Commit d3137b54 authored by claes's avatar claes

acs800 PPO5 and PPO3 added

parent 9731777c
Volume ABB $ClassVolume
Body SysBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00
Attr NextOix = "_X3741"
Attr NextCix = "_X36"
Attr NextCix = "_X38"
Attr NextTix[0] = "_X3"
Object Type $TypeHier 1749 12-OCT-2005 13:25:10.29
......@@ -872,7 +872,7 @@ Volume ABB $ClassVolume
Object Template ABB_ACS800_1 2148237312 12-OCT-2005 12:58:20.00
Body RtBody 23-JAN-2006 09:27:06.19
Body RtBody 18-MAR-2008 16:46:14.29
Attr Specification = "ABB ACS800 Frequency converter"
Attr InIdPar.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:ABB-Class-ABB_ACS_PPO5.I_ID"
Attr InIndPar.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:ABB-Class-ABB_ACS_PPO5.I_IND"
......@@ -23813,7 +23813,7 @@ ABB ACC800"
! @b See also
! @classlink ABB_ACS800MotorAggrFo abb_abb_acs800motoraggrfo.html
! @classlink ABB_ACS8_PPO5 abb_abb_acs_ppo5.html
! @classlink ABB_ACS800MotorAggrSimSim abb_abb_acs800motoraggrsim.html
! @classlink ABB_ACS800MotorAggrSim abb_abb_acs800motoraggrsim.html
Object ABB_ACS800MotorAggr $ClassDef 4 12-OCT-2005 12:58:20.00
Body SysBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00
......@@ -24668,7 +24668,7 @@ ABB ACC800"
! @image orm_abb_acs800motoraggrfo_ex.gif
! @b See also
! @classlink ABB_ACS800MotorAggr abb_abb_acs800pump1.html
! @classlink ABB_ACS800MotorAggr abb_abb_acs800motoraggr.html
Object ABB_ACS800MotorAggrFo $ClassDef 5 12-OCT-2005 12:58:20.00
Body SysBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00
......@@ -35341,6 +35341,205 @@ ABB ACS800 Aggregate
! @Version 1.0
! @Group Converters
! @Summary ABB frequency converter ACS800 with Profibus PPO3 protocol.
! ABB frequency converter ACS800 with Profibus PPO3 protocol.
! See superclass BaseFcPPO3 for more information.
! @classlink BaseFcPPO3 basecomponent_basefcppo3.html
! @link Datasheet ../dsh/abb_acs800.html
Object ABB_Converter_ACS800_PPO3 $ClassDef 37 18-MAR-2008 16:41:30.24
Body SysBody 18-MAR-2008 16:41:17.25
Attr Editor = 0
Attr Method = 0
Attr Flags = 16
Object RtBody $ObjBodyDef 1 18-MAR-2008 16:41:35.89
Body SysBody 18-MAR-2008 16:41:35.89
Attr StructName = "ABB_Converter_ACS800_PPO3"
Attr NextAix = "_X2"
Object Super $Attribute 1 18-MAR-2008 16:41:44.70
Body SysBody 18-MAR-2008 16:41:56.66
Attr PgmName = "Super"
Attr Flags = 393216
Attr TypeRef = "BaseComponent:Class-BaseFcPPO3"
Object Template ABB_Converter_ACS800_PPO3 2157412352 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00
Body RtBody 18-MAR-2008 16:47:30.00
Attr Super.Specification = "Frequency converter ABB ACS800 with Profibus PPO3 protocol"
Attr Super.StatusWordSW.Description = "Status Word, from converter"
Attr Super.StatusWordSW.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:BaseComponent-Class-BaseFcPPO3PbModule.I_SW"
Attr Super.ActSpeed.Description = "Actual Value, from converter"
Attr Super.ActSpeed.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:BaseComponent-Class-BaseFcPPO3PbModule.I_ACT"
Attr Super.ActSpeed.PresMinLimit = 1.000000e+02
Attr Super.ActSpeed.DefTrend = "_O0.0.0.0:0"
Attr Super.ControlWordCW.Description = "Control Word, to converter"
Attr Super.ControlWordCW.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:BaseComponent-Class-BaseFcPPO3PbModule.O_CW"
Attr Super.RefSpeed.Description = "Reference Value, to converter"
Attr Super.RefSpeed.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:BaseComponent-Class-BaseFcPPO3PbModule.O_REF"
Attr Super.RefSpeed.PresMinLimit = 1.000000e+02
Attr Super.RefSpeed.DefTrend = "_O0.0.0.0:0"
Attr Super.PowerUpTime = 1.500000e+01
Attr Super.AlarmLocalMod = "Frequency converter is in local mode, "
Attr Super.AlarmTripped = "Frequency converter tripped, reset is required, "
Attr Super.AlarmWarning = "Frequency converter warning, "
Attr Super.AlarmError = "Frequency converter error, "
Attr Super.DefTrend = "ABB:Class-ABB_Converter_ACS800_PPO3-Template.Super.PlotGroup"
Attr Super.DataSheet = "$pwr_lang/dsh/abb_acs800.html"
Attr Super.TrendActSpeed.Multiple = 1
Attr Super.TrendActSpeed.DataName = "ABB:Class-ABB_Converter_ACS800_PPO3-Template.Super.ActSpeed.ActualValue"
Attr Super.TrendActSpeed.StorageTime = 239
Attr Super.TrendActSpeed.BufferStatus[0] = 1
Attr Super.TrendActSpeed.BufferStatus[1] = 1
Attr Super.TrendActSpeed.NoOfBuffers = 2
Attr Super.TrendActSpeed.NoOfBufElement = 239
Attr Super.TrendRefSpeed.Multiple = 1
Attr Super.TrendRefSpeed.DataName = "ABB:Class-ABB_Converter_ACS800_PPO3-Template.Super.RefSpeed.ActualValue"
Attr Super.TrendRefSpeed.StorageTime = 239
Attr Super.TrendRefSpeed.BufferStatus[0] = 1
Attr Super.TrendRefSpeed.BufferStatus[1] = 1
Attr Super.TrendRefSpeed.NoOfBuffers = 2
Attr Super.TrendRefSpeed.NoOfBufElement = 239
Attr Super.PlotGroup.YObjectName[0] = "ABB:Class-ABB_Converter_ACS800_PPO3-Template.Super.TrendActSpeed"
Attr Super.PlotGroup.YObjectName[1] = "ABB:Class-ABB_Converter_ACS800_PPO3-Template.Super.TrendRefSpeed"
Attr Super.PlotGroup.NumPoints = 478
! @Version 1.0
! @Group Converters
! @Summary ABB frequency converter ACS800 with Profibus PPO5 protocol.
! ABB frequency converter ACS800 with Profibus PPO5 protocol.
! See superclass BaseFcPPO5 for more information.
! @classlink BaseFcPPO5 basecomponent_basefcppo5.html
! @link Datasheet ../dsh/abb_acs800.html
Object ABB_Converter_ACS800_PPO5 $ClassDef 36 18-MAR-2008 16:39:59.94
Body SysBody 18-MAR-2008 16:39:04.46
Attr Editor = 0
Attr Method = 0
Attr Flags = 16
Object RtBody $ObjBodyDef 1 18-MAR-2008 16:40:31.02
Body SysBody 18-MAR-2008 16:40:31.02
Attr StructName = "ABB_Converter_ACS800_PPO5"
Attr NextAix = "_X2"
Object Super $Attribute 1 18-MAR-2008 16:40:41.69
Body SysBody 18-MAR-2008 16:41:04.06
Attr PgmName = "Super"
Attr Flags = 393216
Attr TypeRef = "BaseComponent:Class-BaseFcPPO5"
Object Template ABB_Converter_ACS800_PPO5 2157150208 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00
Body RtBody 18-MAR-2008 16:47:17.11
Attr Super.Specification = "Frequency converter ABB ACS800 with Profibus PPO5 protocol"
Attr Super.InIdPar.Description = "Parameter Identification, from converter"
Attr Super.InIdPar.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:BaseComponent-Class-BaseFcPPO5PbModule.I_ID"
Attr Super.InIndPar.Description = "Array Index, from converter"
Attr Super.InIndPar.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:BaseComponent-Class-BaseFcPPO5PbModule.I_IND"
Attr Super.InValuePar.Description = "Parameter Value, from converter"
Attr Super.InValuePar.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:BaseComponent-Class-BaseFcPPO5PbModule.I_VALUE"
Attr Super.StatusWordSW.Description = "Status Word, from converter"
Attr Super.StatusWordSW.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:BaseComponent-Class-BaseFcPPO5PbModule.I_SW"
Attr Super.ActSpeed.Description = "Actual Value, from converter"
Attr Super.ActSpeed.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:BaseComponent-Class-BaseFcPPO5PbModule.I_ACT"
Attr Super.ActSpeed.PresMaxLimit = 1.000000e+02
Attr Super.ActSpeed.DefTrend = "_O0.0.0.0:0"
Attr Super.ActTorque.Description = "Torque, Process Data 4 from converter"
Attr Super.ActTorque.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:BaseComponent-Class-BaseFcPPO5PbModule.I_PZD4"
Attr Super.ActTorque.PresMaxLimit = 1.000000e+02
Attr Super.ActTorque.DefTrend = "_O0.0.0.0:0"
Attr Super.ActCurrent.Description = "Current, Process Data 3 from converter"
Attr Super.ActCurrent.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:BaseComponent-Class-BaseFcPPO5PbModule.I_PZD3"
Attr Super.ActCurrent.PresMaxLimit = 1.000000e+02
Attr Super.ActCurrent.DefTrend = "_O0.0.0.0:0"
Attr Super.PZD5.Description = "Process Data 5 from converter"
Attr Super.PZD5.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:BaseComponent-Class-BaseFcPPO5PbModule.I_PZD5"
Attr Super.PZD6.Description = "Process Data 6 from converter"
Attr Super.PZD6.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:BaseComponent-Class-BaseFcPPO5PbModule.I_PZD6"
Attr Super.PZD7.Description = "Process Data 7 from converter"
Attr Super.PZD7.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:BaseComponent-Class-BaseFcPPO5PbModule.I_PZD7"
Attr Super.PZD8.Description = "Process Data 8 from converter"
Attr Super.PZD8.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:BaseComponent-Class-BaseFcPPO5PbModule.I_PZD8"
Attr Super.PZD9.Description = "Process Data 9 from converter"
Attr Super.PZD9.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:BaseComponent-Class-BaseFcPPO5PbModule.I_PZD9"
Attr Super.OutIdPar.Description = "Parameter Identification, to converter"
Attr Super.OutIdPar.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:BaseComponent-Class-BaseFcPPO5PbModule.O_ID"
Attr Super.OutIndPar.Description = "Array Index, to converter"
Attr Super.OutIndPar.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:BaseComponent-Class-BaseFcPPO5PbModule.O_IND"
Attr Super.OutValuePar.Description = "Parmeter Value, to converter"
Attr Super.OutValuePar.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:BaseComponent-Class-BaseFcPPO5PbModule.O_VALUE"
Attr Super.ControlWordCW.Description = "Control Word, to converter"
Attr Super.ControlWordCW.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:BaseComponent-Class-BaseFcPPO5PbModule.O_CW"
Attr Super.RefSpeed.Description = "Reference Value, to converter"
Attr Super.RefSpeed.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:BaseComponent-Class-BaseFcPPO5PbModule.O_REF"
Attr Super.RefSpeed.PresMaxLimit = 1.000000e+02
Attr Super.RefSpeed.DefTrend = "_O0.0.0.0:0"
Attr Super.OPZD3.Description = "Process Data 3 to converter"
Attr Super.OPZD3.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:BaseComponent-Class-BaseFcPPO5PbModule.O_PZD3"
Attr Super.OPZD3.PresMaxLimit = 1.000000e+02
Attr Super.OPZD4.Description = "Process Data 4 to converter"
Attr Super.OPZD4.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:BaseComponent-Class-BaseFcPPO5PbModule.O_PZD4"
Attr Super.OPZD4.PresMaxLimit = 1.000000e+02
Attr Super.OPZD5.Description = "Process Data 5 to converter"
Attr Super.OPZD5.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:BaseComponent-Class-BaseFcPPO5PbModule.O_PZD5"
Attr Super.OPZD5.PresMaxLimit = 1.000000e+02
Attr Super.OPZD6.Description = "Process Data 6 to converter"
Attr Super.OPZD6.SigChanCon = "$IoConnect:BaseComponent-Class-BaseFcPPO5PbModule.O_PZD6"
Attr Super.PowerUpTime = 1.500000e+01
Attr Super.AlarmLocalMod = "Frequency converter is in local mode, "
Attr Super.AlarmTripped = "Frequency converter tripped, reset is required, "
Attr Super.AlarmWarning = "Frequency converter warning, "
Attr Super.AlarmError = "Frequency converter error, "
Attr Super.DefTrend = "ABB:Class-ABB_Converter_ACS800_PPO5-Template.Super.PlotGroup"
Attr Super.DataSheet = "$pwr_lang/dsh/abb_acs800.html"
Attr Super.TrendActSpeed.Multiple = 1
Attr Super.TrendActSpeed.DataName = "ABB:Class-ABB_Converter_ACS800_PPO5-Template.Super.ActSpeed.ActualValue"
Attr Super.TrendActSpeed.StorageTime = 239
Attr Super.TrendActSpeed.BufferStatus[0] = 1
Attr Super.TrendActSpeed.BufferStatus[1] = 1
Attr Super.TrendActSpeed.NoOfBuffers = 2
Attr Super.TrendActSpeed.NoOfBufElement = 239
Attr Super.TrendActTorque.Multiple = 1
Attr Super.TrendActTorque.DataName = "ABB:Class-ABB_Converter_ACS800_PPO5-Template.Super.ActTorque.ActualValue"
Attr Super.TrendActTorque.StorageTime = 239
Attr Super.TrendActTorque.BufferStatus[0] = 1
Attr Super.TrendActTorque.BufferStatus[1] = 1
Attr Super.TrendActTorque.NoOfBuffers = 2
Attr Super.TrendActTorque.NoOfBufElement = 239
Attr Super.TrendActCurrent.Multiple = 1
Attr Super.TrendActCurrent.DataName = "ABB:Class-ABB_Converter_ACS800_PPO5-Template.Super.ActCurrent.ActualValue"
Attr Super.TrendActCurrent.StorageTime = 239
Attr Super.TrendActCurrent.BufferStatus[0] = 1
Attr Super.TrendActCurrent.BufferStatus[1] = 1
Attr Super.TrendActCurrent.NoOfBuffers = 2
Attr Super.TrendActCurrent.NoOfBufElement = 239
Attr Super.TrendRefSpeed.Multiple = 1
Attr Super.TrendRefSpeed.DataName = "ABB:Class-ABB_Converter_ACS800_PPO5-Template.Super.RefSpeed.ActualValue"
Attr Super.TrendRefSpeed.StorageTime = 239
Attr Super.TrendRefSpeed.BufferStatus[0] = 1
Attr Super.TrendRefSpeed.BufferStatus[1] = 1
Attr Super.TrendRefSpeed.NoOfBuffers = 2
Attr Super.TrendRefSpeed.NoOfBufElement = 239
Attr Super.PlotGroup.YObjectName[0] = "ABB:Class-ABB_Converter_ACS800_PPO5-Template.Super.TrendActSpeed"
Attr Super.PlotGroup.YObjectName[1] = "ABB:Class-ABB_Converter_ACS800_PPO5-Template.Super.TrendActTorque"
Attr Super.PlotGroup.YObjectName[2] = "ABB:Class-ABB_Converter_ACS800_PPO5-Template.Super.TrendActCurrent"
Attr Super.PlotGroup.YObjectName[3] = "ABB:Class-ABB_Converter_ACS800_PPO5-Template.Super.TrendRefSpeed"
Attr Super.PlotGroup.NumPoints = 478
! @Version 1.0
! @Group Profibus
! @Summary Profibus slave ABB ACS800
! Profibus slave object for frequency converter ABB ACS800.
......@@ -35730,7 +35929,7 @@ ABB ACS800 Aggregate
Object Template ABB_ACS_PPO5 2149548032 12-OCT-2005 12:58:20.00
Body RtBody 02-MAY-2006 14:34:37.17
Body RtBody 14-MAR-2008 16:42:45.66
Attr Super.Specification = "ABB ACS, PPO message type 5"
Attr Super.Process = 1
Attr Super.DataSheet = "$pwr_lang/dsh/abb_acs800.html"
......@@ -35777,15 +35976,15 @@ ABB ACS800 Aggregate
Attr I_PZD4.Description = "Status word from converter"
Attr I_PZD4.Identity = "5108"
Attr I_PZD4.ConversionOn = 1
Attr I_PZD4.RawValRangeLow = -3.276700e+04
Attr I_PZD4.RawValRangeHigh = 3.276800e+04
Attr I_PZD4.ChannelSigValRangeLow = -3.276700e+04
Attr I_PZD4.ChannelSigValRangeHigh = 3.276800e+04
Attr I_PZD4.RawValRangeLow = -3.276800e+04
Attr I_PZD4.RawValRangeHigh = 3.276700e+04
Attr I_PZD4.ChannelSigValRangeLow = -3.276800e+04
Attr I_PZD4.ChannelSigValRangeHigh = 3.276700e+04
Attr I_PZD4.SensorPolyType = 1
Attr I_PZD4.SensorSigValRangeLow = -3.276700e+04
Attr I_PZD4.SensorSigValRangeHigh = 3.276800e+04
Attr I_PZD4.ActValRangeLow = -3.276700e+02
Attr I_PZD4.ActValRangeHigh = 3.276800e+02
Attr I_PZD4.SensorSigValRangeLow = -3.276800e+04
Attr I_PZD4.SensorSigValRangeHigh = 3.276700e+04
Attr I_PZD4.ActValRangeLow = -3.276800e+02
Attr I_PZD4.ActValRangeHigh = 3.276700e+02
Attr I_PZD4.Representation = 2
Attr I_PZD5.Description = "Status bits from converter"
Attr I_PZD5.Identity = "5110"
......@@ -35851,14 +36050,14 @@ ABB ACS800 Aggregate
Attr O_PZD5.Description = "Referencevalue word to converter"
Attr O_PZD5.Identity = "5109"
Attr O_PZD5.OutPolyType = 1
Attr O_PZD5.ActValRangeLow = -3.276700e+04
Attr O_PZD5.ActValRangeHigh = 3.276800e+04
Attr O_PZD5.SensorSigValRangeLow = -3.276700e+04
Attr O_PZD5.SensorSigValRangeHigh = 3.276800e+04
Attr O_PZD5.ChannelSigValRangeLow = -3.276700e+04
Attr O_PZD5.ChannelSigValRangeHigh = 3.276800e+04
Attr O_PZD5.RawValRangeLow = -3.276700e+04
Attr O_PZD5.RawValRangeHigh = 3.276800e+04
Attr O_PZD5.ActValRangeLow = -3.276800e+04
Attr O_PZD5.ActValRangeHigh = 3.276700e+04
Attr O_PZD5.SensorSigValRangeLow = -3.276800e+04
Attr O_PZD5.SensorSigValRangeHigh = 3.276700e+04
Attr O_PZD5.ChannelSigValRangeLow = -3.276800e+04
Attr O_PZD5.ChannelSigValRangeHigh = 3.276700e+04
Attr O_PZD5.RawValRangeLow = -3.276800e+04
Attr O_PZD5.RawValRangeHigh = 3.276700e+04
Attr O_PZD5.Representation = 2
Attr O_PZD6.Description = "Referencevalue word to converter"
Attr O_PZD6.Identity = "5111"
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