Commit 7d7d79e4 authored by Azamat's avatar Azamat

Updated vue.js to v0.11.6

parent 7cb5234b
......@@ -15,11 +15,9 @@ button {
font-weight: inherit;
color: inherit;
-webkit-appearance: none;
-ms-appearance: none;
appearance: none;
-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
-moz-font-smoothing: antialiased;
-ms-font-smoothing: antialiased;
font-smoothing: antialiased;
......@@ -33,7 +31,6 @@ body {
margin: 0 auto;
-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
-moz-font-smoothing: antialiased;
-ms-font-smoothing: antialiased;
font-smoothing: antialiased;
font-weight: 300;
......@@ -83,7 +80,6 @@ input[type="checkbox"] {
color: rgba(175, 47, 47, 0.15);
-webkit-text-rendering: optimizeLegibility;
-moz-text-rendering: optimizeLegibility;
-ms-text-rendering: optimizeLegibility;
text-rendering: optimizeLegibility;
......@@ -102,11 +98,9 @@ input[type="checkbox"] {
padding: 6px;
border: 1px solid #999;
box-shadow: inset 0 -1px 5px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
-ms-box-sizing: border-box;
box-sizing: border-box;
-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
-moz-font-smoothing: antialiased;
-ms-font-smoothing: antialiased;
font-smoothing: antialiased;
......@@ -191,7 +185,6 @@ label[for='toggle-all'] {
margin: auto 0;
border: none; /* Mobile Safari */
-webkit-appearance: none;
-ms-appearance: none;
appearance: none;
......@@ -323,19 +316,10 @@ html #clear-completed:active {
line-height: 20px;
text-decoration: none;
cursor: pointer;
visibility: hidden;
position: relative;
#clear-completed::after {
visibility: visible;
content: 'Clear completed';
position: absolute;
right: 0;
white-space: nowrap;
#clear-completed:hover::after {
#clear-completed:hover {
text-decoration: underline;
* Vue.js v0.11.5
* Vue.js v0.11.6
* (c) 2015 Evan You
* Released under the MIT License.
......@@ -17,41 +17,41 @@
return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
/******/ // The module cache
/******/ var installedModules = {};
/******/ // The require function
/******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {
/******/ // Check if module is in cache
/******/ if(installedModules[moduleId])
/******/ return installedModules[moduleId].exports;
/******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache)
/******/ var module = installedModules[moduleId] = {
/******/ exports: {},
/******/ id: moduleId,
/******/ loaded: false
/******/ };
/******/ // Execute the module function
/******/ modules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);
/******/ // Flag the module as loaded
/******/ module.loaded = true;
/******/ // Return the exports of the module
/******/ return module.exports;
/******/ }
/******/ // expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__)
/******/ __webpack_require__.m = modules;
/******/ // expose the module cache
/******/ __webpack_require__.c = installedModules;
/******/ // __webpack_public_path__
/******/ __webpack_require__.p = "";
/******/ // Load entry module and return exports
/******/ return __webpack_require__(0);
/******/ })
......@@ -191,7 +191,11 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
exports.extend = function (extendOptions) {
extendOptions = extendOptions || {}
var Super = this
var Sub = createClass( || 'VueComponent')
var Sub = createClass( || ||
Sub.prototype = Object.create(Super.prototype)
Sub.prototype.constructor = Sub
Sub.cid = cid++
......@@ -219,7 +223,7 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
function createClass (name) {
return new Function(
'return function ' + _.camelize(name, true) +
'return function ' + _.classify(name) +
' (options) { this._init(options) }'
......@@ -350,7 +354,14 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
// children
this._children = []
this._childCtors = {}
// transcluded components that belong to the parent
// transclusion unlink functions
this._containerUnlinkFn =
this._contentUnlinkFn = null
// transcluded components that belong to the parent.
// need to keep track of them so that we can call
// attached/detached hooks on them.
this._transCpnts = null
// merge options.
......@@ -527,7 +538,7 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
var _ = __webpack_require__(11)
var Observer = __webpack_require__(49)
var Dep = __webpack_require__(23)
var Dep = __webpack_require__(24)
* Setup the scope of an instance, which contains:
......@@ -647,7 +658,7 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
i = children.length
while (i--) {
var child = children[i]
if (child.$options.inherit) {
if (!child._repeat && child.$options.inherit) {
......@@ -745,7 +756,7 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var _ = __webpack_require__(11)
var Directive = __webpack_require__(24)
var Directive = __webpack_require__(23)
var compile = __webpack_require__(16)
var transclude = __webpack_require__(17)
......@@ -790,6 +801,13 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
compile(content, parentOptions, true)
// call content linker now, before transclusion
this._contentUnlinkFn = contentLinkFn(parent, content)
// mark all compiled nodes as transcluded, so that
// directives that do partial compilation, e.g. v-if
// and v-partial can detect them and persist them
// through re-compilations.
for (var i = 0; i < content.childNodes.length; i++) {
content.childNodes[i]._isContent = true
this._transCpnts = parent._children.slice(ol)
// tranclude, this possibly replaces original
......@@ -821,7 +839,8 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
exports._initElement = function (el) {
if (el instanceof DocumentFragment) {
this._isBlock = true
this.$el = this._blockStart = el.firstChild
this._blockStart = el.firstChild
this.$el = el.childNodes[1]
this._blockEnd = el.lastChild
this._blockFragment = el
} else {
......@@ -889,8 +908,12 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
// teardown all user watchers.
var watcher
for (i in this._userWatchers) {
watcher = this._userWatchers[i]
if (watcher) {
// remove reference to self on $el
if (this.$el) {
......@@ -955,7 +978,9 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
exports.$get = function (exp) {
var res = expParser.parse(exp)
if (res) {
return, this)
try {
return, this)
} catch (e) {}
......@@ -1528,7 +1553,7 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
if (!ChildVue) {
var optionName =
var className = optionName
? _.camelize(optionName, true)
? _.classify(optionName)
: 'VueComponent'
ChildVue = new Function(
'return function ' + className + ' (options) {' +
......@@ -1736,14 +1761,15 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
exports.currency = function (value, sign) {
value = parseFloat(value)
if (!value && value !== 0) return ''
if (!isFinite(value) || (!value && value !== 0)) return ''
sign = sign || '$'
var s = Math.floor(Math.abs(value)).toString(),
i = s.length % 3,
h = i > 0
? (s.slice(0, i) + (s.length > 3 ? ',' : ''))
: '',
f = '.' + value.toFixed(2).slice(-2)
v = Math.abs(parseInt((value * 100) % 100, 10)),
f = '.' + (v < 10 ? ('0' + v) : v)
return (value < 0 ? '-' : '') +
sign + h + s.slice(i).replace(digitsRE, '$1,') + f
......@@ -1809,6 +1835,7 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
_.extend(exports, __webpack_require__(48))
/***/ },
/* 14 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
......@@ -2194,11 +2221,17 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
module.exports = function compile (el, options, partial, asParent) {
var isBlock = el.nodeType === 11
var params = !partial && options.paramAttributes
// if el is a fragment, this is a block instance
// and paramAttributes will be stored on the first
// element in the template. (excluding the _blockStart
// comment node)
var paramsEl = isBlock ? el.childNodes[1] : el
var paramsLinkFn = params
? compileParamAttributes(el, params, options)
? compileParamAttributes(paramsEl, params, options)
: null
var nodeLinkFn = el instanceof DocumentFragment
var nodeLinkFn = isBlock
? null
: compileNode(el, options, asParent)
var childLinkFn =
......@@ -2220,7 +2253,10 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
return function link (vm, el) {
var originalDirCount = vm._directives.length
if (paramsLinkFn) paramsLinkFn(vm, el)
if (paramsLinkFn) {
var paramsEl = isBlock ? el.childNodes[1] : el
paramsLinkFn(vm, paramsEl)
// cache childNodes before linking parent, fix #657
var childNodes = _.toArray(el.childNodes)
if (nodeLinkFn) nodeLinkFn(vm, el)
......@@ -2786,9 +2822,7 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
if (options.replace) {
if (frag.childNodes.length > 1) {
transcludeContent(frag, rawContent)
// TODO: store directives on placeholder node
// and compile it somehow
// probably only check for v-with, v-ref & paramAttributes
_.copyAttributes(el, frag.firstChild)
return frag
} else {
var replacer = frag.firstChild
......@@ -2819,6 +2853,11 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
var i = outlets.length
if (!i) return
var outlet, select, selected, j, main
function isDirectChild (node) {
return node.parentNode === raw
// first pass, collect corresponding content
// for each outlet.
while (i--) {
......@@ -2827,11 +2866,15 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
select = outlet.getAttribute('select')
if (select) { // select content
selected = raw.querySelectorAll(select)
outlet.content = _.toArray(
? selected
: outlet.childNodes
if (selected.length) {
// according to Shadow DOM spec, `select` can
// only select direct children of the host node.
// enforcing this also fixes #786.
selected = [], isDirectChild)
outlet.content = selected.length
? selected
: _.toArray(outlet.childNodes)
} else { // default content
main = outlet
......@@ -3363,7 +3406,8 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
var args = filter.args
? ',"' + filter.args.join('","') + '"'
: ''
exp = 'this.$options.filters["' + + '"]' +
filter = 'this.$options.filters["' + + '"]'
exp = '(' + filter + '.read||' + filter + ')' +
'.apply(this,[' + exp + args + '])'
return exp
......@@ -3503,9 +3547,19 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
) {
return node.content
return tag === 'SCRIPT'
? stringToFragment(node.textContent)
: stringToFragment(node.innerHTML)
// script template
if (tag === 'SCRIPT') {
return stringToFragment(node.textContent)
// normal node, clone it to avoid mutating the original
var clone = exports.clone(node)
var frag = document.createDocumentFragment()
var child
/* jshint boss:true */
while (child = clone.firstChild) {
return frag
// Test for the presence of the Safari template cloning bug
......@@ -3800,7 +3854,7 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
var expressionCache = new Cache(1000)
var keywords =
'Math,break,case,catch,continue,debugger,default,' +
'Math,Date,break,case,catch,continue,debugger,default,' +
'delete,do,else,false,finally,for,function,if,in,' +
'instanceof,new,null,return,switch,this,throw,true,try,' +
'typeof,var,void,while,with,undefined,abstract,boolean,' +
......@@ -3812,11 +3866,12 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
var wsRE = /\s/g
var newlineRE = /\n/g
var saveRE = /[\{,]\s*[\w\$_]+\s*:|'[^']*'|"[^"]*"/g
var saveRE = /[\{,]\s*[\w\$_]+\s*:|('[^']*'|"[^"]*")|new /g
var restoreRE = /"(\d+)"/g
var pathTestRE = /^[A-Za-z_$][\w$]*(\.[A-Za-z_$][\w$]*|\['.*?'\]|\[".*?"\]|\[\d+\])*$/
var pathReplaceRE = /[^\w$\.]([A-Za-z_$][\w$]*(\.[A-Za-z_$][\w$]*|\['.*?'\]|\[".*?"\])*)/g
var keywordsRE = new RegExp('^(' + keywords.replace(/,/g, '\\b|') + '\\b)')
var booleanLiteralRE = /^(true|false)$/
* Save / Rewrite / Restore
......@@ -3833,13 +3888,23 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
* Save replacer
* The save regex can match two possible cases:
* 1. An opening object literal
* 2. A string
* If matched as a plain string, we need to escape its
* newlines, since the string needs to be preserved when
* generating the function body.
* @param {String} str
* @param {String} isString - str if matched as a string
* @return {String} - placeholder with index
function save (str) {
function save (str, isString) {
var i = saved.length
saved[i] = str.replace(newlineRE, '\\n')
saved[i] = isString
? str.replace(newlineRE, '\\n')
: str
return '"' + i + '"'
......@@ -4011,10 +4076,14 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
// we do a simple path check to optimize for them.
// the check fails valid paths with unusal whitespaces,
// but that's too rare and we don't care.
// also skip paths that start with global "Math"
var res = pathTestRE.test(exp) && exp.slice(0, 5) !== 'Math.'
? compilePathFns(exp)
: compileExpFns(exp, needSet)
// also skip boolean literals and paths that start with
// global "Math"
var res =
pathTestRE.test(exp) &&
!booleanLiteralRE.test(exp) &&
exp.slice(0, 5) !== 'Math.'
? compilePathFns(exp)
: compileExpFns(exp, needSet)
expressionCache.put(exp, res)
return res
......@@ -4024,61 +4093,6 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
/***/ },
/* 23 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var uid = 0
* A dep is an observable that can have multiple
* directives subscribing to it.
* @constructor
function Dep () { = ++uid
this.subs = []
var p = Dep.prototype
* Add a directive subscriber.
* @param {Directive} sub
p.addSub = function (sub) {
* Remove a directive subscriber.
* @param {Directive} sub
p.removeSub = function (sub) {
if (this.subs.length) {
var i = this.subs.indexOf(sub)
if (i > -1) this.subs.splice(i, 1)
* Notify all subscribers of a new value.
p.notify = function () {
for (var i = 0, subs = this.subs; i < subs.length; i++) {
module.exports = Dep
/***/ },
/* 24 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var _ = __webpack_require__(11)
......@@ -4304,6 +4318,64 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
module.exports = Directive
/***/ },
/* 24 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var uid = 0
var _ = __webpack_require__(11)
* A dep is an observable that can have multiple
* directives subscribing to it.
* @constructor
function Dep () { = ++uid
this.subs = []
var p = Dep.prototype
* Add a directive subscriber.
* @param {Directive} sub
p.addSub = function (sub) {
* Remove a directive subscriber.
* @param {Directive} sub
p.removeSub = function (sub) {
if (this.subs.length) {
var i = this.subs.indexOf(sub)
if (i > -1) this.subs.splice(i, 1)
* Notify all subscribers of a new value.
p.notify = function () {
// stablize the subscriber list first
var subs = _.toArray(this.subs)
for (var i = 0, l = subs.length; i < l; i++) {
module.exports = Dep
/***/ },
/* 25 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
......@@ -4339,8 +4411,8 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap = ++uid // uid for batching = true
options = options || {}
this.deep = options.deep
this.user = options.user
this.deep = !!options.deep
this.user = !!options.user
this.deps = Object.create(null)
// setup filters if any.
// We delegate directive filters here to the watcher
......@@ -4578,7 +4650,7 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
exports.isReserved = function (str) {
var c = str.charCodeAt(0)
var c = (str + '').charCodeAt(0)
return c === 0x24 || c === 0x5F
......@@ -4628,6 +4700,17 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
: false
* Replace helper
* @param {String} _ - matched delimiter
* @param {String} c - matched char
* @return {String}
function toUpper (_, c) {
return c ? c.toUpperCase () : ''
* Camelize a hyphen-delmited string.
......@@ -4635,14 +4718,26 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
* @return {String}
var camelRE = /[-_](\w)/g
var capitalCamelRE = /(?:^|[-_])(\w)/g
var camelRE = /-(\w)/g
exports.camelize = function (str) {
return str.replace(camelRE, toUpper)
exports.camelize = function (str, cap) {
var RE = cap ? capitalCamelRE : camelRE
return str.replace(RE, function (_, c) {
return c ? c.toUpperCase () : ''
* Converts hyphen/underscore/slash delimitered names into
* camelized classNames.
* e.g. my-component => MyComponent
* some_else => SomeElse
* some/comp => SomeComp
* @param {String} str
* @return {String}
var classifyRE = /(?:^|[-_\/])(\w)/g
exports.classify = function (str) {
return str.replace(classifyRE, toUpper)
......@@ -4746,6 +4841,38 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
* Debounce a function so it only gets called after the
* input stops arriving after the given wait period.
* @param {Function} func
* @param {Number} wait
* @return {Function} - the debounced function
exports.debounce = function(func, wait) {
var timeout, args, context, timestamp, result
var later = function() {
var last = - timestamp
if (last < wait && last >= 0) {
timeout = setTimeout(later, wait - last)
} else {
timeout = null
result = func.apply(context, args)
if (!timeout) context = args = null
return function() {
context = this
args = arguments
timestamp =
if (!timeout) {
timeout = setTimeout(later, wait)
return result
/***/ },
/* 27 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
......@@ -4772,55 +4899,50 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
* Defer a task to execute it asynchronously. Ideally this
* should be executed as a microtask, so we leverage
* MutationObserver if it's available.
* If the user has included a setImmediate polyfill, we can
* also use that. In Node we actually prefer setImmediate to
* process.nextTick so we don't block the I/O.
* Finally, fallback to setTimeout(0) if nothing else works.
* MutationObserver if it's available, and fallback to
* setTimeout(0).
* @param {Function} cb
* @param {Object} ctx
var defer
/* istanbul ignore if */
if (typeof MutationObserver !== 'undefined') {
defer = deferFromMutationObserver(MutationObserver)
} else
/* istanbul ignore if */
if (typeof WebkitMutationObserver !== 'undefined') {
defer = deferFromMutationObserver(WebkitMutationObserver)
} else {
defer = setTimeout
/* istanbul ignore next */
function deferFromMutationObserver (Observer) {
var queue = []
var node = document.createTextNode('0')
var i = 0
new Observer(function () {
var l = queue.length
for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) {
exports.nextTick = (function () {
var callbacks = []
var pending = false
var timerFunc
function handle () {
pending = false
var copies = callbacks.slice(0)
callbacks = []
for (var i = 0; i < copies.length; i++) {
queue = queue.slice(l)
}).observe(node, { characterData: true })
return function mutationObserverDefer (cb) {
node.nodeValue = (i = ++i % 2)
exports.nextTick = function (cb, ctx) {
if (ctx) {
defer(function () { }, 0)
/* istanbul ignore if */
if (typeof MutationObserver !== 'undefined') {
var counter = 1
var observer = new MutationObserver(handle)
var textNode = document.createTextNode(counter)
observer.observe(textNode, {
characterData: true
timerFunc = function () {
counter = (counter + 1) % 2 = counter
} else {
defer(cb, 0)
timerFunc = setTimeout
return function (cb, ctx) {
var func = ctx
? function () { }
: cb
if (pending) return
pending = true
timerFunc(handle, 0)
* Detect if we are in IE9...
......@@ -4865,6 +4987,11 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
* Check if a node is in the document.
* Note: document.documentElement.contains should work here
* but always returns false for comment nodes in phantomjs,
* making unit tests difficult. This is fixed byy doing the
* contains() check on the node's parentNode instead of
* the node itself.
* @param {Node} node
* @return {Boolean}
......@@ -4875,7 +5002,10 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
exports.inDoc = function (node) {
return doc && doc.contains(node)
var parent = node && node.parentNode
return doc === node ||
doc === parent ||
!!(parent && parent.nodeType === 1 && (doc.contains(parent)))
......@@ -4898,7 +5028,7 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
* Insert el before target
* @param {Element} el
* @param {Element} target
* @param {Element} target
exports.before = function (el, target) {
......@@ -4909,7 +5039,7 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
* Insert el after target
* @param {Element} el
* @param {Element} target
* @param {Element} target
exports.after = function (el, target) {
......@@ -4934,7 +5064,7 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
* Prepend el to target
* @param {Element} el
* @param {Element} target
* @param {Element} target
exports.prepend = function (el, target) {
......@@ -5043,14 +5173,17 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
* container div
* @param {Element} el
* @param {Boolean} asFragment
* @return {Element}
exports.extractContent = function (el) {
exports.extractContent = function (el, asFragment) {
var child
var rawContent
if (el.hasChildNodes()) {
rawContent = document.createElement('div')
rawContent = asFragment
? document.createDocumentFragment()
: document.createElement('div')
/* jshint boss:true */
while (child = el.firstChild) {
......@@ -5059,6 +5192,7 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
return rawContent
/***/ },
/* 29 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
......@@ -5520,6 +5654,7 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
// same logic reuse from v-if
compile: vIf.compile,
teardown: vIf.teardown,
unbind: vIf.unbind,
bind: function () {
var el = this.el
......@@ -5548,7 +5683,7 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
var partial = this.vm.$options.partials[id]
_.assertAsset(partial, 'partial', id)
if (partial) {
this.compile(templateParser.parse(partial, true))
......@@ -5674,6 +5809,11 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
if (this.keepAlive) {
this.cache = {}
// check inline-template
if (this._checkParam('inline-template') !== null) {
// extract inline template as a DocumentFragment
this.template = _.extractContent(this.el, true)
// if static, build right now.
if (!this._isDynamicLiteral) {
......@@ -5724,6 +5864,7 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
if (this.Ctor) {
var child = vm.$addChild({
el: el,
template: this.template,
_asComponent: true
}, this.Ctor)
if (this.keepAlive) {
......@@ -5870,6 +6011,7 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
var _ = __webpack_require__(11)
var config = __webpack_require__(15)
var isObject = _.isObject
var isPlainObject = _.isPlainObject
var textParser = __webpack_require__(19)
......@@ -5918,8 +6060,8 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
this.idKey =
this._checkParam('track-by') ||
this._checkParam('trackby') // 0.11.0 compat
// cache for primitive value instances
this.cache = Object.create(null)
......@@ -5967,7 +6109,12 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
this.template = transclude(this.template)
this._linkFn = compile(this.template, options)
} else {
this._asComponent = true
this.asComponent = true
// check inline-template
if (this._checkParam('inline-template') !== null) {
// extract inline template as a DocumentFragment
this.inlineTempalte = _.extractContent(this.el, true)
var tokens = textParser.parse(id)
if (!tokens) { // static component
var Ctor = this.Ctor = options.components[id]
......@@ -5983,6 +6130,7 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
var merged = mergeOptions(Ctor.options, {}, {
$parent: this.vm
merged.template = this.inlineTempalte || merged.template
this.template = transclude(this.template, merged)
this._linkFn = compile(this.template, merged, false, true)
......@@ -5994,18 +6142,48 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
* Check what strategy to use for updates.
* If the repeat is simple enough we can use in-place
* updates which simply overwrites existing instances'
* data. This strategy reuses DOM nodes and instances
* as much as possible.
* There are two situations where we have to use the
* more complex but more accurate diff algorithm:
* 1. We are using components with or inside v-repeat.
* The components could have private state that needs
* to be preserved across updates.
* 2. We have transitions on the list, which requires
* precise DOM re-positioning.
checkUpdateStrategy: function () {
this.needDiff =
this.asComponent ||
this.el.hasAttribute(config.prefix + 'transition') ||
this.template.querySelector('[' + config.prefix + 'component]')
* Update.
* This is called whenever the Array mutates.
* @param {Array} data
* @param {Array|Number|String} data
update: function (data) {
if (typeof data === 'number') {
data = data || []
var type = typeof data
if (type === 'number') {
data = range(data)
} else if (type === 'string') {
data = _.toArray(data)
this.vms = this.diff(data || [], this.vms)
this.vms = this.needDiff
? this.diff(data, this.vms)
: this.inplaceUpdate(data, this.vms)
// update v-ref
if (this.refID) {
this.vm.$[this.refID] = this.vms
......@@ -6017,6 +6195,43 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
* Inplace update that maximally reuses existing vm
* instances and DOM nodes by simply swapping data into
* existing vms.
* @param {Array} data
* @param {Array} oldVms
* @return {Array}
inplaceUpdate: function (data, oldVms) {
oldVms = oldVms || []
var vms
var dir = this
var alias = dir.arg
var converted = dir.converted
if (data.length < oldVms.length) {
oldVms.slice(data.length).forEach(function (vm) {
vms = oldVms.slice(0, data.length)
overwrite(data, vms, alias, converted)
} else if (data.length > oldVms.length) {
var newVms = data.slice(oldVms.length).map(function (data, i) {
var vm =, i + oldVms.length)
return vm
overwrite(data.slice(0, oldVms.length), oldVms, alias, converted)
vms = oldVms.concat(newVms)
} else {
overwrite(data, oldVms, alias, converted)
vms = oldVms
return vms
* Diff, based on new data and old data, determine the
* minimum amount of DOM manipulations needed to make the
......@@ -6047,13 +6262,13 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
// instance.
for (i = 0, l = data.length; i < l; i++) {
obj = data[i]
raw = converted ? obj.value : obj
raw = converted ? obj.$value : obj
vm = !init && this.getVm(raw)
if (vm) { // reusable instance
vm._reused = true
vm.$index = i // update $index
if (converted) {
vm.$key = obj.key // update $key
vm.$key = obj.$key // update $key
if (idKey) { // swap track by id data
if (alias) {
......@@ -6063,8 +6278,9 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
} else { // new instance
vm =, i)
vm =, i, true)
vm._new = true
vm._reused = false
vms[i] = vm
// insert if this is first run
......@@ -6129,17 +6345,18 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
* @param {Object} data
* @param {Number} index
* @param {Boolean} needCache
build: function (data, index) {
build: function (data, index, needCache) {
var original = data
var meta = { $index: index }
if (this.converted) {
meta.$key = original.key
meta.$key = original.$key
var raw = this.converted ? data.value : data
var raw = this.converted ? data.$value : data
var alias = this.arg
var hasAlias = !isPlainObject(raw) || alias
var hasAlias = !isObject(raw) || !isPlainObject(data) || alias
// wrap the raw data with alias
data = hasAlias ? {} : raw
if (alias) {
......@@ -6151,14 +6368,30 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
var Ctor = this.Ctor || this.resolveCtor(data, meta)
var vm = this.vm.$addChild({
el: templateParser.clone(this.template),
_asComponent: this._asComponent,
_asComponent: this.asComponent,
_linkFn: this._linkFn,
_meta: meta,
data: data,
inherit: this.inherit
inherit: this.inherit,
template: this.inlineTempalte
}, Ctor)
// flag this instance as a repeat instance
// so that we can skip it in vm._digest
vm._repeat = true
// cache instance
this.cacheVm(raw, vm)
if (needCache) {
this.cacheVm(raw, vm)
// sync back changes for $value, particularly for
// two-way bindings of primitive values
var self = this
vm.$watch('$value', function (val) {
if (self.converted) {
self.rawValue[vm.$key] = val
} else {
self.rawValue.$set(vm.$index, val)
return vm
......@@ -6204,7 +6437,9 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
var vm
while (i--) {
vm = this.vms[i]
if (this.needDiff) {
......@@ -6231,7 +6466,7 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
if (!cache[id]) {
cache[id] = vm
} else {
_.warn('Duplicate ID in v-repeat: ' + id)
_.warn('Duplicate track-by key in v-repeat: ' + id)
} else if (isObject(data)) {
id =
......@@ -6240,7 +6475,8 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
data[id] = vm
} else {
'Duplicate objects are not supported in v-repeat.'
'Duplicate objects are not supported in v-repeat ' +
'when using components or transitions.'
} else {
......@@ -6339,6 +6575,8 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
function objToArray (obj) {
// regardless of type, store the un-filtered raw value.
this.rawValue = obj
if (!isPlainObject(obj)) {
return obj
......@@ -6349,8 +6587,8 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
while (i--) {
key = keys[i]
res[i] = {
key: key,
value: obj[key]
$key: key,
$value: obj[key]
// `this` points to the repeat directive instance
......@@ -6374,6 +6612,35 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
return ret
* Helper function to overwrite new data Array on to
* existing vms. Used in `inplaceUpdate`.
* @param {Array} arr
* @param {Array} vms
* @param {String|undefined} alias
* @param {Boolean} converted
function overwrite (arr, vms, alias, converted) {
var vm, data, raw
for (var i = 0, l = arr.length; i < l; i++) {
vm = vms[i]
data = raw = arr[i]
if (converted) {
vm.$key = data.$key
raw = data.$value
if (alias) {
vm[alias] = raw
} else if (!isObject(raw)) {
vm.$value = raw
} else {
/***/ },
/* 45 */
/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
......@@ -6392,11 +6659,15 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
this.end = document.createComment('v-if-end')
_.replace(el, this.end)
_.before(this.start, this.end)
// Note: content transclusion is not available for
// <template> blocks
if (el.tagName === 'TEMPLATE') {
this.template = templateParser.parse(el, true)
} else {
this.template = document.createDocumentFragment()
// compile the nested partial
this.linker = compile(
......@@ -6413,32 +6684,67 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
// check if there are any content nodes from parent.
// these nodes are compiled by the parent and should
// not be cloned during a re-compilation - otherwise the
// parent directives bound to them will no longer work.
// (see #736)
checkContent: function () {
var el = this.el
for (var i = 0; i < el.childNodes.length; i++) {
var node = el.childNodes[i]
// _isContent is a flag set in instance/compile
// after the raw content has been compiled by parent
if (node._isContent) {
;(this.contentNodes = this.contentNodes || []).push(node)
;(this.contentPositions = this.contentPositions || []).push(i)
// keep track of any transcluded components contained within
// the conditional block. we need to call attach/detach hooks
// for them.
this.transCpnts =
this.vm._transCpnts &&
this.vm._transCpnts.filter(function (c) {
return el.contains(c.$el)
update: function (value) {
if (this.invalid) return
if (value) {
// avoid duplicate compiles, since update() can be
// called with different truthy values
if (!this.unlink) {
var frag = templateParser.clone(this.template)
// persist content nodes from parent.
if (this.contentNodes) {
var el = frag.childNodes[0]
for (var i = 0, l = this.contentNodes.length; i < l; i++) {
var node = this.contentNodes[i]
var j = this.contentPositions[i]
el.replaceChild(node, el.childNodes[j])
} else {
insert: function () {
// avoid duplicate inserts, since update() can be
// called with different truthy values
if (!this.unlink) {
compile: function (template) {
// NOTE: this function is shared in v-partial
compile: function (frag) {
var vm = this.vm
var frag = templateParser.clone(template)
var originalChildLength = vm._children.length
this.unlink = this.linker
? this.linker(vm, frag)
: vm.$compile(frag)
transition.blockAppend(frag, this.end, vm)
this.children = vm._children.slice(originalChildLength)
if (this.transCpnts) {
this.children = this.children.concat(this.transCpnts)
if (this.children.length && _.inDoc(vm.$el)) {
this.children.forEach(function (child) {
......@@ -6446,6 +6752,7 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
// NOTE: this function is shared in v-partial
teardown: function () {
if (!this.unlink) return
transition.blockRemove(this.start, this.end, this.vm)
......@@ -6458,6 +6765,11 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
this.unlink = null
// NOTE: this function is shared in v-partial
unbind: function () {
if (this.unlink) this.unlink()
......@@ -6639,8 +6951,8 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
// sort on a copy to avoid mutating original array
return arr.slice().sort(function (a, b) {
a = Path.get(a, key)
b = Path.get(b, key)
a = _.isObject(a) ? Path.get(a, key) : a
b = _.isObject(b) ? Path.get(b, key) : b
return a === b ? 0 : a > b ? order : -order
......@@ -6670,7 +6982,7 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
var _ = __webpack_require__(11)
var config = __webpack_require__(15)
var Dep = __webpack_require__(23)
var Dep = __webpack_require__(24)
var arrayMethods = __webpack_require__(54)
var arrayKeys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(arrayMethods)
......@@ -7715,6 +8027,9 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
module.exports = function (el, direction, op, data, def, vm, cb) {
// if the element is the root of an instance,
// use that instance as the transition function context
vm = el.__vue__ || vm
if (data.cancel) {
data.cancel = null
......@@ -7763,6 +8078,8 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
var lazy = this._checkParam('lazy') != null
// - number: cast value into number when updating model.
var number = this._checkParam('number') != null
// - debounce: debounce the input listener
var debounce = parseInt(this._checkParam('debounce'), 10)
// handle composition events.
......@@ -7793,7 +8110,8 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
// the input with the filtered value.
// also force update for type="range" inputs to enable
// "lock in range" (see #506)
this.listener = this.filters || el.type === 'range'
var hasReadFilter = this.filters &&
this.listener = hasReadFilter || el.type === 'range'
? function textInputListener () {
if (cpLocked) return
var charsOffset
......@@ -7829,8 +8147,26 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
if (debounce) {
this.listener = _.debounce(this.listener, debounce)
this.event = lazy ? 'change' : 'input'
_.on(el, this.event, this.listener)
// Support jQuery events, since jQuery.trigger() doesn't
// trigger native events in some cases and some plugins
// rely on $.trigger()
// We want to make sure if a listener is attached using
// jQuery, it is also removed with jQuery, that's why
// we do the check for each directive instance and
// store that check result on itself. This also allows
// easier test coverage control by unsetting the global
// jQuery variable in tests.
this.hasjQuery = typeof jQuery === 'function'
if (this.hasjQuery) {
jQuery(el).on(this.event, this.listener)
} else {
_.on(el, this.event, this.listener)
// IE9 doesn't fire input event on backspace/del/cut
if (!lazy && _.isIE9) {
......@@ -7863,7 +8199,11 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
unbind: function () {
var el = this.el, this.event, this.listener)
if (this.hasjQuery) {
jQuery(el).off(this.event, this.listener)
} else {, this.event, this.listener)
},'compositionstart', this.cpLock),'compositionend', this.cpUnlock)
if (this.onCut) {
......@@ -7911,6 +8251,7 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
var _ = __webpack_require__(11)
var Watcher = __webpack_require__(25)
var dirParser = __webpack_require__(21)
module.exports = {
......@@ -7929,7 +8270,9 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
? getMultiValue(el)
: el.value
value = self.number
? _.toNumber(value)
? _.isArray(value)
: _.toNumber(value)
: value
self.set(value, true)
......@@ -7970,6 +8313,7 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
function initOptions (expression) {
var self = this
var descriptor = dirParser.parse(expression)[0]
function optionUpdateWatcher (value) {
if (_.isArray(value)) {
self.el.innerHTML = ''
......@@ -7983,9 +8327,12 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
this.optionWatcher = new Watcher(
{ deep: true }
deep: true,
filters: _.resolveFilters(this.vm, descriptor.filters)
// update with initial value
......@@ -8038,7 +8385,7 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
if (initValue) {
if (typeof initValue !== 'undefined') {
this._initValue = this.number
? _.toNumber(initValue)
: initValue
......@@ -8116,3 +8463,4 @@ return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
/***/ }
/******/ ])
\ No newline at end of file
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