Commit e1cab18f authored by claes's avatar claes

New layout for Sub and Div objects

parent c6b3a108
/* wb_goenm10.c -- <short description>
Copyright (C) 1996 by Comator Process AB.
This module creates a nodetype from the objecttype specification
and the instanceobject's mask.
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#include <stdio.h>
#include "wb_foe_macros.h"
#include <Xm/Xm.h>
#include "wb_ldh.h"
#include "wb_vldh.h"
#include "wb_foe_msg.h"
#include "wb_goen.h"
#include "wb_gre.h"
/*_Local variables_______________________________________________________*/
/* name value name in drawing */
static float f_defwidth = (GOEN_F_MINWIDTH - 3)* GOEN_F_OBJNAME_STRWIDTH;
static float f_header = 0.05; /* ( f ) */
static float f_pinlength = GOEN_F_PINLENGTH;
static float f_repeat = GOEN_F_GRID;
static float f_strlength = GOEN_F_OBJNAME_STRWIDTH;
static float f_strheight = GOEN_F_OBJNAME_STRHEIGHT;
static float f_circle = GOEN_F_INVERTCIRCLE;
static float f_yoffs = GOEN_F_GRID/2;
static float f_height;
static float f_width;
static float f_namepos;
/*_Methods defined for this module_______________________________________*/
* Name: goen_create_nodetype_m10()
* Type
* Type Parameter IOGF Description
* pwr_sGraphPlcNode *graphbody Pointer to objecttype data
* Widget widget Neted widget
* unsigned long *mask Mask for drawing inputs/outputs
* int color Highlight color
* Cursor cursor Hot cursor
* unsigned long *node_type_id Nodetypeid for created nodetype
* Description:
* Create a nodetype
int goen_create_nodetype_m10(
pwr_sGraphPlcNode *graphbody,
pwr_tClassId class,
ldh_tSesContext ldhses,
flow_tCtx ctx,
unsigned long *mask,
unsigned long subwindowmark,
unsigned long node_width,
flow_tNodeClass *node_class,
vldh_t_node node)
int i;
int ipoints;
int inputpoints, outputpoints;
unsigned long pointmask;
unsigned long *inmask_pointer;
unsigned long *outmask_pointer;
unsigned long *invertmask_pointer;
int i_innr;
int i_internnr;
int i_outnr;
int sts;
char annot_str[3][80];
int annot_nr[3];
int annot_count;
double annot_width[3];
double annot_height;
float f_width_left;
float classname_width;
flow_tNodeClass nc_pid;
char name[80];
int size;
int conpoint_nr;
int rows;
static int idx = 0;
ldh_sParDef *bodydef;
flow_tObject cp;
sts = ldh_ClassIdToName(ldhses, class, name, sizeof(name), &size);
if ( EVEN(sts) ) return sts;
sprintf( &name[strlen(name)], "%d", idx++);
/* Get number of annotations and the width of the annotations */
sts = gre_get_annotations( node,
(char *)annot_str, annot_nr, &annot_count,
sizeof( annot_str)/sizeof(annot_str[0]), sizeof( annot_str[0]));
if ( EVEN(sts)) return sts;
if ( annot_count > 0)
flow_MeasureAnnotText( ctx, annot_str[0],
flow_eDrawType_TextHelveticaBold, GOEN_F_TEXTSIZE, flow_eAnnotType_OneLine,
&annot_width[0], &annot_height, &rows);
if ( annot_count > 1)
flow_MeasureAnnotText( ctx, annot_str[1],
flow_eDrawType_TextHelveticaBold, GOEN_F_TEXTSIZE, flow_eAnnotType_OneLine,
&annot_width[1], &annot_height, &rows);
/* Get the runtime paramteers for this class */
sts = ldh_GetObjectBodyDef(ldhses, class, "RtBody", 1,
&bodydef, &rows);
if ( EVEN(sts) ) return sts;
/* Get how many parameters there are */
i_innr = graphbody->parameters[PAR_INPUT];
i_internnr = graphbody->parameters[PAR_INTERN];
i_outnr = graphbody->parameters[PAR_OUTPUT];
inmask_pointer = mask++;
outmask_pointer = mask++;
invertmask_pointer = mask;
/* Count number of inputpoints in mask */
pointmask = 1;
inputpoints = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < i_innr; i++)
inputpoints += ((*inmask_pointer & pointmask) != 0);
pointmask <<= 1;
/* Count number of outputpoints in mask */
pointmask = 1;
outputpoints = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < i_outnr; i++)
outputpoints += ((*outmask_pointer & pointmask) != 0);
pointmask <<= 1;
f_height = f_header/2 + f_header/2 +
max((max(i_innr,i_outnr)-1), 1) * f_repeat;
classname_width = strlen( graphbody->graphname) * f_strlength;
if ( annot_count <= 1)
f_width = max( f_strlength * 2 + max( classname_width, annot_width[0]),
f_defwidth + f_strlength * 2);
f_width_left = 0;
f_width = max( f_strlength * 4 + max( classname_width, annot_width[0])
+ annot_width[1], f_defwidth + f_strlength * 2);
f_width_left = f_strlength * 2 + annot_width[1];
f_namepos = f_width/2.0 - classname_width/2 - f_width_left/2;
flow_CreateNodeClass(ctx, name, flow_eNodeGroup_Common,
/* Draw the rectangle for gate */
flow_AddRect( nc_pid, 0, -f_yoffs, f_width, f_height, flow_eDrawType_Line, 2, flow_mDisplayLevel_1);
/* Draw the separator line for header and footer */
if ( subwindowmark != 0 )
flow_AddLine( nc_pid, 0, f_header - f_yoffs, f_width,
f_header - f_yoffs, flow_eDrawType_LineGray, 4);
if ( annot_count >= 2)
flow_AddLine( nc_pid, f_width - f_width_left, -f_yoffs, f_width - f_width_left,
f_height - f_yoffs, flow_eDrawType_Line, 1);
/* Draw the class name */
flow_AddText( nc_pid, graphbody->graphname, f_namepos,
f_header * .75 - f_yoffs,
flow_eDrawType_TextHelveticaBold, GOEN_F_TEXTSIZE);
/* Draw the leadnames and lines */
conpoint_nr = 0;
pointmask = 1;
ipoints = 0;
for (i = 0; i <i_innr ;i++)
if ( (*inmask_pointer & pointmask) != 0)
if ( (*invertmask_pointer & pointmask) == 0)
flow_AddLine( nc_pid, 0, f_header/2 + f_repeat * ipoints - f_yoffs,
-f_pinlength, f_header/2 + f_repeat * ipoints - f_yoffs,
flow_eDrawType_Line, 2);
flow_AddLine( nc_pid, -f_pinlength, f_header/2 + f_repeat * ipoints - f_yoffs,
-f_circle, f_header/2 + f_repeat * ipoints - f_yoffs,
flow_eDrawType_Line, 2);
flow_AddArc( nc_pid, -f_circle,
f_header/2 + f_repeat * ipoints - f_circle / 2 - f_yoffs,
0, f_header/2 + f_repeat * ipoints + f_circle / 2 - f_yoffs,
0, 360, flow_eDrawType_Line, 2);
flow_AddConPoint( nc_pid, -f_pinlength,
f_header/2 + f_repeat * ipoints - f_yoffs,
pointmask <<= 1;
pointmask = 1;
ipoints = 0;
for (i = i_innr + i_internnr; i < i_innr + i_internnr + i_outnr ; i++)
if ( (*outmask_pointer & pointmask) != 0)
flow_AddLine( nc_pid, f_width, f_header/2 + f_repeat * ipoints - f_yoffs,
f_width+f_pinlength, f_header/2 + f_repeat * ipoints - f_yoffs,
flow_eDrawType_Line, 2);
flow_CreateConPoint( ctx, f_width + f_pinlength,
f_header/2 + f_repeat * ipoints - f_yoffs,
flow_eDirection_Right, &cp);
flow_NodeClassAdd( nc_pid, cp);
if (bodydef[i].Par->Output.Info.Type == pwr_eType_Float32)
flow_SetTraceAttr( cp, NULL, bodydef[i].ParName,
else if (bodydef[i].Par->Output.Info.Type == pwr_eType_Int32)
flow_SetTraceAttr( cp, NULL, bodydef[i].ParName,
else if (bodydef[i].Par->Output.Info.Type == pwr_eType_Boolean)
flow_SetTraceAttr( cp, NULL, bodydef[i].ParName,
pointmask <<= 1;
flow_AddAnnot( nc_pid,
(f_width - f_width_left - annot_width[0])/2,
f_height - f_header * 0.25 - f_yoffs,
0, flow_eDrawType_TextHelveticaBold, GOEN_F_TEXTSIZE,
flow_eAnnotType_OneLine, flow_mDisplayLevel_1);
if ( annot_count >= 2)
flow_AddAnnot( nc_pid,
f_width - f_width_left + f_strlength,
f_height - f_header * 0.75 - f_yoffs,
1, flow_eDrawType_TextHelveticaBold, GOEN_F_TEXTSIZE,
flow_eAnnotType_OneLine, flow_mDisplayLevel_1);
/* Add execute order display */
flow_AddFilledRect( nc_pid, f_width - GOEN_DISPLAYNODEWIDTH, -f_yoffs,
flow_eDrawType_LineGray, flow_mDisplayLevel_2);
flow_AddAnnot( nc_pid,
f_width - GOEN_DISPLAYNODEWIDTH + f_strlength,
(GOEN_DISPLAYNODEHEIGHT + f_strheight)/2.0 - f_yoffs,
flow_eAnnotType_OneLine, flow_mDisplayLevel_2);
*node_class = nc_pid;
free( (char *)bodydef);
* Name: goen_get_point_info_m10()
* Type
* Type Parameter IOGF Description
* pwr_sGraphPlcNode *graphbody Pointer to objecttype data
* unsigned long point Connection point nr
* unsigned long *mask Mask for drawing inputs/outputs
* goen_conpoint_type *info_pointer Pointer to calculated data
* Description:
* Calculates relativ koordinates for a connectionpoint and investigates
* the connectionpoint type.
int goen_get_point_info_m10( grectx, graphbody, point, mask, node_width,
info_pointer, node)
gre_ctx grectx;
pwr_sGraphPlcNode *graphbody;
unsigned long point;
unsigned long *mask;
unsigned long node_width;
goen_conpoint_type *info_pointer;
vldh_t_node node;
int i;
int inputpoints, outputpoints;
unsigned long pointmask;
unsigned long *mask_pointer;
int i_innr;
int i_internnr;
int i_outnr;
double ll_x,ll_y,ur_x,ur_y;
int points;
double f_point;
/* Get number of parameters */
i_innr = graphbody->parameters[PAR_INPUT];
i_internnr = graphbody->parameters[PAR_INTERN];
i_outnr = graphbody->parameters[PAR_OUTPUT];
/* Count number of inputpoints in mask */
mask_pointer = mask;
pointmask = 1;
inputpoints = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < i_innr; i++)
inputpoints += ((*mask_pointer & pointmask) != 0);
pointmask <<= 1;
/* Count number of outputpoints in mask */
pointmask = 1;
outputpoints = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < i_outnr; i++)
outputpoints += ((*mask_pointer & pointmask) != 0);
pointmask <<= 1;
flow_MeasureNode( node->hn.node_id,
f_width = ur_x - ll_x - 2* GOEN_F_LINEWIDTH;
f_height = ur_y - ll_y - 2* GOEN_F_LINEWIDTH;
if ( inputpoints > 0)
f_width -= f_pinlength;
if ( outputpoints > 0)
f_width -= f_pinlength;
if ( point < inputpoints )
/* Connectionpoint is an input */
points = 0;
f_point = 0;
pointmask = 1;
for ( i = 0; i < i_innr; i++) {
points += ((pointmask & mask[0]) != 0);
if ( points == point)
f_point += f_repeat;
pointmask <<= 1;
info_pointer->x = - f_width/2.0
-f_pinlength *( 1 - ( outputpoints == 0 ) * 0.5);
info_pointer->y = f_height/2.0 - f_header/2 - f_point;
info_pointer->type = CON_LEFT;
points = inputpoints;
f_point = 0;
pointmask = 1;
for ( i = 0; i < i_outnr; i++) {
points += ((pointmask & mask[1]) != 0);
if ( points == point)
f_point += f_repeat;
pointmask <<= 1;
/* Connectionpoint is an output */
info_pointer->x = f_width/2.0 + f_pinlength
*( 1 - ( inputpoints == 0 ) * 0.5);
info_pointer->y = f_height/2.0 - f_header/2 -
(point - inputpoints) * f_repeat;
info_pointer->type = CON_RIGHT;
* Name: goen_get_parameter_m10()
* Type
* Type Parameter IOGF Description
* pwr_sGraphPlcNode *graphbody Pointer to objecttype data
* unsigned long point Connection point nr
* unsigned long *mask Mask for drawing inputs/outputs
* unsigned long *par_type Input or output parameter
* godd_parameter_type **par_pointer Pointer to parameter data
* Description:
* Gets pointer to parameterdata for connectionpoint.
int goen_get_parameter_m10( graphbody, class, ldhses,
con_point, mask, par_type, par_inverted, par_index)
pwr_sGraphPlcNode *graphbody;
pwr_tClassId class;
ldh_tSesContext ldhses;
unsigned long con_point;
unsigned long *mask;
unsigned long *par_type;
unsigned long *par_inverted;
unsigned long *par_index;
unsigned long inputs,interns,outputs,conpointcount;
unsigned long pointmask;
int i, input_found, output_found;
unsigned long *invertmask_pointer;
inputs = graphbody->parameters[PAR_INPUT];
interns = graphbody->parameters[PAR_INTERN];
outputs = graphbody->parameters[PAR_OUTPUT];
/* Identify the conpoints corresponding input or output */
invertmask_pointer = mask + 2;
*par_type = 0;
conpointcount = 0;
pointmask = 1;
output_found = 0;
input_found = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < inputs; i++)
conpointcount += ((*mask & pointmask) != 0);
if ( conpointcount == (con_point + 1) )
/* this is the input */
*par_type = PAR_INPUT;
*par_index = i;
if ( (*invertmask_pointer & pointmask) == 0)
*par_inverted = GOEN_NOT_INVERTED;
*par_inverted = GOEN_INVERTED;
input_found = 1;
pointmask <<= 1;
if ( !input_found )
/* continue with outputs */
pointmask = 1;
for ( i = inputs + interns; i < inputs + interns + outputs; i++)
conpointcount += ((*mask & pointmask) != 0);
if ( conpointcount == (con_point + 1) )
/* this is the output */
*par_type = PAR_OUTPUT;
*par_index = i;
*par_inverted = GOEN_NOT_INVERTED;
output_found = 1;
pointmask <<= 1;
if ( input_found || output_found ) return GOEN__SUCCESS;
else return GOEN__NOPOINT;
* Name: goen_get_location_point_m10()
* Type
* Type Parameter IOGF Description
* pwr_sGraphPlcNode *graphbody Pointer to objecttype data
* goen_point_type *info_pointer Locationpoint
* Description:
* Calculates kooridates for locationpoint relativ geomtrical center.
int goen_get_location_point_m10( grectx, graphbody, mask, node_width,
info_pointer, node)
gre_ctx grectx;
pwr_sGraphPlcNode *graphbody;
unsigned long *mask;
unsigned long node_width;
goen_point_type *info_pointer;
vldh_t_node node;
info_pointer->y = 0;
info_pointer->x = 0;
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