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Commit 3d7bab20 authored by Sebastien Robin's avatar Sebastien Robin

set the product line on products and also set the source section to nexedi

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent adb1fb4f
......@@ -77,6 +77,10 @@ class ERP5ShopOrderConduit(ERP5Conduit):
#new_object_id = 'storever-' + object_id + '-' + str(random.randint(1000, 9999))
subobject = object.newContent( portal_type = 'Sale Order'
, id = new_object_id)
# And we must set the destination and destination_section to Nexedi
nexedi = object.getPortalObject().organisation.nexedi
if portal_type == 'Order Line':
last_line_num = self.getLastOrderLineNumber(object)
new_object_id = "storever-" + str(last_line_num + 1) + "-" + object_id
......@@ -177,13 +181,19 @@ class ERP5ShopOrderConduit(ERP5Conduit):
erp5_site_path = erp5_site.absolute_url(relative=1)
product_path = erp5_site_path + '/product'
product_folder = erp5_site.restrictedTraverse(product_path)
product = None
# Try to find a previous product
for product_id in product_folder.objectIds():
if product_id == erp5_product_id:
return erp5_site.restrictedTraverse(erp5_site_path + '/product/' + erp5_product_id)
product = erp5_site.restrictedTraverse(erp5_site_path + '/product/' + erp5_product_id)
# We have to create a new product
return product_folder.newContent( portal_type = 'Product'
if product is None:
product = product_folder.newContent( portal_type = 'Product'
, id = erp5_product_id)
if len(product.getProductLineValueList())==0:
#storever_product_line = erp5_site.portal_categories.product_line.storever
return product
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