Commit 5e56786e authored by Peter Michaux's avatar Peter Michaux

update to latest maria.js and associated changes in the app

parent 343db310
......@@ -223,8 +223,9 @@ et.dispatchEvent({type:'change', extraData:'abc'});
if (hasOwnProperty(this, '_evento_parents') &&
!evt._propagationStopped) {
for (var i=0, ilen=this._evento_parents.length; i<ilen; i++) {
var parents = this._evento_parents.slice(0);
for (var i = 0, ilen = parents.length; i < ilen; i++) {
......@@ -2077,6 +2078,141 @@ maria.SetModel.prototype.handleEvent = function(ev) {
@property maria.View
@parameter model {Object} Optional
@parameter controller {Object} Optional
A constructor function to create new view objects.
var view = new maria.View();
This constructor function takes two optional arguments.
var model = new maria.Model();
var controller = new maria.Controller();
var view = new maria.View(model, controller);
The null or undefined value can be passed for either of these two
parameters to skip setting it.
A view is has a model. You can get the current model which might
be undefined.
You can set the model.
When a view object's model object is set, the view will, by convention,
observe the model's "change" event. When a "change" event is dispatched
on the model, the view's "update" method will be called.
Your application will redefine or more likely override the update method.
maria.View.prototype.update = function(evt) {
alert('the model changed');
If necessary, you can change the events and methods that the view will
observe when the model is set by redefining or overriding the
getModelActions method.
maria.View.prototype.getModelActions = function() {
return {
'squashed': 'onSquashed',
'squished': 'onSquished'
When the model is set, if the view had a previous model then the view
will unsubscribe from the events it subscribed to on the prevous model
when the previous model was set.
A view has a controller. You can get the current controller.
The view's controller is created lazily the first time the
getController method is called. The view's
getDefaultControllerConstructor method returns the constructor function
to create the controller object and the getDefaultController actually
calls that constructor. Your application may redefine or override
either of these methods.
A view's initialize method is called when the view is constructed.
A view has a destroy method which should be called before your
application looses its last reference to the view.
An view object is a composite view. This means the view can have child
views added and removed. This functionality is provided by the Hijos
library. Briefly,
var childView1 = new maria.View();
var childView2 = new maria.View();
view.replaceChild(childView2, childView1);
view.insertBefore(childView1, childView2);
When a view's destroy method executes, it calls each child's destroy
The maria.View constructor is relatively abstract. It is most likely
that your application can use maria.ElementView; however, if you are
creating a new type of view where maria.ElementView is not a good fit,
for example a view that represents part of a bitmap drawing on a canvas
element, then you may want to use maria.View as the "superclass" of
your new view constructor. The following example shows how this can be
done at a low level. See maria.View.subclass for a more compact way to
accomplish the same.
myapp.MyView = function() {
maria.View.apply(this, arguments);
myapp.MyView.prototype = new maria.View();
myapp.MyView.prototype.constructor = myapp.MyView;
myapp.MyView.prototype.getModelActions = function() {
return {
'squashed': 'onSquashed',
'squished': 'onSquished'
maria.MyView.prototype.onSquished = function(evt) {
maria.MyView.prototype.onSquashed = function() {
myapp.MyView.prototype.getDefaultControllerConstructor = function() {
return myapp.MyController;
myapp.MyView.prototype.anotherMethod = function() {
alert('another method');
The above MyView example does not have an "initialize" method;
however, if some special initialization is requried, maria.View
will automatically call your "initialize" method.
myapp.MyView.prototype.initialize = function() {
alert('Another view has been created.');
maria.View = function(model, controller) {;
......@@ -2162,6 +2298,179 @@ maria.View.prototype._setModelAndController = function(model, controller) {
this._controller = controller;
@property maria.ElementView
@parameter model {Object} Optional
@parameter controller {Object} Optional
@parameter document {Document} Optional
A constructor function to create new element view objects.
var elementView = new maria.ElementView();
This constructor function takes three optional arguments.
var model = new maria.Model();
var controller = new maria.Controller();
var myFrameDoc = window.frames['myFrame'].document;
var elementView =
new maria.ElementView(model, controller, myFrameDoc);
The null or undefined value can be passed for any of these three
parameters to skip setting it.
The purpose of the third document parameter is to allow the creation
of element views in one window that will be shown in another window.
At least some older browsers do not allow a DOM element created with
one document object to be appended to another document object.
An element view is a view (inheriting from maria.View) and so has
a model and controller. See maria.View for more documentation about
setting and getting the model and controller objects.
What makes maria.ElementView different from the more abstract
maria.View is that an element view has the concept of a "root element"
which is the main DOM element that acts as a container for all the
other DOM elements that are part of the element view.
The DOM is built using the getTemplate method which should return a
fragment of HTML for a single DOM element and its children. By default
the template is just an empty div element. You can redefine or override
this to suit your needs.
maria.ElementView.prototype.getTemplate = function() {
return '<div>' +
'<span class="greeting">hello</span>, ' +
'<span class="name">world</span>' +
When an element view is created and its HTML template is rendered as
a DOM element, the view will automatically start listening to the DOM
element or its children for the events specified in the map returned
by the getUIActions method. This map is empty by default but you can
redefine or override as necessary and supply the necessary handler
functions which usually delegate to the controller.
maria.ElementView.prototype.getUIActions = function() {
return {
'mouseover .greeting': 'onMouseoverGreeting',
'click .name' : 'onClickName'
maria.ElementView.prototype.onMouseoverGreeting = function(evt) {
maria.ElementView.prototype.onClickName = function(evt) {
Only a few simple CSS selectors are allowed in the keys of the UI
action map. An id can be used like "#alpha" but this is not
recommended. A class name like ".greeting", a tag name like "div", or
a combination of tag name and class name like "div.greeting" are
acceptable. In almost all cases, a single class name is sufficient and
recommended as the best practice. (If you need more complex selectors
you can use a different query library to replace the Grail library
used by default in Maria.)
You can find an element or multiple elements in a view using the
element view's find and findAll methods.
elementView.find('.name'); // returns a DOM element
elementView.findAll('span'); // returns an array
Because maria.View objects are composite views, so are
maria.ElementView objects. This means that sub-element-view objects can
be added to an element view. By default the sub-element-view object's
root DOM element will be added to the parent element view's root
DOM element. You can change the element to which they are added by
redefining or overridding the getContainerEl function.
maria.ElementView.prototype.getContainerEl = function() {
return this.find('.name');
A particularly useful pattern is using maria.ElementView as the
"superclass" of your application's element views. The following example
shows how this can be done at a low level for a to-do application. See
maria.ElementView.subclass for a much more compact way to accomplish
the same.
checkit.TodoView = function() {
maria.ElementView.apply(this, arguments);
checkit.TodoView.prototype = new maria.ElementView();
checkit.TodoView.prototype.constructor = checkit.TodoView;
checkit.TodoView.prototype.getDefaultControllerConstructor = function() {
return checkit.TodoController;
checkit.TodoView.prototype.getTemplate = function() {
return checkit.TodoTemplate;
checkit.TodoView.prototype.getUIActions = function() {
return {
'click .check' : 'onClickCheck' ,
'dblclick .todo-content': 'onDblclickDisplay',
'keyup .todo-input' : 'onKeyupInput' ,
'keypress .todo-input' : 'onKeypressInput' ,
'blur .todo-input' : 'onBlurInput'
checkit.TodoView.prototype.onClickCheck = function(evt) {
checkit.TodoView.prototype.onDblclickDisplay = function(evt) {
checkit.TodoView.prototype.onKeyupInput = function(evt) {
checkit.TodoView.prototype.onKeypressInput = function(evt) {
checkit.TodoView.prototype.onBlurInput = function(evt) {
checkit.TodoView.prototype.buildData = function() {
var model = this.getModel();
var content = model.getContent();
this.find('.todo-content').innerHTML =
content.replace('&', '&amp;').replace('<', '&lt;');
this.find('.check').checked = model.isDone();
aristocrat[model.isDone() ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass'](this.find('.todo'), 'done');
checkit.TodoView.prototype.update = function() {
checkit.TodoView.prototype.showEdit = function() {
var input = this.find('.todo-input');
input.value = this.getModel().getContent();
aristocrat.addClass(this.find('.todo'), 'editing');;
checkit.TodoView.prototype.showDisplay = function() {
aristocrat.removeClass(this.find('.todo'), 'editing');
checkit.TodoView.prototype.getInputValue = function() {
return this.find('.todo-input').value;
checkit.TodoView.prototype.showToolTip = function() {
this.find('.ui-tooltip-top').style.display = 'block';
checkit.TodoView.prototype.hideToolTip = function() {
this.find('.ui-tooltip-top').style.display = 'none';
maria.ElementView = function(model, controller, doc) {
this._doc = doc || document;, model, controller);
......@@ -2182,65 +2491,132 @@ maria.ElementView.prototype.getUIActions = function() {
return {};
}; = function() {
if (!this._rootEl) {
return this._rootEl;
maria.ElementView.prototype.buildTemplate = function() {
// parseHTML returns a DocumentFragment so take firstChild as the rootEl
this._rootEl = maria.parseHTML(this.getTemplate(), this._doc).firstChild;
(function() {
var actionRegExp = /^(\S+)\s*(.*)$/;
maria.ElementView.prototype.getRootEl = function() {
if (!this._rootEl) {
// parseHTML returns a DocumentFragment so take firstChild as the rootEl
var rootEl = this._rootEl = maria.parseHTML(this.getTemplate(), this._doc).firstChild;
var uiActions = this.getUIActions();
for (var key in uiActions) {
if (, key)) {
var matches = key.match(actionRegExp),
eventType = matches[1],
selector = matches[2],
methodName = uiActions[key],
elements = maria.findAll(selector, this._rootEl);
for (var i = 0, ilen = elements.length; i < ilen; i++) {
evento.addEventListener(elements[i], eventType, this, methodName);
maria.ElementView.prototype.buildUIActions = function() {
var uiActions = this.getUIActions();
for (var key in uiActions) {
if (, key)) {
var matches = key.match(actionRegExp),
eventType = matches[1],
selector = matches[2],
methodName = uiActions[key],
elements = maria.findAll(selector, this._rootEl);
for (var i = 0, ilen = elements.length; i < ilen; i++) {
maria.addEventListener(elements[i], eventType, this, methodName);
var childViews = this.childNodes;
for (var i = 0, ilen = childViews.length; i < ilen; i++) {
return this._rootEl;
maria.ElementView.prototype.buildData = function() {
// to be overridden by concrete ElementView subclasses
maria.ElementView.prototype.buildChildViews = function() {
var childViews = this.childNodes;
for (var i = 0, ilen = childViews.length; i < ilen; i++) {
maria.ElementView.prototype.update = function() {
// to be overridden by concrete ElementView subclasses
maria.ElementView.prototype.getContainerEl = function() {
return this.getRootEl();
maria.ElementView.prototype.insertBefore = function(newChild, oldChild) {, newChild, oldChild);
if (this._rootEl) {
this.getContainerEl().insertBefore(newChild.getRootEl(), oldChild ? oldChild.getRootEl() : null);
this.getContainerEl().insertBefore(, oldChild ? : null);
maria.ElementView.prototype.removeChild = function(oldChild) {, oldChild);
if (this._rootEl) {
maria.ElementView.prototype.find = function(selector) {
return maria.find(selector, this.getRootEl());
return maria.find(selector,;
maria.ElementView.prototype.findAll = function(selector) {
return maria.findAll(selector, this.getRootEl());
return maria.findAll(selector,;
@property maria.SetView
@parameter model {Object} Optional
@parameter controller {Object} Optional
@parameter document {Document} Optional
A constructor function to create new set view objects.
var setView = new maria.SetView();
maria.SetView inherits from maria.ElementView and the documentation of
maria.ElementView will tell you most of what you need to know when
working with a maria.SetView.
A maria.SetView is intended to be a view for a maria.SetModel. The set
view will take care child views when elements are added or deleted from
the set model.
When an element is added to the set, the set view need to know what
kind of view to make. Your application will redefine or likely override
the set view's createChildView method.
maria.SetView.prototype.createChildView = function(model) {
return new maria.ElementView(model);
A particularly useful pattern is using maria.SetView as the
"superclass" of your application's set views. The following example
shows how this can be done at a low level for a to-do application. See
maria.SetView.subclass for a more compact way to accomplish the same.
checkit.TodosListView = function() {
maria.SetView.apply(this, arguments);
checkit.TodosListView.prototype = new maria.SetView();
checkit.TodosListView.prototype.constructor = checkit.TodosListView;
checkit.TodosListView.prototype.getTemplate = function() {
return checkit.TodosListTemplate;
checkit.TodosListView.prototype.createChildView = function(todoModel) {
return new checkit.TodoView(todoModel);
maria.SetView = function() {
maria.ElementView.apply(this, arguments);
......@@ -2248,19 +2624,10 @@ maria.SetView = function() {
maria.SetView.prototype = new maria.ElementView();
maria.SetView.prototype.constructor = maria.SetView;
maria.SetView.prototype.setModel = function(model) {
if (this.getModel() !== model) {, model);
var childViews = this.childNodes.slice(0);
for (var i = 0, ilen = childViews.length; i < ilen; i++) {
var childModels = this.getModel().toArray();
for (var i = 0, ilen = childModels.length; i < ilen; i++) {
maria.SetView.prototype.buildChildViews = function() {
var childModels = this.getModel().toArray();
for (var i = 0, ilen = childModels.length; i < ilen; i++) {
......@@ -2269,9 +2636,8 @@ maria.SetView.prototype.createChildView = function(model) {
maria.SetView.prototype.update = function(evt) {
// Check if there is an event as this method is also called
// at the end of building the view.
if (evt) {
// Don't update for bubbling events.
if ( === this.getModel()) {
if (evt.addedTargets && evt.addedTargets.length) {
......@@ -2297,6 +2663,7 @@ maria.SetView.prototype.handleDelete = function(evt) {
var childView = childViews[j];
if (childView.getModel() === childModel) {
......@@ -2518,14 +2885,56 @@ for maria.SetModel.
maria.SetModel.subclass = maria.Model.subclass;
@property maria.View.subclass
A function that makes subclassing maria.View more compact.
The following example creates a myapp.MyView constructor function
equivalent to the more verbose example shown in the documentation
for maria.View.
maria.View.subclass(myapp, 'MyView', {
modelActions: {
'squashed': 'onSquashed',
'squished': 'onSquished'
properties: {
anotherMethod: function() {
alert('another method');
This subclassing function implements options following the
"convention over configuration" philosophy. The myapp.MyView will,
by convention, use the myapp.MyController constructor.
This can be configured.
maria.View.subclass(myapp, 'MyView', {
controllerConstructor: myapp.MyController,
modelActions: {
Alternately you can use late binding by supplying a string name of
an object in the application's namespace object (i.e. the myapp object
in this example).
maria.View.subclass(myapp, 'MyView', {
controllerConstructorName: 'MyController',
modelActions: {
maria.View.subclass = function(namespace, name, options) {
options = options || {};
var modelConstructor = options.modelConstructor;
var modelConstructorName = options.modelConstructorName || name.replace(/(View|)$/, 'Model');
var controllerConstructor = options.controllerConstructor;
var controllerConstructorName = options.controllerConstructorName || name.replace(/(View|)$/, 'Controller');
var modelActions = options.modelActions;
var properties = || ( = {});
var properties = || ( = {});
if (!, 'getDefaultControllerConstructor')) {
properties.getDefaultControllerConstructor = function() {
return controllerConstructor || namespace[controllerConstructorName];
......@@ -2536,16 +2945,86 @@ maria.View.subclass = function(namespace, name, options) {
return modelActions;
if (!, 'initialize')) {
properties.initialize = function() {
if (!this.getModel()) {
var mc = modelConstructor || namespace[modelConstructorName];
this.setModel(new mc());
}, namespace, name, options);
@property maria.ElementView.subclass
A function that makes subclassing maria.ElementView more compact.
The following example creates a checkit.TodoView constructor function
equivalent to the more verbose example shown in the documentation
for maria.ElementView.
maria.ElementView.subclass(checkit, 'TodoView', {
uiActions: {
'click .check' : 'onClickCheck' ,
'dblclick .todo-content': 'onDblclickDisplay',
'keyup .todo-input' : 'onKeyupInput' ,
'keypress .todo-input' : 'onKeypressInput' ,
'blur .todo-input' : 'onBlurInput'
properties: {
buildData: function() {
var model = this.getModel();
var content = model.getContent();
this.find('.todo-content').innerHTML =
content.replace('&', '&amp;').replace('<', '&lt;');
this.find('.check').checked = model.isDone();
aristocrat[model.isDone() ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass'](this.find('.todo'), 'done');
update: function() {
showEdit: function() {
var input = this.find('.todo-input');
input.value = this.getModel().getContent();
aristocrat.addClass(this.find('.todo'), 'editing');;
showDisplay: function() {
aristocrat.removeClass(this.find('.todo'), 'editing');
getInputValue: function() {
return this.find('.todo-input').value;
showToolTip: function() {
this.find('.ui-tooltip-top').style.display = 'block';
hideToolTip: function() {
this.find('.ui-tooltip-top').style.display = 'none';
This subclassing function implements options following the
"convention over configuration" philosophy. The checkit.TodoView will,
by convention, use the checkit.TodoModel, checkit.TodoController
and checkit.TodoTemplate objects. All of these can be configured
explicitely if these conventions do not match your view's needs.
maria.ElementView.subclass(checkit, 'TodoView', {
modelConstructor : checkit.TodoModel ,
controllerConstructor: checkit.TodoController,
template : checkit.TodoTemplate ,
uiActions: {
Alternately you can use late binding by supplying string names of
objects in the application's namespace object (i.e. the checkit object
in this example).
maria.ElementView.subclass(checkit, 'TodoView', {
modelConstructorName : 'TodoModel' ,
controllerConstructorName: 'TodoController',
templateName : 'TodoTemplate' ,
uiActions: {
maria.ElementView.subclass = function(namespace, name, options) {
options = options || {};
var template = options.template;
......@@ -2585,6 +3064,30 @@ maria.ElementView.subclass = function(namespace, name, options) {
}, namespace, name, options);
@property maria.SetView.subclass
The same as maria.ElementView.
You will likely want to specify a createChildView method.
The following example creates a checkit.TodosListView constructor
function equivalent to the more verbose example shown in the
documentation for maria.SetView.
maria.SetView.subclass(checkit, 'TodosListView', {
modelConstructor: checkit.TodosModel,
properties: {
createChildView: function(todoModel) {
return new checkit.TodoView(todoModel);
maria.SetView.subclass = maria.ElementView.subclass;
......@@ -2,15 +2,19 @@ maria.addEventListener(window, 'load', function() {
var loading = document.getElementById('loading');
var model;
if ((typeof localStorage === 'object') && (typeof JSON === 'object')) {
var store = localStorage.getItem('todos-maria');
var model = store ? checkit.TodosModel.fromJSON(JSON.parse(store)) :
new checkit.TodosModel();
model = store ? checkit.TodosModel.fromJSON(JSON.parse(store)) :
new checkit.TodosModel();
evento.addEventListener(model, 'change', function() {
localStorage.setItem('todos-maria', JSON.stringify(model.toJSON()));
else {
model = new checkit.TodosModel();
var app = new checkit.TodosAppView(model);
var view = new checkit.TodosAppView(model);
......@@ -10,22 +10,25 @@ maria.ElementView.subclass(checkit, 'TodoView', {
'blur .todo-input' : 'onBlurInput'
properties: {
update: function() {
buildData: function() {
var model = this.getModel();
var content = model.getContent();
this.find('.todo-content').innerHTML =
content.replace('&', '&amp;').replace('<', '&lt;');
this.find('.check').checked = model.isDone();
aristocrat[model.isDone() ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass'](this.getRootEl(), 'done');
aristocrat[model.isDone() ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass'](this.find('.todo'), 'done');
update: function() {
showEdit: function() {
var input = this.find('.todo-input');
input.value = this.getModel().getContent();
aristocrat.addClass(this.getRootEl(), 'editing');
aristocrat.addClass(this.find('.todo'), 'editing');;
showDisplay: function() {
aristocrat.removeClass(this.getRootEl(), 'editing');
aristocrat.removeClass(this.find('.todo'), 'editing');
getInputValue: function() {
return this.find('.todo-input').value;
......@@ -8,10 +8,6 @@ maria.ElementView.subclass(checkit, 'TodosAppView', {
initialize: function() {
var model = this.getModel();
if (!model) {
model = new checkit.TodosModel();
this.appendChild(new checkit.TodosInputView(model));
this.appendChild(new checkit.TodosToolbarView(model));
this.appendChild(new checkit.TodosListView(model));
maria.ElementView.subclass(checkit, 'TodosInputView', {
modelConstructor: checkit.TodosModel,
uiActions: {
'focus .new-todo': 'onFocusInput' ,
'blur .new-todo': 'onBlurInput' ,
maria.SetView.subclass(checkit, 'TodosListView', {
modelConstructor: checkit.TodosModel,
properties: {
createChildView: function(todoModel) {
return new checkit.TodoView(todoModel);
maria.ElementView.subclass(checkit, 'TodosStatsView', {
modelConstructor: checkit.TodosModel,
properties: {
update: function() {
buildData: function() {
this.find('.todos-count').innerHTML = this.getModel().length;
update: function() {
maria.ElementView.subclass(checkit, 'TodosToolbarView', {
modelConstructor: checkit.TodosModel,
uiActions: {
'click .allCheckbox' : 'onClickAllCheckbox' ,
'click .markallDone' : 'onClickMarkAllDone' ,
......@@ -7,11 +6,14 @@ maria.ElementView.subclass(checkit, 'TodosToolbarView', {
'click .deleteComplete': 'onClickDeleteDone'
properties: {
update: function() {
buildData: function() {
var model = this.getModel();
var checkbox = this.find('.allCheckbox');
checkbox.checked = model.isAllDone();
checkbox.disabled = model.isEmpty();
update: function() {
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