Commit a68cb9c5 authored by Addy's avatar Addy

Add indication of routing support for labs apps, temp fix for Chrome ::after...

Add indication of routing support for labs apps, temp fix for Chrome ::after issues (crbug 104991), break overflow for knockout line into two.
parent 111431ac
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<div class="span8">
<h2>Our Stable Apps</h2>
<ul class="applist">
<li data-routing>
<li class="routing">
<a href="architecture-examples/backbone/" data-source="" data-content="Backbone.js gives structure to web applications by providing models with key-value binding and custom events, collections with a rich API of enumerable functions, views with declarative event handling, and connects it all to your existing API over a RESTful JSON interface.">Backbone.js</a>
<li data-routing>
<li class="routing">
<a href="architecture-examples/emberjs/" data-source="" data-content="Ember is a JavaScript framework for creating ambitious web applications that eliminates boilerplate and provides a standard application architecture.">Ember.js</a>
<li data-routing>
<li class="routing">
<a class="routing" href="architecture-examples/angularjs/" data-source="" data-content="What HTML would have been had it been designed for web apps">AngularJS</a>
<li data-routing>
<li class="routing">
<a href="architecture-examples/spine/" data-source="" data-content="Spine is a lightweight framework for building JavaScript web applications. Spine gives you an MVC structure and then gets out of your way, allowing you to concentrate on the fun stuff, building awesome web applications.">Spine</a>
<li data-routing>
<li class="routing">
<a href="architecture-examples/knockoutjs/" data-source="" data-content="Simplify dynamic JavaScript UIs by applying the Model-View-View Model (MVVM) pattern">KnockoutJS</a>
<li data-routing>
<li class="routing">
<a href="architecture-examples/dojo/" data-source="" data-content="Dojo saves you time and scales with your development process, using web standards as its platform. It’s the toolkit experienced developers turn to for building high quality desktop and mobile web applications.">Dojo</a>
<li data-routing>
<li class="routing">
<a href="architecture-examples/yui/" data-source="" data-content="YUI's lightweight core and modular architecture make it scalable, fast, and robust. Built by frontend engineers at Yahoo!, YUI powers the most popular websites in the world.">YUI</a>
<li data-routing>
<li class="routing">
<a href="labs/architecture-examples/batman/" data-source="" data-content="Batman.js is a framework for building rich web applications with CoffeeScript or JavaScript. App code is concise and declarative, thanks to a powerful system of view bindings and observable properties. The API is designed with developer and designer happiness as its first priority.">Batman.js</a>
<li data-routing>
<li class="routing">
<a href="architecture-examples/closure/" data-source="" data-content="The Closure Library is a broad, well-tested, modular, and cross-browser JavaScript library. You can pull just what you need from a large set of reusable UI widgets and controls, and from lower-level utilities for DOM manipulation, server communication, animation, data structures, unit testing, rich-text editing, and more.">Closure</a>
<li data-routing>
<li class="routing">
<a href="architecture-examples/agilityjs/" data-source="" data-content="Agility.js is an MVC library for Javascript that lets you write maintainable and reusable browser code without the infrastructural overhead found in other MVC libraries. The goal is to enable developers to write web apps at least as quickly as with jQuery, while simplifying long-term maintainability through MVC objects.">Agility.js</a>
<li data-routing>
<li class="routing">
<a href="architecture-examples/knockback/" data-source="" data-content="Knockback.js provides Knockout.js magic for Backbone.js Models and Collections.">Knockback.js</a>
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<h2>Apps using RequireJS/AMD</h2>
<ul class="applist amd">
<li data-routing>
<li class="routing">
<a href="dependency-examples/backbone_require/" data-source="" data-content="RequireJS is a JavaScript file and module loader. It is optimized for in-browser use, but it can be used in other JavaScript environments, like Rhino and Node. Using a modular script loader like RequireJS will improve the speed and quality of your code.">Backbone.js + RequireJS</a>
<li data-routing>
<li class="routing">
<a href="dependency-examples/emberjs_require/" data-source="" data-content="Ember is a JavaScript framework for creating ambitious web applications that eliminates boilerplate and provides a standard application architecture. This is an example of using it with AMD modules">Ember.js + RequireJS</a>
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<a href="labs/architecture-examples/javascriptmvc/todo/todo/" data-source="" data-content="JavaScriptMVC is an open-source framework containing the best ideas in jQuery development. It guides you to successfully completed projects by promoting best practices, maintainability, and convention over configuration.">JavaScriptMVC</a>
<li class="routing">
<a href="labs/architecture-examples/dermis" data-source="" data-content="dermis is a tiny framework that provides models, collections, controllers, and data-binding out of the box. dermis is designed to be the simplest possible solution for creating complex applications">dermis</a>
<li class="routing">
<a href="labs/architecture-examples/stapes/" data-source="" data-content="Stapes is a (really) tiny Javascript MVC micro-framework (1.7kb) that has all the building blocks you need when writing an MVC app. It includes a powerful event system, support for inheritance, use with AMD, plugin support and more. A RequireJS Todo application is <a href='dependency-examples/stapes_require/index.html'>also</a> available.">Stapes</a>
<li class="routing">
<a href="labs/architecture-examples/epitome/" data-source="" data-content="Epitome is a new extensible and modular open-source MVP* framework, built out of MooTools Classes and Events.">Epitome</a>
<li class="routing">
<a href="labs/architecture-examples/troopjs/" data-source="" data-content="TroopJS attempts to package popular front-end technologies and bind them with minimal effort for the developer. It includes jQuery for DOM manipulation, ComposeJS for object composition, RequireJS for modularity and Has.js for feature detection. On top, it includes Pub/Sub support, templating, weaving (widgets to DOM) and auto-wiring.">TroopJS</a>
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<a href="labs/architecture-examples/duel/www/" data-source="" data-content="DUEL is a dual-side templating engine using HTML for layout and 100% pure JavaScript as the binding language. The same views may be executed both directly in the browser (client-side template) and on the server (server-side template).">DUEL</a>
<li class="routing">
<a href="labs/architecture-examples/puremvc/" data-source="" data-content="PureMVC is a lightweight framework for creating applications based upon the classic Model-View-Controller design meta-pattern.">PureMVC</a>
<a href="labs/architecture-examples/olives/" data-source="" data-content="Olives is a JS MVC framework that helps you create realtime UIs. It includes a set of AMD/CommonJS modules that are easily extensive, a high level of abstraction to reduce boilerplate and is based on, to provide a powerful means to communicate with node.js.">Olives</a>
<li class="routing">
<a href="labs/architecture-examples/plastronjs/" data-source="" data-content="PlastronJS is an mvc framework built on top of the Closure Library and built to compile with projects that use the Closure Compiler.">PlastronJS</a>
<a href="labs/architecture-examples/dijon/" data-source="" data-content="Dijon is an IOC and DI micro-framework for Javascript. Originally it was meant to be a port of Robotlegs, but deviated to something quite different. It remains however heavily inspired by Robotlegs, and more specifically Swiftsuspenders.">Dijon</a>
<li class="routing">
<a href="labs/architecture-examples/rappidjs/" data-source="" data-content="rAppid.js is a declarative JavaScript framework for rapid web application development. It supports dependency loading, Model-View binding, View-Model binding, dependency injection and i18n.">rAppid.js</a>
<li class=" class="routing">
<a href="labs/architecture-examples/o_O/" data-source="" data-content="o_O: HTML binding for teh lulz: &lt;br> - Elegantly binds objects to HTML&lt;br>- Proxies through jQuery, Ender, etc&lt;br>- Automatic dependency resolution&lt;br>- Plays well with others">Funnyface.js</a>
<a href="labs/architecture-examples/knockoutjs_classBindingProvider/" data-source="" data-content="This project is an adaptation of /architecture-examples/knockoutjs with Ryan Niemeyer's Class Binding Provider.">Knockout + ClassBindingProvider</a>
<li class="routing">
<a href="labs/architecture-examples/knockoutjs_classBindingProvider/" data-source="" data-content="This project is an adaptation of /architecture-examples/knockoutjs with Ryan Niemeyer's Class Binding Provider.">Knockout +</br> ClassBindingProvider</a>
<a href="labs/dependency-examples/knockoutjs_require/" data-source="" data-content="This project is an adaptation of /architecture-examples/knockoutjs with require.js.">Knockout + RequireJS</a>
<li class="routing">
<a href="labs/dependency-examples/angularjs_require/" data-source="" data-content="What HTML would have been had it been designed for web apps. This is an example of using it with AMD modules.">AngularJS + RequireJS</a>
<li class="routing">
<a href="architecture-examples/angularjs-perf/" data-source="" data-content="What HTML would have been had it been designed for web apps. A version with several performance optimizations.">AngularJS (optimized)</a>
<li class="routing">
<a href="" data-source="" data-content="Backbone.xmpp is a drop-in replacement for Backbone’s RESTful API, allowing models/collections to be persisted on XMPP Pub-Sub nodes providing real-time updates.">Backbone.xmpp</a>
<li class="routing">
<a href="labs/architecture-examples/backbone_marionette" data-source="" data-content="Backbone.Marionette is a composite application library for Backbone.js that aims to simplify the construction of large scale JavaScript applications.">MarionetteJS</a>
<li class="routing">
<a href="labs/architecture-examples/thorax" data-source="" data-content="Thorax is a Backbone superset that integrates deeply with Handlebars to provide easy model and collection binding.">Thorax</a>
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<a href="labs/architecture-examples/canjs/yui-widget/" data-source="" data-content="CanJS with YUI (includes a YUI widget binding example). CanJS is a client-side, JavaScript framework that makes building rich web applications easy. It provides can.Model (for connecting to RESTful JSON interfaces), can.View (for template loading and caching), can.Observe (for key-value binding), can.EJS (live binding templates), can.Control (declarative event bindings) and can.route (routing support).">CanJS (YUI Widget)</a>
<li class="routing">
<a href="labs/architecture-examples/dart/web/" data-source="" data-content="Dart firstly targets the development of modern and large scale browser-side web apps. It's an object oriented language with a C-style syntax. It has two run modes : it can be compiled to JS, and will later run in native VM in compliant browsers (just in a dedicated Chromium provided with Dart SDK for the moment).">Dart</a>
......@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ header nav a:first-child {
position: relative; /* popover */
.applist li[data-routing]:after {
.applist .routing::after {
content: 'R';
position: relative;
top: -3px;
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