*[YUI on StackOverflow](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/yui)
*[YUI on Twitter](http://twitter.com/yuilibrary)
_If you have other helpful links to share, or find any of the links above no longer work, please [let us know](https://github.com/tastejs/todomvc/issues)._
<ahref="examples/dojo/"data-source="http://dojotoolkit.org"data-content="Dojo saves you time and scales with your development process, using web standards as its platform. It’s the toolkit experienced developers turn to for building high quality desktop and mobile web applications.">Dojo</a>
<ahref="examples/dojo/"data-source="http://dojotoolkit.org"data-content="Dojo saves you time and scales with your development process, using web standards as its platform. It’s the toolkit experienced developers turn to for building high quality desktop and mobile web applications.">Dojo</a>
<ahref="examples/yui/"data-source="http://yuilibrary.com"data-content="YUI's lightweight core and modular architecture make it scalable, fast, and robust. Built by frontend engineers at Yahoo!, YUI powers the most popular websites in the world.">YUI</a>
<ahref="examples/knockback/"data-source="http://kmalakoff.github.com/knockback/"data-content="Knockback.js provides Knockout.js magic for Backbone.js Models and Collections.">Knockback.js</a>
<ahref="examples/knockback/"data-source="http://kmalakoff.github.com/knockback/"data-content="Knockback.js provides Knockout.js magic for Backbone.js Models and Collections.">Knockback.js</a>
"description":"WebRx is a browser-based MVVM-Framework written in Typescript that combines functional-reactive programming with declarative Data-Binding and Templating.",
"description":"WebRx is a browser-based MVVM-Framework written in Typescript that combines functional-reactive programming with declarative Data-Binding and Templating.",