->Name->assign( aname);
element->ItemName = soap_new_std__string( soap, -1);
element->ItemName->assign( itemname);
element->IsItem = true;
element->HasChildren = false;
if ( s0__Browse->ReturnAllProperties)
property_mask = ~0;
opc_propertynames_to_mask( s0__Browse->PropertyNames, &property_mask);
if ( property_mask) {
sts = gdh_NameToAttrref( pwr_cNOid, itemname, &aref);
if ( EVEN(sts))
return opcsrv->fault( soap, opc_eResultCode_E_FAIL);
opcsrv_get_properties( soap, true, cid, &paref, &aref,
property_mask, &bd[bd_idx],
s0__BrowseResponse->Elements.push_back( element);
free( (char *)bd);
return SOAP_OK;
if ( !cdh_tidIsCid( cid))
return opcsrv->fault( soap, opc_eResultCode_E_FAIL);
sts = gdh_GetObjectBodyDef( cid, &bd, &rows, pwr_cNOid);
if ( ODD(sts)) {
for ( int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
if ( bd[i].flags & gdh_mAttrDef_Shadowed)
if ( bd[i].attr->Param.Info.Flags & PWR_MASK_RTVIRTUAL ||
bd[i].attr->Param.Info.Flags & PWR_MASK_PRIVATE)
if ( bd[i].attr->Param.Info.Type == pwr_eType_CastId ||
bd[i].attr->Param.Info.Type == pwr_eType_DisableAttr)
if ( bd[i].attr->Param.Info.Flags & PWR_MASK_RTHIDE)
sts = gdh_ArefANameToAref( &paref, bd[i].attrName, &aref);
if ( EVEN(sts))
return opcsrv->fault( soap, opc_eResultCode_E_FAIL);
if ( bd[i].attr->Param.Info.Flags & PWR_MASK_DISABLEATTR) {
pwr_tDisableAttr disabled;
sts = gdh_ArefDisabled( &aref, &disabled);
if ( EVEN(sts))
return opcsrv->fault( soap, opc_eResultCode_E_FAIL);
if ( disabled)
if ( bd[i].attr->Param.Info.Flags & PWR_MASK_ARRAY ||
bd[i].attr->Param.Info.Flags & PWR_MASK_CLASS ) {
s0__BrowseElement *element = soap_new_s0__BrowseElement( soap, -1);
cdh_SuppressSuper( aname, bd[i].attrName);
element->Name = soap_new_std__string( soap, -1);
element->Name->assign( aname);
strcpy( itemname, pname);
strcat( itemname, ".");
strcat( itemname, bd[i].attrName);
element->ItemName = soap_new_std__string( soap, -1);
element->ItemName->assign( itemname);
element->IsItem = false;
element->HasChildren = true;
if ( s0__Browse->ReturnAllProperties)
property_mask = ~0;
opc_propertynames_to_mask( s0__Browse->PropertyNames, &property_mask);
if ( property_mask)
opcsrv_get_properties( soap, element->IsItem, cid, &paref, &aref,
property_mask, &bd[i],
s0__BrowseResponse->Elements.push_back( element);
else {
s0__BrowseElement *element = soap_new_s0__BrowseElement( soap, -1);
cdh_SuppressSuper( aname, bd[i].attrName);
element->Name = soap_new_std__string( soap, -1);
element->Name->assign( aname);
strcpy( itemname, pname);
strcat( itemname, ".");
strcat( itemname, bd[i].attrName);
element->ItemName = soap_new_std__string( soap, -1);
element->ItemName->assign( itemname);
element->IsItem = true;
element->HasChildren = false;
if ( s0__Browse->ReturnAllProperties)
property_mask = ~0;
opc_propertynames_to_mask( s0__Browse->PropertyNames, &property_mask);
if ( property_mask)
opcsrv_get_properties( soap, element->IsItem, cid, &paref, &aref,
property_mask, &bd[i],
s0__BrowseResponse->Elements.push_back( element);
free( (char *)bd);
if ( paref.Flags.b.Object) {
for ( sts = gdh_GetChild( paref.Objid, &child);
sts = gdh_GetNextSibling( child, &child)) {
if ( has_max_elem && (int)s0__BrowseResponse->Elements.size() > max_elem) {
// Max elements reached, return current oid as continuation point
s0__BrowseResponse->ContinuationPoint = soap_new_std__string( soap, -1);
s0__BrowseResponse->ContinuationPoint->assign( cdh_ObjidToString( 0, child, 1));
*s0__BrowseResponse->MoreElements = true;
sts = gdh_ObjidToName( child, name, sizeof(name), cdh_mName_object);
if ( EVEN(sts)) continue;
sts = gdh_GetObjectClass( child, &cid);
if ( EVEN(sts)) continue;
s0__BrowseElement *element = soap_new_s0__BrowseElement( soap, -1);
element->Name = soap_new_std__string( soap, -1);
element->Name->assign( name);
strcpy( itemname, pname);
strcat( itemname, "-");
strcat( itemname, name);
element->ItemName = soap_new_std__string( soap, -1);
element->ItemName->assign( itemname);
element->IsItem = false;
if ( cid == pwr_eClass_PlantHier || cid == pwr_eClass_NodeHier)
element->HasChildren = ODD( gdh_GetChild( child, &ch)) ? true : false;
element->HasChildren = true;
if ( s0__Browse->ReturnAllProperties)
property_mask = ~0;
opc_propertynames_to_mask( s0__Browse->PropertyNames, &property_mask);
if ( property_mask) {
aref = cdh_ObjidToAref( child);
opcsrv_get_properties( soap, element->IsItem, cid, &paref, &aref,
property_mask, 0,
s0__BrowseResponse->Elements.push_back( element);
return SOAP_OK;
SOAP_FMAC5 int SOAP_FMAC6 __s0__GetProperties(struct soap *soap,
_s0__GetProperties *s0__GetProperties,
_s0__GetPropertiesResponse *s0__GetPropertiesResponse)
unsigned int property_mask;
pwr_tCid cid;
pwr_tAName iname;
char *aname;
pwr_tStatus sts;
pwr_tAttrRef aref;
pwr_tAttrRef paref;
gdh_sAttrDef *bd;
int rows;
// Check access for connection
opcsrv_client *client = opcsrv->find_client( soap->ip);
if ( !client)
client = opcsrv->new_client( soap->ip);
opcsrv->m_current_access = client->access;
switch ( opcsrv->m_current_access) {
case pwr_eOpc_AccessEnum_ReadOnly:
case pwr_eOpc_AccessEnum_ReadWrite:
return opcsrv->fault( soap, opc_eResultCode_E_ACCESS_DENIED);
s0__GetPropertiesResponse->GetPropertiesResult = soap_new_s0__ReplyBase( soap, -1);
s0__GetPropertiesResponse->GetPropertiesResult->RcvTime.assign( opc_datetime(0));
s0__GetPropertiesResponse->GetPropertiesResult->ReplyTime.assign( opc_datetime(0));
if ( s0__GetProperties->ClientRequestHandle) {
s0__GetPropertiesResponse->GetPropertiesResult->ClientRequestHandle =
soap_new_std__string( soap, -1);
s0__GetPropertiesResponse->GetPropertiesResult->ServerState = s0__serverState__running;
if ( s0__GetProperties->ReturnAllProperties && *s0__GetProperties->ReturnAllProperties)
property_mask = ~0;
opc_propertynames_to_mask( s0__GetProperties->PropertyNames, &property_mask);
for ( int i = 0; i < (int)s0__GetProperties->ItemIDs.size(); i++) {
s0__PropertyReplyList *plist = soap_new_s0__PropertyReplyList( soap, -1);
std::string *path;
if ( s0__GetProperties->ItemIDs[i]->ItemPath)
path = s0__GetProperties->ItemIDs[i]->ItemPath;
path = s0__GetProperties->ItemPath;
if ( path) {
plist->ItemPath = soap_new_std__string( soap, -1);
plist->ItemPath->assign( cnv_utf8_to_iso8859( (char *)path, path->size()+1));
plist->ItemName = soap_new_std__string( soap, -1);
cnv_utf8_to_iso8859( (char *)s0__GetProperties->ItemIDs[i]->ItemName->c_str(),
if ( path) {
strcpy( iname, path->c_str());
strcat( iname, s0__GetProperties->ItemIDs[i]->ItemName->c_str());
strcpy( iname, s0__GetProperties->ItemIDs[i]->ItemName->c_str());
sts = gdh_NameToAttrref( pwr_cNOid, cnv_utf8_to_iso8859( iname, strlen(iname)+1), &aref);
if ( EVEN(sts)) {
opcsrv_returnerror( soap, s0__GetPropertiesResponse->Errors, &plist->ResultID,
opc_eResultCode_E_UNKNOWNITEMNAME, 0);
s0__GetPropertiesResponse->PropertyLists.push_back( plist);
if ( aref.Flags.b.Object || aref.Flags.b.ObjectAttr) {
// This is an object
sts = gdh_GetAttrRefTid( &aref, &cid);
if ( EVEN(sts)) {
opcsrv_returnerror( soap, s0__GetPropertiesResponse->Errors, &plist->ResultID,
opc_eResultCode_E_FAIL, 0);
s0__GetPropertiesResponse->PropertyLists.push_back( plist);
if ( !cdh_tidIsCid( cid)) {
opcsrv_returnerror( soap, s0__GetPropertiesResponse->Errors, &plist->ResultID,
opc_eResultCode_E_FAIL, 0);
s0__GetPropertiesResponse->PropertyLists.push_back( plist);
opcsrv_get_properties( soap, false, cid, 0, &aref,
property_mask, 0,
else {
// Get the object attrref and class for this attribute
if ( !( aname = strrchr( iname, '.'))) {
opcsrv_returnerror( soap, s0__GetPropertiesResponse->Errors, &plist->ResultID,
opc_eResultCode_E_INVALIDITEMNAME, 0);
s0__GetPropertiesResponse->PropertyLists.push_back( plist);
sts = gdh_AttrArefToObjectAref( &aref, &paref);
if ( EVEN(sts)) {
opcsrv_returnerror( soap, s0__GetPropertiesResponse->Errors, &plist->ResultID,
opc_eResultCode_E_FAIL, 0);
s0__GetPropertiesResponse->PropertyLists.push_back( plist);
sts = gdh_GetAttrRefTid( &paref, &cid);
if ( EVEN(sts)) {
opcsrv_returnerror( soap, s0__GetPropertiesResponse->Errors, &plist->ResultID,
opc_eResultCode_E_FAIL, 0);
s0__GetPropertiesResponse->PropertyLists.push_back( plist);
// Get body definition
sts = gdh_GetObjectBodyDef( cid, &bd, &rows, pwr_cNOid);
if ( EVEN(sts)) {
opcsrv_returnerror( soap, s0__GetPropertiesResponse->Errors, &plist->ResultID,
opc_eResultCode_E_FAIL, 0);
s0__GetPropertiesResponse->PropertyLists.push_back( plist);
int bd_idx = -1;
for ( int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
if ( cdh_NoCaseStrcmp( aname, bd[i].attrName) == 0) {
bd_idx = i;
if ( bd_idx == -1) {
free( (char *)bd);
opcsrv_returnerror( soap, s0__GetPropertiesResponse->Errors, &plist->ResultID,
opc_eResultCode_E_FAIL, 0);
s0__GetPropertiesResponse->PropertyLists.push_back( plist);
opcsrv_get_properties( soap, true, cid, &paref, &aref,
property_mask, &bd[bd_idx],
free( (char *)bd);
s0__GetPropertiesResponse->PropertyLists.push_back( plist);
return SOAP_OK;
......@@ -287,6 +287,7 @@
#include "ge_bitmap_damper245.h"
#include "ge_bitmap_threewayvalve246.h"
#include "ge_bitmap_elheater247.h"
#include "ge_bitmap_limitswitch248.h"
......@@ -625,6 +626,7 @@ void SubPaletteBrow::allocate_pixmaps()
ALLOC_PIXMAP( ge_bitmap_damper245, 245);
ALLOC_PIXMAP( ge_bitmap_threewayvalve246, 246);
ALLOC_PIXMAP( ge_bitmap_elheater247, 247);
ALLOC_PIXMAP( ge_bitmap_limitswitch248, 248);
......@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ menu Process
subgraph FanAnim2 pwr_exe:pwr_fananim2.pwsg 71
subgraph FanAnim3 pwr_exe:pwr_fananim3.pwsg 71
subgraph HandWheel pwr_exe:pwr_handwheel.pwsg 58
subgraph LimitSwitch pwr_exe:pwr_limitswitch.pwsg 248
subgraph MDamper pwr_exe:pwr_mdamper.pwsg 55
subgraph Motor pwr_exe:pwr_motor.pwsg 23
subgraph Motor2 pwr_exe:pwr_motor2.pwsg 65
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