Commit 26ceac57 authored by Oskar Gustafsson's avatar Oskar Gustafsson Committed by Sam Saccone

Improve test suite robustness. (#1646) waiting for DOM states instead of checking them only once.
parent aa9b051b
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'use strict';
var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');
var Page = require('./page');
module.exports = function PageLaxMode(browser) {
Page.apply(this, [browser]);
module.exports = function PageLaxMode() {
Page.apply(this, arguments);
this.tryGetMainSectionElement = function () {
return this.tryFindByXpath('//section//section');
this.getMainSectionCss = function () {
return 'section section';
this.tryGetFooterElement = function () {
return this.tryFindByXpath('//section//footer');
this.getFooterSectionCss = function () {
return 'section footer';
this.getTodoListXpath = function () {
return '(//section/ul | //section/div/ul | //ul[@id="todo-list"])';
this.getListCss = function (suffixCss) {
return [
'section > ul',
'section > div > ul',
].map(function (listCss) {
return listCss + (suffixCss || '');
}).join(', ');
this.getMarkAllCompletedCheckBox = function () {
var xpath = '(//section/input[@type="checkbox"] | //section/*/input[@type="checkbox"] | //input[@id="toggle-all"])';
return browser.findElement(webdriver.By.xpath(xpath));
this.getToggleAllCss = function () {
return [
'section > input[type="checkbox"]',
'section > * > input[type="checkbox"]',
].join(', ');
this.tryGetClearCompleteButton = function () {
var xpath = '(//footer/button | //footer/*/button | //button[@id="clear-completed"])';
return browser.findElements(webdriver.By.xpath(xpath));
this.getClearCompletedButtonCss = function () {
return [
'footer > button',
'footer > * > button',
].join(', ');
this.getItemsCountElement = function () {
var xpath = '(//footer/span | //footer/*/span)';
return browser.findElement(webdriver.By.xpath(xpath));
this.getItemCountCss = function () {
return [
'footer > span',
'footer > * > span',
].join(', ');
this.getFilterElements = function () {
return browser.findElements(webdriver.By.xpath('//footer//ul//a'));
this.getFilterCss = function (index) {
return 'footer ul li:nth-child(' + (index + 1) + ') a';
this.getItemInputField = function () {
// allow a more generic method for locating the text getItemInputField
var xpath = '(//header/input | //header/*/input | //input[@id="new-todo"])';
return browser.findElement(webdriver.By.xpath(xpath));
this.getNewInputCss = function () {
return [
'header > input',
'header > * > input',
].join(', ');
this.tryGetToggleForItemAtIndex = function (index) {
// the specification dictates that the checkbox should have the 'toggle' CSS class. Some implementations deviate from
// this, hence in lax mode we simply look for any checkboxes within the specified 'li'.
var xpath = this.xPathForItemAtIndex(index) + '//input[@type="checkbox"]';
return browser.findElements(webdriver.By.xpath(xpath));
this.getListItemToggleCss = function (index) {
return this.getListItemCss(index, ' input[type="checkbox"]');
this.getEditInputForItemAtIndex = function (index) {
// the specification dictates that the input element that allows the user to edit a todo item should have a CSS
// class of 'edit'. In lax mode, we also look for an input of type 'text'.
var xpath = '(' + this.xPathForItemAtIndex(index) + '//input[@type="text"]' + '|' +
this.xPathForItemAtIndex(index) + '//input[contains(@class,"edit")]' + ')';
return browser.findElement(webdriver.By.xpath(xpath));
this.getListItemInputCss = function (index) {
return [
this.getListItemCss(index, ' input.edit'),
this.getListItemCss(index, ' input[type="text"]'),
].join(', ');
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