[cujoJS](http://cujojs.com) is an *architectural framework* for building highly modular, scalable, maintainable applications in Javascript. It provides architectural plumbing, such as modules (AMD and CommonJS), declarative application composition, declarative connections, and aspect oriented programming.
> cujo is an architectural toolkit for next generation JavaScript applications. It encourages highly modular development, declarative application assembly, and embraces the asynchronous nature of JavaScript and its fusion of object-oriented and functional programming styles.
It is not a typical MV\* framework, although it does provide MV\* building blocks, such as templating and data binding.
> _[cujoJS - cujojs.com](http://cujojs.com)_
## Highlights:
## Learning cujoJS
The [cujoJS website](http://cujojs.com) is a great resource for getting started.
*[Google Groups mailing list](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/cujojs)
*[cujoJS on Twitter](http://twitter.com/cujojs)
_If you have other helpful links to share, or find any of the links above no longer work, please [let us know](https://github.com/tastejs/todomvc/issues)._
## Implementation
Some things we feel are interesting about cujoJS's TodoMVC as compared to other implementations:
Some things we feel are interesting about cujoJS's TodoMVC as compared to other implementations: