Commit 4dbafb90 authored by Sindre Sorhus's avatar Sindre Sorhus

Merge pull request #427 from passy/sammy-fixes

Sammy.js: Whitespace + XSS fix
parents 4f6e1439 aa3b74ed
(function($) {
var app = $.sammy(function() {
this.notFound = function(verb, path) {
this.runRoute('get', '#/404');
this.get('#/404', function() {
this.partial('templates/404.template', {}, function(html) {
this.get('#/list/:id', function() {
var list = Lists.get(this.params['id']);
if (list) {
this.partial('templates/todolist.template', {
list: list,
todos: Todos.filter('listId',
}, function(html) {
} else {
// events
this.bind('run', function(e, data) {
var context = this;
var title = localStorage.getItem('title') || "Todos";
var ESCAPE_KEY = 13;
var app = $.sammy(function() {
this.notFound = function(verb, path) {
this.runRoute('get', '#/404');
this.get('#/404', function() {
this.partial('templates/404.template', {}, function(html) {
this.get('#/list/:id', function() {
var list = Lists.get(this.params['id']);
if (list) {
this.partial('templates/todolist.template', {
list: list,
todos: Todos.filter('listId',
}, function(html) {
} else {
// events
this.bind('run', function(e, data) {
var context = this;
var title = localStorage.getItem('title') || "Todos";
if(Lists._data.length <=0){
var list = Lists.create({ name: 'My new list' });
$('#new-todo').keydown(function(e) {
if (e.keyCode == 13){
if (e.keyCode == ESCAPE_KEY){
var todoContent = $(this).val();
var todo = Todos.create({ name: todoContent, done: false, listId: parseInt($('h2').attr('data-id'), 10) });
context.partial('templates/todo.template', todo, function(html) {
......@@ -50,153 +51,153 @@
.live('click', function() {
var $this = $(this);
app.trigger('delete', {
type: $this.attr('data-type'),
id: $this.attr('data-id')
.live('click', function() {
var $this = $(this);
app.trigger('delete', {
type: $this.attr('data-type'),
id: $this.attr('data-id')
.live('click', function() {
var $this = $(this),
$li = $this.parents('li').toggleClass('done'),
isDone = $'.done');
app.trigger('mark' + (isDone ? 'Done' : 'Undone'), { id: $li.attr('data-id') });
.live('focus', function() {
// store the current value
$.data(this, 'prevValue', $(this).text());
.live('blur', function() {
var $this = $(this),
// grab the, likely, modified value
text = $.trim($this.text());
if (!text) {
// restore the previous value if text is empty
$this.text($.data(this, 'prevValue'));
} else {
if ($'h1')) {
// it is the title
localStorage.setItem('title', text);
} else {
// save it
app.trigger('save', {
type: $this.attr('data-type'),
id: $this.attr('data-id'),
name: text
.live('keypress', function(event) {
// save on enter
if (event.which === 13) {
return false;
if (!localStorage.getItem('initialized')) {
// create first list and todo
var listId = Lists.create({
name: 'My first list'
name: 'My first todo',
done: false,
listId: listId
localStorage.setItem('initialized', 'yup');
} else {
var lastViewedOrFirstList = localStorage.getItem('lastviewed') || '#/list/' + Lists.first().id;
/*save the route as the lastviewed item*/
this.bind('route-found', function(e, data) {
localStorage.setItem('lastviewed', document.location.hash);
this.bind('save', function(e, data) {
var model = data.type == 'todo' ? Todos : Lists;
model.update(, { name: });
.live('click', function() {
var $this = $(this),
$li = $this.parents('li').toggleClass('done'),
isDone = $'.done');
app.trigger('mark' + (isDone ? 'Done' : 'Undone'), { id: $li.attr('data-id') });
.live('focus', function() {
// store the current value
$.data(this, 'prevValue', $(this).text());
.live('blur', function() {
var $this = $(this),
// grab the, likely, modified value
text = $.trim($this.text());
if (!text) {
// restore the previous value if text is empty
$this.text($.data(this, 'prevValue'));
} else {
if ($'h1')) {
// it is the title
localStorage.setItem('title', text);
} else {
// save it
app.trigger('save', {
type: $this.attr('data-type'),
id: $this.attr('data-id'),
name: text
.live('keypress', function(event) {
// save on enter
if (event.which === 13) {
return false;
if (!localStorage.getItem('initialized')) {
// create first list and todo
var listId = Lists.create({
name: 'My first list'
name: 'My first todo',
done: false,
listId: listId
localStorage.setItem('initialized', 'yup');
} else {
var lastViewedOrFirstList = localStorage.getItem('lastviewed') || '#/list/' + Lists.first().id;
/*save the route as the lastviewed item*/
this.bind('route-found', function(e, data) {
localStorage.setItem('lastviewed', document.location.hash);
this.bind('save', function(e, data) {
var model = data.type == 'todo' ? Todos : Lists;
model.update(, { name: });
/*marking the selected item as done*/
this.bind('markDone', function(e, data) {
Todos.update(, { done: true });
/*mark the todo with the selected id as not done*/
this.bind('markUndone', function(e, data) {
Todos.update(, { done: false });
this.bind('delete', function(e, data) {
//if (confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this ' + data.type + '?')) {
var model = data.type == 'list' ? Lists : Todos;
if (data.type == 'list') {
var list = Lists.first();
if (list) {
} else {
// create first list and todo
var listId = Lists.create({
name: 'Initial list'
name: 'A sample todo item',
done: false,
listId: listId
} else {
// delete the todo from the view
$('li[data-id=' + + ']').remove();
// lists model
Lists = Object.create(Model); = 'lists-sammyjs';
// todos model
Todos = Object.create(Model); = 'todos-sammyjs';
$(function() {; });
this.bind('markDone', function(e, data) {
Todos.update(, { done: true });
/*mark the todo with the selected id as not done*/
this.bind('markUndone', function(e, data) {
Todos.update(, { done: false });
this.bind('delete', function(e, data) {
//if (confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this ' + data.type + '?')) {
var model = data.type == 'list' ? Lists : Todos;
if (data.type == 'list') {
var list = Lists.first();
if (list) {
} else {
// create first list and todo
var listId = Lists.create({
name: 'Initial list'
name: 'A sample todo item',
done: false,
listId: listId
} else {
// delete the todo from the view
$('li[data-id=' + + ']').remove();
// lists model
Lists = Object.create(Model); = 'lists-sammyjs';
// todos model
Todos = Object.create(Model); = 'todos-sammyjs';
$(function() {; });
(function(f){var d={};Sammy=Sammy||{};Sammy.Template=function(g,e){e||(e="template");g.helper(e,function(a,c,b){"undefined"==typeof b&&(b=a);a:{c=f.extend({},this,c);if(d[b])fn=d[b];else{if("undefined"==typeof a){a=!1;break a}fn=d[b]=new Function("obj",'var p=[],print=function(){p.push.apply(p,arguments);};with(obj){p.push("'+a.replace(/[\r\t\n]/g," ").replace(/\"/g,'\\"').split("<%").join("\t").replace(/((^|%>)[^\t]*)/g,"$1\r").replace(/\t=(.*?)%>/g,'",$1,"').split("\t").join('");').split("%>").join('p.push("').split("\r").join("")+
"\");}return p.join('');")}a="undefined"!=typeof c?fn(c):fn}return a})}})(jQuery);
\ No newline at end of file
(function (factory) {
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
define(['jquery', 'sammy'], factory);
} else {
(window.Sammy = window.Sammy || {}).Template = factory(window.jQuery, window.Sammy);
}(function ($, Sammy) {
// Simple JavaScript Templating
// John Resig - - MIT Licensed
// adapted from:
// originally $.srender by Greg Borenstein in Feb 2009
// modified for Sammy by Aaron Quint for caching templates by name
// Backport of escapeHTML from sammy.js 0.7
var _escapeHTML = function(s) {
return String(s).replace(/&(?!\w+;)/g, '&amp;').replace(/</g, '&lt;').replace(/>/g, '&gt;').replace(/"/g, '&quot;');
var srender_cache = {};
var srender = function(name, template, data, options) {
var fn, escaped_string;
// target is an optional element; if provided, the result will be inserted into it
// otherwise the result will simply be returned to the caller
if (srender_cache[name]) {
fn = srender_cache[name];
} else {
if (typeof template == 'undefined') {
// was a cache check, return false
return false;
// If options escape_html is false, dont escape the contents by default
if (options && options.escape_html === false) {
escaped_string = "\",$1,\"";
} else {
escaped_string = "\",h($1),\"";
// Generate a reusable function that will serve as a template
// generator (and which will be cached).
fn = srender_cache[name] = new Function("obj",
"var ___$$$___=[],print=function(){___$$$___.push.apply(___$$$___,arguments);};" +
// Introduce the data as local variables using with(){}
"with(obj){___$$$___.push(\"" +
// Convert the template into pure JavaScript
.replace(/[\r\t\n]/g, " ")
.replace(/\"/g, '\\"')
.replace(/((^|%>)[^\t]*)/g, "$1\r")
.replace(/\t=(.*?)%>/g, escaped_string)
.replace(/\t!(.*?)%>/g, "\",$1,\"")
+ "\");}return ___$$$___.join('');");
if (typeof data != 'undefined') {
return fn(data);
} else {
return fn;
// `Sammy.Template` is a simple plugin that provides a way to create
// and render client side templates. The rendering code is based on John Resig's
// quick templates and Greg Borenstien's srender plugin.
// This is also a great template/boilerplate for Sammy plugins.
// Templates use `<% %>` tags to denote embedded javascript.
// ### Examples
// Here is an example template (user.template):
// // user.template
// <div class="user">
// <div class="user-name"><%= %></div>
// <% if (user.photo_url) { %>
// <div class="photo"><img src="<%= user.photo_url %>" /></div>
// <% } %>
// </div>
// Given that is a publicly accesible file, you would render it like:
// // app.js
// $.sammy(function() {
// // include the plugin
// this.use('Template');
// this.get('#/', function() {
// // the template is rendered in the current context.
// this.user = {name: 'Aaron Quint'};
// // partial calls template() because of the file extension
// this.partial('user.template');
// })
// });
// You can also pass a second argument to use() that will alias the template
// method and therefore allow you to use a different extension for template files
// in <tt>partial()</tt>
// // alias to 'tpl'
// this.use(Sammy.Template, 'tpl');
// // now .tpl files will be run through srender
// this.get('#/', function() {
// this.partial('myfile.tpl');
// });
// By default, the data passed into the tempalate is passed automatically passed through
// Sammy's `escapeHTML` method in order to prevent possible XSS attacks. This is
// a problem though if you're using something like `Sammy.Form` which renders HTML
// within the templates. You can get around this in two ways. One, you can use the
// `<%! %>` instead of `<%= %>`. Two, you can pass the `escape_html = false` option
// when interpolating, i.e:
// this.get('#/', function() {
// this.template('myform.tpl', {form: "<form></form>"}, {escape_html: false});
// });
Sammy.Template = function(app, method_alias) {
// *Helper:* Uses simple templating to parse ERB like templates.
// ### Arguments
// * `template` A String template. '<% %>' tags are evaluated as Javascript and replaced with the elements in data.
// * `data` An Object containing the replacement values for the template.
// data is extended with the <tt>EventContext</tt> allowing you to call its methods within the template.
// * `name` An optional String name to cache the template.
var template = function(template, data, name, options) {
// use name for caching
if (typeof name == 'undefined') { name = template; }
if (typeof options == 'undefined' && typeof name == 'object') {
options = name; name = template;
return srender(name, template, $.extend({h: _escapeHTML}, this, data), options);
// set the default method name/extension
if (!method_alias) { method_alias = 'template'; }
// create the helper at the method alias
app.helper(method_alias, template);
return Sammy.Template;
<li data-type="todo" data-id="<%= id %>" class="<%= done ? 'done' : '' %>">
<div class="todo">
<div class="display">
<input class="check" type="checkbox" <%= done ? 'checked' : '' %>/>
<span class="trashcan" data-type="todo" data-id="<%= id %>"></span>
<span contenteditable="true" data-type="todo" data-id="<%= id %>" class="todo-item"><%= name %></span>
<input class="check" type="checkbox" <%= done ? 'checked' : '' %>/>
<span class="trashcan" data-type="todo" data-id="<%= id %>"></span>
<span contenteditable="true" data-type="todo" data-id="<%= id %>" class="todo-item"><%= name %></span>
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