Commit 1c04c6b5 authored by Sindre Sorhus's avatar Sindre Sorhus


parent 21c9a3f9
......@@ -10,23 +10,23 @@ var TodoAppView, TodoList, TodoModel, TodoView, localStorageName = 'todos-yuilib
// attributes and methods useful for todo items.
TodoModel = Y.TodoModel = Y.Base.create('todoModel', Y.Model, [], {
// This tells the Model to use a localStorage sync provider (which we'll
// create below) to save and load information about a todo item.
sync: LocalStorageSync(localStorageName),
// This method will toggle the `done` attribute from `true` to `false`, or
// vice versa.
toggleDone: function () {
this.set('done', !this.get('done')).save();
// This tells the Model to use a localStorage sync provider (which we'll
// create below) to save and load information about a todo item.
sync: LocalStorageSync(localStorageName),
// This method will toggle the `done` attribute from `true` to `false`, or
// vice versa.
toggleDone: function () {
this.set('done', !this.get('done')).save();
}, {
// Indicates whether or not this todo item has been completed.
done: {value: false},
// Indicates whether or not this todo item has been completed.
done: {value: false},
// Contains the text of the todo item.
text: {value: ''}
// Contains the text of the todo item.
text: {value: ''}
// -- ModelList ----------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -36,28 +36,28 @@ TodoModel = Y.TodoModel = Y.Base.create('todoModel', Y.Model, [], {
// information about the todo items in the list.
TodoList = Y.TodoList = Y.Base.create('todoList', Y.ModelList, [], {
// This tells the list that it will hold instances of the TodoModel class.
model: TodoModel,
// This tells the list to use a localStorage sync provider (which we'll
// create below) to load the list of todo items.
sync : LocalStorageSync(localStorageName),
// Returns an array of all models in this list with the `done` attribute
// set to `true`.
done: function () {
return Y.Array.filter(this.toArray(), function (model) {
return model.get('done');
// Returns an array of all models in this list with the `done` attribute
// set to `false`.
remaining: function () {
return Y.Array.filter(this.toArray(), function (model) {
return !model.get('done');
// This tells the list that it will hold instances of the TodoModel class.
model: TodoModel,
// This tells the list to use a localStorage sync provider (which we'll
// create below) to load the list of todo items.
sync : LocalStorageSync(localStorageName),
// Returns an array of all models in this list with the `done` attribute
// set to `true`.
done: function () {
return Y.Array.filter(this.toArray(), function (model) {
return model.get('done');
// Returns an array of all models in this list with the `done` attribute
// set to `false`.
remaining: function () {
return Y.Array.filter(this.toArray(), function (model) {
return !model.get('done');
// -- Todo App View ------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -71,165 +71,165 @@ TodoList = Y.TodoList = Y.Base.create('todoList', Y.ModelList, [], {
// initially loaded or reset.
TodoAppView = Y.TodoAppView = Y.Base.create('todoAppView', Y.View, [], {
// The container node is the wrapper for this view. All the view's events
// will be delegated from the container. In this case, the #todo-app
// node already exists on the page, so we don't need to create it.
// This is a custom property that we'll use to hold a reference to the
// "new todo" input field.
// The `template` property is a convenience property for holding a template
// for this view. In this case, we'll use it to store the contents of the
// #todo-stats-template element, which will serve as the template for the
// statistics displayed at the bottom of the list.
// This is where we attach DOM events for the view. The `events` object is a
// mapping of selectors to an object containing one or more events to attach
// to the node(s) matching each selector.
events: {
// Handle <enter> keypresses on the "new todo" input field.
'#new-todo': {keypress: 'createTodo'},
// Clear all completed items from the list when the "Clear" link is
// clicked.
'.todo-clear': {click: 'clearDone'},
// Add and remove hover states on todo items.
'.todo-item': {
mouseover: 'hoverOn',
mouseout : 'hoverOff'
// The initializer runs when a TodoAppView instance is created, and gives
// us an opportunity to set up the view.
initializer: function () {
// Create a new TodoList instance to hold the todo items.
var list = this.todoList = new TodoList();
// Update the display when a new item is added to the list, or when the
// entire list is reset.
list.after('add', this.add, this);
list.after('reset', this.reset, this);
// Re-render the stats in the footer whenever an item is added, removed
// or changed, or when the entire list is reset.
list.after(['add', 'reset', 'remove', 'todoModel:doneChange'],
this.render, this);
// Load saved items from localStorage, if available.
// The render function is called whenever a todo item is added, removed, or
// changed, thanks to the list event handler we attached in the initializer
// above.
render: function () {
var todoList = this.todoList,
stats ='#todo-stats'),
numRemaining, numDone;
// If there are no todo items, then clear the stats.
if (todoList.isEmpty()) {
return this;
// Figure out how many todo items are completed and how many remain.
numDone = todoList.done().length;
numRemaining = todoList.remaining().length;
// Update the statistics.
stats.setContent(Y.Lang.sub(this.template, {
numDone : numDone,
numRemaining : numRemaining,
doneLabel : numDone === 1 ? 'task' : 'tasks',
remainingLabel: numRemaining === 1 ? 'task' : 'tasks'
// If there are no completed todo items, don't show the "Clear
// completed items" link.
if (!numDone) {'.todo-clear').remove();
return this;
// -- Event Handlers -------------------------------------------------------
// Creates a new TodoView instance and renders it into the list whenever a
// todo item is added to the list.
add: function (e) {
var view = new TodoView({model: e.model});'#todo-list').append(view.render().container);
// Removes all finished todo items from the list.
clearDone: function (e) {
var done = this.todoList.done();
// Remove all finished items from the list, but do it silently so as not
// to re-render the app view after each item is removed.
this.todoList.remove(done, {silent: true});
// Destroy each removed TodoModel instance.
Y.Array.each(done, function (todo) {
// Passing {'delete': true} to the todo model's `destroy()` method
// tells it to delete itself from localStorage as well.
todo.destroy({'delete': true});
// Finally, re-render the app view.
// Creates a new todo item when the enter key is pressed in the new todo
// input field.
createTodo: function (e) {
var value;
if (e.keyCode === 13) { // enter key
value = Y.Lang.trim(this.inputNode.get('value'));
if (!value) { return; }
// This tells the list to create a new TodoModel instance with the
// specified text and automatically save it to localStorage in a
// single step.
this.todoList.create({text: value});
this.inputNode.set('value', '');
// Turns off the hover state on a todo item.
hoverOff: function (e) {
// Turns on the hover state on a todo item.
hoverOn: function (e) {
// Creates and renders views for every todo item in the list when the entire
// list is reset.
reset: function (e) {
var fragment =;
Y.Array.each(e.models, function (model) {
var view = new TodoView({model: model});
// The container node is the wrapper for this view. All the view's events
// will be delegated from the container. In this case, the #todo-app
// node already exists on the page, so we don't need to create it.
// This is a custom property that we'll use to hold a reference to the
// "new todo" input field.
// The `template` property is a convenience property for holding a template
// for this view. In this case, we'll use it to store the contents of the
// #todo-stats-template element, which will serve as the template for the
// statistics displayed at the bottom of the list.
// This is where we attach DOM events for the view. The `events` object is a
// mapping of selectors to an object containing one or more events to attach
// to the node(s) matching each selector.
events: {
// Handle <enter> keypresses on the "new todo" input field.
'#new-todo': {keypress: 'createTodo'},
// Clear all completed items from the list when the "Clear" link is
// clicked.
'.todo-clear': {click: 'clearDone'},
// Add and remove hover states on todo items.
'.todo-item': {
mouseover: 'hoverOn',
mouseout : 'hoverOff'
// The initializer runs when a TodoAppView instance is created, and gives
// us an opportunity to set up the view.
initializer: function () {
// Create a new TodoList instance to hold the todo items.
var list = this.todoList = new TodoList();
// Update the display when a new item is added to the list, or when the
// entire list is reset.
list.after('add', this.add, this);
list.after('reset', this.reset, this);
// Re-render the stats in the footer whenever an item is added, removed
// or changed, or when the entire list is reset.
list.after(['add', 'reset', 'remove', 'todoModel:doneChange'],
this.render, this);
// Load saved items from localStorage, if available.
// The render function is called whenever a todo item is added, removed, or
// changed, thanks to the list event handler we attached in the initializer
// above.
render: function () {
var todoList = this.todoList,
stats ='#todo-stats'),
numRemaining, numDone;
// If there are no todo items, then clear the stats.
if (todoList.isEmpty()) {
return this;
// Figure out how many todo items are completed and how many remain.
numDone = todoList.done().length;
numRemaining = todoList.remaining().length;
// Update the statistics.
stats.setContent(Y.Lang.sub(this.template, {
numDone : numDone,
numRemaining : numRemaining,
doneLabel : numDone === 1 ? 'task' : 'tasks',
remainingLabel: numRemaining === 1 ? 'task' : 'tasks'
// If there are no completed todo items, don't show the "Clear
// completed items" link.
if (!numDone) {'.todo-clear').remove();
return this;
// -- Event Handlers -------------------------------------------------------
// Creates a new TodoView instance and renders it into the list whenever a
// todo item is added to the list.
add: function (e) {
var view = new TodoView({model: e.model});'#todo-list').append(view.render().container);
// Removes all finished todo items from the list.
clearDone: function (e) {
var done = this.todoList.done();
// Remove all finished items from the list, but do it silently so as not
// to re-render the app view after each item is removed.
this.todoList.remove(done, {silent: true});
// Destroy each removed TodoModel instance.
Y.Array.each(done, function (todo) {
// Passing {'delete': true} to the todo model's `destroy()` method
// tells it to delete itself from localStorage as well.
todo.destroy({'delete': true});
// Finally, re-render the app view.
// Creates a new todo item when the enter key is pressed in the new todo
// input field.
createTodo: function (e) {
var value;
if (e.keyCode === 13) { // enter key
value = Y.Lang.trim(this.inputNode.get('value'));
if (!value) { return; }
// This tells the list to create a new TodoModel instance with the
// specified text and automatically save it to localStorage in a
// single step.
this.todoList.create({text: value});
this.inputNode.set('value', '');
// Turns off the hover state on a todo item.
hoverOff: function (e) {
// Turns on the hover state on a todo item.
hoverOn: function (e) {
// Creates and renders views for every todo item in the list when the entire
// list is reset.
reset: function (e) {
var fragment =;
Y.Array.each(e.models, function (model) {
var view = new TodoView({model: model});
// -- Todo item view -----------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -239,101 +239,101 @@ TodoAppView = Y.TodoAppView = Y.Base.create('todoAppView', Y.View, [], {
// allow it to be edited and removed from the list.
TodoView = Y.TodoView = Y.Base.create('todoView', Y.View, [], {
// Specifying an HTML string as this view's container element causes that
// HTML to be automatically converted into an unattached Y.Node instance.
// The TodoAppView (above) will take care of appending it to the list.
container: '<li class="todo-item"/>',
// The template property holds the contents of the #todo-item-template
// element, which will be used as the HTML template for each todo item.
// Delegated DOM events to handle this view's interactions.
events: {
// Toggle the "done" state of this todo item when the checkbox is
// clicked.
'.todo-checkbox': {click: 'toggleDone'},
// When the text of this todo item is clicked or focused, switch to edit
// mode to allow editing.
'.todo-content': {
click: 'edit',
focus: 'edit'
// On the edit field, when enter is pressed or the field loses focus,
// save the current value and switch out of edit mode.
'.todo-input' : {
blur : 'save',
keypress: 'enter'
// When the remove icon is clicked, delete this todo item.
'.todo-remove': {click: 'remove'}
initializer: function () {
// The model property is set to a TodoModel instance by TodoAppView when
// it instantiates this TodoView.
var model = this.model;
// Re-render this view when the model changes, and destroy this view
// when the model is destroyed.
model.after('change', this.render, this);
model.after('destroy', this.destroy, this);
render: function () {
var container = this.container,
model = this.model,
done = model.get('done');
container.setContent(Y.Lang.sub(this.template, {
checked: done ? 'checked' : '',
text : model.getAsHTML('text')
container[done ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass']('todo-done');
this.inputNode ='.todo-input');
return this;
// -- Event Handlers -------------------------------------------------------
// Toggles this item into edit mode.
edit: function () {
// When the enter key is pressed, focus the new todo input field. This
// causes a blur event on the current edit field, which calls the save()
// handler below.
enter: function (e) {
if (e.keyCode === 13) { // enter key'#new-todo').focus();
// Removes this item from the list.
remove: function (e) {
this.model.destroy({'delete': true});
// Toggles this item out of edit mode and saves it.
save: function () {
this.model.set('text', this.inputNode.get('value')).save();
// Toggles the `done` state on this item's model.
toggleDone: function () {
// Specifying an HTML string as this view's container element causes that
// HTML to be automatically converted into an unattached Y.Node instance.
// The TodoAppView (above) will take care of appending it to the list.
container: '<li class="todo-item"/>',
// The template property holds the contents of the #todo-item-template
// element, which will be used as the HTML template for each todo item.
// Delegated DOM events to handle this view's interactions.
events: {
// Toggle the "done" state of this todo item when the checkbox is
// clicked.
'.todo-checkbox': {click: 'toggleDone'},
// When the text of this todo item is clicked or focused, switch to edit
// mode to allow editing.
'.todo-content': {
click: 'edit',
focus: 'edit'
// On the edit field, when enter is pressed or the field loses focus,
// save the current value and switch out of edit mode.
'.todo-input' : {
blur : 'save',
keypress: 'enter'
// When the remove icon is clicked, delete this todo item.
'.todo-remove': {click: 'remove'}
initializer: function () {
// The model property is set to a TodoModel instance by TodoAppView when
// it instantiates this TodoView.
var model = this.model;
// Re-render this view when the model changes, and destroy this view
// when the model is destroyed.
model.after('change', this.render, this);
model.after('destroy', this.destroy, this);
render: function () {
var container = this.container,
model = this.model,
done = model.get('done');
container.setContent(Y.Lang.sub(this.template, {
checked: done ? 'checked' : '',
text : model.getAsHTML('text')
container[done ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass']('todo-done');
this.inputNode ='.todo-input');
return this;
// -- Event Handlers -------------------------------------------------------
// Toggles this item into edit mode.
edit: function () {
// When the enter key is pressed, focus the new todo input field. This
// causes a blur event on the current edit field, which calls the save()
// handler below.
enter: function (e) {
if (e.keyCode === 13) { // enter key'#new-todo').focus();
// Removes this item from the list.
remove: function (e) {
this.model.destroy({'delete': true});
// Toggles this item out of edit mode and saves it.
save: function () {
this.model.set('text', this.inputNode.get('value')).save();
// Toggles the `done` state on this item's model.
toggleDone: function () {
// -- localStorage Sync Implementation -----------------------------------------
......@@ -343,99 +343,99 @@ TodoView = Y.TodoView = Y.Base.create('todoView', Y.View, [], {
// TodoModel and TodoList instances above use it to save and load items.
function LocalStorageSync(key) {
var localStorage;
if (!key) {
Y.error('No storage key specified.');
if ( {
localStorage =;
// Try to retrieve existing data from localStorage, if there is any.
// Otherwise, initialize `data` to an empty object.
var data = Y.JSON.parse((localStorage && localStorage.getItem(key)) || '{}');
// Delete a model with the specified id.
function destroy(id) {
var modelHash;
if ((modelHash = data[id])) {
delete data[id];
return modelHash;
// Generate a unique id to assign to a newly-created model.
function generateId() {
var id = '',
i = 4;
while (i--) {
id += (((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000) | 0)
return id;
// Loads a model with the specified id. This method is a little tricky,
// since it handles loading for both individual models and for an entire
// model list.
// If an id is specified, then it loads a single model. If no id is
// specified then it loads an array of all models. This allows the same sync
// layer to be used for both the TodoModel and TodoList classes.
function get(id) {
return id ? data[id] : Y.Object.values(data);
// Saves the entire `data` object to localStorage.
function save() {
localStorage && localStorage.setItem(key, Y.JSON.stringify(data));
// Sets the id attribute of the specified model (generating a new id if
// necessary), then saves it to localStorage.
function set(model) {
var hash = model.toJSON(),
idAttribute = model.idAttribute;
if (!Y.Lang.isValue(hash[idAttribute])) {
hash[idAttribute] = generateId();
data[hash[idAttribute]] = hash;
return hash;
// Returns a `sync()` function that can be used with either a Model or a
// ModelList instance.
return function (action, options, callback) {
// `this` refers to the Model or ModelList instance to which this sync
// method is attached.
var isModel = Y.Model && this instanceof Y.Model;
switch (action) {
case 'create': // intentional fallthru
case 'update':
callback(null, set(this));
case 'read':
callback(null, get(isModel && this.get('id')));
case 'delete':
callback(null, destroy(isModel && this.get('id')));
var localStorage;
if (!key) {
Y.error('No storage key specified.');
if ( {
localStorage =;
// Try to retrieve existing data from localStorage, if there is any.
// Otherwise, initialize `data` to an empty object.
var data = Y.JSON.parse((localStorage && localStorage.getItem(key)) || '{}');
// Delete a model with the specified id.
function destroy(id) {
var modelHash;
if ((modelHash = data[id])) {
delete data[id];
return modelHash;
// Generate a unique id to assign to a newly-created model.
function generateId() {
var id = '',
i = 4;
while (i--) {
id += (((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000) | 0)
return id;
// Loads a model with the specified id. This method is a little tricky,
// since it handles loading for both individual models and for an entire
// model list.
// If an id is specified, then it loads a single model. If no id is
// specified then it loads an array of all models. This allows the same sync
// layer to be used for both the TodoModel and TodoList classes.
function get(id) {
return id ? data[id] : Y.Object.values(data);
// Saves the entire `data` object to localStorage.
function save() {
localStorage && localStorage.setItem(key, Y.JSON.stringify(data));
// Sets the id attribute of the specified model (generating a new id if
// necessary), then saves it to localStorage.
function set(model) {
var hash = model.toJSON(),
idAttribute = model.idAttribute;
if (!Y.Lang.isValue(hash[idAttribute])) {
hash[idAttribute] = generateId();
data[hash[idAttribute]] = hash;
return hash;
// Returns a `sync()` function that can be used with either a Model or a
// ModelList instance.
return function (action, options, callback) {
// `this` refers to the Model or ModelList instance to which this sync
// method is attached.
var isModel = Y.Model && this instanceof Y.Model;
switch (action) {
case 'create': // intentional fallthru
case 'update':
callback(null, set(this));
case 'read':
callback(null, get(isModel && this.get('id')));
case 'delete':
callback(null, destroy(isModel && this.get('id')));
// -- Start your engines! ------------------------------------------------------
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