Commit 7ed723fb authored by Marcus Nordenberg's avatar Marcus Nordenberg Committed by Esteban Blanc

pkg: remove unnecessary files

(cherry picked from commit face65b9090928c2941d707e1214fc4cb6dd9cd0)
parent 6ded1d6d
# ~/.bash_profile: executed by bash(1) for login shells.
# see /usr/share/doc/bash/examples/startup-files for examples.
# the files are located in the bash-doc package.
umask 022
# the rest of this file is commented out.
# include .bashrc if it exists
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
source ~/.bashrc
# set PATH so it includes user's private bin if it exists
#if [ -d ~/bin ] ; then
# PATH=~/bin:"${PATH}"
# ~/.bashrc: executed by bash(1) for non-login shells.
# see /usr/share/doc/bash/examples/startup-files for examples
source /etc/pwrp_profile
# If running interactively, then:
if [ "$PS1" ]; then
# enable color support of ls and also add handy aliases
eval `dircolors -b`
alias ls='ls --color=auto'
#alias ll='ls -l'
#alias la='ls -A'
#alias l='ls -CF'
#alias dir='ls --color=auto --format=vertical'
#alias vdir='ls --color=auto --format=long'
# set a fancy prompt
PS1='\u@\h:\w\$ '
# If this is an xterm set the title to user@host:dir
#case $TERM in
# PROMPT_COMMAND='echo -ne "\033]0;${USER}@${HOSTNAME}: ${PWD}\007"'
# ;;
# ;;
!! Root Menu Description for operator
Menu DefaultRootMenu
"Operator Menu" f.title
"XTT OP-bilder" f.exec "~/.xtt_start &"
! "XTT" f.exec "~/.xtt_start &"
! "RTT" f.exec "/usr/bin/X11/xterm -T RTT -e ~/.rtt_start &"
"Xterm" f.exec "/usr/bin/X11/xterm -T XTerm -sb -right &"
"Klocka" f.exec "/usr/bin/X11/xclock &"
"Miniraknare" f.exec "/usr/bin/X11/xcalc &"
! "Shuffle Up" f.circle_up
! "Shuffle Down" f.circle_down
"Refresh" f.refresh
! "Pack Icons" f.pack_icons
! "Toggle Behavior..." f.set_behavior
no-label f.separator
! "Starta om X" f.restart
"Logga ut" f.quit_mwm
"Starta om dator" f.exec "/usr/bin/rebootreq &"
"Stang av dator" f.exec "/usr/bin/haltreq &"
!! Default Window Menu
Menu DefaultWindowMenu
"Make Pinned" f.toggle_pin_state
no-label f.separator
Restore _R Alt<Key>F5 f.restore
Move _M Alt<Key>F7 f.move
Size _S Alt<Key>F8 f.resize
Minimize _n Alt<Key>F9 f.minimize
Maximize _x Alt<Key>F10 f.maximize
Raise _a Alt<Key>F2 f.raise
Lower _L Alt<Key>F3 f.lower
no-label f.separator
Close _C Alt<Key>F4 f.kill
!! Default Key Bindings
Keys DefaultKeyBindings
Shift<Key>Escape window|icon f.post_wmenu
Alt<Key>space window|icon f.post_wmenu
Alt<Key>Tab root|icon|window f.next_key
Alt Shift<Key>Tab root|icon|window f.prev_key
Alt<Key>Escape root|icon|window f.circle_down
Alt Shift<Key>Escape root|icon|window f.circle_up
Alt Shift Ctrl<Key>exclam root|icon|window f.set_behavior
Alt<Key>F6 window f.next_key transient
Alt Shift<Key>F6 window f.prev_key transient
Shift<Key>F10 icon f.post_wmenu
Alt Shift<Key>Delete root|icon|window f.restart
!! Button Binding Description(s)
!! These can be used anywhere
Buttons DefaultButtonBindings
<Btn1Down> icon|frame f.raise
<Btn3Down> icon|frame f.post_wmenu
<Btn3Down> root DefaultRootMenu
!! These are some example bindings that you might use if your
!! keyboardFocusPolicy is "explicit". Note that to use these, you'll
!! have to change the Mwm*buttonBindings resource in Mwm to
!! ExplicitButtonBindings instead of DefaultButtonBindings.
Buttons ExplicitButtonBindings
<Btn1Down> frame|icon f.raise
<Btn3Down> frame|icon f.post_wmenu
<Btn3Down> root DefaultRootMenu
! <Btn1Up> icon f.restore
Alt<Btn1Down> window|icon f.lower
! Alt<Btn2Down> window|icon f.resize
! Alt<Btn3Down> window|icon f.move
!! These are some example bindings that you might use if your
!! keyboardFocusPolicy is "pointer". Note that to use these, you'll
!! have to change the Mwm*buttonBindings resource in Mwm to
!! PointerButtonBindings instead of DefaultButtonBindings.
Buttons PointerButtonBindings
<Btn1Down> frame|icon f.raise
<Btn3Down> frame|icon f.post_wmenu
<Btn3Down> root DefaultRootMenu
<Btn1Down> window f.raise
! <Btn1Up> icon f.restore
Alt<Btn1Down> window|icon f.lower
! Alt<Btn2Down> window|icon f.resize
! Alt<Btn3Down> window|icon f.move
#Automatically generated file. Do not edit (see /usr/doc/menu/html/index.html)
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Editors"
"Editors" f.title
"Emacs 20" f.exec "/usr/bin/emacs20 &"
"NEdit" f.exec "/usr/bin/X11/nedit &"
"Xedit" f.exec "xedit &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Graphics"
"Graphics" f.title
"Bitmap" f.exec "bitmap &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Math"
"Math" f.title
"Xcalc" f.exec "xcalc &"
"bc" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'bc' -e /usr/bin/bc &"
"dc" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'dc' -e /usr/bin/dc &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Net"
"Net" f.title
"Lynx" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Lynx' -e /usr/bin/lynx &"
"Telnet" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Telnet' -e telnet &"
"Xbiff" f.exec "xbiff &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Programming"
"Programming" f.title
"Gdb" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Gdb' -e /usr/bin/gdb &"
"Python (v2.1)" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Python (v2.1)' -e /usr/bin/python2.1 &"
"Tclsh8.0" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Tclsh8.0' -e /usr/bin/tclsh8.0 &"
"Tclsh8.2" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Tclsh8.2' -e /usr/bin/tclsh8.2 &"
"Tclsh8.3" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Tclsh8.3' -e /usr/bin/tclsh8.3 &"
"TkWish8.0" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'TkWish8.0' -e /usr/bin/wish8.0 &"
"TkWish8.3" f.exec "/usr/bin/wish8.3 &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Shells"
"Shells" f.title
"Bash" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Bash' -e /bin/bash -login &"
"Sh" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Sh' -e /bin/sh -login &"
"Tcsh" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Tcsh' -e /usr/bin/tcsh &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/System/Admin"
"Admin" f.title
"Lilo-config" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Lilo-config' -e /usr/sbin/su-to-root -p root -c /usr/sbin/liloconfig &"
"gpm-config" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'gpm-config' -e /usr/sbin/su-to-root -p root -c /usr/sbin/gpmconfig &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/System"
"System" f.title
"Admin" "/Debian/Apps/System/Admin"
"Task selector" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Task selector' -e su-to-root /usr/bin/tasksel &"
"Top" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Top' -e /usr/bin/top &"
"Xconsole" f.exec "xconsole &"
"Xload" f.exec "xload &"
"Xvidtune" f.exec "xvidtune &"
"pstree" f.exec "/etc/alternatives/x-terminal-emulator -e /usr/bin/pstree.x11 &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Tools"
"Tools" f.title
"Editres" f.exec "editres &"
"Oclock" f.exec "oclock &"
"X Window Snapshot" f.exec "xwd | xwud &"
"Xclipboard" f.exec "xclipboard &"
"Xclock (analog)" f.exec "xclock -analog &"
"Xclock (digital)" f.exec "xclock -digital -update 1 &"
"Xcutsel" f.exec "xcutsel &"
"Xev" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -e xev &"
"Xfontsel" f.exec "xfontsel &"
"Xkill" f.exec "xkill &"
"Xmag" f.exec "xmag &"
"Xrefresh" f.exec "xrefresh &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Viewers"
"Viewers" f.title
"GV" f.exec "/usr/bin/X11/gv &"
"XDvi" f.exec "/usr/bin/xdvi &"
"Xditview" f.exec "xditview &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps"
"Apps" f.title
"Editors" "/Debian/Apps/Editors"
"Graphics" "/Debian/Apps/Graphics"
"Math" "/Debian/Apps/Math"
"Net" "/Debian/Apps/Net"
"Programming" "/Debian/Apps/Programming"
"Shells" "/Debian/Apps/Shells"
"System" "/Debian/Apps/System"
"Tools" "/Debian/Apps/Tools"
"Viewers" "/Debian/Apps/Viewers"
Menu "/Debian/Games/Toys"
"Toys" f.title
"Xeyes" f.exec "xeyes &"
"Xlogo" f.exec "xlogo &"
Menu "/Debian/Games"
"Games" f.title
"Toys" "/Debian/Games/Toys"
Menu "/Debian/Help"
"Help" f.title
"Info" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Info' -e info &"
"Xman" f.exec "xman &"
Menu "/Debian/Screen/Root-window"
"Root-window" f.title
"Xsetroot" f.exec "xsetroot &"
Menu "/Debian/Screen/Save"
"Save" f.title
"Beforelight" f.exec "beforelight &"
Menu "/Debian/Screen"
"Screen" f.title
"Root-window" "/Debian/Screen/Root-window"
"Save" "/Debian/Screen/Save"
Menu "/Debian/XShells"
"XShells" f.title
"XTerm" f.exec "xterm &"
"XTerm (Unicode)" f.exec "uxterm &"
Menu "/Debian"
"Debian" f.title
"Apps" "/Debian/Apps"
"Games" "/Debian/Games"
"Help" "/Debian/Help"
"Screen" "/Debian/Screen"
"XShells" "/Debian/XShells"
xsetroot -solid darkcyan
xhost +localhost
xset s off s noblank s noexpose -dpms
exec mwm
# ~/.bash_profile: executed by bash(1) for login shells.
# see /usr/share/doc/bash/examples/startup-files for examples.
# the files are located in the bash-doc package.
umask 022
# the rest of this file is commented out.
# include .bashrc if it exists
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
source ~/.bashrc
# set PATH so it includes user's private bin if it exists
#if [ -d ~/bin ] ; then
# PATH=~/bin:"${PATH}"
# ~/.bashrc: executed by bash(1) for non-login shells.
# see /usr/share/doc/bash/examples/startup-files for examples
source /etc/pwrp_profile
# If running interactively, then:
if [ "$PS1" ]; then
# enable color support of ls and also add handy aliases
eval `dircolors -b`
alias ls='ls --color=auto'
#alias ll='ls -l'
#alias la='ls -A'
#alias l='ls -CF'
#alias dir='ls --color=auto --format=vertical'
#alias vdir='ls --color=auto --format=long'
# set a fancy prompt
PS1='\u@\h:\w\$ '
# If this is an xterm set the title to user@host:dir
#case $TERM in
# PROMPT_COMMAND='echo -ne "\033]0;${USER}@${HOSTNAME}: ${PWD}\007"'
# ;;
# ;;
!! Root Menu Description for users
Menu DefaultRootMenu
"User Menu" f.title
! "XTT OP-bilder" f.exec "~/.xtt_start &"
"XTT" f.exec "~/.xtt_start &"
"RTT" f.exec "/usr/bin/X11/xterm -T RTT -e ~/.rtt_start &"
"PSS-kort" f.exec "/usr/bin/X11/xterm -T PSS_Kort -e /usr/bin/minicom &"
"Xterm" f.exec "/usr/bin/X11/xterm -T XTerm -sb -right &"
"Klocka" f.exec "/usr/bin/X11/xclock &"
"Miniraknare" f.exec "/usr/bin/X11/xcalc &"
! "Shuffle Up" f.circle_up
! "Shuffle Down" f.circle_down
"Refresh" f.refresh
! "Pack Icons" f.pack_icons
! "Toggle Behavior..." f.set_behavior
no-label f.separator
! "Starta om X" f.restart
"Logga ut" f.quit_mwm
"Starta om dator" f.exec "/usr/bin/rebootreq &"
"Stang av dator" f.exec "/usr/bin/haltreq &"
!! Default Window Menu
Menu DefaultWindowMenu
"Make Pinned" f.toggle_pin_state
no-label f.separator
Restore _R Alt<Key>F5 f.restore
Move _M Alt<Key>F7 f.move
Size _S Alt<Key>F8 f.resize
Minimize _n Alt<Key>F9 f.minimize
Maximize _x Alt<Key>F10 f.maximize
Raise _a Alt<Key>F2 f.raise
Lower _L Alt<Key>F3 f.lower
no-label f.separator
Close _C Alt<Key>F4 f.kill
!! Default Key Bindings
Keys DefaultKeyBindings
Shift<Key>Escape window|icon f.post_wmenu
Alt<Key>space window|icon f.post_wmenu
Alt<Key>Tab root|icon|window f.next_key
Alt Shift<Key>Tab root|icon|window f.prev_key
Alt<Key>Escape root|icon|window f.circle_down
Alt Shift<Key>Escape root|icon|window f.circle_up
Alt Shift Ctrl<Key>exclam root|icon|window f.set_behavior
Alt<Key>F6 window f.next_key transient
Alt Shift<Key>F6 window f.prev_key transient
Shift<Key>F10 icon f.post_wmenu
Alt Shift<Key>Delete root|icon|window f.restart
!! Button Binding Description(s)
!! These can be used anywhere
Buttons DefaultButtonBindings
<Btn1Down> icon|frame f.raise
<Btn3Down> icon|frame f.post_wmenu
<Btn3Down> root DefaultRootMenu
!! These are some example bindings that you might use if your
!! keyboardFocusPolicy is "explicit". Note that to use these, you'll
!! have to change the Mwm*buttonBindings resource in Mwm to
!! ExplicitButtonBindings instead of DefaultButtonBindings.
Buttons ExplicitButtonBindings
<Btn1Down> frame|icon f.raise
<Btn3Down> frame|icon f.post_wmenu
<Btn3Down> root DefaultRootMenu
! <Btn1Up> icon f.restore
Alt<Btn1Down> window|icon f.lower
! Alt<Btn2Down> window|icon f.resize
! Alt<Btn3Down> window|icon f.move
!! These are some example bindings that you might use if your
!! keyboardFocusPolicy is "pointer". Note that to use these, you'll
!! have to change the Mwm*buttonBindings resource in Mwm to
!! PointerButtonBindings instead of DefaultButtonBindings.
Buttons PointerButtonBindings
<Btn1Down> frame|icon f.raise
<Btn3Down> frame|icon f.post_wmenu
<Btn3Down> root DefaultRootMenu
<Btn1Down> window f.raise
! <Btn1Up> icon f.restore
Alt<Btn1Down> window|icon f.lower
! Alt<Btn2Down> window|icon f.resize
! Alt<Btn3Down> window|icon f.move
#Automatically generated file. Do not edit (see /usr/doc/menu/html/index.html)
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Editors"
"Editors" f.title
"Emacs 20" f.exec "/usr/bin/emacs20 &"
"NEdit" f.exec "/usr/bin/X11/nedit &"
"Xedit" f.exec "xedit &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Graphics"
"Graphics" f.title
"Bitmap" f.exec "bitmap &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Math"
"Math" f.title
"Xcalc" f.exec "xcalc &"
"bc" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'bc' -e /usr/bin/bc &"
"dc" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'dc' -e /usr/bin/dc &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Net"
"Net" f.title
"Lynx" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Lynx' -e /usr/bin/lynx &"
"Telnet" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Telnet' -e telnet &"
"Xbiff" f.exec "xbiff &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Programming"
"Programming" f.title
"Gdb" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Gdb' -e /usr/bin/gdb &"
"Python (v2.1)" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Python (v2.1)' -e /usr/bin/python2.1 &"
"Tclsh8.0" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Tclsh8.0' -e /usr/bin/tclsh8.0 &"
"Tclsh8.2" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Tclsh8.2' -e /usr/bin/tclsh8.2 &"
"Tclsh8.3" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Tclsh8.3' -e /usr/bin/tclsh8.3 &"
"TkWish8.0" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'TkWish8.0' -e /usr/bin/wish8.0 &"
"TkWish8.3" f.exec "/usr/bin/wish8.3 &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Shells"
"Shells" f.title
"Bash" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Bash' -e /bin/bash -login &"
"Sh" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Sh' -e /bin/sh -login &"
"Tcsh" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Tcsh' -e /usr/bin/tcsh &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/System/Admin"
"Admin" f.title
"Lilo-config" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Lilo-config' -e /usr/sbin/su-to-root -p root -c /usr/sbin/liloconfig &"
"gpm-config" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'gpm-config' -e /usr/sbin/su-to-root -p root -c /usr/sbin/gpmconfig &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/System"
"System" f.title
"Admin" "/Debian/Apps/System/Admin"
"Task selector" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Task selector' -e su-to-root /usr/bin/tasksel &"
"Top" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Top' -e /usr/bin/top &"
"Xconsole" f.exec "xconsole &"
"Xload" f.exec "xload &"
"Xvidtune" f.exec "xvidtune &"
"pstree" f.exec "/etc/alternatives/x-terminal-emulator -e /usr/bin/pstree.x11 &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Tools"
"Tools" f.title
"Editres" f.exec "editres &"
"Oclock" f.exec "oclock &"
"X Window Snapshot" f.exec "xwd | xwud &"
"Xclipboard" f.exec "xclipboard &"
"Xclock (analog)" f.exec "xclock -analog &"
"Xclock (digital)" f.exec "xclock -digital -update 1 &"
"Xcutsel" f.exec "xcutsel &"
"Xev" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -e xev &"
"Xfontsel" f.exec "xfontsel &"
"Xkill" f.exec "xkill &"
"Xmag" f.exec "xmag &"
"Xrefresh" f.exec "xrefresh &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Viewers"
"Viewers" f.title
"GV" f.exec "/usr/bin/X11/gv &"
"XDvi" f.exec "/usr/bin/xdvi &"
"Xditview" f.exec "xditview &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps"
"Apps" f.title
"Editors" "/Debian/Apps/Editors"
"Graphics" "/Debian/Apps/Graphics"
"Math" "/Debian/Apps/Math"
"Net" "/Debian/Apps/Net"
"Programming" "/Debian/Apps/Programming"
"Shells" "/Debian/Apps/Shells"
"System" "/Debian/Apps/System"
"Tools" "/Debian/Apps/Tools"
"Viewers" "/Debian/Apps/Viewers"
Menu "/Debian/Games/Toys"
"Toys" f.title
"Xeyes" f.exec "xeyes &"
"Xlogo" f.exec "xlogo &"
Menu "/Debian/Games"
"Games" f.title
"Toys" "/Debian/Games/Toys"
Menu "/Debian/Help"
"Help" f.title
"Info" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Info' -e info &"
"Xman" f.exec "xman &"
Menu "/Debian/Screen/Root-window"
"Root-window" f.title
"Xsetroot" f.exec "xsetroot &"
Menu "/Debian/Screen/Save"
"Save" f.title
"Beforelight" f.exec "beforelight &"
Menu "/Debian/Screen"
"Screen" f.title
"Root-window" "/Debian/Screen/Root-window"
"Save" "/Debian/Screen/Save"
Menu "/Debian/XShells"
"XShells" f.title
"XTerm" f.exec "xterm &"
"XTerm (Unicode)" f.exec "uxterm &"
Menu "/Debian"
"Debian" f.title
"Apps" "/Debian/Apps"
"Games" "/Debian/Games"
"Help" "/Debian/Help"
"Screen" "/Debian/Screen"
"XShells" "/Debian/XShells"
xsetroot -solid darkcyan
xhost +localhost
xset s off s noblank s noexpose -dpms
exec mwm
# ~/.bash_profile: executed by bash(1) for login shells.
# see /usr/share/doc/bash/examples/startup-files for examples.
# the files are located in the bash-doc package.
umask 022
# the rest of this file is commented out.
# include .bashrc if it exists
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
source ~/.bashrc
# set PATH so it includes user's private bin if it exists
#if [ -d ~/bin ] ; then
# PATH=~/bin:"${PATH}"
# ~/.bashrc: executed by bash(1) for non-login shells.
# see /usr/share/doc/bash/examples/startup-files for examples
source /etc/pwrp_profile
# If running interactively, then:
if [ "$PS1" ]; then
# enable color support of ls and also add handy aliases
eval `dircolors -b`
alias ls='ls --color=auto'
#alias ll='ls -l'
#alias la='ls -A'
#alias l='ls -CF'
#alias dir='ls --color=auto --format=vertical'
#alias vdir='ls --color=auto --format=long'
# set a fancy prompt
PS1='\u@\h:\w\$ '
# If this is an xterm set the title to user@host:dir
#case $TERM in
# PROMPT_COMMAND='echo -ne "\033]0;${USER}@${HOSTNAME}: ${PWD}\007"'
# ;;
# ;;
!! Root Menu Description for operator
Menu DefaultRootMenu
"Operator Menu" f.title
"XTT OP-bilder" f.exec "~/.xtt_start &"
! "XTT" f.exec "~/.xtt_start &"
! "RTT" f.exec "/usr/bin/X11/xterm -T RTT -e ~/.rtt_start &"
"Xterm" f.exec "/usr/bin/X11/xterm -T XTerm -sb -right &"
"Klocka" f.exec "/usr/bin/X11/xclock &"
"Miniraknare" f.exec "/usr/bin/X11/xcalc &"
! "Shuffle Up" f.circle_up
! "Shuffle Down" f.circle_down
"Refresh" f.refresh
! "Pack Icons" f.pack_icons
! "Toggle Behavior..." f.set_behavior
no-label f.separator
! "Starta om X" f.restart
"Logga ut" f.quit_mwm
"Starta om dator" f.exec "/usr/bin/rebootreq &"
"Stang av dator" f.exec "/usr/bin/haltreq &"
!! Default Window Menu
Menu DefaultWindowMenu
"Make Pinned" f.toggle_pin_state
no-label f.separator
Restore _R Alt<Key>F5 f.restore
Move _M Alt<Key>F7 f.move
Size _S Alt<Key>F8 f.resize
Minimize _n Alt<Key>F9 f.minimize
Maximize _x Alt<Key>F10 f.maximize
Raise _a Alt<Key>F2 f.raise
Lower _L Alt<Key>F3 f.lower
no-label f.separator
Close _C Alt<Key>F4 f.kill
!! Default Key Bindings
Keys DefaultKeyBindings
Shift<Key>Escape window|icon f.post_wmenu
Alt<Key>space window|icon f.post_wmenu
Alt<Key>Tab root|icon|window f.next_key
Alt Shift<Key>Tab root|icon|window f.prev_key
Alt<Key>Escape root|icon|window f.circle_down
Alt Shift<Key>Escape root|icon|window f.circle_up
Alt Shift Ctrl<Key>exclam root|icon|window f.set_behavior
Alt<Key>F6 window f.next_key transient
Alt Shift<Key>F6 window f.prev_key transient
Shift<Key>F10 icon f.post_wmenu
Alt Shift<Key>Delete root|icon|window f.restart
!! Button Binding Description(s)
!! These can be used anywhere
Buttons DefaultButtonBindings
<Btn1Down> icon|frame f.raise
<Btn3Down> icon|frame f.post_wmenu
<Btn3Down> root DefaultRootMenu
!! These are some example bindings that you might use if your
!! keyboardFocusPolicy is "explicit". Note that to use these, you'll
!! have to change the Mwm*buttonBindings resource in Mwm to
!! ExplicitButtonBindings instead of DefaultButtonBindings.
Buttons ExplicitButtonBindings
<Btn1Down> frame|icon f.raise
<Btn3Down> frame|icon f.post_wmenu
<Btn3Down> root DefaultRootMenu
! <Btn1Up> icon f.restore
Alt<Btn1Down> window|icon f.lower
! Alt<Btn2Down> window|icon f.resize
! Alt<Btn3Down> window|icon f.move
!! These are some example bindings that you might use if your
!! keyboardFocusPolicy is "pointer". Note that to use these, you'll
!! have to change the Mwm*buttonBindings resource in Mwm to
!! PointerButtonBindings instead of DefaultButtonBindings.
Buttons PointerButtonBindings
<Btn1Down> frame|icon f.raise
<Btn3Down> frame|icon f.post_wmenu
<Btn3Down> root DefaultRootMenu
<Btn1Down> window f.raise
! <Btn1Up> icon f.restore
Alt<Btn1Down> window|icon f.lower
! Alt<Btn2Down> window|icon f.resize
! Alt<Btn3Down> window|icon f.move
#Automatically generated file. Do not edit (see /usr/doc/menu/html/index.html)
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Editors"
"Editors" f.title
"Emacs 20" f.exec "/usr/bin/emacs20 &"
"NEdit" f.exec "/usr/bin/X11/nedit &"
"Xedit" f.exec "xedit &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Graphics"
"Graphics" f.title
"Bitmap" f.exec "bitmap &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Math"
"Math" f.title
"Xcalc" f.exec "xcalc &"
"bc" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'bc' -e /usr/bin/bc &"
"dc" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'dc' -e /usr/bin/dc &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Net"
"Net" f.title
"Lynx" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Lynx' -e /usr/bin/lynx &"
"Telnet" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Telnet' -e telnet &"
"Xbiff" f.exec "xbiff &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Programming"
"Programming" f.title
"Gdb" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Gdb' -e /usr/bin/gdb &"
"Python (v2.1)" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Python (v2.1)' -e /usr/bin/python2.1 &"
"Tclsh8.0" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Tclsh8.0' -e /usr/bin/tclsh8.0 &"
"Tclsh8.2" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Tclsh8.2' -e /usr/bin/tclsh8.2 &"
"Tclsh8.3" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Tclsh8.3' -e /usr/bin/tclsh8.3 &"
"TkWish8.0" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'TkWish8.0' -e /usr/bin/wish8.0 &"
"TkWish8.3" f.exec "/usr/bin/wish8.3 &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Shells"
"Shells" f.title
"Bash" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Bash' -e /bin/bash -login &"
"Sh" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Sh' -e /bin/sh -login &"
"Tcsh" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Tcsh' -e /usr/bin/tcsh &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/System/Admin"
"Admin" f.title
"Lilo-config" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Lilo-config' -e /usr/sbin/su-to-root -p root -c /usr/sbin/liloconfig &"
"gpm-config" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'gpm-config' -e /usr/sbin/su-to-root -p root -c /usr/sbin/gpmconfig &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/System"
"System" f.title
"Admin" "/Debian/Apps/System/Admin"
"Task selector" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Task selector' -e su-to-root /usr/bin/tasksel &"
"Top" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Top' -e /usr/bin/top &"
"Xconsole" f.exec "xconsole &"
"Xload" f.exec "xload &"
"Xvidtune" f.exec "xvidtune &"
"pstree" f.exec "/etc/alternatives/x-terminal-emulator -e /usr/bin/pstree.x11 &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Tools"
"Tools" f.title
"Editres" f.exec "editres &"
"Oclock" f.exec "oclock &"
"X Window Snapshot" f.exec "xwd | xwud &"
"Xclipboard" f.exec "xclipboard &"
"Xclock (analog)" f.exec "xclock -analog &"
"Xclock (digital)" f.exec "xclock -digital -update 1 &"
"Xcutsel" f.exec "xcutsel &"
"Xev" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -e xev &"
"Xfontsel" f.exec "xfontsel &"
"Xkill" f.exec "xkill &"
"Xmag" f.exec "xmag &"
"Xrefresh" f.exec "xrefresh &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Viewers"
"Viewers" f.title
"GV" f.exec "/usr/bin/X11/gv &"
"XDvi" f.exec "/usr/bin/xdvi &"
"Xditview" f.exec "xditview &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps"
"Apps" f.title
"Editors" "/Debian/Apps/Editors"
"Graphics" "/Debian/Apps/Graphics"
"Math" "/Debian/Apps/Math"
"Net" "/Debian/Apps/Net"
"Programming" "/Debian/Apps/Programming"
"Shells" "/Debian/Apps/Shells"
"System" "/Debian/Apps/System"
"Tools" "/Debian/Apps/Tools"
"Viewers" "/Debian/Apps/Viewers"
Menu "/Debian/Games/Toys"
"Toys" f.title
"Xeyes" f.exec "xeyes &"
"Xlogo" f.exec "xlogo &"
Menu "/Debian/Games"
"Games" f.title
"Toys" "/Debian/Games/Toys"
Menu "/Debian/Help"
"Help" f.title
"Info" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Info' -e info &"
"Xman" f.exec "xman &"
Menu "/Debian/Screen/Root-window"
"Root-window" f.title
"Xsetroot" f.exec "xsetroot &"
Menu "/Debian/Screen/Save"
"Save" f.title
"Beforelight" f.exec "beforelight &"
Menu "/Debian/Screen"
"Screen" f.title
"Root-window" "/Debian/Screen/Root-window"
"Save" "/Debian/Screen/Save"
Menu "/Debian/XShells"
"XShells" f.title
"XTerm" f.exec "xterm &"
"XTerm (Unicode)" f.exec "uxterm &"
Menu "/Debian"
"Debian" f.title
"Apps" "/Debian/Apps"
"Games" "/Debian/Games"
"Help" "/Debian/Help"
"Screen" "/Debian/Screen"
"XShells" "/Debian/XShells"
xsetroot -solid darkcyan
xhost +localhost
xset s off s noblank s noexpose -dpms
exec mwm
# ~/.bash_profile: executed by bash(1) for login shells.
# see /usr/share/doc/bash/examples/startup-files for examples.
# the files are located in the bash-doc package.
umask 022
# the rest of this file is commented out.
# include .bashrc if it exists
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
source ~/.bashrc
# set PATH so it includes user's private bin if it exists
#if [ -d ~/bin ] ; then
# PATH=~/bin:"${PATH}"
# ~/.bashrc: executed by bash(1) for non-login shells.
# see /usr/share/doc/bash/examples/startup-files for examples
source /etc/pwrp_profile
# If running interactively, then:
if [ "$PS1" ]; then
# enable color support of ls and also add handy aliases
eval `dircolors -b`
alias ls='ls --color=auto'
#alias ll='ls -l'
#alias la='ls -A'
#alias l='ls -CF'
#alias dir='ls --color=auto --format=vertical'
#alias vdir='ls --color=auto --format=long'
# set a fancy prompt
PS1='\u@\h:\w\$ '
# If this is an xterm set the title to user@host:dir
#case $TERM in
# PROMPT_COMMAND='echo -ne "\033]0;${USER}@${HOSTNAME}: ${PWD}\007"'
# ;;
# ;;
!! Root Menu Description for users
Menu DefaultRootMenu
"User Menu" f.title
! "XTT OP-bilder" f.exec "~/.xtt_start &"
"XTT" f.exec "~/.xtt_start &"
"RTT" f.exec "/usr/bin/X11/xterm -T RTT -e ~/.rtt_start &"
"PSS-kort" f.exec "/usr/bin/X11/xterm -T PSS_Kort -e /usr/bin/minicom &"
"Xterm" f.exec "/usr/bin/X11/xterm -T XTerm -sb -right &"
"Klocka" f.exec "/usr/bin/X11/xclock &"
"Miniraknare" f.exec "/usr/bin/X11/xcalc &"
! "Shuffle Up" f.circle_up
! "Shuffle Down" f.circle_down
"Refresh" f.refresh
! "Pack Icons" f.pack_icons
! "Toggle Behavior..." f.set_behavior
no-label f.separator
! "Starta om X" f.restart
"Logga ut" f.quit_mwm
"Starta om dator" f.exec "/usr/bin/rebootreq &"
"Stang av dator" f.exec "/usr/bin/haltreq &"
!! Default Window Menu
Menu DefaultWindowMenu
"Make Pinned" f.toggle_pin_state
no-label f.separator
Restore _R Alt<Key>F5 f.restore
Move _M Alt<Key>F7 f.move
Size _S Alt<Key>F8 f.resize
Minimize _n Alt<Key>F9 f.minimize
Maximize _x Alt<Key>F10 f.maximize
Raise _a Alt<Key>F2 f.raise
Lower _L Alt<Key>F3 f.lower
no-label f.separator
Close _C Alt<Key>F4 f.kill
!! Default Key Bindings
Keys DefaultKeyBindings
Shift<Key>Escape window|icon f.post_wmenu
Alt<Key>space window|icon f.post_wmenu
Alt<Key>Tab root|icon|window f.next_key
Alt Shift<Key>Tab root|icon|window f.prev_key
Alt<Key>Escape root|icon|window f.circle_down
Alt Shift<Key>Escape root|icon|window f.circle_up
Alt Shift Ctrl<Key>exclam root|icon|window f.set_behavior
Alt<Key>F6 window f.next_key transient
Alt Shift<Key>F6 window f.prev_key transient
Shift<Key>F10 icon f.post_wmenu
Alt Shift<Key>Delete root|icon|window f.restart
!! Button Binding Description(s)
!! These can be used anywhere
Buttons DefaultButtonBindings
<Btn1Down> icon|frame f.raise
<Btn3Down> icon|frame f.post_wmenu
<Btn3Down> root DefaultRootMenu
!! These are some example bindings that you might use if your
!! keyboardFocusPolicy is "explicit". Note that to use these, you'll
!! have to change the Mwm*buttonBindings resource in Mwm to
!! ExplicitButtonBindings instead of DefaultButtonBindings.
Buttons ExplicitButtonBindings
<Btn1Down> frame|icon f.raise
<Btn3Down> frame|icon f.post_wmenu
<Btn3Down> root DefaultRootMenu
! <Btn1Up> icon f.restore
Alt<Btn1Down> window|icon f.lower
! Alt<Btn2Down> window|icon f.resize
! Alt<Btn3Down> window|icon f.move
!! These are some example bindings that you might use if your
!! keyboardFocusPolicy is "pointer". Note that to use these, you'll
!! have to change the Mwm*buttonBindings resource in Mwm to
!! PointerButtonBindings instead of DefaultButtonBindings.
Buttons PointerButtonBindings
<Btn1Down> frame|icon f.raise
<Btn3Down> frame|icon f.post_wmenu
<Btn3Down> root DefaultRootMenu
<Btn1Down> window f.raise
! <Btn1Up> icon f.restore
Alt<Btn1Down> window|icon f.lower
! Alt<Btn2Down> window|icon f.resize
! Alt<Btn3Down> window|icon f.move
#Automatically generated file. Do not edit (see /usr/doc/menu/html/index.html)
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Editors"
"Editors" f.title
"Emacs 20" f.exec "/usr/bin/emacs20 &"
"NEdit" f.exec "/usr/bin/X11/nedit &"
"Xedit" f.exec "xedit &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Graphics"
"Graphics" f.title
"Bitmap" f.exec "bitmap &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Math"
"Math" f.title
"Xcalc" f.exec "xcalc &"
"bc" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'bc' -e /usr/bin/bc &"
"dc" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'dc' -e /usr/bin/dc &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Net"
"Net" f.title
"Lynx" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Lynx' -e /usr/bin/lynx &"
"Telnet" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Telnet' -e telnet &"
"Xbiff" f.exec "xbiff &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Programming"
"Programming" f.title
"Gdb" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Gdb' -e /usr/bin/gdb &"
"Python (v2.1)" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Python (v2.1)' -e /usr/bin/python2.1 &"
"Tclsh8.0" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Tclsh8.0' -e /usr/bin/tclsh8.0 &"
"Tclsh8.2" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Tclsh8.2' -e /usr/bin/tclsh8.2 &"
"Tclsh8.3" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Tclsh8.3' -e /usr/bin/tclsh8.3 &"
"TkWish8.0" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'TkWish8.0' -e /usr/bin/wish8.0 &"
"TkWish8.3" f.exec "/usr/bin/wish8.3 &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Shells"
"Shells" f.title
"Bash" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Bash' -e /bin/bash -login &"
"Sh" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Sh' -e /bin/sh -login &"
"Tcsh" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Tcsh' -e /usr/bin/tcsh &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/System/Admin"
"Admin" f.title
"Lilo-config" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Lilo-config' -e /usr/sbin/su-to-root -p root -c /usr/sbin/liloconfig &"
"gpm-config" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'gpm-config' -e /usr/sbin/su-to-root -p root -c /usr/sbin/gpmconfig &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/System"
"System" f.title
"Admin" "/Debian/Apps/System/Admin"
"Task selector" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Task selector' -e su-to-root /usr/bin/tasksel &"
"Top" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Top' -e /usr/bin/top &"
"Xconsole" f.exec "xconsole &"
"Xload" f.exec "xload &"
"Xvidtune" f.exec "xvidtune &"
"pstree" f.exec "/etc/alternatives/x-terminal-emulator -e /usr/bin/pstree.x11 &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Tools"
"Tools" f.title
"Editres" f.exec "editres &"
"Oclock" f.exec "oclock &"
"X Window Snapshot" f.exec "xwd | xwud &"
"Xclipboard" f.exec "xclipboard &"
"Xclock (analog)" f.exec "xclock -analog &"
"Xclock (digital)" f.exec "xclock -digital -update 1 &"
"Xcutsel" f.exec "xcutsel &"
"Xev" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -e xev &"
"Xfontsel" f.exec "xfontsel &"
"Xkill" f.exec "xkill &"
"Xmag" f.exec "xmag &"
"Xrefresh" f.exec "xrefresh &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Viewers"
"Viewers" f.title
"GV" f.exec "/usr/bin/X11/gv &"
"XDvi" f.exec "/usr/bin/xdvi &"
"Xditview" f.exec "xditview &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps"
"Apps" f.title
"Editors" "/Debian/Apps/Editors"
"Graphics" "/Debian/Apps/Graphics"
"Math" "/Debian/Apps/Math"
"Net" "/Debian/Apps/Net"
"Programming" "/Debian/Apps/Programming"
"Shells" "/Debian/Apps/Shells"
"System" "/Debian/Apps/System"
"Tools" "/Debian/Apps/Tools"
"Viewers" "/Debian/Apps/Viewers"
Menu "/Debian/Games/Toys"
"Toys" f.title
"Xeyes" f.exec "xeyes &"
"Xlogo" f.exec "xlogo &"
Menu "/Debian/Games"
"Games" f.title
"Toys" "/Debian/Games/Toys"
Menu "/Debian/Help"
"Help" f.title
"Info" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Info' -e info &"
"Xman" f.exec "xman &"
Menu "/Debian/Screen/Root-window"
"Root-window" f.title
"Xsetroot" f.exec "xsetroot &"
Menu "/Debian/Screen/Save"
"Save" f.title
"Beforelight" f.exec "beforelight &"
Menu "/Debian/Screen"
"Screen" f.title
"Root-window" "/Debian/Screen/Root-window"
"Save" "/Debian/Screen/Save"
Menu "/Debian/XShells"
"XShells" f.title
"XTerm" f.exec "xterm &"
"XTerm (Unicode)" f.exec "uxterm &"
Menu "/Debian"
"Debian" f.title
"Apps" "/Debian/Apps"
"Games" "/Debian/Games"
"Help" "/Debian/Help"
"Screen" "/Debian/Screen"
"XShells" "/Debian/XShells"
xsetroot -solid darkcyan
xhost +localhost
xset s off s noblank s noexpose -dpms
exec mwm
# ~/.bash_profile: executed by bash(1) for login shells.
# see /usr/share/doc/bash/examples/startup-files for examples.
# the files are located in the bash-doc package.
umask 022
# the rest of this file is commented out.
# include .bashrc if it exists
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
source ~/.bashrc
# set PATH so it includes user's private bin if it exists
#if [ -d ~/bin ] ; then
# PATH=~/bin:"${PATH}"
# ~/.bashrc: executed by bash(1) for non-login shells.
# see /usr/share/doc/bash/examples/startup-files for examples
source /etc/pwrp_profile
# If running interactively, then:
if [ "$PS1" ]; then
# enable color support of ls and also add handy aliases
eval `dircolors -b`
alias ls='ls --color=auto'
#alias ll='ls -l'
#alias la='ls -A'
#alias l='ls -CF'
#alias dir='ls --color=auto --format=vertical'
#alias vdir='ls --color=auto --format=long'
# set a fancy prompt
PS1='\u@\h:\w\$ '
# If this is an xterm set the title to user@host:dir
#case $TERM in
# PROMPT_COMMAND='echo -ne "\033]0;${USER}@${HOSTNAME}: ${PWD}\007"'
# ;;
# ;;
!! Root Menu Description for operator
Menu DefaultRootMenu
"Operator Menu" f.title
"XTT OP-bilder" f.exec "~/.xtt_start &"
! "XTT" f.exec "~/.xtt_start &"
! "RTT" f.exec "/usr/bin/X11/xterm -T RTT -e ~/.rtt_start &"
"Xterm" f.exec "/usr/bin/X11/xterm -T XTerm -sb -right &"
"Klocka" f.exec "/usr/bin/X11/xclock &"
"Miniraknare" f.exec "/usr/bin/X11/xcalc &"
! "Shuffle Up" f.circle_up
! "Shuffle Down" f.circle_down
"Refresh" f.refresh
! "Pack Icons" f.pack_icons
! "Toggle Behavior..." f.set_behavior
no-label f.separator
! "Starta om X" f.restart
"Logga ut" f.quit_mwm
"Starta om dator" f.exec "/usr/bin/rebootreq &"
"Stang av dator" f.exec "/usr/bin/haltreq &"
!! Default Window Menu
Menu DefaultWindowMenu
"Make Pinned" f.toggle_pin_state
no-label f.separator
Restore _R Alt<Key>F5 f.restore
Move _M Alt<Key>F7 f.move
Size _S Alt<Key>F8 f.resize
Minimize _n Alt<Key>F9 f.minimize
Maximize _x Alt<Key>F10 f.maximize
Raise _a Alt<Key>F2 f.raise
Lower _L Alt<Key>F3 f.lower
no-label f.separator
Close _C Alt<Key>F4 f.kill
!! Default Key Bindings
Keys DefaultKeyBindings
Shift<Key>Escape window|icon f.post_wmenu
Alt<Key>space window|icon f.post_wmenu
Alt<Key>Tab root|icon|window f.next_key
Alt Shift<Key>Tab root|icon|window f.prev_key
Alt<Key>Escape root|icon|window f.circle_down
Alt Shift<Key>Escape root|icon|window f.circle_up
Alt Shift Ctrl<Key>exclam root|icon|window f.set_behavior
Alt<Key>F6 window f.next_key transient
Alt Shift<Key>F6 window f.prev_key transient
Shift<Key>F10 icon f.post_wmenu
Alt Shift<Key>Delete root|icon|window f.restart
!! Button Binding Description(s)
!! These can be used anywhere
Buttons DefaultButtonBindings
<Btn1Down> icon|frame f.raise
<Btn3Down> icon|frame f.post_wmenu
<Btn3Down> root DefaultRootMenu
!! These are some example bindings that you might use if your
!! keyboardFocusPolicy is "explicit". Note that to use these, you'll
!! have to change the Mwm*buttonBindings resource in Mwm to
!! ExplicitButtonBindings instead of DefaultButtonBindings.
Buttons ExplicitButtonBindings
<Btn1Down> frame|icon f.raise
<Btn3Down> frame|icon f.post_wmenu
<Btn3Down> root DefaultRootMenu
! <Btn1Up> icon f.restore
Alt<Btn1Down> window|icon f.lower
! Alt<Btn2Down> window|icon f.resize
! Alt<Btn3Down> window|icon f.move
!! These are some example bindings that you might use if your
!! keyboardFocusPolicy is "pointer". Note that to use these, you'll
!! have to change the Mwm*buttonBindings resource in Mwm to
!! PointerButtonBindings instead of DefaultButtonBindings.
Buttons PointerButtonBindings
<Btn1Down> frame|icon f.raise
<Btn3Down> frame|icon f.post_wmenu
<Btn3Down> root DefaultRootMenu
<Btn1Down> window f.raise
! <Btn1Up> icon f.restore
Alt<Btn1Down> window|icon f.lower
! Alt<Btn2Down> window|icon f.resize
! Alt<Btn3Down> window|icon f.move
#Automatically generated file. Do not edit (see /usr/doc/menu/html/index.html)
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Editors"
"Editors" f.title
"Emacs 20" f.exec "/usr/bin/emacs20 &"
"NEdit" f.exec "/usr/bin/X11/nedit &"
"Xedit" f.exec "xedit &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Graphics"
"Graphics" f.title
"Bitmap" f.exec "bitmap &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Math"
"Math" f.title
"Xcalc" f.exec "xcalc &"
"bc" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'bc' -e /usr/bin/bc &"
"dc" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'dc' -e /usr/bin/dc &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Net"
"Net" f.title
"Lynx" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Lynx' -e /usr/bin/lynx &"
"Telnet" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Telnet' -e telnet &"
"Xbiff" f.exec "xbiff &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Programming"
"Programming" f.title
"Gdb" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Gdb' -e /usr/bin/gdb &"
"Python (v2.1)" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Python (v2.1)' -e /usr/bin/python2.1 &"
"Tclsh8.0" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Tclsh8.0' -e /usr/bin/tclsh8.0 &"
"Tclsh8.2" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Tclsh8.2' -e /usr/bin/tclsh8.2 &"
"Tclsh8.3" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Tclsh8.3' -e /usr/bin/tclsh8.3 &"
"TkWish8.0" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'TkWish8.0' -e /usr/bin/wish8.0 &"
"TkWish8.3" f.exec "/usr/bin/wish8.3 &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Shells"
"Shells" f.title
"Bash" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Bash' -e /bin/bash -login &"
"Sh" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Sh' -e /bin/sh -login &"
"Tcsh" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Tcsh' -e /usr/bin/tcsh &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/System/Admin"
"Admin" f.title
"Lilo-config" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Lilo-config' -e /usr/sbin/su-to-root -p root -c /usr/sbin/liloconfig &"
"gpm-config" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'gpm-config' -e /usr/sbin/su-to-root -p root -c /usr/sbin/gpmconfig &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/System"
"System" f.title
"Admin" "/Debian/Apps/System/Admin"
"Task selector" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Task selector' -e su-to-root /usr/bin/tasksel &"
"Top" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Top' -e /usr/bin/top &"
"Xconsole" f.exec "xconsole &"
"Xload" f.exec "xload &"
"Xvidtune" f.exec "xvidtune &"
"pstree" f.exec "/etc/alternatives/x-terminal-emulator -e /usr/bin/pstree.x11 &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Tools"
"Tools" f.title
"Editres" f.exec "editres &"
"Oclock" f.exec "oclock &"
"X Window Snapshot" f.exec "xwd | xwud &"
"Xclipboard" f.exec "xclipboard &"
"Xclock (analog)" f.exec "xclock -analog &"
"Xclock (digital)" f.exec "xclock -digital -update 1 &"
"Xcutsel" f.exec "xcutsel &"
"Xev" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -e xev &"
"Xfontsel" f.exec "xfontsel &"
"Xkill" f.exec "xkill &"
"Xmag" f.exec "xmag &"
"Xrefresh" f.exec "xrefresh &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Viewers"
"Viewers" f.title
"GV" f.exec "/usr/bin/X11/gv &"
"XDvi" f.exec "/usr/bin/xdvi &"
"Xditview" f.exec "xditview &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps"
"Apps" f.title
"Editors" "/Debian/Apps/Editors"
"Graphics" "/Debian/Apps/Graphics"
"Math" "/Debian/Apps/Math"
"Net" "/Debian/Apps/Net"
"Programming" "/Debian/Apps/Programming"
"Shells" "/Debian/Apps/Shells"
"System" "/Debian/Apps/System"
"Tools" "/Debian/Apps/Tools"
"Viewers" "/Debian/Apps/Viewers"
Menu "/Debian/Games/Toys"
"Toys" f.title
"Xeyes" f.exec "xeyes &"
"Xlogo" f.exec "xlogo &"
Menu "/Debian/Games"
"Games" f.title
"Toys" "/Debian/Games/Toys"
Menu "/Debian/Help"
"Help" f.title
"Info" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Info' -e info &"
"Xman" f.exec "xman &"
Menu "/Debian/Screen/Root-window"
"Root-window" f.title
"Xsetroot" f.exec "xsetroot &"
Menu "/Debian/Screen/Save"
"Save" f.title
"Beforelight" f.exec "beforelight &"
Menu "/Debian/Screen"
"Screen" f.title
"Root-window" "/Debian/Screen/Root-window"
"Save" "/Debian/Screen/Save"
Menu "/Debian/XShells"
"XShells" f.title
"XTerm" f.exec "xterm &"
"XTerm (Unicode)" f.exec "uxterm &"
Menu "/Debian"
"Debian" f.title
"Apps" "/Debian/Apps"
"Games" "/Debian/Games"
"Help" "/Debian/Help"
"Screen" "/Debian/Screen"
"XShells" "/Debian/XShells"
xsetroot -solid darkcyan
xhost +localhost
xset s off s noblank s noexpose -dpms
exec mwm
# Startscript fr PWR av Ulf Ljungdahl
. /etc/pwrp_profile
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$pwr_exe
export CLASSPATH=$pwr_lib/pwr_rt.jar:$pwr_lib/pwr_jop.jar
sleep 5
sudo -u pwrp $pwr_exe/ &
sleep 2
sudo -u pwrp $pwr_exe/ &
#su pwrp <java jpwr.rt.GdhServer &
#sudo -u pwrp java jpwr.rt.GdhServer &
kill -9 `ps ax | grep "java" | awk '{ print $1}'`
case "$1"
echo "Startar GDH server..."
#if [ 'test -x ps aux | grep plc | grep -v grep' ]
# then
# echo "PWR kr, stoppar det frst.."
# pwr_stop
# fi
echo "Klar."
echo "Stoppar GDH server..."
echo "Klar"
echo "Startar om GDH server."
echo "Stoppar det frst."
sleep 1
echo "Startar igen."
echo "Klar."
echo "Usage:{start|stop|restart}" >&2
#echo "Ingen parameter angiven, startar PWR"
#$0 start
exit 1
exit 0
# ~/.bash_profile: executed by bash(1) for login shells.
# see /usr/share/doc/bash/examples/startup-files for examples.
# the files are located in the bash-doc package.
umask 022
# the rest of this file is commented out.
# include .bashrc if it exists
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
source ~/.bashrc
# set PATH so it includes user's private bin if it exists
#if [ -d ~/bin ] ; then
# PATH=~/bin:"${PATH}"
# ~/.bashrc: executed by bash(1) for non-login shells.
# see /usr/share/doc/bash/examples/startup-files for examples
source /etc/pwrp_profile
# If running interactively, then:
if [ "$PS1" ]; then
# enable color support of ls and also add handy aliases
eval `dircolors -b`
alias ls='ls --color=auto'
#alias ll='ls -l'
#alias la='ls -A'
#alias l='ls -CF'
#alias dir='ls --color=auto --format=vertical'
#alias vdir='ls --color=auto --format=long'
# set a fancy prompt
PS1='\u@\h:\w\$ '
# If this is an xterm set the title to user@host:dir
#case $TERM in
# PROMPT_COMMAND='echo -ne "\033]0;${USER}@${HOSTNAME}: ${PWD}\007"'
# ;;
# ;;
!! Root Menu Description for users
Menu DefaultRootMenu
"User Menu" f.title
! "XTT OP-bilder" f.exec "~/.xtt_start &"
"XTT" f.exec "~/.xtt_start &"
"RTT" f.exec "/usr/bin/X11/xterm -T RTT -e ~/.rtt_start &"
"PSS-kort" f.exec "/usr/bin/X11/xterm -T PSS_Kort -e /usr/bin/minicom &"
"Xterm" f.exec "/usr/bin/X11/xterm -T XTerm -sb -right &"
"Klocka" f.exec "/usr/bin/X11/xclock &"
"Miniraknare" f.exec "/usr/bin/X11/xcalc &"
! "Shuffle Up" f.circle_up
! "Shuffle Down" f.circle_down
"Refresh" f.refresh
! "Pack Icons" f.pack_icons
! "Toggle Behavior..." f.set_behavior
no-label f.separator
! "Starta om X" f.restart
"Logga ut" f.quit_mwm
"Starta om dator" f.exec "/usr/bin/rebootreq &"
"Stang av dator" f.exec "/usr/bin/haltreq &"
!! Default Window Menu
Menu DefaultWindowMenu
"Make Pinned" f.toggle_pin_state
no-label f.separator
Restore _R Alt<Key>F5 f.restore
Move _M Alt<Key>F7 f.move
Size _S Alt<Key>F8 f.resize
Minimize _n Alt<Key>F9 f.minimize
Maximize _x Alt<Key>F10 f.maximize
Raise _a Alt<Key>F2 f.raise
Lower _L Alt<Key>F3 f.lower
no-label f.separator
Close _C Alt<Key>F4 f.kill
!! Default Key Bindings
Keys DefaultKeyBindings
Shift<Key>Escape window|icon f.post_wmenu
Alt<Key>space window|icon f.post_wmenu
Alt<Key>Tab root|icon|window f.next_key
Alt Shift<Key>Tab root|icon|window f.prev_key
Alt<Key>Escape root|icon|window f.circle_down
Alt Shift<Key>Escape root|icon|window f.circle_up
Alt Shift Ctrl<Key>exclam root|icon|window f.set_behavior
Alt<Key>F6 window f.next_key transient
Alt Shift<Key>F6 window f.prev_key transient
Shift<Key>F10 icon f.post_wmenu
Alt Shift<Key>Delete root|icon|window f.restart
!! Button Binding Description(s)
!! These can be used anywhere
Buttons DefaultButtonBindings
<Btn1Down> icon|frame f.raise
<Btn3Down> icon|frame f.post_wmenu
<Btn3Down> root DefaultRootMenu
!! These are some example bindings that you might use if your
!! keyboardFocusPolicy is "explicit". Note that to use these, you'll
!! have to change the Mwm*buttonBindings resource in Mwm to
!! ExplicitButtonBindings instead of DefaultButtonBindings.
Buttons ExplicitButtonBindings
<Btn1Down> frame|icon f.raise
<Btn3Down> frame|icon f.post_wmenu
<Btn3Down> root DefaultRootMenu
! <Btn1Up> icon f.restore
Alt<Btn1Down> window|icon f.lower
! Alt<Btn2Down> window|icon f.resize
! Alt<Btn3Down> window|icon f.move
!! These are some example bindings that you might use if your
!! keyboardFocusPolicy is "pointer". Note that to use these, you'll
!! have to change the Mwm*buttonBindings resource in Mwm to
!! PointerButtonBindings instead of DefaultButtonBindings.
Buttons PointerButtonBindings
<Btn1Down> frame|icon f.raise
<Btn3Down> frame|icon f.post_wmenu
<Btn3Down> root DefaultRootMenu
<Btn1Down> window f.raise
! <Btn1Up> icon f.restore
Alt<Btn1Down> window|icon f.lower
! Alt<Btn2Down> window|icon f.resize
! Alt<Btn3Down> window|icon f.move
#Automatically generated file. Do not edit (see /usr/doc/menu/html/index.html)
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Editors"
"Editors" f.title
"Emacs 20" f.exec "/usr/bin/emacs20 &"
"NEdit" f.exec "/usr/bin/X11/nedit &"
"Xedit" f.exec "xedit &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Graphics"
"Graphics" f.title
"Bitmap" f.exec "bitmap &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Math"
"Math" f.title
"Xcalc" f.exec "xcalc &"
"bc" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'bc' -e /usr/bin/bc &"
"dc" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'dc' -e /usr/bin/dc &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Net"
"Net" f.title
"Lynx" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Lynx' -e /usr/bin/lynx &"
"Telnet" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Telnet' -e telnet &"
"Xbiff" f.exec "xbiff &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Programming"
"Programming" f.title
"Gdb" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Gdb' -e /usr/bin/gdb &"
"Python (v2.1)" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Python (v2.1)' -e /usr/bin/python2.1 &"
"Tclsh8.0" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Tclsh8.0' -e /usr/bin/tclsh8.0 &"
"Tclsh8.2" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Tclsh8.2' -e /usr/bin/tclsh8.2 &"
"Tclsh8.3" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Tclsh8.3' -e /usr/bin/tclsh8.3 &"
"TkWish8.0" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'TkWish8.0' -e /usr/bin/wish8.0 &"
"TkWish8.3" f.exec "/usr/bin/wish8.3 &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Shells"
"Shells" f.title
"Bash" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Bash' -e /bin/bash -login &"
"Sh" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Sh' -e /bin/sh -login &"
"Tcsh" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Tcsh' -e /usr/bin/tcsh &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/System/Admin"
"Admin" f.title
"Lilo-config" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Lilo-config' -e /usr/sbin/su-to-root -p root -c /usr/sbin/liloconfig &"
"gpm-config" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'gpm-config' -e /usr/sbin/su-to-root -p root -c /usr/sbin/gpmconfig &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/System"
"System" f.title
"Admin" "/Debian/Apps/System/Admin"
"Task selector" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Task selector' -e su-to-root /usr/bin/tasksel &"
"Top" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Top' -e /usr/bin/top &"
"Xconsole" f.exec "xconsole &"
"Xload" f.exec "xload &"
"Xvidtune" f.exec "xvidtune &"
"pstree" f.exec "/etc/alternatives/x-terminal-emulator -e /usr/bin/pstree.x11 &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Tools"
"Tools" f.title
"Editres" f.exec "editres &"
"Oclock" f.exec "oclock &"
"X Window Snapshot" f.exec "xwd | xwud &"
"Xclipboard" f.exec "xclipboard &"
"Xclock (analog)" f.exec "xclock -analog &"
"Xclock (digital)" f.exec "xclock -digital -update 1 &"
"Xcutsel" f.exec "xcutsel &"
"Xev" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -e xev &"
"Xfontsel" f.exec "xfontsel &"
"Xkill" f.exec "xkill &"
"Xmag" f.exec "xmag &"
"Xrefresh" f.exec "xrefresh &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Viewers"
"Viewers" f.title
"GV" f.exec "/usr/bin/X11/gv &"
"XDvi" f.exec "/usr/bin/xdvi &"
"Xditview" f.exec "xditview &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps"
"Apps" f.title
"Editors" "/Debian/Apps/Editors"
"Graphics" "/Debian/Apps/Graphics"
"Math" "/Debian/Apps/Math"
"Net" "/Debian/Apps/Net"
"Programming" "/Debian/Apps/Programming"
"Shells" "/Debian/Apps/Shells"
"System" "/Debian/Apps/System"
"Tools" "/Debian/Apps/Tools"
"Viewers" "/Debian/Apps/Viewers"
Menu "/Debian/Games/Toys"
"Toys" f.title
"Xeyes" f.exec "xeyes &"
"Xlogo" f.exec "xlogo &"
Menu "/Debian/Games"
"Games" f.title
"Toys" "/Debian/Games/Toys"
Menu "/Debian/Help"
"Help" f.title
"Info" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Info' -e info &"
"Xman" f.exec "xman &"
Menu "/Debian/Screen/Root-window"
"Root-window" f.title
"Xsetroot" f.exec "xsetroot &"
Menu "/Debian/Screen/Save"
"Save" f.title
"Beforelight" f.exec "beforelight &"
Menu "/Debian/Screen"
"Screen" f.title
"Root-window" "/Debian/Screen/Root-window"
"Save" "/Debian/Screen/Save"
Menu "/Debian/XShells"
"XShells" f.title
"XTerm" f.exec "xterm &"
"XTerm (Unicode)" f.exec "uxterm &"
Menu "/Debian"
"Debian" f.title
"Apps" "/Debian/Apps"
"Games" "/Debian/Games"
"Help" "/Debian/Help"
"Screen" "/Debian/Screen"
"XShells" "/Debian/XShells"
xsetroot -solid darkcyan
xhost +localhost
xset s off s noblank s noexpose -dpms
exec mwm
# ~/.bash_profile: executed by bash(1) for login shells.
# see /usr/share/doc/bash/examples/startup-files for examples.
# the files are located in the bash-doc package.
umask 022
# the rest of this file is commented out.
# include .bashrc if it exists
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
source ~/.bashrc
# set PATH so it includes user's private bin if it exists
#if [ -d ~/bin ] ; then
# PATH=~/bin:"${PATH}"
# ~/.bashrc: executed by bash(1) for non-login shells.
# see /usr/share/doc/bash/examples/startup-files for examples
source /etc/pwrp_profile
# If running interactively, then:
if [ "$PS1" ]; then
# enable color support of ls and also add handy aliases
eval `dircolors -b`
alias ls='ls --color=auto'
#alias ll='ls -l'
#alias la='ls -A'
#alias l='ls -CF'
#alias dir='ls --color=auto --format=vertical'
#alias vdir='ls --color=auto --format=long'
# set a fancy prompt
PS1='\u@\h:\w\$ '
# If this is an xterm set the title to user@host:dir
#case $TERM in
# PROMPT_COMMAND='echo -ne "\033]0;${USER}@${HOSTNAME}: ${PWD}\007"'
# ;;
# ;;
!! Root Menu Description for operator
Menu DefaultRootMenu
"Operator Menu" f.title
"XTT OP-bilder" f.exec "~/.xtt_start &"
! "XTT" f.exec "~/.xtt_start &"
! "RTT" f.exec "/usr/bin/X11/xterm -T RTT -e ~/.rtt_start &"
"Xterm" f.exec "/usr/bin/X11/xterm -T XTerm -sb -right &"
"Klocka" f.exec "/usr/bin/X11/xclock &"
"Miniraknare" f.exec "/usr/bin/X11/xcalc &"
! "Shuffle Up" f.circle_up
! "Shuffle Down" f.circle_down
"Refresh" f.refresh
! "Pack Icons" f.pack_icons
! "Toggle Behavior..." f.set_behavior
no-label f.separator
! "Starta om X" f.restart
"Logga ut" f.quit_mwm
"Starta om dator" f.exec "/usr/bin/rebootreq &"
"Stang av dator" f.exec "/usr/bin/haltreq &"
!! Default Window Menu
Menu DefaultWindowMenu
"Make Pinned" f.toggle_pin_state
no-label f.separator
Restore _R Alt<Key>F5 f.restore
Move _M Alt<Key>F7 f.move
Size _S Alt<Key>F8 f.resize
Minimize _n Alt<Key>F9 f.minimize
Maximize _x Alt<Key>F10 f.maximize
Raise _a Alt<Key>F2 f.raise
Lower _L Alt<Key>F3 f.lower
no-label f.separator
Close _C Alt<Key>F4 f.kill
!! Default Key Bindings
Keys DefaultKeyBindings
Shift<Key>Escape window|icon f.post_wmenu
Alt<Key>space window|icon f.post_wmenu
Alt<Key>Tab root|icon|window f.next_key
Alt Shift<Key>Tab root|icon|window f.prev_key
Alt<Key>Escape root|icon|window f.circle_down
Alt Shift<Key>Escape root|icon|window f.circle_up
Alt Shift Ctrl<Key>exclam root|icon|window f.set_behavior
Alt<Key>F6 window f.next_key transient
Alt Shift<Key>F6 window f.prev_key transient
Shift<Key>F10 icon f.post_wmenu
Alt Shift<Key>Delete root|icon|window f.restart
!! Button Binding Description(s)
!! These can be used anywhere
Buttons DefaultButtonBindings
<Btn1Down> icon|frame f.raise
<Btn3Down> icon|frame f.post_wmenu
<Btn3Down> root DefaultRootMenu
!! These are some example bindings that you might use if your
!! keyboardFocusPolicy is "explicit". Note that to use these, you'll
!! have to change the Mwm*buttonBindings resource in Mwm to
!! ExplicitButtonBindings instead of DefaultButtonBindings.
Buttons ExplicitButtonBindings
<Btn1Down> frame|icon f.raise
<Btn3Down> frame|icon f.post_wmenu
<Btn3Down> root DefaultRootMenu
! <Btn1Up> icon f.restore
Alt<Btn1Down> window|icon f.lower
! Alt<Btn2Down> window|icon f.resize
! Alt<Btn3Down> window|icon f.move
!! These are some example bindings that you might use if your
!! keyboardFocusPolicy is "pointer". Note that to use these, you'll
!! have to change the Mwm*buttonBindings resource in Mwm to
!! PointerButtonBindings instead of DefaultButtonBindings.
Buttons PointerButtonBindings
<Btn1Down> frame|icon f.raise
<Btn3Down> frame|icon f.post_wmenu
<Btn3Down> root DefaultRootMenu
<Btn1Down> window f.raise
! <Btn1Up> icon f.restore
Alt<Btn1Down> window|icon f.lower
! Alt<Btn2Down> window|icon f.resize
! Alt<Btn3Down> window|icon f.move
#Automatically generated file. Do not edit (see /usr/doc/menu/html/index.html)
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Editors"
"Editors" f.title
"Emacs 20" f.exec "/usr/bin/emacs20 &"
"NEdit" f.exec "/usr/bin/X11/nedit &"
"Xedit" f.exec "xedit &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Graphics"
"Graphics" f.title
"Bitmap" f.exec "bitmap &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Math"
"Math" f.title
"Xcalc" f.exec "xcalc &"
"bc" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'bc' -e /usr/bin/bc &"
"dc" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'dc' -e /usr/bin/dc &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Net"
"Net" f.title
"Lynx" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Lynx' -e /usr/bin/lynx &"
"Telnet" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Telnet' -e telnet &"
"Xbiff" f.exec "xbiff &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Programming"
"Programming" f.title
"Gdb" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Gdb' -e /usr/bin/gdb &"
"Python (v2.1)" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Python (v2.1)' -e /usr/bin/python2.1 &"
"Tclsh8.0" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Tclsh8.0' -e /usr/bin/tclsh8.0 &"
"Tclsh8.2" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Tclsh8.2' -e /usr/bin/tclsh8.2 &"
"Tclsh8.3" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Tclsh8.3' -e /usr/bin/tclsh8.3 &"
"TkWish8.0" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'TkWish8.0' -e /usr/bin/wish8.0 &"
"TkWish8.3" f.exec "/usr/bin/wish8.3 &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Shells"
"Shells" f.title
"Bash" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Bash' -e /bin/bash -login &"
"Sh" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Sh' -e /bin/sh -login &"
"Tcsh" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Tcsh' -e /usr/bin/tcsh &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/System/Admin"
"Admin" f.title
"Lilo-config" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Lilo-config' -e /usr/sbin/su-to-root -p root -c /usr/sbin/liloconfig &"
"gpm-config" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'gpm-config' -e /usr/sbin/su-to-root -p root -c /usr/sbin/gpmconfig &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/System"
"System" f.title
"Admin" "/Debian/Apps/System/Admin"
"Task selector" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Task selector' -e su-to-root /usr/bin/tasksel &"
"Top" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Top' -e /usr/bin/top &"
"Xconsole" f.exec "xconsole &"
"Xload" f.exec "xload &"
"Xvidtune" f.exec "xvidtune &"
"pstree" f.exec "/etc/alternatives/x-terminal-emulator -e /usr/bin/pstree.x11 &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Tools"
"Tools" f.title
"Editres" f.exec "editres &"
"Oclock" f.exec "oclock &"
"X Window Snapshot" f.exec "xwd | xwud &"
"Xclipboard" f.exec "xclipboard &"
"Xclock (analog)" f.exec "xclock -analog &"
"Xclock (digital)" f.exec "xclock -digital -update 1 &"
"Xcutsel" f.exec "xcutsel &"
"Xev" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -e xev &"
"Xfontsel" f.exec "xfontsel &"
"Xkill" f.exec "xkill &"
"Xmag" f.exec "xmag &"
"Xrefresh" f.exec "xrefresh &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Viewers"
"Viewers" f.title
"GV" f.exec "/usr/bin/X11/gv &"
"XDvi" f.exec "/usr/bin/xdvi &"
"Xditview" f.exec "xditview &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps"
"Apps" f.title
"Editors" "/Debian/Apps/Editors"
"Graphics" "/Debian/Apps/Graphics"
"Math" "/Debian/Apps/Math"
"Net" "/Debian/Apps/Net"
"Programming" "/Debian/Apps/Programming"
"Shells" "/Debian/Apps/Shells"
"System" "/Debian/Apps/System"
"Tools" "/Debian/Apps/Tools"
"Viewers" "/Debian/Apps/Viewers"
Menu "/Debian/Games/Toys"
"Toys" f.title
"Xeyes" f.exec "xeyes &"
"Xlogo" f.exec "xlogo &"
Menu "/Debian/Games"
"Games" f.title
"Toys" "/Debian/Games/Toys"
Menu "/Debian/Help"
"Help" f.title
"Info" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Info' -e info &"
"Xman" f.exec "xman &"
Menu "/Debian/Screen/Root-window"
"Root-window" f.title
"Xsetroot" f.exec "xsetroot &"
Menu "/Debian/Screen/Save"
"Save" f.title
"Beforelight" f.exec "beforelight &"
Menu "/Debian/Screen"
"Screen" f.title
"Root-window" "/Debian/Screen/Root-window"
"Save" "/Debian/Screen/Save"
Menu "/Debian/XShells"
"XShells" f.title
"XTerm" f.exec "xterm &"
"XTerm (Unicode)" f.exec "uxterm &"
Menu "/Debian"
"Debian" f.title
"Apps" "/Debian/Apps"
"Games" "/Debian/Games"
"Help" "/Debian/Help"
"Screen" "/Debian/Screen"
"XShells" "/Debian/XShells"
xsetroot -solid darkcyan
xhost +localhost
xset s off s noblank s noexpose -dpms
exec mwm
# ~/.bash_profile: executed by bash(1) for login shells.
# see /usr/share/doc/bash/examples/startup-files for examples.
# the files are located in the bash-doc package.
umask 022
# the rest of this file is commented out.
# include .bashrc if it exists
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
source ~/.bashrc
# set PATH so it includes user's private bin if it exists
#if [ -d ~/bin ] ; then
# PATH=~/bin:"${PATH}"
# ~/.bashrc: executed by bash(1) for non-login shells.
# see /usr/share/doc/bash/examples/startup-files for examples
source /etc/pwrp_profile
# If running interactively, then:
if [ "$PS1" ]; then
# enable color support of ls and also add handy aliases
eval `dircolors -b`
alias ls='ls --color=auto'
#alias ll='ls -l'
#alias la='ls -A'
#alias l='ls -CF'
#alias dir='ls --color=auto --format=vertical'
#alias vdir='ls --color=auto --format=long'
# set a fancy prompt
PS1='\u@\h:\w\$ '
# If this is an xterm set the title to user@host:dir
#case $TERM in
# PROMPT_COMMAND='echo -ne "\033]0;${USER}@${HOSTNAME}: ${PWD}\007"'
# ;;
# ;;
!! Root Menu Description for users
Menu DefaultRootMenu
"User Menu" f.title
! "XTT OP-bilder" f.exec "~/.xtt_start &"
"XTT" f.exec "~/.xtt_start &"
"RTT" f.exec "/usr/bin/X11/xterm -T RTT -e ~/.rtt_start &"
"PSS-kort" f.exec "/usr/bin/X11/xterm -T PSS_Kort -e /usr/bin/minicom &"
"Xterm" f.exec "/usr/bin/X11/xterm -T XTerm -sb -right &"
"Klocka" f.exec "/usr/bin/X11/xclock &"
"Miniraknare" f.exec "/usr/bin/X11/xcalc &"
! "Shuffle Up" f.circle_up
! "Shuffle Down" f.circle_down
"Refresh" f.refresh
! "Pack Icons" f.pack_icons
! "Toggle Behavior..." f.set_behavior
no-label f.separator
! "Starta om X" f.restart
"Logga ut" f.quit_mwm
"Starta om dator" f.exec "/usr/bin/rebootreq &"
"Stang av dator" f.exec "/usr/bin/haltreq &"
!! Default Window Menu
Menu DefaultWindowMenu
"Make Pinned" f.toggle_pin_state
no-label f.separator
Restore _R Alt<Key>F5 f.restore
Move _M Alt<Key>F7 f.move
Size _S Alt<Key>F8 f.resize
Minimize _n Alt<Key>F9 f.minimize
Maximize _x Alt<Key>F10 f.maximize
Raise _a Alt<Key>F2 f.raise
Lower _L Alt<Key>F3 f.lower
no-label f.separator
Close _C Alt<Key>F4 f.kill
!! Default Key Bindings
Keys DefaultKeyBindings
Shift<Key>Escape window|icon f.post_wmenu
Alt<Key>space window|icon f.post_wmenu
Alt<Key>Tab root|icon|window f.next_key
Alt Shift<Key>Tab root|icon|window f.prev_key
Alt<Key>Escape root|icon|window f.circle_down
Alt Shift<Key>Escape root|icon|window f.circle_up
Alt Shift Ctrl<Key>exclam root|icon|window f.set_behavior
Alt<Key>F6 window f.next_key transient
Alt Shift<Key>F6 window f.prev_key transient
Shift<Key>F10 icon f.post_wmenu
Alt Shift<Key>Delete root|icon|window f.restart
!! Button Binding Description(s)
!! These can be used anywhere
Buttons DefaultButtonBindings
<Btn1Down> icon|frame f.raise
<Btn3Down> icon|frame f.post_wmenu
<Btn3Down> root DefaultRootMenu
!! These are some example bindings that you might use if your
!! keyboardFocusPolicy is "explicit". Note that to use these, you'll
!! have to change the Mwm*buttonBindings resource in Mwm to
!! ExplicitButtonBindings instead of DefaultButtonBindings.
Buttons ExplicitButtonBindings
<Btn1Down> frame|icon f.raise
<Btn3Down> frame|icon f.post_wmenu
<Btn3Down> root DefaultRootMenu
! <Btn1Up> icon f.restore
Alt<Btn1Down> window|icon f.lower
! Alt<Btn2Down> window|icon f.resize
! Alt<Btn3Down> window|icon f.move
!! These are some example bindings that you might use if your
!! keyboardFocusPolicy is "pointer". Note that to use these, you'll
!! have to change the Mwm*buttonBindings resource in Mwm to
!! PointerButtonBindings instead of DefaultButtonBindings.
Buttons PointerButtonBindings
<Btn1Down> frame|icon f.raise
<Btn3Down> frame|icon f.post_wmenu
<Btn3Down> root DefaultRootMenu
<Btn1Down> window f.raise
! <Btn1Up> icon f.restore
Alt<Btn1Down> window|icon f.lower
! Alt<Btn2Down> window|icon f.resize
! Alt<Btn3Down> window|icon f.move
#Automatically generated file. Do not edit (see /usr/doc/menu/html/index.html)
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Editors"
"Editors" f.title
"Emacs 20" f.exec "/usr/bin/emacs20 &"
"NEdit" f.exec "/usr/bin/X11/nedit &"
"Xedit" f.exec "xedit &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Graphics"
"Graphics" f.title
"Bitmap" f.exec "bitmap &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Math"
"Math" f.title
"Xcalc" f.exec "xcalc &"
"bc" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'bc' -e /usr/bin/bc &"
"dc" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'dc' -e /usr/bin/dc &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Net"
"Net" f.title
"Lynx" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Lynx' -e /usr/bin/lynx &"
"Telnet" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Telnet' -e telnet &"
"Xbiff" f.exec "xbiff &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Programming"
"Programming" f.title
"Gdb" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Gdb' -e /usr/bin/gdb &"
"Python (v2.1)" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Python (v2.1)' -e /usr/bin/python2.1 &"
"Tclsh8.0" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Tclsh8.0' -e /usr/bin/tclsh8.0 &"
"Tclsh8.2" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Tclsh8.2' -e /usr/bin/tclsh8.2 &"
"Tclsh8.3" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Tclsh8.3' -e /usr/bin/tclsh8.3 &"
"TkWish8.0" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'TkWish8.0' -e /usr/bin/wish8.0 &"
"TkWish8.3" f.exec "/usr/bin/wish8.3 &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Shells"
"Shells" f.title
"Bash" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Bash' -e /bin/bash -login &"
"Sh" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Sh' -e /bin/sh -login &"
"Tcsh" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Tcsh' -e /usr/bin/tcsh &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/System/Admin"
"Admin" f.title
"Lilo-config" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Lilo-config' -e /usr/sbin/su-to-root -p root -c /usr/sbin/liloconfig &"
"gpm-config" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'gpm-config' -e /usr/sbin/su-to-root -p root -c /usr/sbin/gpmconfig &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/System"
"System" f.title
"Admin" "/Debian/Apps/System/Admin"
"Task selector" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Task selector' -e su-to-root /usr/bin/tasksel &"
"Top" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Top' -e /usr/bin/top &"
"Xconsole" f.exec "xconsole &"
"Xload" f.exec "xload &"
"Xvidtune" f.exec "xvidtune &"
"pstree" f.exec "/etc/alternatives/x-terminal-emulator -e /usr/bin/pstree.x11 &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Tools"
"Tools" f.title
"Editres" f.exec "editres &"
"Oclock" f.exec "oclock &"
"X Window Snapshot" f.exec "xwd | xwud &"
"Xclipboard" f.exec "xclipboard &"
"Xclock (analog)" f.exec "xclock -analog &"
"Xclock (digital)" f.exec "xclock -digital -update 1 &"
"Xcutsel" f.exec "xcutsel &"
"Xev" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -e xev &"
"Xfontsel" f.exec "xfontsel &"
"Xkill" f.exec "xkill &"
"Xmag" f.exec "xmag &"
"Xrefresh" f.exec "xrefresh &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Viewers"
"Viewers" f.title
"GV" f.exec "/usr/bin/X11/gv &"
"XDvi" f.exec "/usr/bin/xdvi &"
"Xditview" f.exec "xditview &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps"
"Apps" f.title
"Editors" "/Debian/Apps/Editors"
"Graphics" "/Debian/Apps/Graphics"
"Math" "/Debian/Apps/Math"
"Net" "/Debian/Apps/Net"
"Programming" "/Debian/Apps/Programming"
"Shells" "/Debian/Apps/Shells"
"System" "/Debian/Apps/System"
"Tools" "/Debian/Apps/Tools"
"Viewers" "/Debian/Apps/Viewers"
Menu "/Debian/Games/Toys"
"Toys" f.title
"Xeyes" f.exec "xeyes &"
"Xlogo" f.exec "xlogo &"
Menu "/Debian/Games"
"Games" f.title
"Toys" "/Debian/Games/Toys"
Menu "/Debian/Help"
"Help" f.title
"Info" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Info' -e info &"
"Xman" f.exec "xman &"
Menu "/Debian/Screen/Root-window"
"Root-window" f.title
"Xsetroot" f.exec "xsetroot &"
Menu "/Debian/Screen/Save"
"Save" f.title
"Beforelight" f.exec "beforelight &"
Menu "/Debian/Screen"
"Screen" f.title
"Root-window" "/Debian/Screen/Root-window"
"Save" "/Debian/Screen/Save"
Menu "/Debian/XShells"
"XShells" f.title
"XTerm" f.exec "xterm &"
"XTerm (Unicode)" f.exec "uxterm &"
Menu "/Debian"
"Debian" f.title
"Apps" "/Debian/Apps"
"Games" "/Debian/Games"
"Help" "/Debian/Help"
"Screen" "/Debian/Screen"
"XShells" "/Debian/XShells"
xsetroot -solid darkcyan
xhost +localhost
xset s off s noblank s noexpose -dpms
exec mwm
# ~/.bash_profile: executed by bash(1) for login shells.
# see /usr/share/doc/bash/examples/startup-files for examples.
# the files are located in the bash-doc package.
umask 022
# the rest of this file is commented out.
# include .bashrc if it exists
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
source ~/.bashrc
# set PATH so it includes user's private bin if it exists
#if [ -d ~/bin ] ; then
# PATH=~/bin:"${PATH}"
# ~/.bashrc: executed by bash(1) for non-login shells.
# see /usr/share/doc/bash/examples/startup-files for examples
source /etc/pwrp_profile
# If running interactively, then:
if [ "$PS1" ]; then
# enable color support of ls and also add handy aliases
eval `dircolors -b`
alias ls='ls --color=auto'
#alias ll='ls -l'
#alias la='ls -A'
#alias l='ls -CF'
#alias dir='ls --color=auto --format=vertical'
#alias vdir='ls --color=auto --format=long'
# set a fancy prompt
PS1='\u@\h:\w\$ '
# If this is an xterm set the title to user@host:dir
#case $TERM in
# PROMPT_COMMAND='echo -ne "\033]0;${USER}@${HOSTNAME}: ${PWD}\007"'
# ;;
# ;;
!! Root Menu Description for operator
Menu DefaultRootMenu
"Operator Menu" f.title
"XTT OP-bilder" f.exec "~/.xtt_start &"
! "XTT" f.exec "~/.xtt_start &"
! "RTT" f.exec "/usr/bin/X11/xterm -T RTT -e ~/.rtt_start &"
"Xterm" f.exec "/usr/bin/X11/xterm -T XTerm -sb -right &"
"Klocka" f.exec "/usr/bin/X11/xclock &"
"Miniraknare" f.exec "/usr/bin/X11/xcalc &"
! "Shuffle Up" f.circle_up
! "Shuffle Down" f.circle_down
"Refresh" f.refresh
! "Pack Icons" f.pack_icons
! "Toggle Behavior..." f.set_behavior
no-label f.separator
! "Starta om X" f.restart
"Logga ut" f.quit_mwm
"Starta om dator" f.exec "/usr/bin/rebootreq &"
"Stang av dator" f.exec "/usr/bin/haltreq &"
!! Default Window Menu
Menu DefaultWindowMenu
"Make Pinned" f.toggle_pin_state
no-label f.separator
Restore _R Alt<Key>F5 f.restore
Move _M Alt<Key>F7 f.move
Size _S Alt<Key>F8 f.resize
Minimize _n Alt<Key>F9 f.minimize
Maximize _x Alt<Key>F10 f.maximize
Raise _a Alt<Key>F2 f.raise
Lower _L Alt<Key>F3 f.lower
no-label f.separator
Close _C Alt<Key>F4 f.kill
!! Default Key Bindings
Keys DefaultKeyBindings
Shift<Key>Escape window|icon f.post_wmenu
Alt<Key>space window|icon f.post_wmenu
Alt<Key>Tab root|icon|window f.next_key
Alt Shift<Key>Tab root|icon|window f.prev_key
Alt<Key>Escape root|icon|window f.circle_down
Alt Shift<Key>Escape root|icon|window f.circle_up
Alt Shift Ctrl<Key>exclam root|icon|window f.set_behavior
Alt<Key>F6 window f.next_key transient
Alt Shift<Key>F6 window f.prev_key transient
Shift<Key>F10 icon f.post_wmenu
Alt Shift<Key>Delete root|icon|window f.restart
!! Button Binding Description(s)
!! These can be used anywhere
Buttons DefaultButtonBindings
<Btn1Down> icon|frame f.raise
<Btn3Down> icon|frame f.post_wmenu
<Btn3Down> root DefaultRootMenu
!! These are some example bindings that you might use if your
!! keyboardFocusPolicy is "explicit". Note that to use these, you'll
!! have to change the Mwm*buttonBindings resource in Mwm to
!! ExplicitButtonBindings instead of DefaultButtonBindings.
Buttons ExplicitButtonBindings
<Btn1Down> frame|icon f.raise
<Btn3Down> frame|icon f.post_wmenu
<Btn3Down> root DefaultRootMenu
! <Btn1Up> icon f.restore
Alt<Btn1Down> window|icon f.lower
! Alt<Btn2Down> window|icon f.resize
! Alt<Btn3Down> window|icon f.move
!! These are some example bindings that you might use if your
!! keyboardFocusPolicy is "pointer". Note that to use these, you'll
!! have to change the Mwm*buttonBindings resource in Mwm to
!! PointerButtonBindings instead of DefaultButtonBindings.
Buttons PointerButtonBindings
<Btn1Down> frame|icon f.raise
<Btn3Down> frame|icon f.post_wmenu
<Btn3Down> root DefaultRootMenu
<Btn1Down> window f.raise
! <Btn1Up> icon f.restore
Alt<Btn1Down> window|icon f.lower
! Alt<Btn2Down> window|icon f.resize
! Alt<Btn3Down> window|icon f.move
#Automatically generated file. Do not edit (see /usr/doc/menu/html/index.html)
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Editors"
"Editors" f.title
"Emacs 20" f.exec "/usr/bin/emacs20 &"
"NEdit" f.exec "/usr/bin/X11/nedit &"
"Xedit" f.exec "xedit &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Graphics"
"Graphics" f.title
"Bitmap" f.exec "bitmap &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Math"
"Math" f.title
"Xcalc" f.exec "xcalc &"
"bc" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'bc' -e /usr/bin/bc &"
"dc" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'dc' -e /usr/bin/dc &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Net"
"Net" f.title
"Lynx" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Lynx' -e /usr/bin/lynx &"
"Telnet" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Telnet' -e telnet &"
"Xbiff" f.exec "xbiff &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Programming"
"Programming" f.title
"Gdb" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Gdb' -e /usr/bin/gdb &"
"Python (v2.1)" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Python (v2.1)' -e /usr/bin/python2.1 &"
"Tclsh8.0" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Tclsh8.0' -e /usr/bin/tclsh8.0 &"
"Tclsh8.2" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Tclsh8.2' -e /usr/bin/tclsh8.2 &"
"Tclsh8.3" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Tclsh8.3' -e /usr/bin/tclsh8.3 &"
"TkWish8.0" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'TkWish8.0' -e /usr/bin/wish8.0 &"
"TkWish8.3" f.exec "/usr/bin/wish8.3 &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Shells"
"Shells" f.title
"Bash" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Bash' -e /bin/bash -login &"
"Sh" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Sh' -e /bin/sh -login &"
"Tcsh" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Tcsh' -e /usr/bin/tcsh &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/System/Admin"
"Admin" f.title
"Lilo-config" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Lilo-config' -e /usr/sbin/su-to-root -p root -c /usr/sbin/liloconfig &"
"gpm-config" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'gpm-config' -e /usr/sbin/su-to-root -p root -c /usr/sbin/gpmconfig &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/System"
"System" f.title
"Admin" "/Debian/Apps/System/Admin"
"Task selector" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Task selector' -e su-to-root /usr/bin/tasksel &"
"Top" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Top' -e /usr/bin/top &"
"Xconsole" f.exec "xconsole &"
"Xload" f.exec "xload &"
"Xvidtune" f.exec "xvidtune &"
"pstree" f.exec "/etc/alternatives/x-terminal-emulator -e /usr/bin/pstree.x11 &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Tools"
"Tools" f.title
"Editres" f.exec "editres &"
"Oclock" f.exec "oclock &"
"X Window Snapshot" f.exec "xwd | xwud &"
"Xclipboard" f.exec "xclipboard &"
"Xclock (analog)" f.exec "xclock -analog &"
"Xclock (digital)" f.exec "xclock -digital -update 1 &"
"Xcutsel" f.exec "xcutsel &"
"Xev" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -e xev &"
"Xfontsel" f.exec "xfontsel &"
"Xkill" f.exec "xkill &"
"Xmag" f.exec "xmag &"
"Xrefresh" f.exec "xrefresh &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Viewers"
"Viewers" f.title
"GV" f.exec "/usr/bin/X11/gv &"
"XDvi" f.exec "/usr/bin/xdvi &"
"Xditview" f.exec "xditview &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps"
"Apps" f.title
"Editors" "/Debian/Apps/Editors"
"Graphics" "/Debian/Apps/Graphics"
"Math" "/Debian/Apps/Math"
"Net" "/Debian/Apps/Net"
"Programming" "/Debian/Apps/Programming"
"Shells" "/Debian/Apps/Shells"
"System" "/Debian/Apps/System"
"Tools" "/Debian/Apps/Tools"
"Viewers" "/Debian/Apps/Viewers"
Menu "/Debian/Games/Toys"
"Toys" f.title
"Xeyes" f.exec "xeyes &"
"Xlogo" f.exec "xlogo &"
Menu "/Debian/Games"
"Games" f.title
"Toys" "/Debian/Games/Toys"
Menu "/Debian/Help"
"Help" f.title
"Info" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Info' -e info &"
"Xman" f.exec "xman &"
Menu "/Debian/Screen/Root-window"
"Root-window" f.title
"Xsetroot" f.exec "xsetroot &"
Menu "/Debian/Screen/Save"
"Save" f.title
"Beforelight" f.exec "beforelight &"
Menu "/Debian/Screen"
"Screen" f.title
"Root-window" "/Debian/Screen/Root-window"
"Save" "/Debian/Screen/Save"
Menu "/Debian/XShells"
"XShells" f.title
"XTerm" f.exec "xterm &"
"XTerm (Unicode)" f.exec "uxterm &"
Menu "/Debian"
"Debian" f.title
"Apps" "/Debian/Apps"
"Games" "/Debian/Games"
"Help" "/Debian/Help"
"Screen" "/Debian/Screen"
"XShells" "/Debian/XShells"
xsetroot -solid darkcyan
xhost +localhost
xset s off s noblank s noexpose -dpms
exec mwm
# ~/.bash_profile: executed by bash(1) for login shells.
# see /usr/share/doc/bash/examples/startup-files for examples.
# the files are located in the bash-doc package.
umask 022
# the rest of this file is commented out.
# include .bashrc if it exists
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
source ~/.bashrc
# set PATH so it includes user's private bin if it exists
#if [ -d ~/bin ] ; then
# PATH=~/bin:"${PATH}"
# ~/.bashrc: executed by bash(1) for non-login shells.
# see /usr/share/doc/bash/examples/startup-files for examples
source /etc/pwrp_profile
# If running interactively, then:
if [ "$PS1" ]; then
# enable color support of ls and also add handy aliases
eval `dircolors -b`
alias ls='ls --color=auto'
#alias ll='ls -l'
#alias la='ls -A'
#alias l='ls -CF'
#alias dir='ls --color=auto --format=vertical'
#alias vdir='ls --color=auto --format=long'
# set a fancy prompt
PS1='\u@\h:\w\$ '
# If this is an xterm set the title to user@host:dir
#case $TERM in
# PROMPT_COMMAND='echo -ne "\033]0;${USER}@${HOSTNAME}: ${PWD}\007"'
# ;;
# ;;
!! Root Menu Description for users
Menu DefaultRootMenu
"User Menu" f.title
! "XTT OP-bilder" f.exec "~/.xtt_start &"
"XTT" f.exec "~/.xtt_start &"
"RTT" f.exec "/usr/bin/X11/xterm -T RTT -e ~/.rtt_start &"
"PSS-kort" f.exec "/usr/bin/X11/xterm -T PSS_Kort -e /usr/bin/minicom &"
"Xterm" f.exec "/usr/bin/X11/xterm -T XTerm -sb -right &"
"Klocka" f.exec "/usr/bin/X11/xclock &"
"Miniraknare" f.exec "/usr/bin/X11/xcalc &"
! "Shuffle Up" f.circle_up
! "Shuffle Down" f.circle_down
"Refresh" f.refresh
! "Pack Icons" f.pack_icons
! "Toggle Behavior..." f.set_behavior
no-label f.separator
! "Starta om X" f.restart
"Logga ut" f.quit_mwm
"Starta om dator" f.exec "/usr/bin/rebootreq &"
"Stang av dator" f.exec "/usr/bin/haltreq &"
!! Default Window Menu
Menu DefaultWindowMenu
"Make Pinned" f.toggle_pin_state
no-label f.separator
Restore _R Alt<Key>F5 f.restore
Move _M Alt<Key>F7 f.move
Size _S Alt<Key>F8 f.resize
Minimize _n Alt<Key>F9 f.minimize
Maximize _x Alt<Key>F10 f.maximize
Raise _a Alt<Key>F2 f.raise
Lower _L Alt<Key>F3 f.lower
no-label f.separator
Close _C Alt<Key>F4 f.kill
!! Default Key Bindings
Keys DefaultKeyBindings
Shift<Key>Escape window|icon f.post_wmenu
Alt<Key>space window|icon f.post_wmenu
Alt<Key>Tab root|icon|window f.next_key
Alt Shift<Key>Tab root|icon|window f.prev_key
Alt<Key>Escape root|icon|window f.circle_down
Alt Shift<Key>Escape root|icon|window f.circle_up
Alt Shift Ctrl<Key>exclam root|icon|window f.set_behavior
Alt<Key>F6 window f.next_key transient
Alt Shift<Key>F6 window f.prev_key transient
Shift<Key>F10 icon f.post_wmenu
Alt Shift<Key>Delete root|icon|window f.restart
!! Button Binding Description(s)
!! These can be used anywhere
Buttons DefaultButtonBindings
<Btn1Down> icon|frame f.raise
<Btn3Down> icon|frame f.post_wmenu
<Btn3Down> root DefaultRootMenu
!! These are some example bindings that you might use if your
!! keyboardFocusPolicy is "explicit". Note that to use these, you'll
!! have to change the Mwm*buttonBindings resource in Mwm to
!! ExplicitButtonBindings instead of DefaultButtonBindings.
Buttons ExplicitButtonBindings
<Btn1Down> frame|icon f.raise
<Btn3Down> frame|icon f.post_wmenu
<Btn3Down> root DefaultRootMenu
! <Btn1Up> icon f.restore
Alt<Btn1Down> window|icon f.lower
! Alt<Btn2Down> window|icon f.resize
! Alt<Btn3Down> window|icon f.move
!! These are some example bindings that you might use if your
!! keyboardFocusPolicy is "pointer". Note that to use these, you'll
!! have to change the Mwm*buttonBindings resource in Mwm to
!! PointerButtonBindings instead of DefaultButtonBindings.
Buttons PointerButtonBindings
<Btn1Down> frame|icon f.raise
<Btn3Down> frame|icon f.post_wmenu
<Btn3Down> root DefaultRootMenu
<Btn1Down> window f.raise
! <Btn1Up> icon f.restore
Alt<Btn1Down> window|icon f.lower
! Alt<Btn2Down> window|icon f.resize
! Alt<Btn3Down> window|icon f.move
#Automatically generated file. Do not edit (see /usr/doc/menu/html/index.html)
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Editors"
"Editors" f.title
"Emacs 20" f.exec "/usr/bin/emacs20 &"
"NEdit" f.exec "/usr/bin/X11/nedit &"
"Xedit" f.exec "xedit &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Graphics"
"Graphics" f.title
"Bitmap" f.exec "bitmap &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Math"
"Math" f.title
"Xcalc" f.exec "xcalc &"
"bc" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'bc' -e /usr/bin/bc &"
"dc" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'dc' -e /usr/bin/dc &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Net"
"Net" f.title
"Lynx" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Lynx' -e /usr/bin/lynx &"
"Telnet" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Telnet' -e telnet &"
"Xbiff" f.exec "xbiff &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Programming"
"Programming" f.title
"Gdb" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Gdb' -e /usr/bin/gdb &"
"Python (v2.1)" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Python (v2.1)' -e /usr/bin/python2.1 &"
"Tclsh8.0" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Tclsh8.0' -e /usr/bin/tclsh8.0 &"
"Tclsh8.2" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Tclsh8.2' -e /usr/bin/tclsh8.2 &"
"Tclsh8.3" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Tclsh8.3' -e /usr/bin/tclsh8.3 &"
"TkWish8.0" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'TkWish8.0' -e /usr/bin/wish8.0 &"
"TkWish8.3" f.exec "/usr/bin/wish8.3 &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Shells"
"Shells" f.title
"Bash" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Bash' -e /bin/bash -login &"
"Sh" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Sh' -e /bin/sh -login &"
"Tcsh" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Tcsh' -e /usr/bin/tcsh &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/System/Admin"
"Admin" f.title
"Lilo-config" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Lilo-config' -e /usr/sbin/su-to-root -p root -c /usr/sbin/liloconfig &"
"gpm-config" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'gpm-config' -e /usr/sbin/su-to-root -p root -c /usr/sbin/gpmconfig &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/System"
"System" f.title
"Admin" "/Debian/Apps/System/Admin"
"Task selector" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Task selector' -e su-to-root /usr/bin/tasksel &"
"Top" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Top' -e /usr/bin/top &"
"Xconsole" f.exec "xconsole &"
"Xload" f.exec "xload &"
"Xvidtune" f.exec "xvidtune &"
"pstree" f.exec "/etc/alternatives/x-terminal-emulator -e /usr/bin/pstree.x11 &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Tools"
"Tools" f.title
"Editres" f.exec "editres &"
"Oclock" f.exec "oclock &"
"X Window Snapshot" f.exec "xwd | xwud &"
"Xclipboard" f.exec "xclipboard &"
"Xclock (analog)" f.exec "xclock -analog &"
"Xclock (digital)" f.exec "xclock -digital -update 1 &"
"Xcutsel" f.exec "xcutsel &"
"Xev" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -e xev &"
"Xfontsel" f.exec "xfontsel &"
"Xkill" f.exec "xkill &"
"Xmag" f.exec "xmag &"
"Xrefresh" f.exec "xrefresh &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps/Viewers"
"Viewers" f.title
"GV" f.exec "/usr/bin/X11/gv &"
"XDvi" f.exec "/usr/bin/xdvi &"
"Xditview" f.exec "xditview &"
Menu "/Debian/Apps"
"Apps" f.title
"Editors" "/Debian/Apps/Editors"
"Graphics" "/Debian/Apps/Graphics"
"Math" "/Debian/Apps/Math"
"Net" "/Debian/Apps/Net"
"Programming" "/Debian/Apps/Programming"
"Shells" "/Debian/Apps/Shells"
"System" "/Debian/Apps/System"
"Tools" "/Debian/Apps/Tools"
"Viewers" "/Debian/Apps/Viewers"
Menu "/Debian/Games/Toys"
"Toys" f.title
"Xeyes" f.exec "xeyes &"
"Xlogo" f.exec "xlogo &"
Menu "/Debian/Games"
"Games" f.title
"Toys" "/Debian/Games/Toys"
Menu "/Debian/Help"
"Help" f.title
"Info" f.exec "x-terminal-emulator -T 'Info' -e info &"
"Xman" f.exec "xman &"
Menu "/Debian/Screen/Root-window"
"Root-window" f.title
"Xsetroot" f.exec "xsetroot &"
Menu "/Debian/Screen/Save"
"Save" f.title
"Beforelight" f.exec "beforelight &"
Menu "/Debian/Screen"
"Screen" f.title
"Root-window" "/Debian/Screen/Root-window"
"Save" "/Debian/Screen/Save"
Menu "/Debian/XShells"
"XShells" f.title
"XTerm" f.exec "xterm &"
"XTerm (Unicode)" f.exec "uxterm &"
Menu "/Debian"
"Debian" f.title
"Apps" "/Debian/Apps"
"Games" "/Debian/Games"
"Help" "/Debian/Help"
"Screen" "/Debian/Screen"
"XShells" "/Debian/XShells"
xsetroot -solid darkcyan
xhost +localhost
xset s off s noblank s noexpose -dpms
exec mwm
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