Commit 78157af4 authored by addyosmani's avatar addyosmani

trying to re-add sammy todo app as git decided it should be a submodule last time

parent 4320f1ce
sammyjs @ 166eb403
Subproject commit 166eb4038d1b3c0842c824e5090fb282b03135c3
This version/changes copyright 2011, Addy Osmani
Original multi-list/multi-todo/non todo standard version copyright 2010, Brandon Aaron
\ No newline at end of file
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color: #777777;
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#todo-stats .todo-count .number {
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color: #333333;
#todo-stats .todo-clear {
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#todo-stats .todo-clear a {
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font-size: 12px;
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#instructions {
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margin: 10px auto;
color: #777777;
text-shadow: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8) 0 1px 0;
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* François 'cahnory' Germain
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/* new additions - cleanup required*/
/* line 109 */
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/* line 22, /opt/ree/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/compass-0.10.5/frameworks/compass/stylesheets/compass/utilities/general/_clearfix.scss */
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content: "\0020";
display: block;
height: 0;
clear: both;
overflow: hidden;
visibility: hidden;
/* line 118 */
#todoapp #todo-stats .todo-count {
float: left;
/* line 120 */
#todoapp #todo-stats .todo-count .number {
font-weight: bold;
color: #555555;
/* line 123 */
#todoapp #todo-stats .todo-clear {
float: right;
/* line 125 */
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/* line 136 */
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box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3) 0 -1px 0 0;
/* line 139 */
#todoapp #todo-stats .todo-clear a:active {
position: relative;
top: 1px;
#todos { display:block}
(function($) {
var app = $.sammy(function() {
this.notFound = function(verb, path) {
this.runRoute('get', '#/404');
this.get('#/404', function() {
this.partial('templates/404.template', {}, function(html) {
this.get('#/list/:id', function() {
var list = Lists.get(this.params['id']);
if (list) {
this.partial('templates/todolist.template', {
list: list,
todos: Todos.filter('listId',
}, function(html) {
} else {
// events
this.bind('run', function(e, data) {
var context = this;
var title = localStorage.getItem('title') || "Todo";
if(Lists._data.length <=0){
var list = Lists.create({ name: 'My new list' });
$('#new-todo').keydown(function(e) {
if (e.keyCode == 13){
var todoContent = $(this).val();
var todo = Todos.create({ name: todoContent, done: false, listId: parseInt($('h2').attr('data-id'), 10) });
context.partial('templates/_todo.template', todo, function(html) {
//$(html).insertAfter('#todo-list li:last');
var q = $(html);
.delegate('dd[data-id]', 'click', function() {
.live('click', function() {
var $this = $(this);
app.trigger('delete', {
type: $this.attr('data-type'),
id: $this.attr('data-id')
.live('click', function() {
var $this = $(this),
$li = $this.parents('li').toggleClass('done'),
isDone = $'.done');
app.trigger('mark' + (isDone ? 'Done' : 'Undone'), { id: $li.attr('data-id') });
.live('click', function() {
var $this = $(this),
$li = $this.parents('li').toggleClass('done'),
isDone = $'.done');
app.trigger('mark' + (isDone ? 'Done' : 'Undone'), { id: $li.attr('data-id') });
.live('focus', function() {
// store the current value
$.data(this, 'prevValue', $(this).text());
.live('blur', function() {
var $this = $(this),
// grab the, likely, modified value
text = $.trim($this.text());
if (!text) {
// restore the previous value if text is empty
$this.text($.data(this, 'prevValue'));
} else {
if ($'h1')) {
// it is the title
localStorage.setItem('title', text);
} else {
// save it
app.trigger('save', {
type: $this.attr('data-type'),
id: $this.attr('data-id'),
name: text
.live('keypress', function(event) {
// save on enter
if (event.which === 13) {
return false;
if (!localStorage.getItem('initialized')) {
// create first list and todo
var listId = Lists.create({
name: 'My first list'
name: 'My first todo',
done: false,
listId: listId
localStorage.setItem('initialized', 'yup');
} else {
var lastViewedOrFirstList = localStorage.getItem('lastviewed') || '#/list/' + Lists.first().id;
/*save the route as the lastviewed item*/
this.bind('route-found', function(e, data) {
localStorage.setItem('lastviewed', document.location.hash);
this.bind('save', function(e, data) {
var model = data.type == 'todo' ? Todos : Lists;
model.update(, { name: });
//if (data.type == 'list') {
// }
/*marking the selected item as done*/
this.bind('markDone', function(e, data) {
Todos.update(, { done: true });
/*mark the todo with the selected id as not done*/
this.bind('markUndone', function(e, data) {
Todos.update(, { done: false });
this.bind('delete', function(e, data) {
//if (confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this ' + data.type + '?')) {
var model = data.type == 'list' ? Lists : Todos;
if (data.type == 'list') {
var list = Lists.first();
if (list) {
} else {
// create first list and todo
var listId = Lists.create({
name: 'Initial list'
name: 'A sample todo item',
done: false,
listId: listId
} else {
// delete the todo from the view
$('li[data-id=' + + ']').remove();
// }
this.bind('updateLists', function(e, data) {
var selected = parseInt(location.hash.substr(location.hash.lastIndexOf('/')+1), 10);
this.partial('templates/_lists.template', {
lists: Lists.getAll(),
selected: selected
}, function(html) {
// lists model
Lists = Object.create(Model); = 'lists';
// todos model
Todos = Object.create(Model); = 'todos';
$(function() {; });
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This version by
<br />
<a href="">Addy Osmani</a>
<br />
based on some code by Brandon Aaron
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Model = {
name: 'model',
init: function() {
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_multiFilter: function(filters) {
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if (this._data.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
item = this._data[key];
for (attribute in filters) {
if (filters.hasOwnProperty(attribute)) {
if (filters[attribute] == item[attribute]) {
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var data = localStorage[];
if (data) {
data = JSON.parse(data);
this._id = data.prevId;
this._data =;
_newId: function() {
return this._id++;
_mixin: function(to, from) {
for (var key in from) {
if (from.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
to[key] = from[key];
_clone: function(obj) {
var type =,
cloned = obj;
if (type == '[object Object]') {
cloned = {};
for (var key in obj) {
obj.hasOwnProperty(key) && (cloned[key] = this._clone(obj[key]));
} else if (type == '[object Array]') {
cloned = [];
for (var index = 0, length = obj.length; index < length; index++) {
cloned[index] = this._clone(obj[index]);
return cloned;
if (typeof Object.create !== 'function') {
Object.create = function (o) {
function F() {}
F.prototype = o;
return new F();
\ No newline at end of file
// name: sammy
// version: 0.5.1
(function($) {
var Sammy,
PATH_REPLACER = "([^\/]+)",
PATH_NAME_MATCHER = /:([\w\d]+)/g,
QUERY_STRING_MATCHER = /\?([^#]*)$/,
_decode = decodeURIComponent,
_routeWrapper = function(verb) {
return function(path, callback) { return this.route.apply(this, [verb, path, callback]); };
loggers = [];
// <tt>Sammy</tt> (also aliased as $.sammy) is not only the namespace for a
// number of prototypes, its also a top level method that allows for easy
// creation/management of <tt>Sammy.Application</tt> instances. There are a
// number of different forms for <tt>Sammy()</tt> but each returns an instance
// of <tt>Sammy.Application</tt>. When a new instance is created using
// <tt>Sammy</tt> it is added to an Object called <tt>Sammy.apps</tt>. This
// provides for an easy way to get at existing Sammy applications. Only one
// instance is allowed per <tt>element_selector</tt> so when calling
// <tt>Sammy('selector')</tt> multiple times, the first time will create
// the application and the following times will extend the application
// already added to that selector.
// === Example
// // returns the app at #main or a new app
// Sammy('#main')
// // equivilent to "new Sammy.Application", except appends to apps
// Sammy();
// Sammy(function() { ... });
// // extends the app at '#main' with function.
// Sammy('#main', function() { ... });
Sammy = function() {
var args = $.makeArray(arguments),
app, selector;
Sammy.apps = Sammy.apps || {};
if (args.length === 0 || args[0] && $.isFunction(args[0])) { // Sammy()
return Sammy.apply(Sammy, ['body'].concat(args));
} else if (typeof (selector = args.shift()) == 'string') { // Sammy('#main')
app = Sammy.apps[selector] || new Sammy.Application();
app.element_selector = selector;
if (args.length > 0) {
$.each(args, function(i, plugin) {
// if the selector changes make sure the refrence in Sammy.apps changes
if (app.element_selector != selector) {
delete Sammy.apps[selector];
Sammy.apps[app.element_selector] = app;
return app;
Sammy.VERSION = '0.5.1';
// Add to the global logger pool. Takes a function that accepts an
// unknown number of arguments and should print them or send them somewhere
// The first argument is always a timestamp.
Sammy.addLogger = function(logger) {
// Sends a log message to each logger listed in the global
// loggers pool. Can take any number of arguments.
// Also prefixes the arguments with a timestamp.
Sammy.log = function() {
var args = $.makeArray(arguments);
args.unshift("[" + Date() + "]");
$.each(loggers, function(i, logger) {
logger.apply(Sammy, args);
if (typeof window.console != 'undefined') {
if ($.isFunction(console.log.apply)) {
Sammy.addLogger(function() {
window.console.log.apply(console, arguments);
} else {
Sammy.addLogger(function() {
} else if (typeof console != 'undefined') {
Sammy.addLogger(function() {
console.log.apply(console, arguments);
// Sammy.Object is the base for all other Sammy classes. It provides some useful
// functionality, including cloning, iterating, etc.
Sammy.Object = function(obj) { // constructor
return $.extend(this, obj || {});
$.extend(Sammy.Object.prototype, {
// Returns a copy of the object with Functions removed.
toHash: function() {
var json = {};
$.each(this, function(k,v) {
if (!$.isFunction(v)) {
json[k] = v;
return json;
// Renders a simple HTML version of this Objects attributes.
// Does not render functions.
// For example. Given this Sammy.Object:
// var s = new Sammy.Object({first_name: 'Sammy', last_name: 'Davis Jr.'});
// s.toHTML() //=> '<strong>first_name</strong> Sammy<br /><strong>last_name</strong> Davis Jr.<br />'
toHTML: function() {
var display = "";
$.each(this, function(k, v) {
if (!$.isFunction(v)) {
display += "<strong>" + k + "</strong> " + v + "<br />";
return display;
// Generates a unique identifing string. Used for application namespaceing.
uuid: function() {
if (typeof this._uuid == 'undefined' || !this._uuid) {
this._uuid = (new Date()).getTime() + '-' + parseInt(Math.random() * 1000, 10);
return this._uuid;
// Returns an array of keys for this object. If <tt>attributes_only</tt>
// is true will not return keys that map to a <tt>function()</tt>
keys: function(attributes_only) {
var keys = [];
for (var property in this) {
if (!$.isFunction(this[property]) || !attributes_only) {
return keys;
// Checks if the object has a value at <tt>key</tt> and that the value is not empty
has: function(key) {
return this[key] && $.trim(this[key].toString()) != '';
// convenience method to join as many arguments as you want
// by the first argument - useful for making paths
join: function() {
var args = $.makeArray(arguments);
var delimiter = args.shift();
return args.join(delimiter);
// Shortcut to Sammy.log
log: function() {
Sammy.log.apply(Sammy, arguments);
// Returns a string representation of this object.
// if <tt>include_functions</tt> is true, it will also toString() the
// methods of this object. By default only prints the attributes.
toString: function(include_functions) {
var s = [];
$.each(this, function(k, v) {
if (!$.isFunction(v) || include_functions) {
s.push('"' + k + '": ' + v.toString());
return "Sammy.Object: {" + s.join(',') + "}";
// The HashLocationProxy is the default location proxy for all Sammy applications.
// A location proxy is a prototype that conforms to a simple interface. The purpose
// of a location proxy is to notify the Sammy.Application its bound to when the location
// or 'external state' changes. The HashLocationProxy considers the state to be
// changed when the 'hash' (window.location.hash / '#') changes. It does this in two
// different ways depending on what browser you are using. The newest browsers
// (IE, Safari > 4, FF >= 3.6) support a 'onhashchange' DOM event, thats fired whenever
// the location.hash changes. In this situation the HashLocationProxy just binds
// to this event and delegates it to the application. In the case of older browsers
// a poller is set up to track changes to the hash. Unlike Sammy 0.3 or earlier,
// the HashLocationProxy allows the poller to be a global object, eliminating the
// need for multiple pollers even when thier are multiple apps on the page.
Sammy.HashLocationProxy = function(app, run_interval_every) { = app;
// check for native hash support
if ('onhashchange' in window) {
Sammy.log('native hash change exists, using');
this.is_native = true;
} else {
Sammy.log('no native hash change, falling back to polling');
this.is_native = false;
Sammy.HashLocationProxy.prototype = {
// bind the proxy events to the current app.
bind: function() {
var app =;
$(window).bind('hashchange.' +, function() {
// unbind the proxy events from the current app
unbind: function() {
$(window).die('hashchange.' +;
// get the current location from the hash.
getLocation: function() {
// Bypass the `window.location.hash` attribute. If a question mark
// appears in the hash IE6 will strip it and all of the following
// characters from `window.location.hash`.
var matches = window.location.toString().match(/^[^#]*(#.+)$/);
return matches ? matches[1] : '';
// set the current location to <tt>new_location</tt>
setLocation: function(new_location) {
return (window.location = new_location);
_startPolling: function(every) {
// set up interval
var proxy = this;
if (!Sammy.HashLocationProxy._interval) {
if (!every) { every = 10; }
var hashCheck = function() {
current_location = proxy.getLocation();
// Sammy.log('getLocation', current_location);
if (!Sammy.HashLocationProxy._last_location ||
current_location != Sammy.HashLocationProxy._last_location) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 1);
Sammy.HashLocationProxy._last_location = current_location;
Sammy.HashLocationProxy._interval = setInterval(hashCheck, every);
$(window).bind('beforeunload', function() {
// The DataLocationProxy is an optional location proxy prototype. As opposed to
// the <tt>HashLocationProxy</tt> it gets its location from a attribute
// tied to the application's element. You can set the name of the attribute by
// passing a string as the second argument to the constructor. The default attribute
// name is 'sammy-location'. To read more about location proxies, check out the
// documentation for <tt>Sammy.HashLocationProxy</tt>
Sammy.DataLocationProxy = function(app, data_name) { = app;
this.data_name = data_name || 'sammy-location';
Sammy.DataLocationProxy.prototype = {
bind: function() {
var proxy = this;$element().bind('setData', function(e, key) {
if (key == proxy.data_name) {'location-changed');
unbind: function() {$element().die('setData');
getLocation: function() {
setLocation: function(new_location) {
return$element().data(this.data_name, new_location);
// Sammy.Application is the Base prototype for defining 'applications'.
// An 'application' is a collection of 'routes' and bound events that is
// attached to an element when <tt>run()</tt> is called.
// The only argument an 'app_function' is evaluated within the context of the application.
Sammy.Application = function(app_function) {
var app = this;
this.routes = {};
this.listeners = new Sammy.Object({});
this.arounds = [];
this.befores = [];
this.namespace = this.uuid();
this.context_prototype = function() { Sammy.EventContext.apply(this, arguments); };
this.context_prototype.prototype = new Sammy.EventContext();
if ($.isFunction(app_function)) {
app_function.apply(this, [this]);
// set the location proxy if not defined to the default (HashLocationProxy)
if (!this.location_proxy) {
this.location_proxy = new Sammy.HashLocationProxy(app, this.run_interval_every);
if (this.debug) {
this.bindToAllEvents(function(e, data) {
app.log(app.toString(), e.cleaned_type, data || {});
Sammy.Application.prototype = $.extend({}, Sammy.Object.prototype, {
// the four route verbs
ROUTE_VERBS: ['get','post','put','delete'],
// An array of the default events triggered by the
// application during its lifecycle
APP_EVENTS: ['run','unload','lookup-route','run-route','route-found','event-context-before','event-context-after','changed','error','check-form-submission','redirect'],
_last_route: null,
_running: false,
// Defines what element the application is bound to. Provide a selector
// (parseable by <tt>jQuery()</tt>) and this will be used by <tt>$element()</tt>
element_selector: 'body',
// When set to true, logs all of the default events using <tt>log()</tt>
debug: false,
// When set to true, and the error() handler is not overriden, will actually
// raise JS errors in routes (500) and when routes can't be found (404)
raise_errors: false,
// The time in milliseconds that the URL is queried for changes
run_interval_every: 50,
// The location proxy for the current app. By default this is set to a new
// <tt>Sammy.HashLocationProxy</tt> on initialization. However, you can set
// the location_proxy inside you're app function to give youre app a custom
// location mechanism
location_proxy: null,
// The default template engine to use when using <tt>partial()</tt> in an
// <tt>EventContext</tt>. <tt>template_engine</tt> can either be a string that
// corresponds to the name of a method/helper on EventContext or it can be a function
// that takes two arguments, the content of the unrendered partial and an optional
// JS object that contains interpolation data. Template engine is only called/refered
// to if the extension of the partial is null or unknown. See <tt>partial()</tt>
// for more information
template_engine: null,
// //=> Sammy.Application: body
toString: function() {
return 'Sammy.Application:' + this.element_selector;
// returns a jQuery object of the Applications bound element.
$element: function() {
return $(this.element_selector);
// <tt>use()</tt> is the entry point for including Sammy plugins.
// The first argument to use should be a function() that is evaluated
// in the context of the current application, just like the <tt>app_function</tt>
// argument to the <tt>Sammy.Application</tt> constructor.
// Any additional arguments are passed to the app function sequentially.
// For much more detail about plugins, check out:
// === Example
// var MyPlugin = function(app, prepend) {
// this.helpers({
// myhelper: function(text) {
// alert(prepend + " " + text);
// }
// });
// };
// var app = $.sammy(function() {
// this.use(MyPlugin, 'This is my plugin');
// this.get('#/', function() {
// this.myhelper('and dont you forget it!');
// //=> Alerts: This is my plugin and dont you forget it!
// });
// });
use: function() {
// flatten the arguments
var args = $.makeArray(arguments);
var plugin = args.shift();
try {
plugin.apply(this, args);
} catch(e) {
if (typeof plugin == 'undefined') {
this.error("Plugin Error: called use() but plugin is not defined", e);
} else if (!$.isFunction(plugin)) {
this.error("Plugin Error: called use() but '" + plugin.toString() + "' is not a function", e);
} else {
this.error("Plugin Error", e);
return this;
// <tt>route()</tt> is the main method for defining routes within an application.
// For great detail on routes, check out:
// This method also has aliases for each of the different verbs (eg. <tt>get()</tt>, <tt>post()</tt>, etc.)
// === Arguments
// +verb+:: A String in the set of ROUTE_VERBS or 'any'. 'any' will add routes for each
// of the ROUTE_VERBS. If only two arguments are passed,
// the first argument is the path, the second is the callback and the verb
// is assumed to be 'any'.
// +path+:: A Regexp or a String representing the path to match to invoke this verb.
// +callback+:: A Function that is called/evaluated whent the route is run see: <tt>runRoute()</tt>.
// It is also possible to pass a string as the callback, which is looked up as the name
// of a method on the application.
route: function(verb, path, callback) {
var app = this, param_names = [], add_route;
// if the method signature is just (path, callback)
// assume the verb is 'any'
if (!callback && $.isFunction(path)) {
path = verb;
callback = path;
verb = 'any';
verb = verb.toLowerCase(); // ensure verb is lower case
// if path is a string turn it into a regex
if (path.constructor == String) {
// Needs to be explicitly set because IE will maintain the index unless NULL is returned,
// which means that with two consecutive routes that contain params, the second set of params will not be found and end up in splat instead of params
PATH_NAME_MATCHER.lastIndex = 0;
// find the names
while ((path_match = PATH_NAME_MATCHER.exec(path)) !== null) {
// replace with the path replacement
path = new RegExp("^" + path.replace(PATH_NAME_MATCHER, PATH_REPLACER) + "$");
// lookup callback
if (typeof callback == 'string') {
callback = app[callback];
add_route = function(with_verb) {
var r = {verb: with_verb, path: path, callback: callback, param_names: param_names};
// add route to routes array
app.routes[with_verb] = app.routes[with_verb] || [];
// place routes in order of definition
if (verb === 'any') {
$.each(this.ROUTE_VERBS, function(i, v) { add_route(v); });
} else {
// return the app
return this;
// Alias for route('get', ...)
get: _routeWrapper('get'),
// Alias for route('post', ...)
post: _routeWrapper('post'),
// Alias for route('put', ...)
put: _routeWrapper('put'),
// Alias for route('delete', ...)
del: _routeWrapper('delete'),
// Alias for route('any', ...)
any: _routeWrapper('any'),
// <tt>mapRoutes</tt> takes an array of arrays, each array being passed to route()
// as arguments, this allows for mass definition of routes. Another benefit is
// this makes it possible/easier to load routes via remote JSON.
// === Example
// var app = $.sammy(function() {
// this.mapRoutes([
// ['get', '#/', function() { this.log('index'); }],
// // strings in callbacks are looked up as methods on the app
// ['post', '#/create', 'addUser'],
// // No verb assumes 'any' as the verb
// [/dowhatever/, function() { this.log(this.verb, this.path)}];
// ]);
// })
mapRoutes: function(route_array) {
var app = this;
$.each(route_array, function(i, route_args) {
app.route.apply(app, route_args);
return this;
// A unique event namespace defined per application.
// All events bound with <tt>bind()</tt> are automatically bound within this space.
eventNamespace: function() {
return ['sammy-app', this.namespace].join('-');
// Works just like <tt>jQuery.fn.bind()</tt> with a couple noteable differences.
// * It binds all events to the application element
// * All events are bound within the <tt>eventNamespace()</tt>
// * Events are not actually bound until the application is started with <tt>run()</tt>
// * callbacks are evaluated within the context of a Sammy.EventContext
// See for more info.
bind: function(name, data, callback) {
var app = this;
// build the callback
// if the arity is 2, callback is the second argument
if (typeof callback == 'undefined') { callback = data; }
var listener_callback = function() {
// pull off the context from the arguments to the callback
var e, context, data;
e = arguments[0];
data = arguments[1];
if (data && data.context) {
context = data.context;
delete data.context;
} else {
context = new app.context_prototype(app, 'bind', e.type, data);
e.cleaned_type = e.type.replace(app.eventNamespace(), '');
callback.apply(context, [e, data]);
// it could be that the app element doesnt exist yet
// so attach to the listeners array and then run()
// will actually bind the event.
if (!this.listeners[name]) { this.listeners[name] = []; }
if (this.isRunning()) {
// if the app is running
// *actually* bind the event to the app element
this._listen(name, listener_callback);
return this;
// Triggers custom events defined with <tt>bind()</tt>
// === Arguments
// +name+:: The name of the event. Automatically prefixed with the <tt>eventNamespace()</tt>
// +data+:: An optional Object that can be passed to the bound callback.
// +context+:: An optional context/Object in which to execute the bound callback.
// If no context is supplied a the context is a new <tt>Sammy.EventContext</tt>
trigger: function(name, data) {
this.$element().trigger([name, this.eventNamespace()].join('.'), [data]);
return this;
// Reruns the current route
refresh: function() {
this.last_location = null;
return this;
// Takes a single callback that is pushed on to a stack.
// Before any route is run, the callbacks are evaluated in order within
// the current <tt>Sammy.EventContext</tt>
// If any of the callbacks explicitly return false, execution of any
// further callbacks and the route itself is halted.
// You can also provide a set of options that will define when to run this
// before based on the route it proceeds.
// === Example
// var app = $.sammy(function() {
// // will run at #/route but not at #/
// this.before('#/route', function() {
// //...
// });
// // will run at #/ but not at #/route
// this.before({except: {path: '#/route'}}, function() {
// this.log('not before #/route');
// });
// this.get('#/', function() {});
// this.get('#/route', function() {});
// });
// See <tt>contextMatchesOptions()</tt> for a full list of supported options
before: function(options, callback) {
if ($.isFunction(options)) {
callback = options;
options = {};
this.befores.push([options, callback]);
return this;
// A shortcut for binding a callback to be run after a route is executed.
// After callbacks have no guarunteed order.
after: function(callback) {
return this.bind('event-context-after', callback);
// Adds an around filter to the application. around filters are functions
// that take a single argument <tt>callback</tt> which is the entire route
// execution path wrapped up in a closure. This means you can decide whether
// or not to proceed with execution by not invoking <tt>callback</tt> or,
// more usefuly wrapping callback inside the result of an asynchronous execution.
// === Example
// The most common use case for around() is calling a _possibly_ async function
// and executing the route within the functions callback:
// var app = $.sammy(function() {
// var current_user = false;
// function checkLoggedIn(callback) {
// // /session returns a JSON representation of the logged in user
// // or an empty object
// if (!current_user) {
// $.getJSON('/session', function(json) {
// if (json.login) {
// // show the user as logged in
// current_user = json;
// // execute the route path
// callback();
// } else {
// // show the user as not logged in
// current_user = false;
// // the context of aroundFilters is an EventContext
// this.redirect('#/login');
// }
// });
// } else {
// // execute the route path
// callback();
// }
// };
// this.around(checkLoggedIn);
// });
around: function(callback) {
return this;
// Returns a boolean of weather the current application is running.
isRunning: function() {
return this._running;
// Helpers extends the EventContext prototype specific to this app.
// This allows you to define app specific helper functions that can be used
// whenever you're inside of an event context (templates, routes, bind).
// === Example
// var app = $.sammy(function() {
// helpers({
// upcase: function(text) {
// return text.toString().toUpperCase();
// }
// });
// get('#/', function() { with(this) {
// // inside of this context I can use the helpers
// $('#main').html(upcase($('#main').text());
// }});
// });
// === Arguments
// +extensions+:: An object collection of functions to extend the context.
helpers: function(extensions) {
$.extend(this.context_prototype.prototype, extensions);
return this;
// Helper extends the event context just like <tt>helpers()</tt> but does it
// a single method at a time. This is especially useful for dynamically named
// helpers
// === Example
// // Trivial example that adds 3 helper methods to the context dynamically
// var app = $.sammy(function(app) {
// $.each([1,2,3], function(i, num) {
// app.helper('helper' + num, function() {
// this.log("I'm helper number " + num);
// });
// });
// this.get('#/', function() {
// this.helper2(); //=> I'm helper number 2
// });
// });
// === Arguments
// +name+:: The name of the method
// +method+:: The function to be added to the prototype at <tt>name</tt>
helper: function(name, method) {
this.context_prototype.prototype[name] = method;
return this;
// Actually starts the application's lifecycle. <tt>run()</tt> should be invoked
// within a document.ready block to ensure the DOM exists before binding events, etc.
// === Example
// var app = $.sammy(function() { ... }); // your application
// $(function() { // document.ready
// });
// === Arguments
// +start_url+:: "value", Optionally, a String can be passed which the App will redirect to
// after the events/routes have been bound.
run: function(start_url) {
if (this.isRunning()) { return false; }
var app = this;
// actually bind all the listeners
$.each(this.listeners.toHash(), function(name, callbacks) {
$.each(callbacks, function(i, listener_callback) {
app._listen(name, listener_callback);
this.trigger('run', {start_url: start_url});
this._running = true;
// set last location
this.last_location = null;
if (this.getLocation() == '' && typeof start_url != 'undefined') {
// check url
this.bind('location-changed', function() {
// bind to submit to capture post/put/delete routes
this.bind('submit', function(e) {
var returned = app._checkFormSubmission($('form'));
return (returned === false) ? e.preventDefault() : false;
// bind unload to body unload
$(window).bind('beforeunload', function() {
// trigger html changed
return this.trigger('changed');
// The opposite of <tt>run()</tt>, un-binds all event listeners and intervals
// <tt>run()</tt> Automaticaly binds a <tt>onunload</tt> event to run this when
// the document is closed.
unload: function() {
if (!this.isRunning()) { return false; }
var app = this;
// clear interval
// unbind form submits
// unbind all events
$.each(this.listeners.toHash() , function(name, listeners) {
$.each(listeners, function(i, listener_callback) {
app._unlisten(name, listener_callback);
this._running = false;
return this;
// Will bind a single callback function to every event that is already
// being listened to in the app. This includes all the <tt>APP_EVENTS</tt>
// as well as any custom events defined with <tt>bind()</tt>.
// Used internally for debug logging.
bindToAllEvents: function(callback) {
var app = this;
// bind to the APP_EVENTS first
$.each(this.APP_EVENTS, function(i, e) {
app.bind(e, callback);
// next, bind to listener names (only if they dont exist in APP_EVENTS)
$.each(this.listeners.keys(true), function(i, name) {
if (app.APP_EVENTS.indexOf(name) == -1) {
app.bind(name, callback);
return this;
// Returns a copy of the given path with any query string after the hash
// removed.
routablePath: function(path) {
return path.replace(QUERY_STRING_MATCHER, '');
// Given a verb and a String path, will return either a route object or false
// if a matching route can be found within the current defined set.
lookupRoute: function(verb, path) {
var app = this, routed = false;
this.trigger('lookup-route', {verb: verb, path: path});
if (typeof this.routes[verb] != 'undefined') {
$.each(this.routes[verb], function(i, route) {
if (app.routablePath(path).match(route.path)) {
routed = route;
return false;
return routed;
// First, invokes <tt>lookupRoute()</tt> and if a route is found, parses the
// possible URL params and then invokes the route's callback within a new
// <tt>Sammy.EventContext</tt>. If the route can not be found, it calls
// <tt>notFound()</tt>. If <tt>raise_errors</tt> is set to <tt>true</tt> and
// the <tt>error()</tt> has not been overriden, it will throw an actual JS
// error.
// You probably will never have to call this directly.
// === Arguments
// +verb+:: A String for the verb.
// +path+:: A String path to lookup.
// +params+:: An Object of Params pulled from the URI or passed directly.
// === Returns
// Either returns the value returned by the route callback or raises a 404 Not Found error.
runRoute: function(verb, path, params) {
var app = this,
route = this.lookupRoute(verb, path),
this.log('runRoute', [verb, path].join(' '));
this.trigger('run-route', {verb: verb, path: path, params: params});
if (typeof params == 'undefined') { params = {}; }
$.extend(params, this._parseQueryString(path));
if (route) {
this.trigger('route-found', {route: route});
// pull out the params from the path
if ((path_params = route.path.exec(this.routablePath(path))) !== null) {
// first match is the full path
// for each of the matches
$.each(path_params, function(i, param) {
// if theres a matching param name
if (route.param_names[i]) {
// set the name to the match
params[route.param_names[i]] = _decode(param);
} else {
// initialize 'splat'
if (!params.splat) { params.splat = []; }
// set event context
context = new this.context_prototype(this, verb, path, params);
// ensure arrays
arounds = this.arounds.slice(0);
befores = this.befores.slice(0);
// set the callback args to the context + contents of the splat
callback_args = [context].concat(params.splat);
// wrap the route up with the before filters
wrapped_route = function() {
var returned;
while (befores.length > 0) {
before = befores.shift();
// check the options
if (app.contextMatchesOptions(context, before[0])) {
returned = before[1].apply(context, [context]);
if (returned === false) { return false; }
app.last_route = route;
context.trigger('event-context-before', {context: context});
returned = route.callback.apply(context, callback_args);
context.trigger('event-context-after', {context: context});
return returned;
$.each(arounds.reverse(), function(i, around) {
var last_wrapped_route = wrapped_route;
wrapped_route = function() { return around.apply(context, [last_wrapped_route]); };
try {
final_returned = wrapped_route();
} catch(e) {
this.error(['500 Error', verb, path].join(' '), e);
return final_returned;
} else {
return this.notFound(verb, path);
// Matches an object of options against an <tt>EventContext</tt> like object that
// contains <tt>path</tt> and <tt>verb</tt> attributes. Internally Sammy uses this
// for matching <tt>before()</tt> filters against specific options. You can set the
// object to _only_ match certain paths or verbs, or match all paths or verbs _except_
// those that match the options.
// === Example
// var app = $.sammy(),
// context = {verb: 'get', path: '#/mypath'};
// // match against a path string
// app.contextMatchesOptions(context, '#/mypath'); //=> true
// app.contextMatchesOptions(context, '#/otherpath'); //=> false
// // equivilent to
// app.contextMatchesOptions(context, {only: {path:'#/mypath'}}); //=> true
// app.contextMatchesOptions(context, {only: {path:'#/otherpath'}}); //=> false
// // match against a path regexp
// app.contextMatchesOptions(context, /path/); //=> true
// app.contextMatchesOptions(context, /^path/); //=> false
// // match only a verb
// app.contextMatchesOptions(context, {only: {verb:'get'}}); //=> true
// app.contextMatchesOptions(context, {only: {verb:'post'}}); //=> false
// // match all except a verb
// app.contextMatchesOptions(context, {except: {verb:'post'}}); //=> true
// app.contextMatchesOptions(context, {except: {verb:'get'}}); //=> false
// // match all except a path
// app.contextMatchesOptions(context, {except: {path:'#/otherpath'}}); //=> true
// app.contextMatchesOptions(context, {except: {path:'#/mypath'}}); //=> false
contextMatchesOptions: function(context, match_options, positive) {
// empty options always match
var options = match_options;
if (typeof options === 'undefined' || options == {}) {
return true;
if (typeof positive === 'undefined') {
positive = true;
// normalize options
if (typeof options === 'string' || $.isFunction(options.test)) {
options = {path: options};
if (options.only) {
return this.contextMatchesOptions(context, options.only, true);
} else if (options.except) {
return this.contextMatchesOptions(context, options.except, false);
var path_matched = true, verb_matched = true;
if (options.path) {
// wierd regexp test
if ($.isFunction(options.path.test)) {
path_matched = options.path.test(context.path);
} else {
path_matched = (options.path.toString() === context.path);
if (options.verb) {
verb_matched = options.verb === context.verb;
return positive ? (verb_matched && path_matched) : !(verb_matched && path_matched);
// Delegates to the <tt>location_proxy</tt> to get the current location.
// See <tt>Sammy.HashLocationProxy</tt> for more info on location proxies.
getLocation: function() {
return this.location_proxy.getLocation();
// Delegates to the <tt>location_proxy</tt> to set the current location.
// See <tt>Sammy.HashLocationProxy</tt> for more info on location proxies.
// === Arguments
// +new_location+:: A new location string (e.g. '#/')
setLocation: function(new_location) {
return this.location_proxy.setLocation(new_location);
// Swaps the content of <tt>$element()</tt> with <tt>content</tt>
// You can override this method to provide an alternate swap behavior
// for <tt>EventContext.partial()</tt>.
// === Example
// var app = $.sammy(function() {
// // implements a 'fade out'/'fade in'
// this.swap = function(content) {
// this.$element().hide('slow').html(content).show('slow');
// }
// get('#/', function() {
// this.partial('index.html.erb') // will fade out and in
// });
// });
swap: function(content) {
return this.$element().html(content);
// This thows a '404 Not Found' error by invoking <tt>error()</tt>.
// Override this method or <tt>error()</tt> to provide custom
// 404 behavior (i.e redirecting to / or showing a warning)
notFound: function(verb, path) {
var ret = this.error(['404 Not Found', verb, path].join(' '));
return (verb === 'get') ? ret : true;
// The base error handler takes a string <tt>message</tt> and an <tt>Error</tt>
// object. If <tt>raise_errors</tt> is set to <tt>true</tt> on the app level,
// this will re-throw the error to the browser. Otherwise it will send the error
// to <tt>log()</tt>. Override this method to provide custom error handling
// e.g logging to a server side component or displaying some feedback to the
// user.
error: function(message, original_error) {
if (!original_error) { original_error = new Error(); }
original_error.message = [message, original_error.message].join(' ');
this.trigger('error', {message: original_error.message, error: original_error});
if (this.raise_errors) {
} else {
this.log(original_error.message, original_error);
_checkLocation: function() {
var location, returned;
// get current location
location = this.getLocation();
// compare to see if hash has changed
if (location != this.last_location) {
// lookup route for current hash
returned = this.runRoute('get', location);
// reset last location
this.last_location = location;
return returned;
_checkFormSubmission: function(form) {
var $form, path, verb, params, returned;
this.trigger('check-form-submission', {form: form});
$form = $(form);
path = $form.attr('action');
verb = $.trim($form.attr('method').toString().toLowerCase());
if (!verb || verb == '') { verb = 'get'; }
this.log('_checkFormSubmission', $form, path, verb);
params = $.extend({}, this._parseFormParams($form), {'$form': $form});
returned = this.runRoute(verb, path, params);
return (typeof returned == 'undefined') ? false : returned;
_parseFormParams: function($form) {
var params = {};
$.each($form.serializeArray(), function(i, field) {
if (params[]) {
if ($.isArray(params[])) {
} else {
params[] = [params[], field.value];
} else {
params[] = field.value;
return params;
_parseQueryString: function(path) {
var query = {}, parts, pairs, pair, i;
parts = path.match(QUERY_STRING_MATCHER);
if (parts) {
pairs = parts[1].split('&');
for (i = 0; i < pairs.length; i += 1) {
pair = pairs[i].split('=');
query[pair[0]] = _decode(pair[1]);
return query;
_listen: function(name, callback) {
return this.$element().bind([name, this.eventNamespace()].join('.'), callback);
_unlisten: function(name, callback) {
return this.$element().unbind([name, this.eventNamespace()].join('.'), callback);
// <tt>Sammy.EventContext</tt> objects are created every time a route is run or a
// bound event is triggered. The callbacks for these events are evaluated within a <tt>Sammy.EventContext</tt>
// This within these callbacks the special methods of <tt>EventContext</tt> are available.
// === Example
// $.sammy(function() { with(this) {
// // The context here is this Sammy.Application
// get('#/:name', function() { with(this) {
// // The context here is a new Sammy.EventContext
// if (params['name'] == 'sammy') {
// partial('name.html.erb', {name: 'Sammy'});
// } else {
// redirect('#/somewhere-else')
// }
// }});
// }});
// Initialize a new EventContext
// === Arguments
// +app+:: The <tt>Sammy.Application</tt> this event is called within.
// +verb+:: The verb invoked to run this context/route.
// +path+:: The string path invoked to run this context/route.
// +params+:: An Object of optional params to pass to the context. Is converted
// to a <tt>Sammy.Object</tt>.
Sammy.EventContext = function(app, verb, path, params) { = app;
this.verb = verb;
this.path = path;
this.params = new Sammy.Object(params);
Sammy.EventContext.prototype = $.extend({}, Sammy.Object.prototype, {
// A shortcut to the app's <tt>$element()</tt>
$element: function() {
// Used for rendering remote templates or documents within the current application/DOM.
// By default Sammy and <tt>partial()</tt> know nothing about how your templates
// should be interpeted/rendered. This is easy to change, though. <tt>partial()</tt> looks
// for a method in <tt>EventContext</tt> that matches the extension of the file you're
// fetching (e.g. 'myfile.template' will look for a template() method, 'myfile.haml' => haml(), etc.)
// If no matching render method is found it just takes the file contents as is.
// If you're templates have different (or no) extensions, and you want to render them all
// through the same engine, you can set the default/fallback template engine on the app level
// by setting <tt>app.template_engine</tt> to the name of the engine or a <tt>function() {}</tt>
// === Caching
// If you use the <tt>Sammy.Cache</tt> plugin, remote requests will be automatically cached unless
// you explicitly set <tt>cache_partials</tt> to <tt>false</tt>
// === Example
// There are a couple different ways to use <tt>partial()</tt>:
// partial('doc.html');
// //=> Replaces $element() with the contents of doc.html
// use(Sammy.Template);
// //=> includes the template() method
// partial('doc.template', {name: 'Sammy'});
// //=> Replaces $element() with the contents of doc.template run through <tt>template()</tt>
// partial('doc.html', function(data) {
// // data is the contents of the template.
// $('.other-selector').html(data);
// });
// === Iteration/Arrays
// If the data object passed to <tt>partial()</tt> is an Array, <tt>partial()</tt>
// will itterate over each element in data calling the callback with the
// results of interpolation and the index of the element in the array.
// use(Sammy.Template);
// // item.template => "<li>I'm an item named <%= name %></li>"
// partial('item.template', [{name: "Item 1"}, {name: "Item 2"}])
// //=> Replaces $element() with:
// // <li>I'm an item named Item 1</li><li>I'm an item named Item 2</li>
// partial('item.template', [{name: "Item 1"}, {name: "Item 2"}], function(rendered, i) {
// rendered; //=> <li>I'm an item named Item 1</li> // for each element in the Array
// i; // the 0 based index of the itteration
// });
partial: function(path, data, callback) {
var file_data,
cache_key = 'partial:' + path,
context = this;
// engine setup
if ((engine = path.match(/\.([^\.]+)$/))) { engine = engine[1]; }
// set the engine to the default template engine if no match is found
if ((!engine || !$.isFunction(context[engine])) && {
engine =;
if (engine && !$.isFunction(engine) && $.isFunction(context[engine])) {
engine = context[engine];
if (!callback && $.isFunction(data)) {
// callback is in the data position
callback = data;
data = {};
data_array = ($.isArray(data) ? data : [data || {}]);
wrapped_callback = function(response) {
var new_content = response,
all_content = "";
$.each(data_array, function(i, idata) {
// extend the data object with the context
$.extend(idata, context);
if ($.isFunction(engine)) {
new_content = engine.apply(context, [response, idata]);
// collect the content
all_content += new_content;
// if callback exists call it for each iteration
if (callback) {
// return the result of the callback
// (you can bail the loop by returning false)
return callback.apply(context, [new_content, i]);
if (!callback) { context.swap(all_content); }
if ( && this.cache(cache_key)) {
// try to load the template from the cache
wrapped_callback.apply(context, [this.cache(cache_key)]);
} else {
// the template wasnt cached, we need to fetch it
$.get(path, function(response) {
if ( { context.cache(cache_key, response); }
wrapped_callback.apply(context, [response]);
// Changes the location of the current window. If <tt>to</tt> begins with
// '#' it only changes the document's hash. If passed more than 1 argument
// redirect will join them together with forward slashes.
// === Example
// redirect('#/other/route');
// // equivilent to
// redirect('#', 'other', 'route');
redirect: function() {
var to, args = $.makeArray(arguments),
current_location =;
if (args.length > 1) {
to = this.join.apply(this, args);
} else {
to = args[0];
this.trigger('redirect', {to: to}); = this.path;;
if (current_location == to) {'location-changed');
// Triggers events on <tt>app</tt> within the current context.
trigger: function(name, data) {
if (typeof data == 'undefined') { data = {}; }
if (!data.context) { data.context = this; }
return, data);
// A shortcut to app's <tt>eventNamespace()</tt>
eventNamespace: function() {
// A shortcut to app's <tt>swap()</tt>
swap: function(contents) {
// Raises a possible <tt>notFound()</tt> error for the current path.
notFound: function() {
return, this.path);
// //=> Sammy.EventContext: get #/ {}
toString: function() {
return "Sammy.EventContext: " + [this.verb, this.path, this.params].join(' ');
// An alias to Sammy
$.sammy = window.Sammy = Sammy;
\ No newline at end of file
(function($) {
// Simple JavaScript Templating
// John Resig - - MIT Licensed
// adapted from:
// originally $.srender by Greg Borenstein in Feb 2009
// modified for Sammy by Aaron Quint for caching templates by name
var srender_cache = {};
var srender = function(name, template, data) {
// target is an optional element; if provided, the result will be inserted into it
// otherwise the result will simply be returned to the caller
if (srender_cache[name]) {
fn = srender_cache[name];
} else {
if (typeof template == 'undefined') {
// was a cache check, return false
return false;
// Generate a reusable function that will serve as a template
// generator (and which will be cached).
fn = srender_cache[name] = new Function("obj",
"var p=[],print=function(){p.push.apply(p,arguments);};" +
// Introduce the data as local variables using with(){}
"with(obj){p.push(\"" +
// Convert the template into pure JavaScript
.replace(/[\r\t\n]/g, " ")
.replace(/\"/g, '\\"')
.replace(/((^|%>)[^\t]*)/g, "$1\r")
.replace(/\t=(.*?)%>/g, "\",$1,\"")
+ "\");}return p.join('');");
if (typeof data != 'undefined') {
return fn(data);
} else {
return fn;
Sammy = Sammy || {};
// <tt>Sammy.Template</tt> is a simple plugin that provides a way to create
// and render client side templates. The rendering code is based on John Resig's
// quick templates and Greg Borenstien's srender plugin.
// This is also a great template/boilerplate for Sammy plugins.
// Templates use <% %> tags to denote embedded javascript.
// === Examples
// Here is an example template (user.template):
// <div class="user">
// <div class="user-name"><%= %></div>
// <% if (user.photo_url) { %>
// <div class="photo"><img src="<%= user.photo_url %>" /></div>
// <% } %>
// </div>
// Given that is a publicly accesible file, you would render it like:
// $.sammy(function() {
// // include the plugin
// this.use(Sammy.Template);
// this.get('#/', function() {
// // the template is rendered in the current context.
// this.user = {name: 'Aaron Quint'};
// // partial calls template() because of the file extension
// this.partial('user.template');
// })
// });
// You can also pass a second argument to use() that will alias the template
// method and therefore allow you to use a different extension for template files
// in <tt>partial()</tt>
// // alias to 'tpl'
// this.use(Sammy.Template, 'tpl');
// // now .tpl files will be run through srender
// this.get('#/', function() {
// this.partial('myfile.tpl');
// });
Sammy.Template = function(app, method_alias) {
// *Helper:* Uses simple templating to parse ERB like templates.
// === Arguments
// +template+:: A String template. '<% %>' tags are evaluated as Javascript and replaced with the elements in data.
// +data+:: An Object containing the replacement values for the template.
// data is extended with the <tt>EventContext</tt> allowing you to call its methods within the template.
// +name+:: An optional String name to cache the template.
var template = function(template, data, name) {
// use name for caching
if (typeof name == 'undefined') name = template;
return srender(name, template, $.extend({}, this, data));
// set the default method name/extension
if (!method_alias) method_alias = 'template';
// create the helper at the method alias
app.helper(method_alias, template);
\ No newline at end of file
# Sammy's Todos
This is a demo todo list app built on top of Sammy.js.
Original base code: [Brandon Aaron]( This version, refactored and rewritten: Addy Osmani
\ No newline at end of file
<p>Try clicking on one of your lists to the right.</p>
\ No newline at end of file
<li data-type="todo" data-id="<%= id %>" class="<%= done ? 'done' : '' %>">
<div class="todo">
<div class="display">
<input class="check" type="checkbox" <%= done ? 'checked' : '' %>/>
<span class="trashcan" data-type="todo" data-id="<%= id %>"></span>
<span contenteditable="true" data-type="todo" data-id="<%= id %>" class="todo-item"><%= name %></span>
<h2 data-type="list" data-id="<%= %>"></h2>
<% $.each(todos, function(index, todo) { %>
<li data-type="todo" data-id="<%= %>" class="<%= todo.done ? 'done' : '' %>">
<div class="todo">
<div class="display">
<input class="check" type="checkbox" <%= todo.done ? 'checked' : '' %>/>
<span class="trashcan" data-type="todo" data-id="<%= %>"></span><span contenteditable="true" data-type="todo" data-id="<%= %>" class="todo-item"><%= %></span>
<% }); %>
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