@@ -50,6 +50,16 @@ In order to run a specific test, using the mocha 'grep' function. For example:
1 passing (3s)
###Specifying the browser
You can also specify the browser that will be used to execute the tests via the `---browser` argument. The tests default to using Chrome (see the instructions below for installing ChromeDriver). For example, to run against phantomjs, use the following:
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ We think it's best for the project if the code you write looks like the code the
## Submitting a New App
-**Read the [App Specification](app-spec.md) thoroughly**
- Use the [automated browser tests](/browser-tests) to ensure that your app meets the app specification requirements. For bonus points add the test output to your pull request!
- Make sure it hasn't already been submitted or declined by searching the issue tracker
- Looking at our most recent [reference app](https://github.com/tastejs/todomvc/tree/gh-pages/architecture-examples/backbone)