Commit fb8481c7 authored by Claes Sjofors's avatar Claes Sjofors

Merge branch 'master' of pwrcvs:/data1/git/pwr

parents 01cc1f42 596c032c
* Proview $Id: rt_io_m_ssab_aiup.c,v 1.4 2007-04-30 12:08:08 claes Exp $
* Copyright (C) 2005 SSAB Oxelsund AB.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with the program, if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
/* rt_io_m_ssab_pid.c -- io methods for ssab cards. */
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include "pwr.h"
#include "co_cdh.h"
#include "rt_gdh.h"
#include "rt_errh.h"
#include "pwr_baseclasses.h"
#include "pwr_basecomponentclasses.h"
#include "pwr_ssaboxclasses.h"
#include "rt_io_base.h"
#include "rt_io_msg.h"
#include "rt_io_ssab.h"
#include "rt_io_card_init.h"
#include "rt_io_card_close.h"
#include "rt_io_card_read.h"
#include "qbus_io.h"
#include "rt_io_m_ssab_locals.h"
#include "rt_io_bfbeth.h"
#define init_mask 0x0001
#define inc3p_mask 0x0002
#define pos3p_mask 0x0004
#define ao_mask 0x0008
#define dyn_bias_mask 0x0010
#define stall_freeze_mask 0x0020
#define stall_cont_mask 0x0040
#define setup_req_mask 0x1000 // bit 12
#define act_dat_mask 0x2000 // bit 13
#define setup_mask 0x4000 // bit 14
#define dyn_mask 0x8000 // bit 15
#define typ_mask 0xf001 // bit 12, 13, 14, 15 + bit 1
typedef struct
unsigned short csr1;
unsigned short csr2;
typedef struct
float SetVal;
float BiasD;
float ForcVal;
short int Force;
short int IntOff;
} card_dyn;
typedef struct
float inc3pGain;
float MinTim;
float MaxTim;
float MaxInteg;
float AVcoeff[2];
float BVcoeff[2];
float OVcoeff[2];
short int PidAlg;
short int Inverse;
float PidGain;
float IntTime;
float DerTime;
float DerGain;
float BiasGain;
float MinOut;
float MaxOut;
float EndHys;
float PVcoeff[2];
float ErrSta;
float ErrSto;
float pos3pGain;
float ProcFiltTime;
float BiasFiltTime;
float PosFiltTime;
typedef struct
float PosVal;
float Acc;
float ProcVal;
float OutVal;
float ControlDiff;
short int EndMax;
short int EndMin;
float Bias;
float ScanTime;
typedef struct
float Max; /* Max ingenjrsvrde */
float Min; /* Min ingenjrsvrde */
float RawMax; /* Rvrde vid Max (+- 30000) */
float RawMin; /* Rvrde vid Min (+- 30000) */
typedef struct {
unsigned short int Istat[2];
card_dyn Dyn;
card_par Par;
card_stat Stat;
card_range AoRange;
card_range ProcRange;
card_range BiasRange;
card_range PosRange;
pwr_sClass_PidX *objP;
unsigned int Address;
int Qbus_fp;
unsigned short dyn_ind;
unsigned short par_ind;
unsigned short stat_ind;
unsigned short ran_ind;
unsigned short init;
pwr_tTime ErrTime;
unsigned short Valid;
} io_sLocal;
void swap_word(unsigned int *out, unsigned int *in)
unsigned int result = 0;;
result = (*in << 16) & 0xFFFF0000;
result |= (*in >> 16) & 0x0000FFFF;
*out = result;
static int ssabpid_read(unsigned short index,
unsigned short *data,
io_sLocal *local) {
qbus_io_read rb;
qbus_io_write wb;
int sts;
wb.Address = local->Address;
wb.Data = index;
sts = write( local->Qbus_fp, &wb, sizeof(wb));
if (sts != -1) {
rb.Address = local->Address + 2;
sts = read( local->Qbus_fp, &rb, sizeof(rb));
*data = (unsigned short) rb.Data;
return sts;
static int ssabpid_write(unsigned short index,
unsigned short *data,
io_sLocal *local) {
qbus_io_write wb;
int sts;
wb.Address = local->Address;
wb.Data = index;
sts = write( local->Qbus_fp, &wb, sizeof(wb));
if (sts != -1) {
wb.Address = local->Address + 2;
wb.Data = *data;
sts = write( local->Qbus_fp, &wb, sizeof(wb));
return sts;
static pwr_tStatus IoCardInit (
io_tCtx ctx,
io_sAgent *ap,
io_sRack *rp,
io_sCard *cp
pwr_sClass_Ssab_PIDuP *op;
io_sLocal *local;
pwr_tStatus sts;
op = (pwr_sClass_Ssab_PIDuP *) cp->op;
local = calloc( 1, sizeof(*local));
cp->Local = local;
local->Address = op->RegAddress;
local->Qbus_fp = ((io_sRackLocal *)(rp->Local))->Qbus_fp;
errh_Info( "Init of pid card '%s'", cp->Name);
sts = gdh_ObjidToPointer(op->PidXCon, (void *) &local->objP);
if ( EVEN(sts)) {
errh_Error( "PID-card not properly connected, %s", cp->Name);
/* Calculate indexes in I/O-area */
local->dyn_ind = ((char *) &local->Dyn - (char *) local) / 2;
local->par_ind = ((char *) &local->Par - (char *) local) / 2;
local->stat_ind = ((char *) &local->Stat - (char *) local) / 2;
local->ran_ind = ((char *) &local->AoRange - (char *) local) / 2;
return 1;
static pwr_tStatus IoCardClose (
io_tCtx ctx,
io_sAgent *ap,
io_sRack *rp,
io_sCard *cp
io_sLocal *local;
errh_Info( "IO closing pid card '%s'", cp->Name);
local = (io_sLocal *) cp->Local;
free( (char *) local);
return 1;
static pwr_tStatus IoCardRead (
io_tCtx ctx,
io_sAgent *ap,
io_sRack *rp,
io_sCard *cp
io_sLocal *local;
pwr_sClass_Ssab_PIDuP *op;
int sts, ii;
card_stat c_stat;
unsigned short *datap;
unsigned short diff;
pwr_tTime now;
local = (io_sLocal *) cp->Local;
op = (pwr_sClass_Ssab_PIDuP *) cp->op;
sts = ssabpid_read(0, &local->Istat[0], local);
if (sts != -1) {
sts = ssabpid_read(1, &local->Istat[1], local);
if (sts == -1) {
local->Valid = 0;
} else local->Valid = 1;
diff = local->Istat[0] ^ local->Istat[1];
memset(&c_stat, 0, sizeof(c_stat));
if (local->Valid && (diff & act_dat_mask)) {
for (ii = local->stat_ind, datap = (unsigned short *) &c_stat; ii < local->ran_ind; ii++, datap++) {
sts = ssabpid_read(ii, datap, local);
if ( sts == -1) {
/* Increase error count and check error limits */
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &now);
if (op->ErrorCount > op->ErrorSoftLimit) {
/* Ignore if some time has expired */
if (now.tv_sec - local->ErrTime.tv_sec < 600)
local->ErrTime = now;
if ( op->ErrorCount == op->ErrorSoftLimit)
errh_Error( "IO Error soft limit reached on card '%s'", cp->Name);
/* Move data to PidX-object */
swap_word((unsigned int *) &local->objP->ProcVal, (unsigned int *) &c_stat.ProcVal);
swap_word((unsigned int *) &local->objP->PosVal, (unsigned int *) &c_stat.PosVal);
swap_word((unsigned int *) &local->objP->OutVal, (unsigned int *) &c_stat.OutVal);
swap_word((unsigned int *) &local->objP->ControlDiff, (unsigned int *) &c_stat.ControlDiff);
if (local->objP->BiasGain != 0) swap_word((unsigned int *) &local->objP->Bias, (unsigned int *) &c_stat.Bias);
local->objP->EndMin = c_stat.EndMin;
local->objP->EndMax = c_stat.EndMax;
// local->objP->ScanTime = c_stat.ScanTime;
local->Istat[0] ^= act_dat_mask;
if ( op->ErrorCount >= op->ErrorHardLimit)
errh_Error( "IO Error hard limit reached on card '%s', IO stopped", cp->Name);
ctx->Node->EmergBreakTrue = 1;
return 1;
static pwr_tStatus IoCardWrite (
io_tCtx ctx,
io_sAgent *ap,
io_sRack *rp,
io_sCard *cp
io_sLocal *local;
pwr_sClass_Ssab_PIDuP *op;
int ii;
int sts;
pwr_tTime now;
unsigned short diff;
card_dyn c_dyn;
card_par c_par;
int paramc = 0;
int dynparc = 0;
unsigned short *datap;
local = (io_sLocal *) cp->Local;
op = (pwr_sClass_Ssab_PIDuP *) cp->op;
if (!local->Valid) return 1;
diff = local->Istat[0] ^ local->Istat[1];
if (diff & setup_req_mask) paramc = 1, dynparc = 1;
/* Check if static parameters has changed */
if ((local->objP->PidAlg != local->Par.PidAlg) ||
(local->objP->Inverse != local->Par.Inverse) ||
(local->objP->PidGain != local->Par.PidGain) ||
(local->objP->IntTime != local->Par.IntTime) ||
(local->objP->DerTime != local->Par.DerTime) ||
(local->objP->DerGain != local->Par.DerGain) ||
(local->objP->BiasGain != local->Par.BiasGain) ||
(local->objP->MinOut != local->Par.MinOut) ||
(local->objP->MaxOut != local->Par.MaxOut) ||
(local->objP->EndHys != local->Par.EndHys) ||
(local->objP->ProcFiltTime != local->Par.ProcFiltTime) ||
(local->objP->ProcMax != local->ProcRange.Max) ||
(local->objP->ProcMin != local->ProcRange.Min) ||
(local->objP->AoMax != local->AoRange.Max) ||
(local->objP->AoMin != local->AoRange.Min) ||
(local->Par.inc3pGain != local->objP->Inc3pGain) ||
(local->Par.MinTim != local->objP->MinTim) ||
(local->Par.MaxTim != local->objP->MaxTim) ||
(local->Par.MaxInteg != local->objP->MaxInteg)) paramc = 1;
/* Check if dynamic parameters has changed */
if ((local->objP->SetVal != local->Dyn.SetVal) ||
(local->objP->Bias != local->Dyn.BiasD) ||
(local->objP->ForcVal != local->Dyn.ForcVal) ||
(local->objP->IntOff != local->Dyn.IntOff) ||
(local->objP->Force != local->Dyn.Force)) dynparc = 1;
/* Move parameters to local */
if (paramc && ((diff & setup_mask) == 0)) {
local->Par.inc3pGain = local->objP->Inc3pGain;
local->Par.MinTim = local->objP->MinTim;
local->Par.MaxTim = local->objP->MaxTim;
local->Par.MaxInteg = local->objP->MaxInteg;
local->ProcRange.Max = local->objP->ProcMax;
local->ProcRange.Min = local->objP->ProcMin;
local->ProcRange.RawMax = local->objP->ProcRawMax;
local->ProcRange.RawMin = local->objP->ProcRawMin;
if (local->ProcRange.RawMax != local->ProcRange.RawMin) {
local->Par.AVcoeff[0] = (local->ProcRange.Max - local->ProcRange.Min) /
(local->ProcRange.RawMax - local->ProcRange.RawMin);
local->Par.AVcoeff[1] = local->ProcRange.Min -
local->ProcRange.RawMin * local->Par.AVcoeff[0];
local->BiasRange.Max = local->objP->BiasMax;
local->BiasRange.Min = local->objP->BiasMin;
local->BiasRange.RawMax = local->objP->BiasRawMax;
local->BiasRange.RawMin = local->objP->BiasRawMin;
if (local->BiasRange.RawMax != local->BiasRange.RawMin) {
local->Par.BVcoeff[0] = (local->BiasRange.Max - local->BiasRange.Min) /
(local->BiasRange.RawMax - local->BiasRange.RawMin);
local->Par.BVcoeff[1] = local->BiasRange.Min -
local->BiasRange.RawMin * local->Par.BVcoeff[0];
local->AoRange.Max = local->objP->AoMax;
local->AoRange.Min = local->objP->AoMin;
local->AoRange.RawMax = local->objP->AoRawMax;
local->AoRange.RawMin = local->objP->AoRawMin;
if (local->AoRange.Max != local->AoRange.Min)
local->Par.OVcoeff[0] = (local->AoRange.RawMax - local->AoRange.RawMin) /
(local->AoRange.Max - local->AoRange.Min);
local->Par.OVcoeff[1] = local->AoRange.RawMin -
local->AoRange.Min * local->Par.OVcoeff[0];
local->PosRange.Max = local->objP->PosMax;
local->PosRange.Min = local->objP->PosMin;
local->PosRange.RawMax = local->objP->PosRawMax;
local->PosRange.RawMin = local->objP->PosRawMin;
if (local->PosRange.RawMax != local->PosRange.RawMin) {
local->Par.PVcoeff[0] = (local->PosRange.Max - local->PosRange.Min) /
(local->PosRange.RawMax - local->PosRange.RawMin);
local->Par.PVcoeff[1] = local->PosRange.Min -
local->PosRange.RawMin * local->Par.PVcoeff[0];
local->Par.PidAlg = local->objP->PidAlg;
local->Par.Inverse = local->objP->Inverse;
local->Par.PidGain = local->objP->PidGain;
local->Par.IntTime = local->objP->IntTime;
local->Par.DerTime = local->objP->DerTime;
local->Par.DerGain = local->objP->DerGain;
local->Par.BiasGain = local->objP->BiasGain;
local->Par.MinOut = local->objP->MinOut;
local->Par.MaxOut = local->objP->MaxOut;
local->Par.EndHys = local->objP->EndHys;
local->Par.ErrSta = local->objP->ErrSta;
local->Par.ErrSto = local->objP->ErrSto;
local->Par.pos3pGain = local->objP->Pos3pGain;
local->Par.ProcFiltTime = local->objP->ProcFiltTime;
local->Par.BiasFiltTime = local->objP->BiasFiltTime;
local->Par.PosFiltTime = local->objP->PosFiltTime;
/* Write parameters to card */
c_par.PidAlg = local->Par.PidAlg;
c_par.Inverse = local->Par.Inverse;
swap_word((unsigned int *) &c_par.inc3pGain, (unsigned int *) &local->Par.inc3pGain);
swap_word((unsigned int *) &c_par.MinTim, (unsigned int *) &local->Par.MinTim);
swap_word((unsigned int *) &c_par.MaxTim, (unsigned int *) &local->Par.MaxTim);
swap_word((unsigned int *) &c_par.MaxInteg, (unsigned int *) &local->Par.MaxInteg);
swap_word((unsigned int *) &c_par.AVcoeff[0], (unsigned int *) &local->Par.AVcoeff[0]);
swap_word((unsigned int *) &c_par.AVcoeff[1], (unsigned int *) &local->Par.AVcoeff[1]);
swap_word((unsigned int *) &c_par.BVcoeff[0], (unsigned int *) &local->Par.BVcoeff[0]);
swap_word((unsigned int *) &c_par.BVcoeff[1], (unsigned int *) &local->Par.BVcoeff[1]);
swap_word((unsigned int *) &c_par.OVcoeff[0], (unsigned int *) &local->Par.OVcoeff[0]);
swap_word((unsigned int *) &c_par.OVcoeff[1], (unsigned int *) &local->Par.OVcoeff[1]);
swap_word((unsigned int *) &c_par.PidGain, (unsigned int *) &local->Par.PidGain);
swap_word((unsigned int *) &c_par.IntTime, (unsigned int *) &local->Par.IntTime);
swap_word((unsigned int *) &c_par.DerTime, (unsigned int *) &local->Par.DerTime);
swap_word((unsigned int *) &c_par.DerGain, (unsigned int *) &local->Par.DerGain);
swap_word((unsigned int *) &c_par.BiasGain, (unsigned int *) &local->Par.BiasGain);
swap_word((unsigned int *) &c_par.MinOut, (unsigned int *) &local->Par.MinOut);
swap_word((unsigned int *) &c_par.MaxOut, (unsigned int *) &local->Par.MaxOut);
swap_word((unsigned int *) &c_par.EndHys, (unsigned int *) &local->Par.EndHys);
swap_word((unsigned int *) &c_par.PVcoeff[0], (unsigned int *) &local->Par.PVcoeff[0]);
swap_word((unsigned int *) &c_par.PVcoeff[1], (unsigned int *) &local->Par.PVcoeff[1]);
swap_word((unsigned int *) &c_par.ErrSta, (unsigned int *) &local->Par.ErrSta);
swap_word((unsigned int *) &c_par.ErrSto, (unsigned int *) &local->Par.ErrSto);
swap_word((unsigned int *) &c_par.pos3pGain, (unsigned int *) &local->Par.pos3pGain);
swap_word((unsigned int *) &c_par.ProcFiltTime, (unsigned int *) &local->Par.ProcFiltTime);
swap_word((unsigned int *) &c_par.BiasFiltTime, (unsigned int *) &local->Par.BiasFiltTime);
swap_word((unsigned int *) &c_par.PosFiltTime, (unsigned int *) &local->Par.PosFiltTime);
for (ii = local->par_ind, datap = (unsigned short *)&c_par; ii < local->stat_ind; ii++, datap++) {
sts = ssabpid_write(ii, datap, local);
if ( sts == -1) {
/* Increase error count and check error limits */
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &now);
if (op->ErrorCount > op->ErrorSoftLimit) {
/* Ignore if some time has expired */
if (now.tv_sec - local->ErrTime.tv_sec < 600)
local->ErrTime = now;
if ( op->ErrorCount == op->ErrorSoftLimit)
errh_Error( "IO Error soft limit reached on card '%s'", cp->Name);
/* Update status word */
if ((diff & setup_req_mask) != 0) local->Istat[0] ^= setup_req_mask;
local->Istat[0] ^= setup_mask;
} /* End - if new parameters */
/* Send dynamic parameters ? */
if (dynparc && ((diff & dyn_mask) == 0)) {
/* Move parameters to local */
local->Dyn.SetVal = local->objP->SetVal;
local->Dyn.BiasD = local->objP->Bias;
local->Dyn.ForcVal = local->objP->ForcVal;
local->Dyn.IntOff = local->objP->IntOff;
local->Dyn.Force = local->objP->Force;
/* Write parameters to card */
swap_word((unsigned int *) &c_dyn.SetVal, (unsigned int *) &local->Dyn.SetVal);
swap_word((unsigned int *) &c_dyn.BiasD, (unsigned int *) &local->Dyn.BiasD);
swap_word((unsigned int *) &c_dyn.ForcVal, (unsigned int *) &local->Dyn.ForcVal);
c_dyn.Force = local->Dyn.Force;
c_dyn.IntOff = local->Dyn.IntOff;
for (ii = local->dyn_ind, datap = (unsigned short *)&c_dyn; ii < local->par_ind; ii++, datap++) {
sts = ssabpid_write(ii, datap, local);
if ( sts == -1) {
/* Increase error count and check error limits */
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &now);
if (op->ErrorCount > op->ErrorSoftLimit) {
/* Ignore if some time has expired */
if (now.tv_sec - local->ErrTime.tv_sec < 600)
local->ErrTime = now;
if ( op->ErrorCount == op->ErrorSoftLimit)
errh_Error( "IO Error soft limit reached on card '%s'", cp->Name);
/* Update status word */
local->Istat[0] ^= dyn_mask;
} /* End if nya dyn par */
/* Update status-word */
local->Istat[0] &= typ_mask;
local->Istat[0] |= ao_mask;
if (local->objP->UseInc3p) local->Istat[0] |= inc3p_mask;
if (local->objP->UsePos3p) local->Istat[0] |= pos3p_mask;
if (local->objP->UseDynBias) local->Istat[0] |= dyn_bias_mask;
if (local->objP->UseAo) local->Istat[0] |= stall_freeze_mask;
else local->Istat[0] |= stall_cont_mask;
datap = &local->Istat[0];
sts = ssabpid_write(0, datap, local);
if ( sts == -1)
if ( op->ErrorCount >= op->ErrorHardLimit)
errh_Error( "IO Error hard limit reached on card '%s', IO stopped", cp->Name);
ctx->Node->EmergBreakTrue = 1;
return 1;
Every method to be exported to the workbench should be registred here.
pwr_dExport pwr_BindIoMethods(Ssab_PIDuP) = {
...@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ Ssab_Di ...@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ Ssab_Di
Ssab_Do Ssab_Do
Ssab_Co Ssab_Co
Ssab_RemoteRack Ssab_RemoteRack
Volume SsabOx $ClassVolume Volume SsabOx $ClassVolume
Body SysBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 Body SysBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00
Attr NextOix = "_X162" Attr NextOix = "_X167"
Attr NextCix = "_X30" Attr NextCix = "_X31"
Attr NextTix[0] = "_X5" Attr NextTix[0] = "_X5"
EndBody EndBody
Object Type $TypeHier 138 30-DEC-2005 14:28:03.99 Object Type $TypeHier 138 30-DEC-2005 14:28:03.99
...@@ -4254,6 +4254,188 @@ Volume SsabOx $ClassVolume ...@@ -4254,6 +4254,188 @@ Volume SsabOx $ClassVolume
EndObject EndObject
EndObject EndObject
EndObject EndObject
! @Version 1.0
! @Group IO,IO_PSS9000
! @Summary Configuration of a PID card PIDuP.
! Configuration of a PSS9000 PID card PIDuP.
! The PIDuP object is positioned below a SSAB_Rack object in the node configuration.
! @h2 Function
! The PIDuP-card is an autonomous PID-controller where the PID-algorithm runs
! in the micro-processor of the card. Proview only send setpoint-values to the
! card and the card itself calulates the control-value.
! @h2 Console
! The card has a terminal port that can be used to view the signal values of the card and to
! trace trouble. To use the terminal port you
! - connect the serial port of the computer to the terminal port of the card.
! - open a consol window on the screen of the computer from the popup menu of the background,
! menu item 'PSS Kort'.
! - view information and help with (Shift) '?'.
! - view the signal values of the card with 'R'.
! For more information about the console program, follow the link below.
! @b See hardware specification
! @link Datasheet ../dsh/ssab_pidup.pdf
! @Link Console program
Object Ssab_PIDuP $ClassDef 30 27-MAR-2009 13:34:16.63
Body SysBody 25-MAR-2009 10:38:54.30
Attr Editor = 0
Attr Method = 0
Attr Flags = 16464
Object RtBody $ObjBodyDef 1 25-MAR-2009 10:39:31.96
Body SysBody 27-MAR-2009 13:34:30.21
Attr StructName = "Ssab_PIDuP"
Attr NextAix = "_X14"
! Optional description.
Object Description $Attribute 11 25-MAR-2009 10:41:05.61
Body SysBody 25-MAR-2009 10:40:51.04
Attr PgmName = "Description"
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$String80"
! Optional device name.
Object DevName $Attribute 10 25-MAR-2009 10:41:15.44
Body SysBody 25-MAR-2009 10:40:51.04
Attr PgmName = "DevName"
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$String40"
! Error counter, incremented for every failed read or write operation of the card.
! When the error counter reaches ErrorSoftLimit, a message is sent to the console log.
! When it reaches ErrorHardLimit, all IO handling is aborted.
Object ErrorCount $Attribute 9 25-MAR-2009 10:41:21.76
Body SysBody 25-MAR-2009 10:40:51.04
Attr PgmName = "ErrorCount"
Attr Flags = 16
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$UInt32"
! Value of the error counter, when a message is sent to the console log.
Object ErrorSoftLimit $Attribute 8 25-MAR-2009 10:41:28.70
Body SysBody 25-MAR-2009 10:40:51.04
Attr PgmName = "ErrorSoftLimit"
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$UInt32"
! Value of the error counter, when all IO handling is aborted.
Object ErrorHardLimit $Attribute 7 25-MAR-2009 10:41:35.61
Body SysBody 25-MAR-2009 10:40:51.04
Attr PgmName = "ErrorHardLimit"
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$UInt32"
! @Summary QBUS address of the card.
! QBUS address of the card.
! The value is set with address switches on the card.
! Typically addresses are:
! Card number Decimal address
! 1 4193024
! 2 4193028
! 3 4193032
! 4 4193036
Object RegAddress $Attribute 5 25-MAR-2009 10:41:55.11
Body SysBody 25-MAR-2009 10:40:51.04
Attr PgmName = "RegAddress"
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$UInt32"
! Object identity of PidX-block that should be connected
! to this card.
Object PidXCon $Attribute 12 25-MAR-2009 10:47:49.69
Body SysBody 25-MAR-2009 10:48:12.80
Attr PgmName = "PidXCon"
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Objid"
! @Summary Process that handles the card. Plc(1), rt_io_comm(2) or application process(4).
! Process that handles the card.
! 1: The card is read by the plc process, and is handled by a specific
! thread in the plc, which is specified in the ThreadObject attribute.
! 2: The card is read by the rt_io_comm process.
! 4: The card is handled by an application program.
Object Process $Attribute 3 25-MAR-2009 10:42:14.10
Body SysBody 25-MAR-2009 10:40:51.04
Attr PgmName = "Process"
Attr TypeRef = "pwrb:Type-IoProcessMask"
! @Summary Plc thread that handles the card.
! The PlcThread object of the plc thread that handles the card.
! The card read to with the scantime of the thread.
Object ThreadObject $Attribute 13 25-MAR-2009 10:48:37.17
Body SysBody 25-MAR-2009 10:48:38.85
Attr PgmName = "ThreadObject"
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Objid"
! @Summary A URL to the data sheet for the equipment in this object.
! A URL to the data sheet for the equipment of this object.
! The data sheet can be displayed from the popup menu for this object.
Object DataSheet $Attribute 1 25-MAR-2009 10:44:41.26
Body SysBody 25-MAR-2009 10:40:51.04
Attr PgmName = "DataSheet"
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$URL"
Object IoMethods $RtMethod 163 25-MAR-2009 10:50:23.12
Object IoCardInit $Method 164 25-MAR-2009 10:52:00.36
Body SysBody 30-MAR-2009 13:49:05.19
Attr MethodName = "Ssab_PIDuP-IoCardInit"
Object IoCardRead $Method 165 25-MAR-2009 10:53:21.52
Body SysBody 30-MAR-2009 13:49:12.65
Attr MethodName = "Ssab_PIDuP-IoCardRead"
Object IoCardWrite $Method 166 25-MAR-2009 10:54:43.00
Body SysBody 30-MAR-2009 13:49:21.22
Attr MethodName = "Ssab_PIDuP-IoCardWrite"
Object IoCardClose $Method 167 25-MAR-2009 10:54:55.04
Body SysBody 30-MAR-2009 13:49:28.53
Attr MethodName = "Ssab_PIDuP-IoCardClose"
Object Template Ssab_PIDuP 2155577344 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00
Body RtBody 02-APR-2009 08:35:02.91
Attr ErrorSoftLimit = 100
Attr ErrorHardLimit = 500
Object Ai_AI32uP $ClassDef 16 30-DEC-2005 11:26:36.69 Object Ai_AI32uP $ClassDef 16 30-DEC-2005 11:26:36.69
Body SysBody 30-DEC-2005 11:26:36.69 Body SysBody 30-DEC-2005 11:26:36.69
Attr Editor = 0 Attr Editor = 0
...@@ -5802,525 +5984,140 @@ Volume SsabOx $ClassVolume ...@@ -5802,525 +5984,140 @@ Volume SsabOx $ClassVolume
EndBody EndBody
EndObject EndObject
EndObject EndObject
Object PID_1uP $ClassDef 25 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01 !/**
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01 ! @Version 1.0
! @Code ssabox_plc_pidx.c
! @Group Plc,PlcControl
! @Summary Implements the robust PID control algorithm
! Implements the robust PID control algorithm.
! @image orm_en1-141.gif
! Different PID strategies are implemented for
! incremental as well as positional form, see PidAlg
! below.
! The proportional respectively derivative term can be
! based either on process value or control deviation.
! The derivative term can be filtered by a first order
! lag filter.
! A feed forward signal, Bias, may be included in the
! algorithm.
! It is possible to switch the integration on/off.
! The control signal OutVal is checked against the limit
! values MinOut and MaxOut.
Object PidX $ClassDef 26 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Attr Editor = 0 Attr Editor = 0
Attr Method = 5 Attr Method = 6
Attr Flags = 2128 Attr Flags = 80
EndBody Attr PopEditor = 2
Object RtBody $ObjBodyDef 1 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Attr StructName = "PID_1uP"
Attr NextAix = "_X58"
Object Description $Attribute 1 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Attr PgmName = "Description"
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$String80"
Object DevName $Attribute 2 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Attr PgmName = "DevName"
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$String40"
Object ErrorCount $Attribute 3 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Attr PgmName = "ErrorCount"
Attr Flags = 1024
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$UInt32"
Object ErrorSoftLimit $Attribute 4 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Attr PgmName = "ErrorSoftLimit"
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$UInt32"
Object ErrorHardLimit $Attribute 5 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Attr PgmName = "ErrorHardLimit"
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$UInt32"
Object StallReact $Attribute 6 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Attr PgmName = "StallReact"
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$UInt32"
Object RegAddress $Attribute 7 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Attr PgmName = "RegAddress"
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$UInt32"
Object VectAddress $Attribute 8 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Attr PgmName = "VectAddress"
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$UInt32"
Object Process $Attribute 9 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Attr PgmName = "Process"
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$UInt32"
Object ThreadObject $Attribute 10 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Attr PgmName = "ThreadObject"
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Objid"
EndBody EndBody
EndObject Object RtBody $ObjBodyDef 1 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Object PidXCon $Intern 11 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01 Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01 Attr StructName = "PidX"
Attr PgmName = "PidXCon" Attr NextAix = "_X62"
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Objid"
EndBody EndBody
EndObject !/**
Object SetVal $Attribute 12 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01 ! Specifies the set point value.
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01 !*/
Object SetVal $Input 1 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Attr PgmName = "SetVal" Attr PgmName = "SetVal"
Attr Flags = 2048
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32"
Attr GraphName = "SV"
EndBody EndBody
EndObject EndObject
Object BiasD $Attribute 13 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01 Object BiasD $Input 2 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01 Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Attr PgmName = "BiasD" Attr PgmName = "BiasD"
Attr Flags = 2048
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32"
Attr GraphName = "BIS"
EndBody EndBody
EndObject EndObject
Object ForcVal $Attribute 14 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01 !/**
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01 ! Specifies which value is to be used when Force is TRUE.
! When Force is TRUE OutVal is equal to ForcVal. This
! input is in general connected to the corresponding
! output of a Mode object.
Object ForcVal $Input 3 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Attr PgmName = "ForcVal" Attr PgmName = "ForcVal"
Attr Flags = 2048
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32"
Attr GraphName = "FOV"
EndBody EndBody
EndObject EndObject
Object Force $Attribute 15 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01 !/**
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01 ! Specifies whether forced control is selected
! or not. FALSE means none;
Object Force $Input 4 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Attr PgmName = "Force" Attr PgmName = "Force"
Attr Flags = 2048 Attr Flags = 8192
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean"
Attr GraphName = "for"
EndBody EndBody
EndObject EndObject
Object IntOff $Attribute 16 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01 !/**
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01 ! Specifies whether to enable or disable the integration.
! FALSE means that the integration is on; TRUE switches
! the integration off.
Object IntOff $Input 5 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Attr PgmName = "IntOff" Attr PgmName = "IntOff"
Attr Flags = 2048 Attr Flags = 8192
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean"
Object Init $Attribute 17 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Attr PgmName = "Init"
Attr Flags = 2048
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean"
Attr GraphName = "iof"
EndBody EndBody
EndObject EndObject
Object PidAlg $Attribute 18 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01 !/**
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01 ! Description.
Attr PgmName = "PidAlg" !*/
Attr Flags = 2048 Object Description $Intern 9 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$UInt32" Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Attr PgmName = "Description"
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$String80"
EndBody EndBody
EndObject EndObject
Object Inverse $Attribute 19 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01 !/**
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01 ! Not used.
Attr PgmName = "Inverse" !*/
Attr Flags = 2048 Object Pid1uPCon $Intern 10 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Attr PgmName = "Pid1uPCon"
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Objid"
Attr NiNaAnnot = 1
EndBody EndBody
EndObject EndObject
Object PidGain $Attribute 20 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01 !/**
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01 ! Accumulated control error - in time form.
Attr PgmName = "PidGain" !*/
Attr Flags = 2048 Object Acc $Intern 11 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Attr PgmName = "Acc"
Attr Flags = 1040
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32"
EndBody EndBody
EndObject EndObject
Object IntTime $Attribute 21 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01 !/**
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01 ! The controller's control signal. The value is based
Attr PgmName = "IntTime" ! either on the algorithm's current result or a forced value.
Attr Flags = 2048 !*/
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32" Object OutVal $Intern 12 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
EndBody Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
EndObject Attr PgmName = "OutVal"
Object DerTime $Attribute 22 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01 Attr Flags = 1040
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Attr PgmName = "DerTime"
Attr Flags = 2048
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32"
Object DerGain $Attribute 23 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Attr PgmName = "DerGain"
Attr Flags = 2048
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32"
Object MinOut $Attribute 24 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Attr PgmName = "MinOut"
Attr Flags = 2048
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32"
Object MaxOut $Attribute 25 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Attr PgmName = "MaxOut"
Attr Flags = 2048
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32"
Object EndHys $Attribute 26 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Attr PgmName = "EndHys"
Attr Flags = 2048
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32"
Object BiasGain $Attribute 27 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Attr PgmName = "BiasGain"
Attr Flags = 2048
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32"
Object UseDynBias $Attribute 28 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Attr PgmName = "UseDynBias"
Attr Flags = 2048
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean"
Object ActMax $Attribute 29 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Attr PgmName = "ActMax"
Attr Flags = 2048
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32"
Object ActMin $Attribute 30 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Attr PgmName = "ActMin"
Attr Flags = 2048
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32"
Object ActRawMax $Attribute 31 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Attr PgmName = "ActRawMax"
Attr Flags = 2048
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Int32"
Object ActRawMin $Attribute 32 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Attr PgmName = "ActRawMin"
Attr Flags = 2048
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Int32"
Object BiasMax $Attribute 33 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Attr PgmName = "BiasMax"
Attr Flags = 2048
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32"
Object BiasMin $Attribute 34 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Attr PgmName = "BiasMin"
Attr Flags = 2048
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32"
Object BiasRawMax $Attribute 35 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Attr PgmName = "BiasRawMax"
Attr Flags = 2048
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Int32"
Object BiasRawMin $Attribute 36 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Attr PgmName = "BiasRawMin"
Attr Flags = 2048
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Int32"
Object UseAo $Attribute 37 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Attr PgmName = "UseAo"
Attr Flags = 2048
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean"
Object AoMax $Attribute 38 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Attr PgmName = "AoMax"
Attr Flags = 2048
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32"
Object AoMin $Attribute 39 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Attr PgmName = "AoMin"
Attr Flags = 2048
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32"
Object AoRawMax $Attribute 40 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Attr PgmName = "AoRawMax"
Attr Flags = 2048
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Int32"
Object AoRawMin $Attribute 41 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Attr PgmName = "AoRawMin"
Attr Flags = 2048
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Int32"
Object UsePos3p $Attribute 42 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Attr PgmName = "UsePos3p"
Attr Flags = 2048
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean"
Object PosMax $Attribute 43 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Attr PgmName = "PosMax"
Attr Flags = 2048
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32"
Object PosMin $Attribute 44 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Attr PgmName = "PosMin"
Attr Flags = 2048
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32"
Object PosRawMax $Attribute 45 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Attr PgmName = "PosRawMax"
Attr Flags = 2048
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Int32"
Object PosRawMin $Attribute 46 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Attr PgmName = "PosRawMin"
Attr Flags = 2048
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Int32"
Object ErrSta $Attribute 47 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Attr PgmName = "ErrSta"
Attr Flags = 2048
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32"
Object ErrSto $Attribute 48 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Attr PgmName = "ErrSto"
Attr Flags = 2048
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32"
Object Pos3pGain $Attribute 49 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Attr PgmName = "Pos3pGain"
Attr Flags = 2048
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32"
Object ProcFiltTime $Attribute 50 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Attr PgmName = "ProcFiltTime"
Attr Flags = 2048
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32"
Object BiasFiltTime $Attribute 51 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Attr PgmName = "BiasFiltTime"
Attr Flags = 2048
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32"
Object PosFiltTime $Attribute 52 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Attr PgmName = "PosFiltTime"
Attr Flags = 2048
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32"
Object UseInc3p $Attribute 53 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Attr PgmName = "UseInc3p"
Attr Flags = 2048
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean"
Object Inc3pGain $Attribute 54 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Attr PgmName = "Inc3pGain"
Attr Flags = 2048
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32"
Object MinTim $Attribute 55 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Attr PgmName = "MinTim"
Attr Flags = 2048
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32"
Object MaxTim $Attribute 56 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Attr PgmName = "MaxTim"
Attr Flags = 2048
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32"
Object MaxInteg $Attribute 57 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Attr PgmName = "MaxInteg"
Attr Flags = 2048
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32"
Object DevBody $ObjBodyDef 2 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Attr NextAix = "_X2"
Object PlcNode $Buffer 1 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:29:56.01
Attr Flags = 2048
Attr Class = "pwrs:Class-$PlcNode"
Object Template PID_1uP 2154266624 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00
Body RtBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00
Body DevBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00
Object PidX $ClassDef 26 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Attr Editor = 0
Attr Method = 6
Attr Flags = 80
Attr PopEditor = 2
Object RtBody $ObjBodyDef 1 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Attr StructName = "PidX"
Attr NextAix = "_X62"
Object SetVal $Input 1 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Attr PgmName = "SetVal"
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32"
Attr GraphName = "SV"
Object BiasD $Input 2 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Attr PgmName = "BiasD"
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32"
Attr GraphName = "BIS"
Object ForcVal $Input 3 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Attr PgmName = "ForcVal"
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32"
Attr GraphName = "FOV"
Object Force $Input 4 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Attr PgmName = "Force"
Attr Flags = 8192
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean"
Attr GraphName = "for"
Object IntOff $Input 5 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Attr PgmName = "IntOff"
Attr Flags = 8192
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean"
Attr GraphName = "iof"
Object PosVal $Output 6 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Attr PgmName = "PosVal"
Attr Flags = 1040
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32"
Attr GraphName = "POS"
Object ProcVal $Output 7 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Attr PgmName = "ProcVal"
Attr Flags = 1040
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32"
Attr GraphName = "PV"
Object Bias $Output 8 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Attr PgmName = "Bias"
Attr Flags = 1040
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32"
Attr GraphName = "BIS"
Object Description $Intern 9 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Attr PgmName = "Description"
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$String80"
Object Pid1uPCon $Intern 10 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Attr PgmName = "Pid1uPCon"
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Objid"
Attr NiNaAnnot = 1
Object Acc $Intern 11 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Attr PgmName = "Acc"
Attr Flags = 1040
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32"
Object OutVal $Intern 12 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Attr PgmName = "OutVal"
Attr Flags = 1040
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32"
EndBody EndBody
EndObject EndObject
! Control error (= ProcVal - SetVal).
Object ControlDiff $Intern 13 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Object ControlDiff $Intern 13 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Attr PgmName = "ControlDiff" Attr PgmName = "ControlDiff"
...@@ -6335,6 +6132,17 @@ Volume SsabOx $ClassVolume ...@@ -6335,6 +6132,17 @@ Volume SsabOx $ClassVolume
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32"
EndBody EndBody
EndObject EndObject
! Specifies if OutVal at this scanning has been limited
! against any of the limit values in the interval {
! MinOut, MaxOut } or not. If a limitation is done
! against
! -- MinOut, then EndMin is set TRUE
! -- MaxOut, then EndMax is set TRUE
! else they are FALSE.
Object EndMax $Intern 15 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Object EndMax $Intern 15 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Attr PgmName = "EndMax" Attr PgmName = "EndMax"
...@@ -6342,6 +6150,17 @@ Volume SsabOx $ClassVolume ...@@ -6342,6 +6150,17 @@ Volume SsabOx $ClassVolume
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean"
EndBody EndBody
EndObject EndObject
! Specifies if OutVal at this scanning has been limited
! against any of the limit values in the interval {
! MinOut, MaxOut } or not. If a limitation is done
! against
! -- MinOut, then EndMin is set TRUE
! -- MaxOut, then EndMax is set TRUE
! else they are FALSE.
Object EndMin $Intern 16 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Object EndMin $Intern 16 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Attr PgmName = "EndMin" Attr PgmName = "EndMin"
...@@ -6349,276 +6168,584 @@ Volume SsabOx $ClassVolume ...@@ -6349,276 +6168,584 @@ Volume SsabOx $ClassVolume
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean"
EndBody EndBody
EndObject EndObject
! Request to initialize card, not implemented.
Object Init $Intern 17 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Object Init $Intern 17 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Attr PgmName = "Init" Attr PgmName = "Init"
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean"
EndBody EndBody
EndObject EndObject
! @Summary The PID control algorithm
! There are several variations of the PID control
! algorithm. PidAlg specifies the current choice. The
! possible values are as follows:
! 1 -- I Integral controller. Gain is not used.
! 3 -- I+P Integral controller with proportional
! control action. The P-term is based on the
! the process value.
! 6 -- P Proportional Controller.
! 7 -- PI Proportional Integral Controller. The
! P-term is based on the control error.
! 11 -- I+PD Integral controller with proportional
! derivative control action. Both the P- and
! D-term are based on the process value.
! 14 -- P+D Proportional Controller with derivative
! control action. P is based on the control error,
! D on the process value.
! 15 -- PI+D Proportional Integral Controller with
! derivative control action. P is based on
! the control error, D on the process value.
! 30 -- PD Proportional Derivative Controller. Both
! the P- and D-term are based on the control
! error.
! 31 -- PID Proportional Integral Derivative
! Controller. Both the P- and D-term are
! based on the control error.
Object PidAlg $Intern 18 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Object PidAlg $Intern 18 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Body SysBody 31-MAR-2009 14:29:29.84
Attr PgmName = "PidAlg" Attr PgmName = "PidAlg"
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$UInt32" Attr TypeRef = "pwrb:Type-PidAlgEnum"
EndBody EndBody
EndObject EndObject
! Specifies whether the control action should be inverted
! or not. FALSE means that a spontaneous increasing
! process value, in a control with fixed set point, is
! met by an increasing control signal, i.e. reverse
! control action. TRUE is the normal case, where a
! spontaneous increasing process value is met by a
! decreasing control signal.
Object Inverse $Intern 19 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Object Inverse $Intern 19 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Attr PgmName = "Inverse" Attr PgmName = "Inverse"
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean"
EndBody EndBody
EndObject EndObject
! Specifies the proportional control factor; >= 0.
! The value may be changed in the more info form of the
! Pid object.
Object PidGain $Intern 20 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Object PidGain $Intern 20 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Attr PgmName = "PidGain" Attr PgmName = "PidGain"
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32"
EndBody EndBody
EndObject EndObject
! Specifies the integral action time in seconds.
! The value may be changed in the more info form of the
! Pid object.
Object IntTime $Intern 21 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Object IntTime $Intern 21 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Attr PgmName = "IntTime" Attr PgmName = "IntTime"
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32"
EndBody EndBody
EndObject EndObject
! Specifies the derivative time in seconds; see p. 3-258.
! Normally DerTime is greater than ScanTime and
! 1.0 <= DerGain < DerTime/ScanTime
Object DerTime $Intern 22 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Object DerTime $Intern 22 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Attr PgmName = "DerTime" Attr PgmName = "DerTime"
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32"
EndBody EndBody
EndObject EndObject
! Factor to specify the first order lag filter used in
! filtering of the derivative contribution.
! 1.0 <= DerGain < DerTime/ScanTime, otherwise no filtering
! DerGain is normally in the size of 3 to 4.
! The value may be changed in the more info form of the
! Pid object.
Object DerGain $Intern 23 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Object DerGain $Intern 23 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Attr PgmName = "DerGain" Attr PgmName = "DerGain"
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32"
EndBody EndBody
EndObject EndObject
! The control signal OutVal
! is supposed to be in the interval { MinOut, MaxOut }.
! The EndMin /EndMax flags are used to signal if any
! limitation has occurred.
! If OutVal is greater than MaxOut or less than MinOut,
! OutVal is limited to the value at the end of the
! interval.
! If MinOut >= MaxOut no limitation will occur.
Object MinOut $Intern 24 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Object MinOut $Intern 24 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Attr PgmName = "MinOut" Attr PgmName = "MinOut"
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32"
EndBody EndBody
EndObject EndObject
! The control signal OutVal
! is supposed to be in the interval { MinOut, MaxOut }.
! The EndMin /EndMax flags are used to signal if any
! limitation has occurred.
! If OutVal is greater than MaxOut or less than MinOut,
! OutVal is limited to the value at the end of the
! interval.
! If MinOut >= MaxOut no limitation will occur.
Object MaxOut $Intern 25 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Object MaxOut $Intern 25 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Attr PgmName = "MaxOut" Attr PgmName = "MaxOut"
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32"
EndBody EndBody
EndObject EndObject
! Specifies the hysteresis on MinOut and MaxOut in
! connection with the handling of EndMin/EndMax.
! @image orm_en1-144.gif
Object EndHys $Intern 26 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Object EndHys $Intern 26 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Attr PgmName = "EndHys" Attr PgmName = "EndHys"
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32"
EndBody EndBody
EndObject EndObject
! Specifies the feed forward gain; this factor may be
! negative.
! The values may be changed in the more info form of the
! Pid object.
Object BiasGain $Intern 27 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Object BiasGain $Intern 27 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Attr PgmName = "BiasGain" Attr PgmName = "BiasGain"
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32"
EndBody EndBody
EndObject EndObject
! True if bias should be used.
Object UseDynBias $Intern 28 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Object UseDynBias $Intern 28 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Attr PgmName = "UseDynBias" Attr PgmName = "UseDynBias"
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean"
EndBody EndBody
EndObject EndObject
! Engineering value representing maximum raw value
! of the process value.
Object ProcMax $Intern 29 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Object ProcMax $Intern 29 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Attr PgmName = "ProcMax" Attr PgmName = "ProcMax"
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32"
EndBody EndBody
EndObject EndObject
! Engineering value representing minimum raw value
! of the process value.
Object ProcMin $Intern 30 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Object ProcMin $Intern 30 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Attr PgmName = "ProcMin" Attr PgmName = "ProcMin"
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32"
EndBody EndBody
EndObject EndObject
! The unit of the process value.
Object ProcValueUnit $Intern 31 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Object ProcValueUnit $Intern 31 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Attr PgmName = "ProcValueUnit" Attr PgmName = "ProcValueUnit"
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$String16" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$String16"
EndBody EndBody
EndObject EndObject
! Filter time of the analog input of the process value.
Object ProcFiltTime $Intern 32 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Object ProcFiltTime $Intern 32 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Attr PgmName = "ProcFiltTime" Attr PgmName = "ProcFiltTime"
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32"
EndBody EndBody
EndObject EndObject
! Raw value representing the maximum value of the analog input
! of the process value. This is default 30000.
Object ProcRawMax $Intern 33 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Object ProcRawMax $Intern 33 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Attr PgmName = "ProcRawMax" Attr PgmName = "ProcRawMax"
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Int32" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Int32"
EndBody EndBody
EndObject EndObject
! Raw value representing the minimum value of the analog input
! of the process value. This is default 30000.
Object ProcRawMin $Intern 34 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Object ProcRawMin $Intern 34 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Attr PgmName = "ProcRawMin" Attr PgmName = "ProcRawMin"
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Int32" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Int32"
EndBody EndBody
EndObject EndObject
! Engineering value representing maximum raw value
! of the bias analog input.
Object BiasMax $Intern 35 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Object BiasMax $Intern 35 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Attr PgmName = "BiasMax" Attr PgmName = "BiasMax"
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32"
EndBody EndBody
EndObject EndObject
! Engineering value representing minimum raw value
! of the bias analog input.
Object BiasMin $Intern 36 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Object BiasMin $Intern 36 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Attr PgmName = "BiasMin" Attr PgmName = "BiasMin"
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32"
EndBody EndBody
EndObject EndObject
! The unit of the bias value.
Object BiasValueUnit $Intern 37 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Object BiasValueUnit $Intern 37 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Attr PgmName = "BiasValueUnit" Attr PgmName = "BiasValueUnit"
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$String16" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$String16"
EndBody EndBody
EndObject EndObject
! Filter time of the analog input of the bias value.
Object BiasFiltTime $Intern 38 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Object BiasFiltTime $Intern 38 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Attr PgmName = "BiasFiltTime" Attr PgmName = "BiasFiltTime"
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32"
EndBody EndBody
EndObject EndObject
! Raw value representing the maximum value of the analog input
! of the bias value. This is default 30000.
Object BiasRawMax $Intern 39 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Object BiasRawMax $Intern 39 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Attr PgmName = "BiasRawMax" Attr PgmName = "BiasRawMax"
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Int32" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Int32"
EndBody EndBody
EndObject EndObject
! Raw value representing the minimum value of the analog input
! of the bias value. This is default 0.
Object BiasRawMin $Intern 40 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Object BiasRawMin $Intern 40 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Attr PgmName = "BiasRawMin" Attr PgmName = "BiasRawMin"
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Int32" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Int32"
EndBody EndBody
EndObject EndObject
! Represents the stall action to be taken when there is no cyclic
! communication with the card. if TRUE the analog output of the
! control value will be held. If FALSE the PID-algorithm will
! continue calculating the control value.
Object UseAo $Intern 41 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Object UseAo $Intern 41 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Attr PgmName = "UseAo" Attr PgmName = "UseAo"
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean"
EndBody EndBody
EndObject EndObject
! Engineering value representing maximum raw value
! of the control signal analog output.
Object AoMax $Intern 42 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Object AoMax $Intern 42 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Attr PgmName = "AoMax" Attr PgmName = "AoMax"
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32"
EndBody EndBody
EndObject EndObject
! Engineering value representing minimum raw value
! of the control signal analog output.
Object AoMin $Intern 43 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Object AoMin $Intern 43 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Attr PgmName = "AoMin" Attr PgmName = "AoMin"
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32"
EndBody EndBody
EndObject EndObject
! The unit of the control value.
Object AoValueUnit $Intern 44 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Object AoValueUnit $Intern 44 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Attr PgmName = "AoValueUnit" Attr PgmName = "AoValueUnit"
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$String16" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$String16"
EndBody EndBody
EndObject EndObject
! Raw value representing the maximum value of the analog output
! of the control value. This is default 30000.
Object AoRawMax $Intern 45 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Object AoRawMax $Intern 45 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Attr PgmName = "AoRawMax" Attr PgmName = "AoRawMax"
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Int32" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Int32"
EndBody EndBody
EndObject EndObject
! Raw value representing the minimum value of the analog output
! of the control value. This is default 0.
Object AoRawMin $Intern 46 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Object AoRawMin $Intern 46 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Attr PgmName = "AoRawMin" Attr PgmName = "AoRawMin"
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Int32" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Int32"
EndBody EndBody
EndObject EndObject
! Positional 3-step controller with position feedback and
! dead zone. Positional is aimed at the input signal and
! the digit 3 on the fact that the output signals specify
! one of three distinct orders e.g. increase / decrease.
! If set to TRUE, the positional 3-step controller will be used.
Object UsePos3p $Intern 47 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Object UsePos3p $Intern 47 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Attr PgmName = "UsePos3p" Attr PgmName = "UsePos3p"
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean"
EndBody EndBody
EndObject EndObject
! Engineering value representing maximum raw value
! of the position signal analog input.
Object PosMax $Intern 48 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Object PosMax $Intern 48 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Attr PgmName = "PosMax" Attr PgmName = "PosMax"
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32"
EndBody EndBody
EndObject EndObject
! Engineering value representing minimum raw value
! of the position signal analog input.
Object PosMin $Intern 49 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Object PosMin $Intern 49 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Attr PgmName = "PosMin" Attr PgmName = "PosMin"
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32"
EndBody EndBody
EndObject EndObject
! The unit of the position signal.
Object PosValueUnit $Intern 50 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Object PosValueUnit $Intern 50 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Attr PgmName = "PosValueUnit" Attr PgmName = "PosValueUnit"
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$String16" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$String16"
EndBody EndBody
EndObject EndObject
! Filter time of the analog input of the position value.
Object PosFiltTime $Intern 51 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Object PosFiltTime $Intern 51 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Attr PgmName = "PosFiltTime" Attr PgmName = "PosFiltTime"
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32"
EndBody EndBody
EndObject EndObject
! Raw value representing the maximum value of the analog input
! of the position signal. This is default 30000.
Object PosRawMax $Intern 52 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Object PosRawMax $Intern 52 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Attr PgmName = "PosRawMax" Attr PgmName = "PosRawMax"
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Int32" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Int32"
EndBody EndBody
EndObject EndObject
! Raw value representing the minimum value of the analog input
! of the position signal. This is default 0.
Object PosRawMin $Intern 53 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Object PosRawMin $Intern 53 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Attr PgmName = "PosRawMin" Attr PgmName = "PosRawMin"
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Int32" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Int32"
EndBody EndBody
EndObject EndObject
! Specifies the dead zone value which the control error
! has to exceed before an open- or close-signal will be
! set or started.
! The demand on the dead zone is 0 ErrSto ErrSta
! Open or Close is set when the absolute value of (OutVal(t)
! - Pos(t) ) is greater than ErrSta.
! Only used when UsePos3p is TRUE.
Object ErrSta $Intern 54 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Object ErrSta $Intern 54 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Attr PgmName = "ErrSta" Attr PgmName = "ErrSta"
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32"
EndBody EndBody
EndObject EndObject
! Specifies the dead zone value which the control error
! have to be below before an open- or close-signal will
! be reset or stopped.
! Open or Close is interrupted when the absolute value of
! (OutVal(t) - Post(t)) is less than ErrSto.
! The demand on the dead zone is 0 <= ErrSto <= ErrSta
! Only used when UsePos3p is TRUE.
Object ErrSto $Intern 55 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Object ErrSto $Intern 55 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Attr PgmName = "ErrSto" Attr PgmName = "ErrSto"
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32"
EndBody EndBody
EndObject EndObject
! Gain, in seconds, per control signal unit. The control
! signal is often in the range 0 - 100 %. Suppose it is
! possible to measure the running time, e.g. the time to
! drive a valve from completely open to completely
! closed. Then select Gain as running time divided by the
! range; ( here 100 - 0).
! Gain is only used in conjunction with timer control of
! the outputs.
Object Pos3pGain $Intern 56 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Object Pos3pGain $Intern 56 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Attr PgmName = "Pos3pGain" Attr PgmName = "Pos3pGain"
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32"
EndBody EndBody
EndObject EndObject
! Incremental 3-point output with dead zone. Incremental
! comes from the type of input and the digit 3 of the
! output, which can have three distinct values, e.g. open
! / close / 0 but also with the meaning of up / down / 0
! or right / left / 0 or increase / decrease / 0 etc. The
! outputs are time-proportional to the input.
! If set to TRUE, the positional 3-step controller will be used.
Object UseInc3p $Intern 57 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Object UseInc3p $Intern 57 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Attr PgmName = "UseInc3p" Attr PgmName = "UseInc3p"
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Boolean"
EndBody EndBody
EndObject EndObject
! Gain, in seconds, per control signal unit. Often the
! control signal is in the range 0 - 100 %. Suppose it is
! possible to measure the running time, for example, the
! time to drive a valve from completely open to
! running time / divided by the range; ( here 100 - 0).
Object Inc3pGain $Intern 58 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Object Inc3pGain $Intern 58 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Attr PgmName = "Inc3pGain" Attr PgmName = "Inc3pGain"
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32"
EndBody EndBody
EndObject EndObject
! The dead zone in seconds; see the description above. If
! the absolute value of Acc is less than MinTim no output
! at all is set.
! Only used when UseInc3p is TRUE.
Object MinTim $Intern 59 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Object MinTim $Intern 59 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Attr PgmName = "MinTim" Attr PgmName = "MinTim"
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32"
EndBody EndBody
EndObject EndObject
! When the MaxTim, in seconds, has elapsed without any
! output signal Acc is set equal to 0.
! Only used when UseInc3p is TRUE.
Object MaxTim $Intern 60 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Object MaxTim $Intern 60 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Attr PgmName = "MaxTim" Attr PgmName = "MaxTim"
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32"
EndBody EndBody
EndObject EndObject
! Unknown usage. Should be set to 1.0.
Object MaxInteg $Intern 61 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Object MaxInteg $Intern 61 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Attr PgmName = "MaxInteg" Attr PgmName = "MaxInteg"
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32" Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32"
EndBody EndBody
EndObject EndObject
! Position, from card.
Object PosVal $Output 6 27-MAR-2009 16:11:46.22
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Attr PgmName = "PosVal"
Attr Flags = 1040
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32"
Attr GraphName = "POS"
! Process value, from card.
Object ProcVal $Output 7 27-MAR-2009 16:11:48.43
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Attr PgmName = "ProcVal"
Attr Flags = 1040
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32"
Attr GraphName = "PV"
! Bias Value, from card.
Object Bias $Output 8 27-MAR-2009 16:11:49.77
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Attr PgmName = "Bias"
Attr Flags = 1040
Attr TypeRef = "pwrs:Type-$Float32"
Attr GraphName = "BIS"
EndObject EndObject
Object DevBody $ObjBodyDef 2 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Object DevBody $ObjBodyDef 2 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
...@@ -6632,7 +6759,7 @@ Volume SsabOx $ClassVolume ...@@ -6632,7 +6759,7 @@ Volume SsabOx $ClassVolume
EndObject EndObject
EndObject EndObject
Object GraphPlcNode $GraphPlcNode 148 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Object GraphPlcNode $GraphPlcNode 148 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53
Body SysBody 12-JAN-2006 07:30:19.53 Body SysBody 27-MAR-2009 16:05:51.62
Attr object_type = 11 Attr object_type = 11
Attr parameters[0] = 5 Attr parameters[0] = 5
Attr parameters[1] = 53 Attr parameters[1] = 53
...@@ -6654,7 +6781,29 @@ Volume SsabOx $ClassVolume ...@@ -6654,7 +6781,29 @@ Volume SsabOx $ClassVolume
EndBody EndBody
EndObject EndObject
Object Template PidX 2154528768 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 Object Template PidX 2154528768 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00
Body RtBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 Body RtBody 31-MAR-2009 14:44:34.00
Attr PidAlg = 3
Attr Inverse = 1
Attr PidGain = 1.000000e+00
Attr IntTime = 1.200000e+02
Attr DerGain = 3.000000e+00
Attr MaxOut = 1.000000e+02
Attr BiasGain = 1.000000e+00
Attr ProcMax = 1.000000e+02
Attr ProcRawMax = 30000
Attr BiasMax = 1.000000e+02
Attr BiasRawMax = 30000
Attr AoMax = 1.000000e+02
Attr AoRawMax = 30000
Attr PosMax = 1.000000e+02
Attr PosRawMax = 30000
Attr ErrSta = 1.000000e+00
Attr ErrSto = 1.000000e+00
Attr Pos3pGain = 1.000000e+00
Attr Inc3pGain = 1.000000e+00
Attr MinTim = 1.000000e+00
Attr MaxTim = 1.000000e+00
Attr MaxInteg = 1.000000e+00
EndBody EndBody
Body DevBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00 Body DevBody 01-JAN-1970 01:00:00.00
EndBody EndBody
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