• Olivier Scherrer's avatar
    Olives: update to olives and emily 3.x, remove requirejs · 5a3c81c5
    Olivier Scherrer authored
    * Update to the latest version of the Olives framework.
    * Update to the latest version of Emily
    * Remove requirejs in favor of browserify
       - also implemented npm scripts and updated the readme
    As a result of updating dependencies, this fixes the issue in #1029.
    Ref #1029
    Close #1242
controls.js 1.52 KB
'use strict';
var OObject = require('olives').OObject;
var EventPlugin = require('olives')['Event.plugin'];
var BindPlugin = require('olives')['Bind.plugin'];
var Tools = require('../lib/Tools');

module.exports = function controlsInit(view, model, stats) {
	// The OObject (the controller) inits with a default model which is a simple store
	// But it can be init'ed with any other store, like the LocalStore
	var controls = new OObject(model);

	// A function to get the completed tasks
	var getCompleted = function () {
		var completed = [];
		model.loop(function (value, id) {
			if (value.completed) {
		return completed;

	// Update all stats
	var updateStats = function () {
		var nbCompleted = getCompleted().length;

		stats.set('nbItems', model.count());
		stats.set('nbLeft', stats.get('nbItems') - nbCompleted);
		stats.set('nbCompleted', nbCompleted);
		stats.set('plural', stats.get('nbLeft') === 1 ? 'item' : 'items');

	// Add plugins to the UI.
		event: new EventPlugin(controls),
		stats: new BindPlugin(stats, {
			toggleClass: Tools.toggleClass

	// Alive applies the plugins to the HTML view

	// Delete all tasks
	controls.delAll = function () {

	// Update stats when the tasks list is modified
	model.watch('added', updateStats);
	model.watch('deleted', updateStats);
	model.watch('updated', updateStats);

	// I could either update stats at init or save them in a localStore