@@ -86,6 +86,9 @@ had it been designed for web apps">AngularJS</a>
<ahref="architecture-examples/extjs/index.html"data-source="http://www.sencha.com/products/extjs"data-content="Ext JS 4 is the next major advancement in our JavaScript framework. Featuring expanded functionality, plugin-free charting, and a new MVC architecture it's the best Ext JS yet. Create incredible web apps for every browser.">Ext.js</a>
<ahref="architecture-examples/agilityjs/index.html"data-source="http://agilityjs.com"data-content="Agility.js is an MVC library for Javascript that lets you write maintainable and reusable browser code without the infrastructural overhead found in other MVC libraries. The goal is to enable developers to write web apps at least as quickly as with jQuery, while simplifying long-term maintainability through MVC objects.">Agility.js</a>
<ulclass="nav nav-pills">
<li><ahref="architecture-examples/jquery/index.html"data-source="http://jquery.com/"data-content="jQuery is a fast and concise JavaScript Library that simplifies HTML document traversing, event handling, animating, and Ajax interactions for rapid web development. jQuery is designed to change the way that you write JavaScript.">jQuery</a></li>
<ahref="architecture-examples/agilityjs/index.html"data-source="http://agilityjs.com"data-content="Agility.js is an MVC library for Javascript that lets you write maintainable and reusable browser code without the infrastructural overhead found in other MVC libraries. The goal is to enable developers to write web apps at least as quickly as with jQuery, while simplifying long-term maintainability through MVC objects.">AgilityJS *</a>
<ahref="architecture-examples/stapes/index.html"data-source="http://hay.github.com/stapes/"data-content="Stapes is a (really) tiny Javascript MVC micro-framework (1.7kb) that has all the building blocks you need when writing an MVC app. It includes a powerful event system, support for inheritance, use with AMD, plugin support and more. A RequireJS Todo application is <a href='dependency-examples/stapes_require/index.html'>also</a> available.">Stapes *</a>