Commit ee537451 authored by asudoh's avatar asudoh

Removed test files from dojo18 branch.

parent bf4f1975
<!doctype html>
This is a test runner for Dojo version of TodoMVC.
To use this, place todomvc directory at the directory containing dojo/dijit/dojox.
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1">
<title>Dojo • TodoMVC</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../../../assets/base.css">
<!-- CSS overrides - remove if you don't need it -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../css/app.css">
<!--[if IE]>
nativeDate = Date;
<script src="../../../../../assets/ie.js"></script>
// It appears that the modification to Date constructor done by ie.js negatively affects new Date("X"), ending up a JS error.
// Using the native Date constructor for that case.
var origDate = Date;
Date = function(){
return (arguments.length == 1 && typeof arguments[0] == "string" ? nativeDate : origDate).apply(this, [], 0));
Date.prototype = new origDate();
<section id="todoapp" data-dojo-type="todo/app18"></section>
<footer id="info">
<p>Double-click to edit a todo</p>
<p>Created by <a href="">James Thomas</a> and <a href="">Ed Chatelain</a></p>
<script src="../../../../../assets/base.js"></script>
require = {
async: true,
parseOnLoad: false,
locale: "en",
paths: {
"todo": "../todomvc/architecture-examples/dojo/js/todo"
deps: ["doh", "dojo/dom-style", "dojo/json", "dojo/keys", "dojo/on", "dojo/parser", "dojo/query", "dojo/when", "dojo/domReady!"],
mvc: {debugBindings: true},
callback: function(doh, domStyle, json, keys, on, parser, query, when){
var id = "todos-dojo";
localStorage.setItem(id, json.stringify({
id: "todos-dojo",
todos : [
{title: "Task0", completed: false},
{title: "Task1", completed: true},
{title: "Task2", completed: false}
incomplete: 2,
complete: 1
when(parser.parse(), function(){
doh.register("todo.app18", [
function initialState(){
doh.f(query("#toggle-all")[0].checked, "The check box to mark all todo items complete/incomplete should be unchecked");
var complete = 0, incomplete = 0;
query("#todo-list input[type=checkbox]").forEach(function(node){
complete += !!node.checked;
incomplete += !node.checked;
});, complete, "Count of completed todo items should be 1");, incomplete, "Count of incomplete todo items should be 2");
doh.t(/^\s*2\s*$/.test(query("#todo-count strong span.number")[0].innerHTML), "Count of incomplete todo items should be shown as 2 in the UI");
doh.f(/^none$/i.test(domStyle.getComputedStyle(query("#todo-count span.word span")[0]).display), "'s' in \"items\" should be shown");
doh.f(/^none$/i.test(domStyle.getComputedStyle(query("#clear-completed")[0]).display), "Clear completed button should be shown");
doh.t(/^\s*1\s*$/.test(query("#clear-completed span.number-done")[0].innerHTML), "Count of completed todo items should be shown as 1 in the UI");
function markItemComplete(){
query("#todo-list input[type=checkbox]")[0].click();
doh.f(query("#toggle-all")[0].checked, "The check box to mark all todo items complete/incomplete should be unchecked");
var complete = 0, incomplete = 0;
query("#todo-list input[type=checkbox]").forEach(function(node){
complete += !!node.checked;
incomplete += !node.checked;
});, complete, "Count of completed todo items should be 2");, incomplete, "Count of incomplete todo items should be 1");
doh.t(/^\s*1\s*$/.test(query("#todo-count strong span.number")[0].innerHTML), "Count of incomplete todo items should be shown as 1 in the UI");
doh.t(/^none$/i.test(domStyle.getComputedStyle(query("#todo-count span.word span")[0]).display), "'s' in \"items\" should be hidden");
doh.f(/^none$/i.test(domStyle.getComputedStyle(query("#clear-completed")[0]).display), "Clear completed button should be shown");
doh.t(/^\s*2\s*$/.test(query("#clear-completed span.number-done")[0].innerHTML), "Count of completed todo items should be shown as 2 in the UI");
function markItemIncomplete(){
query("#todo-list input[type=checkbox]")[1].click();
doh.f(query("#toggle-all")[0].checked, "The check box to mark all todo items complete/incomplete should be unchecked");
var complete = 0, incomplete = 0;
query("#todo-list input[type=checkbox]").forEach(function(node){
complete += !!node.checked;
incomplete += !node.checked;
});, complete, "Count of completed todo items should be 1");, incomplete, "Count of incomplete todo items should be 2");
doh.t(/^\s*2\s*$/.test(query("#todo-count strong span.number")[0].innerHTML), "Count of incomplete todo items should be shown as 2 in the UI");
doh.f(/^none$/i.test(domStyle.getComputedStyle(query("#todo-count span.word span")[0]).display), "'s' in \"items\" should be shown");
doh.f(/^none$/i.test(domStyle.getComputedStyle(query("#clear-completed")[0]).display), "Clear completed button should be shown");
doh.t(/^\s*1\s*$/.test(query("#clear-completed span.number-done")[0].innerHTML), "Count of completed todo items should be shown as 1 in the UI");
function clearCompleted(){
doh.f(query("#toggle-all")[0].checked, "The check box to mark all todo items complete/incomplete should be unchecked");
var complete = 0, incomplete = 0;
query("#todo-list input[type=checkbox]").forEach(function(node){
complete += !!node.checked;
incomplete += !node.checked;
});, complete, "Count of completed todo items should be 0");, incomplete, "Count of incomplete todo items should be 2");
doh.t(/^\s*2\s*$/.test(query("#todo-count strong span.number")[0].innerHTML), "Count of incomplete todo items should be shown as 2 in the UI");
doh.f(/^none$/i.test(domStyle.getComputedStyle(query("#todo-count span.word span")[0]).display), "'s' in \"items\" should be shown");
doh.t(/^none$/i.test(domStyle.getComputedStyle(query("#clear-completed")[0]).display), "Clear completed button should be hidden");
doh.t(/^\s*0\s*$/.test(query("#clear-completed span.number-done")[0].innerHTML), "Count of completed todo items should be shown as 0 in the UI");
function markAllComplete(){
doh.t(query("#toggle-all")[0].checked, "The check box to mark all todo items complete/incomplete should be checked");
var complete = 0, incomplete = 0;
query("#todo-list input[type=checkbox]").forEach(function(node){
complete += !!node.checked;
incomplete += !node.checked;
});, complete, "Count of completed todo items should be 2");, incomplete, "Count of incomplete todo items should be 0");
doh.t(/^\s*0\s*$/.test(query("#todo-count strong span.number")[0].innerHTML), "Count of incomplete todo items should be shown as 0 in the UI");
doh.t(/^none$/i.test(domStyle.getComputedStyle(query("#todo-count span.word span")[0]).display), "'s' in \"items\" should be hidden");
doh.f(/^none$/i.test(domStyle.getComputedStyle(query("#clear-completed")[0]).display), "Clear completed button should be shown");
doh.t(/^\s*2\s*$/.test(query("#clear-completed span.number-done")[0].innerHTML), "Count of completed todo items should be shown as 2 in the UI");
function markAllInComplete(){
doh.f(query("#toggle-all")[0].checked, "The check box to mark all todo items complete/incomplete should be unchecked");
var complete = 0, incomplete = 0;
query("#todo-list input[type=checkbox]").forEach(function(node){
complete += !!node.checked;
incomplete += !node.checked;
});, complete, "Count of completed todo items should be 0");, incomplete, "Count of incomplete todo items should be 2");
doh.t(/^\s*2\s*$/.test(query("#todo-count strong span.number")[0].innerHTML), "Count of incomplete todo items should be shown as 2 in the UI");
doh.f(/^none$/i.test(domStyle.getComputedStyle(query("#todo-count span.word span")[0]).display), "'s' in \"items\" should be shown");
doh.t(/^none$/i.test(domStyle.getComputedStyle(query("#clear-completed")[0]).display), "Clear completed button should be hidden");
doh.t(/^\s*0\s*$/.test(query("#clear-completed span.number-done")[0].innerHTML), "Count of completed todo items should be shown as 0 in the UI");
function removeItem(){
doh.f(query("#toggle-all")[0].checked, "The check box to mark all todo items complete/incomplete should be unchecked");
var complete = 0, incomplete = 0;
query("#todo-list input[type=checkbox]").forEach(function(node){
complete += !!node.checked;
incomplete += !node.checked;
});, complete, "Count of completed todo items should be 0");, incomplete, "Count of incomplete todo items should be 1");
doh.t(/^\s*1\s*$/.test(query("#todo-count strong span.number")[0].innerHTML), "Count of incomplete todo items should be shown as 1 in the UI");
doh.t(/^none$/i.test(domStyle.getComputedStyle(query("#todo-count span.word span")[0]).display), "'s' in \"items\" should be hidden");
doh.t(/^none$/i.test(domStyle.getComputedStyle(query("#clear-completed")[0]).display), "Clear completed button should be hidden");
doh.t(/^\s*0\s*$/.test(query("#clear-completed span.number-done")[0].innerHTML), "Count of completed todo items should be shown as 0 in the UI");
function markItemComplete(){
query("#todo-list input[type=checkbox]")[0].click();
doh.t(query("#toggle-all")[0].checked, "The check box to mark all todo items complete/incomplete should be checked");
var complete = 0, incomplete = 0;
query("#todo-list input[type=checkbox]").forEach(function(node){
complete += !!node.checked;
incomplete += !node.checked;
});, complete, "Count of completed todo items should be 1");, incomplete, "Count of incomplete todo items should be 0");
doh.t(/^\s*0\s*$/.test(query("#todo-count strong span.number")[0].innerHTML), "Count of incomplete todo items should be shown as 0 in the UI");
doh.t(/^none$/i.test(domStyle.getComputedStyle(query("#todo-count span.word span")[0]).display), "'s' in \"items\" should be hidden");
doh.f(/^none$/i.test(domStyle.getComputedStyle(query("#clear-completed")[0]).display), "Clear completed button should be shown");
doh.t(/^\s*1\s*$/.test(query("#clear-completed span.number-done")[0].innerHTML), "Count of completed todo items should be shown as 1 in the UI");
function addItem(){
query("#new-todo")[0].value = "Task3";
on.emit(query("#new-todo")[0], "keypress", {keyCode: keys.ENTER});
var complete = 0, incomplete = 0;
query("#todo-list input[type=checkbox]").forEach(function(node){
complete += !!node.checked;
incomplete += !node.checked;
});, complete, "Count of completed todo items should be 1");, incomplete, "Count of incomplete todo items should be 1");
doh.t(/^\s*1\s*$/.test(query("#todo-count strong span.number")[0].innerHTML), "Count of incomplete todo items should be shown as 1 in the UI");
doh.t(/^none$/i.test(domStyle.getComputedStyle(query("#todo-count span.word span")[0]).display), "'s' in \"items\" should be hidden");
doh.f(/^none$/i.test(domStyle.getComputedStyle(query("#clear-completed")[0]).display), "Clear completed button should be shown");
doh.t(/^\s*1\s*$/.test(query("#clear-completed span.number-done")[0].innerHTML), "Count of completed todo items should be shown as 1 in the UI");
<script src="../../../../../../dojo/dojo.js"></script>
], function(doh, json, at, TodoListRefController, TodoRefController, SimpleTodoModel, LocalStorage){
doh.register("todo.tests.ctrl.TodoListRefController", [
function empty(){
var ctrl = new TodoRefController({
defaultId: "todos-dojo",
modelClass: SimpleTodoModel,
store: new LocalStorage()
}), listCtrl = new TodoListRefController({
model: at(ctrl, "todos")
});, ctrl.get("complete"), "The current count of completed todo items should be 0");, ctrl.get("incomplete"), "The current count of incomplete todo items should be 0");, listCtrl.get("length"), "The current length should be 0");
listCtrl.model.push({title: "Task0", completed: false});, ctrl.get("complete"), "The current count of completed todo items should be 0");, ctrl.get("incomplete"), "The current count of incomplete todo items should be 1");, listCtrl.get("length"), "The current length should be 1");
function existing(){
localStorage.setItem("todos-dojo", json.stringify({
id: "todos-dojo",
todos : [
{title: "Task0", completed: false},
{title: "Task1", completed: true},
{title: "Task2", completed: false}
incomplete: 2,
complete: 1
var ctrl = new TodoRefController({
defaultId: "todos-dojo",
modelClass: SimpleTodoModel,
store: new LocalStorage()
}), listCtrl = new TodoListRefController({
model: at(ctrl, "todos")
});, ctrl.get("complete"), "The current count of completed todo items should be 1");, ctrl.get("incomplete"), "The current count of incomplete todo items should be 2");, listCtrl.get("length"), "The current length should be 3");
\ No newline at end of file
require.baseUrl = "../../dojo";
require.packages = (require.packages || []).concat([{
name: "todo",
location: "../todomvc/architecture-examples/dojo/js/todo"
], function(doh, Stateful, SimpleTodoModel){
doh.register("todo.tests.model.SimpleTodoModel", [
function basic(){
var model = new SimpleTodoModel({
id: "todos-dojo",
todos : [
{title: "Task0", completed: false},
{title: "Task1", completed: true},
{title: "Task2", completed: false}
incomplete: 2,
complete: 1
model.todos.push(new Stateful({title: "Task3", completed: true}), new Stateful({title: "Task4", completed: false}));, model.complete, "We should have two complete tasks");, model.incomplete, "We should have three incomplete tasks");
model.todos.push(new Stateful({title: "Task5", completed: false}));, model.complete, "We should have two complete tasks");, model.incomplete, "We should have four incomplete tasks");
model.todos[4].set("completed", true);, model.complete, "We should have three complete tasks");, model.incomplete, "We should have three incomplete tasks");
model.todos.splice(4, 1);, model.complete, "We should have two complete tasks");, model.incomplete, "We should have three incomplete tasks");
\ No newline at end of file
], function(doh){
var userArgs =[\?&](dojoUrl|testUrl|testModule)=[^&]*/g, "").replace(/^&/, "?");
doh.registerUrl("todo.tests.app18", require.toUrl("todo/tests/app18.html") + userArgs, 999999);
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
This is a test runner for Dojo version of TodoMVC.
To use this, place todomvc directory at the directory containing dojo/dijit/dojox.
<title>Unit Test Runner</title>
function onLoadHandler(){
var queryString =, queries = queryString.split("&"), moduleFound = false;
for(var i = 0; i < queries.length; i++){
moduleFound = true;
queryString += (queryString ? "&" : "") + "test=todo/tests/module&async=true";
document.getElementById("testFrame").src = "../../../../../../util/doh/runner.html?boot=../../todomvc/architecture-examples/dojo/js/todo/tests/dojoConfig.js" + (queryString ? ("&" + queryString) : "");
function iFrameOnLoadHandler(){
// summary:
// Makes sure todo/tests/dojoConfig.js is loaded before dojo.js is loaded.
// DOH's &boot URL arg handler does not allow us to specify what order the modules are loaded.
var w = document.getElementById("testFrame").contentWindow, found = false;
for(var packs = (w.require || {}).packages, i = 0; packs && i < packs.length; i++){
if(packs[i].name == "todo"){
found = true;
return setTimeout(iFrameOnLoadHandler, 500);
var script = document.createElement("script");
script.type = "text/javascript";
script.src = "../../../../../../dojo/dojo.js";
script.charset = "utf-8";
<body onload="onLoadHandler();" style="width:100%;height:100%;margin:0;padding:0;">
<iframe id="testFrame" onload="iFrameOnLoadHandler();" frameborder="0" style="width:100%;height:100%;margin:0;padding:0;"></iframe>
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