*[`meld()`](docs/api.md#adding-aspects) is now a function that adds aspects.
***DEPRECATED:**`meld.add()`. Use `meld()` instead.
### 1.2.2
* Remove stray `console.log`.
### 1.2.1
* Fix for IE8-specific issue with meld's internal use of `Object.defineProperty`.
* Internally shim Object.create if not available to so that meld no longer requires an Object.create shim to advise constructors in pre-ES5 environments.
### 1.2.0
*`meld.joinpoint()` - [Access the current joinpoint](docs/api.md#meldjoinpoint) from any advice type.
*[Bundled aspects](docs/aspects.md):
* trace: trace method call entry/return/throw
* memoize: simple memoization for methods and functions
* cache: configurable caching aspect to do more than simple memoization
### 1.1.0
* Advice can be applied directly to methods on a function.
* Removed undocumented behavior that implicitly adds constructor prototype advice: to advise a prototype, pass the prototype as the advice target.
### 1.0.0
***Removed browser global** - `window.meld` is no longer supported. See [this post on the cujo.js Google Group](https://groups.google.com/d/topic/cujojs/K0VGuvpYQ34/discussion) for an explanation.
* No functional change beyond browser global removal.
### 0.8.0
* 1.0.0 Release Candidate 1
* Documentation! Check out the new [reference](docs/reference.md) and [api](docs/api.md) docs.
***Deprecated browser global** - meld.js will drop support for browser global for 1.0.0 and will support modular environments only.
### 0.7.2
* Fix for context when advising constructors: `this` is now the constructed instance in all advice functions.
### 0.7.1
* Fix for global name when using meld as a browser global. Thanks [@scothis](https://github.com/scothis)
* Update unit tests to run in browser using `buster server`, in addition to node. Thanks again, [@scothis](https://github.com/scothis) :)
### 0.7.0
* Advice can be applied directly to functions without a context.
* Advice can be applied to constructors.
*`joinpoint.proceed()` can be called multiple times. This makes it possible to implement "retry" types of advice.
### 0.6.0
* aop.js is now meld.js
* Use [Travis CI](http://travis-ci.org/cujojs/meld)
### 0.5.4
* Optimizations to run time advice invocation, especially around advice
* Fix for passing new args to `joinpoint.proceed()` in around advice
* Added `joinpoint.proceedApply(array)` for proceeding and supplying new arguments as an array
* Ported unit tests to [BusterJS](http://busterjs.org)
### 0.5.3
* First official release as part of [cujojs](http://github.com/cujojs)
* Minor doc and package.json tweaks
### 0.5.2
* Revert to larger, more builder-friendly module boilerplate. No functional change.
### 0.5.1
* Minor corrections and updates to `package.json`
### 0.5.0
* Rewritten Advisor that allows entire aspects to be unwoven (removed) easily.
[Aspect Oriented Programming](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aspect-oriented_programming"Aspect-oriented programming - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia") for Javascript. It allows you to change the behavior of, or add behavior to methods and functions (including constructors) *non-invasively*.
As a simple example, instead of changing code, you can use meld to log the result of `myObject.doSomething`:
// Call a function after myObject.doSomething returns
*[`meld()`](docs/api.md#adding-aspects) is now a function that adds aspects.
***DEPRECATED:**`meld.add()`. Use `meld()` instead.
### 1.2.2
* Remove stray `console.log`.
### 1.2.1
* Fix for IE8-specific issue with meld's internal use of `Object.defineProperty`.
* Internally shim Object.create if not available to so that meld no longer requires an Object.create shim to advise constructors in pre-ES5 environments.
### 1.2.0
*`meld.joinpoint()` - [Access the current joinpoint](docs/api.md#meldjoinpoint) from any advice type.
*[Bundled aspects](docs/aspects.md):
* trace: trace method call entry/return/throw
* memoize: simple memoization for methods and functions
* cache: configurable caching aspect to do more than simple memoization
### 1.1.0
* Advice can be applied directly to methods on a function.
* Removed undocumented behavior that implicitly adds constructor prototype advice: to advise a prototype, pass the prototype as the advice target.
### 1.0.0
***Removed browser global** - `window.meld` is no longer supported. See [this post on the cujo.js Google Group](https://groups.google.com/d/topic/cujojs/K0VGuvpYQ34/discussion) for an explanation.
* No functional change beyond browser global removal.
See the [full Changelog here](CHANGES.md)
# References
*[AspectJ](http://www.eclipse.org/aspectj/) and [Spring Framework AOP](http://static.springsource.org/spring/docs/3.0.x/reference/meld.html) for inspiration and great docs
* Implementation ideas from @phiggins42's [uber.js AOP](https://github.com/phiggins42/uber.js/blob/master/lib/meld.js)
* API ideas from [jquery-aop](http://code.google.com/p/jquery-aop/)
// TODO: this still doesn't work for IE6-8 since object.constructor && object.constructor.prototype are clobbered/replaced when using `new` on a constructor that has a prototype. srsly.
// devs will have to do the following if they want this to work in IE6-8:
* New [`when.settle`](docs/api.md#whensettle) that settles an array of promises, regardless of whether the fulfill or reject.
* New [`when/guard`](docs/api.md#whenguard) generalized concurrency guarding and limiting
* New [`promise.inspect`](docs/api.md#inspect) for synchronously getting a snapshot of a promise's state at a particular instant.
* Significant performance improvements when resolving promises with non-primitives (Arrays, Objects, etc.)
* Experimental [vert.x](http://vertx.io) support
***DEPRECATED**: `onFulfilled`, `onRejected`, `onProgress` handler arguments to `when.all`, `when.any`, `when.some`. Use the returned promise's `then()` (or `otherwise()`, `ensure()`, etc) to register handlers instead.
* For example, do this: `when.all(array).then(onFulfilled, onRejected)` instead of this: `when.all(array, onFulfilled, onRejected)`. The functionality is equivalent.
### 2.0.1
* Account for the fact that Mocha creates a global named `process`. Thanks [Narsul](https://github.com/cujojs/when/pull/136)
* New [`when/keys`](docs/api.md#object-keys) module with `all()` and `map()` for object keys/values.
* New [`promise.ensure`](docs/api.md#ensure) as a better, and safer, replacement for `promise.always`. [See discussion](https://github.com/cujojs/when/issues/103) as to why `promise.always` is mistake-prone.
*`lift()` is now the preferred name for what was `bind()` in [when/function](docs/api.md#synchronous-functions), [when/node/function](docs/api.md#node-style-asynchronous-functions), and [when/callbacks](docs/api.md#asynchronous-functions).
***DEPRECATED:**`bind()` in `when/function`, `when/node/function`, and `when/callbacks`. Use `lift()` instead.
### 1.8.1
* Last 1.x.x release before 2.0.0 barring critical fixes.
* To prepare for 2.0.0, [test your code against the dev-200 branch](https://github.com/cujojs/when/tree/dev-200). It is fully API compatible, but has fully asynchronous resolutions.
* Performance improvements for [when/function](docs/api.md#synchronous-functions).
*[Documentation](docs/api.md) updates and fixes. Thanks, [@unscriptable](https://github.com/unscriptable)!
***DEPRECATED:**`deferred.progress` and `deferred.resolver.progress`. Use [`deferred.notify`](docs/api.md#progress-events) and [`deferred.resolver.notify`](docs/api.md#progress-events) instead.
***DEPRECATED:**[`when.chain`](docs/api.md#whenchain). Use [`resolver.resolve(promise)`](docs/api.md#resolver) or `resolver.resolve(promise.yield)` ([see `promise.yield`](docs/api.md#yield)) instead.
***DEPRECATED:**`when/timed` module. Use [`when/delay`](docs/api.md#whendelay) and [`when/timeout`](docs/api.md#whentimeout) modules instead.
### 1.8.0
* New [when/function](docs/api.md#synchronous-functions), [when/node/function](docs/api.md#node-style-asynchronous-functions), and [when/callbacks](docs/api.md#asynchronous-functions) with functional programming goodness, and adapters for turning callback-based APIs into promise-based APIs. Kudos [@riccieri](https://github.com/riccieri)!
* New [when/unfold](docs/api.md#whenunfold), and [when/unfold/list](docs/api.md#whenunfoldlist) promise-aware anamorphic unfolds that can be used to generate and/or process unbounded lists.
* New [when/poll](docs/api.md#whenpoll) promise-based periodic polling and task execution. Kudos [@scothis](https://github.com/scothis)!
### 1.7.1
* Removed leftover internal usages of `deferred.then`.
*[when/debug](https://github.com/cujojs/when/wiki/when-debug) allows configuring the set of "fatal" error types that will be rethrown to the host env.
### 1.7.0
***DEPRECATED:**`deferred.then`[is deprecated](docs/api.md#deferred) and will be removed in an upcoming release. Use `deferred.promise.then` instead.
*[promise.yield](docs/api.md#yield)(promiseOrValue) convenience API for substituting a new value into a promise chain.
*[promise.spread](docs/api.md#spread)(variadicFunction) convenience API for spreading an array onto a fulfill handler that accepts variadic arguments. [Mmmm, buttery](http://s.shld.net/is/image/Sears/033W048977110001_20100422100331516?hei=1600&wid=1600&op_sharpen=1&resMode=sharp&op_usm=0.9,0.5,0,0)
* Doc improvements:
*[when()](docs/api.md#when) and [promise.then()](docs/api.md#main-promise-api) have more info about callbacks and chaining behavior.
* More info and clarifications about the roles of [Deferred](docs/api.md#deferred) and [Resolver](docs/api.md#resolver)
* Several minor clarifications for various APIs
* Internal improvements to assimilation and interoperability with other promise implementations.
### 1.6.1
* Fix for accidental coercion of non-promises. See [#62](https://github.com/cujojs/when/issues/60).
### 1.6.0
* New [when.join](docs/api.md#whenjoin) - Joins 2 or more promises together into a single promise.
*[when.some](docs/api.md#whensome) and [when.any](docs/api.md#whenany) now act like competitive races, and have generally more useful behavior. [Read the discussion in #60](https://github.com/cujojs/when/issues/60).
**Experimental* progress event propagation. Progress events will propagate through promise chains. [Read the details here](docs/api.md#progress-events).
**Temporarily* removed calls to `Object.freeze`. Promises are no longer frozen due to a horrendous v8 performance penalty. [Read discussion here](https://groups.google.com/d/topic/cujojs/w_olYqorbsY/discussion).
***IMPORTANT:** Continue to treat promises as if they are frozen, since `freeze()` will be reintroduced once v8 performance improves.
*[when/debug](https://github.com/cujojs/when/wiki/when-debug) now allows setting global a debugging callback for rejected promises.
### 1.5.2
* Integrate @domenic's [Promises/A Test Suite](https://github.com/domenic/promise-tests). Runs via `npm test`.
* No functional change
### 1.5.1
* Performance optimization for [when.defer](docs/api.md#whendefer), up to 1.5x in some cases.
*[when/debug](docs/api.md#whendebug) can now log exceptions and rejections in deeper promise chains, in some cases, even when the promises involved aren't when.js promises.
### 1.5.0
* New task execution and concurrency management: [when/sequence](docs/api.md#whensequence), [when/pipeline](docs/api.md#whenpipeline), and [when/parallel](docs/api.md#whenparallel).
* Performance optimizations for [when.all](docs/api.md#whenall) and [when.map](docs/api.md#whenmap), up to 2x in some cases.
* Options for disabling [paranoid mode](docs/api.md#paranoid-mode) that provides a significant performance gain in v8 (e.g. Node and Chrome). See this [v8 performance problem with Object.freeze](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8435080/any-performance-benefit-to-locking-down-javascript-objects) for more info.
***Important:**`deferred` and `deferred.resolver` no longer throw when resolved/rejected multiple times. They will return silently as if the they had succeeded. This prevents parties to whom *only* the `resolver` has been given from using `try/catch` to determine the state of the associated promise.
* For debugging, you can use the [when/debug](https://github.com/cujojs/when/wiki/when-debug) module, which will still throw when a deferred is resolved/rejected multiple times.
### 1.4.4
* Change UMD boilerplate to check for `exports` to avoid a problem with QUnit. See [#54](https://github.com/cujojs/when/issues/54) for more info.
### 1.4.3
* Fix for infinite promise coercion between when.js and Q (See [#50](https://github.com/cujojs/when/issues/50)). Thanks [@kriskowal](https://github.com/kriskowal) and [@domenic](https://github.com/domenic)
### 1.4.2
* Fix for IE8 infinite recursion (See [#49](https://github.com/cujojs/when/issues/49))
### 1.4.1
* Code and unit test cleanup and streamlining--no functional changes.
### 1.4.0
* Create a resolved promise: `when.resolve(value)` creates a resolved promise for `value`. See [API docs](docs/api.md#whenresolve).
* Resolve/reject return something useful: `deferred.resolve` and `deferred.reject` now return a promise for the fulfilled or rejected value.
* Resolve a deferred with another promise: `deferred.resolve(promise)` - when `promise` resolves or rejects, so will `deferred`.
### 1.3.0
* Fixed a deviation from the Promises/A spec where returning undefined from a callback or errback would cause the previous value to be forwarded. See [#31](https://github.com/cujojs/when/issues/31)
**This could be a breaking change* if you depended on this behavior. If you encounter problems, the solution is to ensure that your promise callbacks (registered either with `when()` or `.then()`) return what you intend, keeping in mind that not returning something is equivalent to returning `undefined`.
* This change also restores compatibility with the promises returned by `jQuery.get()`, which seem to reject with themselves as the rejection value. See [issue #41](https://github.com/cujojs/when/issues/43) for more information and discussion. Thanks to [@KidkArolis](https://github.com/KidkArolis) for raising the issue.
### 1.2.0
*`promise.otherwise(errback)` as a shortcut for `promise.then(null, errback)`. See discussion [here](https://github.com/cujojs/when/issues/13) and [here](https://github.com/cujojs/when/issues/29). Thanks to [@jonnyreeves](https://github.com/jonnyreeves/) for suggesting the name "otherwise".
*[when/debug](https://github.com/cujojs/when/wiki/when-debug) now detects exceptions that typically represent coding errors, such as SyntaxError, ReferenceError, etc. and propagates them to the host environment. In other words, you'll get a very loud stack trace.
### 1.1.1
* Updated [wiki](https://github.com/cujojs/when/wiki) map/reduce examples, and added simple promise forwarding example
* Fix for calling `when.any()` without a callback ([#33](https://github.com/cujojs/when/issues/33))
* Fix version number in `when.js` source ([#36](https://github.com/cujojs/when/issues/36))
### 1.1.0
*`when.all/any/some/map/reduce` can all now accept a promise for an array in addition to an actual array as input. This allows composing functions to do interesting things like `when.reduce(when.map(...))`
*`when.reject(promiseOrValue)` that returns a new, rejected promise.
*`promise.always(callback)` as a shortcut for `promise.then(callback, callback)`
***Highly experimental**[when/debug](https://github.com/cujojs/when/wiki/when-debug) module: a drop-in replacement for the main `when` module that enables debug logging for promises created or consumed by when.js
* Fix for cancelable deferred not invoking progress callbacks. ([#24](https://github.com/cujojs/when/pull/24) Thanks [@scothis](https://github.com/scothis))
* The promise returned by `when.chain` now rejects when the input promise rejects.
### 1.0.3
* Fix for specific situation where `null` could incorrectly be used as a promise resolution value ([#23](https://github.com/cujojs/when/pull/23))
### 1.0.2
* Updated README for running unit tests in both Node and Browsers. See **Running the Unit Tests** below.
* Set package name to 'when' in package.json
### 1.0.1
* Fix for rejections propagating in some cases when they shouldn't have been ([#19](https://github.com/cujojs/when/issues/19))
* Using [buster.js](http://busterjs.org/) for unit tests now.
### 1.0.0
* First official when.js release as a part of [cujojs](https://github.com/cujojs).
* Added [when/cancelable](https://github.com/cujojs/when/wiki/when-cancelable) decorator for creating cancelable deferreds
* Added [when/delay](https://github.com/cujojs/when/wiki/when-delay) and [when/timeout](https://github.com/cujojs/when/wiki/when-timeout) helpers for creating delayed promises and promises that timeout and reject if not resolved first.
### 0.11.1
* Added [when/apply](https://github.com/cujojs/when/wiki/when-apply) helper module for using arguments-based and variadic callbacks with `when.all`, `when.some`, `when.map`, or any promise that resolves to an array. ([#14](https://github.com/cujojs/when/issues/14))
*`.then()`, `when()`, and all other methods that accept callback/errback/progress handlers will throw if you pass something that's not a function. ([#15](https://github.com/cujojs/when/issues/15))
### 0.11.0
*`when.js` now *assimilates* thenables that pass the [Promises/A duck-type test](http://wiki.commonjs.org/wiki/Promises/A), but which may not be fully Promises/A compliant, such as [jQuery's Deferred](http://api.jquery.com/category/deferred-object/) and [curl's global API](https://github.com/cujojs/curl)(See the **API at a glance** section)
*`when()`, and `when.all/some/any/map/reduce/chain()` are all now guaranteed to return a fully Promises/A compliant promise, even when their input is not compliant.
* Any non-compliant thenable returned by a callback or errback will also be assimilated to protect subsequent promises and callbacks in a promise chain, and preserve Promises/A forwarding guarantees.
### 0.10.4
***Important Fix for some AMD build/optimizer tools**: Switching back to more verbose, builder-friendly boilerplate
* If you are using when.js 0.10.3 with the dojo or RequireJS build tools, you should update to v.10.4 as soon as possible.
### 0.10.3
**Warning**: This version will not work with most AMD build tools. You should update to 0.10.4 as soon as possible.
* Minor `package.json` updates
* Slightly smaller module boilerplate
### 0.10.2
* Performance optimizations for `when.map()` (thanks @[smitranic](https://github.com/smitranic)), especially for large arrays where the `mapFunc` is also async (i.e. returns a promise)
When.js is cujoJS's lightweight [Promises/A+](http://promises-aplus.github.com/promises-spec) and `when()` implementation that powers the async core of [wire.js](https://github.com/cujojs/wire), cujoJS's IOC Container. It features:
* A rock solid, battle-tested Promise implementation
* Resolving, settling, mapping, and reducing arrays of promises
* Executing tasks in parallel and sequence
* Transforming Node-style and other callback-based APIs into promise-based APIs
It passes the [Promises/A+ Test Suite](https://github.com/promises-aplus/promises-tests), is [very fast](https://github.com/cujojs/promise-perf-tests#test-results), is under 1.5k when compiled with Google Closure + gzip, and has no external dependencies.
# What's New?
### 2.1.0
* New [`when.settle`](docs/api.md#whensettle) that settles an array of promises
* New [`when/guard`](docs/api.md#whenguard) generalized concurrency guarding and limiting
* New [`promise.inspect`](docs/api.md#inspect) for synchronously getting a snapshot of a promise's state at a particular instant.
* Significant performance improvements when resolving promises with non-primitives (e.g. with Arrays, Objects, etc.)
* Experimental [vert.x](http://vertx.io) support
***DEPRECATED**: `onFulfilled`, `onRejected`, `onProgress` handler arguments to `when.all`, `when.any`, `when.some`. Use the returned promise's `then()` (or `otherwise()`, `ensure()`, etc) to register handlers instead.
* For example, do this: `when.all(array).then(onFulfilled, onRejected)` instead of this: `when.all(array, onFulfilled, onRejected)`. The functionality is equivalent.
### 2.0.1
* Account for the fact that Mocha creates a global named `process`. Thanks [Narsul](https://github.com/cujojs/when/pull/136)
* New [`when/keys`](docs/api.md#object-keys) module with `all()` and `map()` for object keys/values.
* New [`promise.ensure`](docs/api.md#ensure) as a better, and safer, replacement for `promise.always`. [See discussion](https://github.com/cujojs/when/issues/103) as to why `promise.always` is mistake-prone.
*`lift()` is now the preferred name for what was `bind()` in [when/function](docs/api.md#synchronous-functions), [when/node/function](docs/api.md#node-style-asynchronous-functions), and [when/callbacks](docs/api.md#asynchronous-functions).
***DEPRECATED:**`bind()` in `when/function`, `when/node/function`, and `when/callbacks`. Use `lift()` instead.
[Full Changelog](CHANGES.md)
# Docs & Examples
[API docs](docs/api.md#api)
[More info on the wiki](https://github.com/cujojs/when/wiki)
Note that when.js includes the [Promises/A+ Test Suite](https://github.com/promises-aplus/promise-tests). Running unit tests in Node will run both when.js's own test suite, and the Promises/A+ Test Suite.
1.`npm install`
1.`npm test`
## Browsers
1.`npm install`
1.`npm start` - starts buster server & prints a url
1. Point browsers at <busterserverurl>/capture, e.g. `localhost:1111/capture`
1.`npm run-script test-browser`
Much of this code was inspired by the async innards of [wire.js](https://github.com/cujojs/wire), and has been influenced by the great work in [Q](https://github.com/kriskowal/q), [Dojo's Deferred](https://github.com/dojo/dojo), and [uber.js](https://github.com/phiggins42/uber.js).
Wire is an [Inversion of Control Container](http://martinfowler.com/articles/injection.html"Inversion of Control Containers and the Dependency Injection pattern") for Javascript apps, and acts as the Application Composition layer for [cujo.js](http://cujojs.com).
Wire provides architectural plumbing that allows you to create and manage application components, and to connect those components together in loosely coupled and non-invasive ways. Consequently, your components will be more modular, easier to unit test and refactor, and your application will be easier to evolve and maintain.
To find out more, read the [full introduction](docs/introduction.md), more about the [concepts behind wire](docs/concepts.md), and check out a few [example applications](docs/introduction.md#example-apps).
# Documentation
1.[Getting Started](docs/get.md)
1.[Reference Documentation](docs/TOC.md)
1.[Example Code and Apps](docs/introduction.md#example-apps)
# What's new
### 0.9.4
* Fix for [render factory](docs/dom.md#rendering-dom-elements) in IE8.
### 0.9.3
* Compatibility with when.js 1.5.0 - 2.0.x. If you use when >= 2.0.0, you *MUST* update to wire 0.9.3. There are no other changes in 0.9.3.
### 0.9.2
* IE-specific fix for `wire/debug`'s `trace` option. See [#78](https://github.com/cujojs/wire/issues/78)
### 0.9.1
* Fix for compose factory. See [#69](https://github.com/cujojs/wire/issues/69)
### 0.9.0
*[Get it!](docs/get.md)
*[All new documentation](docs/TOC.md)
*[Even more DOM support](docs/dom.md), including DOM event connections via wire/on and cloning DOM elements.
*[Functions are first-class citizens](docs/functions.md) that can be used in very powerful ways.
*[Transform connections](docs/connections.md#transform-connections) use functions to transform data as it flows through connections (including DOM event connections).
* Built on latest [cujo.js](http://cujojs.com) platform:
*[curl](https://github.com/cujojs/curl) >= 0.7.1, or 0.6.8