Commit c411f028 authored by Alberto Monteiro's avatar Alberto Monteiro

Knockout - routing with crossroad js

parent c226bcd5
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
<section id="main" data-bind="visible: todos().length">
<input id="toggle-all" type="checkbox" data-bind="checked: allCompleted">
<label for="toggle-all">Mark all as complete</label>
<ul id="todo-list" data-bind="foreach: todos">
<ul id="todo-list" data-bind="foreach: filteredTodos">
<li data-bind="css: { completed: completed, editing: editing }">
<div class="view" data-bind="event: { dblclick: $root.editItem }">
<input class="toggle" type="checkbox" data-bind="checked: completed">
......@@ -35,6 +35,17 @@
<strong data-bind="text: remainingCount">1</strong>
<span data-bind="text: getLabel( remainingCount )"></span> left
<ul id="filters">
<a data-bind="css: { selected: showMode() == 'all' }" href="#/all">All</a>
<a data-bind="css: { selected: showMode() == 'active' }" href="#/active">Active</a>
<a data-bind="css: { selected: showMode() == 'completed' }" href="#/completed">Completed</a>
<button id="clear-completed" data-bind="visible: completedCount, click: removeCompleted">Clear completed (<span data-bind="text: completedCount"></span>)</button>
......@@ -46,6 +57,13 @@
<script src="../../assets/base.js"></script>
<script src="js/lib/knockout-2.0.0.js"></script>
<!--Crossroad.js Begin -->
<script src="js/lib/signals.js"></script>
<script src="js/lib/crossroads.js"></script>
<script src="js/lib/route.js"></script>
<script src="js/lib/pattern_lexer.js"></script>
<script src="js/lib/intro.js"></script>
<!--Crossroad.js End -->
<script src="js/app.js"></script>
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -67,6 +67,19 @@
// store the new todo value being entered
self.current = ko.observable();
self.showMode = ko.observable();
self.filteredTodos = ko.computed(function(){
case 'active':
return self.todos().filter(function(todo){ return !todo.completed(); });
case 'completed':
return self.todos().filter(function(todo){ return todo.completed(); });
return self.todos();
// add a new todo, when enter key is pressed
self.add = function() {
......@@ -148,5 +161,16 @@
var todos = ko.utils.parseJson( localStorage.getItem( 'todos-knockout' ) );
// bind a new instance of our view model to the page
ko.applyBindings( new ViewModel( todos || [] ) );
var viewModel = new ViewModel(todos || [])
//setup crossroads
crossroads.addRoute('all', function() { viewModel.showMode('all'); });
crossroads.addRoute('active', function() { viewModel.showMode('active'); });
crossroads.addRoute('completed', function() { viewModel.showMode('completed'); });
window.onhashchange = function() {
crossroads.parse(location.hash.replace("#", ""));
crossroads.parse(location.hash.replace("#", ""));
// Crossroads --------
* @constructor
function Crossroads() {
this._routes = [];
this._prevRoutes = [];
this.bypassed = new signals.Signal();
this.routed = new signals.Signal();
Crossroads.prototype = {
greedy : false,
greedyEnabled : true,
normalizeFn : null,
create : function () {
return new Crossroads();
shouldTypecast : false,
addRoute : function (pattern, callback, priority) {
var route = new Route(pattern, callback, priority, this);
return route;
removeRoute : function (route) {
var i = arrayIndexOf(this._routes, route);
if (i !== -1) {
this._routes.splice(i, 1);
removeAllRoutes : function () {
var n = this.getNumRoutes();
while (n--) {
this._routes.length = 0;
parse : function (request, defaultArgs) {
request = request || '';
defaultArgs = defaultArgs || [];
var routes = this._getMatchedRoutes(request),
i = 0,
n = routes.length,
if (n) {
this._notifyPrevRoutes(routes, request);
this._prevRoutes = routes;
//shold be incremental loop, execute routes in order
while (i < n) {
cur = routes[i];
cur.route.matched.dispatch.apply(cur.route.matched, defaultArgs.concat(cur.params));
cur.isFirst = !i;
this.routed.dispatch.apply(this.routed, defaultArgs.concat([request, cur]));
i += 1;
} else {
this.bypassed.dispatch.apply(this.bypassed, defaultArgs.concat([request]));
_notifyPrevRoutes : function(matchedRoutes, request) {
var i = 0, prev;
while (prev = this._prevRoutes[i++]) {
//check if switched exist since route may be disposed
if(prev.route.switched && this._didSwitch(prev.route, matchedRoutes)) {
_didSwitch : function (route, matchedRoutes){
var matched,
i = 0;
while (matched = matchedRoutes[i++]) {
// only dispatch switched if it is going to a different route
if (matched.route === route) {
return false;
return true;
getNumRoutes : function () {
return this._routes.length;
_sortedInsert : function (route) {
//simplified insertion sort
var routes = this._routes,
n = routes.length;
do { --n; } while (routes[n] && route._priority <= routes[n]._priority);
routes.splice(n+1, 0, route);
_getMatchedRoutes : function (request) {
var res = [],
routes = this._routes,
n = routes.length,
//should be decrement loop since higher priorities are added at the end of array
while (route = routes[--n]) {
if ((!res.length || this.greedy || route.greedy) && route.match(request)) {
route : route,
params : route._getParamsArray(request)
if (!this.greedyEnabled && res.length) {
return res;
toString : function () {
return '[crossroads numRoutes:'+ this.getNumRoutes() +']';
//"static" instance
crossroads = new Crossroads();
crossroads.VERSION = '::VERSION_NUMBER::';
crossroads.NORM_AS_ARRAY = function (req, vals) {
return [vals.vals_];
crossroads.NORM_AS_OBJECT = function (req, vals) {
return [vals];
var crossroads,
// Helpers -----------
function arrayIndexOf(arr, val) {
if (arr.indexOf) {
return arr.indexOf(val);
} else {
//Array.indexOf doesn't work on IE 6-7
var n = arr.length;
while (n--) {
if (arr[n] === val) {
return n;
return -1;
function isKind(val, kind) {
return '[object '+ kind +']' ===;
function isRegExp(val) {
return isKind(val, 'RegExp');
function isArray(val) {
return isKind(val, 'Array');
function isFunction(val) {
return typeof val === 'function';
//borrowed from AMD-utils
function typecastValue(val) {
var r;
if (val === null || val === 'null') {
r = null;
} else if (val === 'true') {
r = true;
} else if (val === 'false') {
r = false;
} else if (val === UNDEF || val === 'undefined') {
r = UNDEF;
} else if (val === '' || isNaN(val)) {
//isNaN('') returns false
r = val;
} else {
//parseFloat(null || '') returns NaN
r = parseFloat(val);
return r;
function typecastArrayValues(values) {
var n = values.length,
result = [];
while (n--) {
result[n] = typecastValue(values[n]);
return result;
//borrowed from AMD-Utils
function decodeQueryString(str) {
var queryArr = (str || '').replace('?', '').split('&'),
n = queryArr.length,
obj = {},
item, val;
while (n--) {
item = queryArr[n].split('=');
val = typecastValue(item[1]);
obj[item[0]] = (typeof val === 'string')? decodeURIComponent(val) : val;
return obj;
// Pattern Lexer ------
crossroads.patternLexer = (function () {
//match chars that should be escaped on string regexp
ESCAPE_CHARS_REGEXP = /[\\.+*?\^$\[\](){}\/'#]/g,
//trailing slashes (begin/end of string)
//params - everything between `{ }` or `: :`
PARAMS_REGEXP = /(?:\{|:)([^}:]+)(?:\}|:)/g,
//used to save params during compile (avoid escaping things that
//shouldn't be escaped).
'OS' : {
//optional slashes
//slash between `::` or `}:` or `\w:` or `:{?` or `}{?` or `\w{?`
rgx : /([:}]|\w(?=\/))\/?(:|(?:\{\?))/g,
save : '$1{{id}}$2',
res : '\\/?'
'RS' : {
//required slashes
//used to insert slash between `:{` and `}{`
rgx : /([:}])\/?(\{)/g,
save : '$1{{id}}$2',
res : '\\/'
'RQ' : {
//required query string - everything in between `{? }`
rgx : /\{\?([^}]+)\}/g,
//everything from `?` till `#` or end of string
res : '\\?([^#]+)'
'OQ' : {
//optional query string - everything in between `:? :`
rgx : /:\?([^:]+):/g,
//everything from `?` till `#` or end of string
res : '(?:\\?([^#]*))?'
'OR' : {
//optional rest - everything in between `: *:`
rgx : /:([^:]+)\*:/g,
res : '(.*)?' // optional group to avoid passing empty string as captured
'RR' : {
//rest param - everything in between `{ *}`
rgx : /\{([^}]+)\*\}/g,
res : '(.+)'
// required/optional params should come after rest segments
'RP' : {
//required params - everything between `{ }`
rgx : /\{([^}]+)\}/g,
res : '([^\\/?]+)'
'OP' : {
//optional params - everything between `: :`
rgx : /:([^:]+):/g,
res : '([^\\/?]+)?\/?'
_slashMode = LOOSE_SLASH;
function precompileTokens(){
var key, cur;
for (key in TOKENS) {
if (TOKENS.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
cur = TOKENS[key]; = '__CR_'+ key +'__'; = ('save' in cur)?'{{id}}', :;
cur.rRestore = new RegExp(, 'g');
function captureVals(regex, pattern) {
var vals = [], match;
while (match = regex.exec(pattern)) {
return vals;
function getParamIds(pattern) {
return captureVals(PARAMS_REGEXP, pattern);
function getOptionalParamsIds(pattern) {
return captureVals(TOKENS.OP.rgx, pattern);
function compilePattern(pattern) {
pattern = pattern || '';
if (_slashMode === LOOSE_SLASH) {
pattern = pattern.replace(LOOSE_SLASHES_REGEXP, '');
else if (_slashMode === LEGACY_SLASH) {
pattern = pattern.replace(LEGACY_SLASHES_REGEXP, '');
//save tokens
pattern = replaceTokens(pattern, 'rgx', 'save');
//regexp escape
pattern = pattern.replace(ESCAPE_CHARS_REGEXP, '\\$&');
//restore tokens
pattern = replaceTokens(pattern, 'rRestore', 'res');
if (_slashMode === LOOSE_SLASH) {
pattern = '\\/?'+ pattern;
if (_slashMode !== STRICT_SLASH) {
//single slash is treated as empty and end slash is optional
pattern += '\\/?';
return new RegExp('^'+ pattern + '$');
function replaceTokens(pattern, regexpName, replaceName) {
var cur, key;
for (key in TOKENS) {
if (TOKENS.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
cur = TOKENS[key];
pattern = pattern.replace(cur[regexpName], cur[replaceName]);
return pattern;
function getParamValues(request, regexp, shouldTypecast) {
var vals = regexp.exec(request);
if (vals) {
if (shouldTypecast) {
vals = typecastArrayValues(vals);
return vals;
function interpolate(pattern, replacements) {
if (typeof pattern !== 'string') {
throw new Error('Route pattern should be a string.');
var replaceFn = function(match, prop){
var val;
if (prop in replacements) {
val = replacements[prop];
if (match.indexOf('*') === -1 && val.indexOf('/') !== -1) {
throw new Error('Invalid value "'+ val +'" for segment "'+ match +'".');
else if (match.indexOf('{') !== -1) {
throw new Error('The segment '+ match +' is required.');
else {
val = '';
return val;
if (! TOKENS.OS.trail) {
TOKENS.OS.trail = new RegExp('(?:'+ +')+$');
return pattern
.replace(PARAMS_REGEXP, replaceFn)
.replace(TOKENS.OS.trail, '') // remove trailing
.replace(TOKENS.OS.rRestore, '/'); // add slash between segments
return {
strict : function(){
_slashMode = STRICT_SLASH;
loose : function(){
_slashMode = LOOSE_SLASH;
legacy : function(){
_slashMode = LEGACY_SLASH;
getParamIds : getParamIds,
getOptionalParamsIds : getOptionalParamsIds,
getParamValues : getParamValues,
compilePattern : compilePattern,
interpolate : interpolate
// Route --------------
* @constructor
function Route(pattern, callback, priority, router) {
var isRegexPattern = isRegExp(pattern),
patternLexer = crossroads.patternLexer;
this._router = router;
this._pattern = pattern;
this._paramsIds = isRegexPattern? null : patternLexer.getParamIds(this._pattern);
this._optionalParamsIds = isRegexPattern? null : patternLexer.getOptionalParamsIds(this._pattern);
this._matchRegexp = isRegexPattern? pattern : patternLexer.compilePattern(pattern);
this.matched = new signals.Signal();
this.switched = new signals.Signal();
if (callback) {
this._priority = priority || 0;
Route.prototype = {
greedy : false,
rules : void(0),
match : function (request) {
request = request || '';
return this._matchRegexp.test(request) && this._validateParams(request); //validate params even if regexp because of `request_` rule.
_validateParams : function (request) {
var rules = this.rules,
values = this._getParamsObject(request),
for (key in rules) {
// normalize_ isn't a validation rule... (#39)
if(key !== 'normalize_' && rules.hasOwnProperty(key) && ! this._isValidParam(request, key, values)){
return false;
return true;
_isValidParam : function (request, prop, values) {
var validationRule = this.rules[prop],
val = values[prop],
isValid = false,
isQuery = (prop.indexOf('?') === 0);
if (val == null && this._optionalParamsIds && arrayIndexOf(this._optionalParamsIds, prop) !== -1) {
isValid = true;
else if (isRegExp(validationRule)) {
if (isQuery) {
val = values[prop +'_']; //use raw string
isValid = validationRule.test(val);
else if (isArray(validationRule)) {
if (isQuery) {
val = values[prop +'_']; //use raw string
isValid = arrayIndexOf(validationRule, val) !== -1;
else if (isFunction(validationRule)) {
isValid = validationRule(val, request, values);
return isValid; //fail silently if validationRule is from an unsupported type
_getParamsObject : function (request) {
var shouldTypecast = this._router.shouldTypecast,
values = crossroads.patternLexer.getParamValues(request, this._matchRegexp, shouldTypecast),
o = {},
n = values.length,
param, val;
while (n--) {
val = values[n];
if (this._paramsIds) {
param = this._paramsIds[n];
if (param.indexOf('?') === 0 && val) {
//make a copy of the original string so array and
//RegExp validation can be applied properly
o[param +'_'] = val;
//update vals_ array as well since it will be used
//during dispatch
val = decodeQueryString(val);
values[n] = val;
o[param] = val;
//alias to paths and for RegExp pattern
o[n] = val;
o.request_ = shouldTypecast? typecastValue(request) : request;
o.vals_ = values;
return o;
_getParamsArray : function (request) {
var norm = this.rules? this.rules.normalize_ : null,
norm = norm || this._router.normalizeFn; // default normalize
if (norm && isFunction(norm)) {
params = norm(request, this._getParamsObject(request));
} else {
params = this._getParamsObject(request).vals_;
return params;
interpolate : function(replacements) {
var str = crossroads.patternLexer.interpolate(this._pattern, replacements);
if (! this._validateParams(str) ) {
throw new Error('Generated string doesn\'t validate against `Route.rules`.');
return str;
dispose : function () {
_destroy : function () {
this.matched = this.switched = this._pattern = this._matchRegexp = null;
toString : function () {
return '[Route pattern:"'+ this._pattern +'", numListeners:'+ this.matched.getNumListeners() +']';
/*jslint onevar:true, undef:true, newcap:true, regexp:true, bitwise:true, maxerr:50, indent:4, white:false, nomen:false, plusplus:false */
/*global window:false, global:false*/
* JS Signals <>
* Released under the MIT license <>
* @author Miller Medeiros <>
* @version 0.6.3
* @build 187 (07/11/2011 10:14 AM)
* @namespace Signals Namespace - Custom event/messaging system based on AS3 Signals
* @name signals
var signals = /** @lends signals */{
* Signals Version Number
* @type String
* @const
VERSION : '0.6.3'
// SignalBinding -------------------------------------------------
* Object that represents a binding between a Signal and a listener function.
* <br />- <strong>This is an internal constructor and shouldn't be called by regular users.</strong>
* <br />- inspired by Joa Ebert AS3 SignalBinding and Robert Penner's Slot classes.
* @author Miller Medeiros
* @constructor
* @internal
* @name signals.SignalBinding
* @param {signals.Signal} signal Reference to Signal object that listener is currently bound to.
* @param {Function} listener Handler function bound to the signal.
* @param {boolean} isOnce If binding should be executed just once.
* @param {Object} [listenerContext] Context on which listener will be executed (object that should represent the `this` variable inside listener function).
* @param {Number} [priority] The priority level of the event listener. (default = 0).
function SignalBinding(signal, listener, isOnce, listenerContext, priority) {
* Handler function bound to the signal.
* @type Function
* @private
this._listener = listener;
* If binding should be executed just once.
* @type boolean
* @private
this._isOnce = isOnce;
* Context on which listener will be executed (object that should represent the `this` variable inside listener function).
* @memberOf signals.SignalBinding.prototype
* @name context
* @type Object|undefined|null
this.context = listenerContext;
* Reference to Signal object that listener is currently bound to.
* @type signals.Signal
* @private
this._signal = signal;
* Listener priority
* @type Number
* @private
this._priority = priority || 0;
SignalBinding.prototype = /** @lends signals.SignalBinding.prototype */ {
* If binding is active and should be executed.
* @type boolean
active : true,
* Default parameters passed to listener during `Signal.dispatch` and `SignalBinding.execute`. (curried parameters)
* @type Array|null
params : null,
* Call listener passing arbitrary parameters.
* <p>If binding was added using `Signal.addOnce()` it will be automatically removed from signal dispatch queue, this method is used internally for the signal dispatch.</p>
* @param {Array} [paramsArr] Array of parameters that should be passed to the listener
* @return {*} Value returned by the listener.
execute : function (paramsArr) {
var handlerReturn, params;
if ( && !!this._listener) {
params = this.params? this.params.concat(paramsArr) : paramsArr;
handlerReturn = this._listener.apply(this.context, params);
if (this._isOnce) {
return handlerReturn;
* Detach binding from signal.
* - alias to: mySignal.remove(myBinding.getListener());
* @return {Function|null} Handler function bound to the signal or `null` if binding was previously detached.
detach : function () {
return this.isBound()? this._signal.remove(this._listener) : null;
* @return {Boolean} `true` if binding is still bound to the signal and have a listener.
isBound : function () {
return (!!this._signal && !!this._listener);
* @return {Function} Handler function bound to the signal.
getListener : function () {
return this._listener;
* Delete instance properties
* @private
_destroy : function () {
delete this._signal;
delete this._listener;
delete this.context;
* @return {boolean} If SignalBinding will only be executed once.
isOnce : function () {
return this._isOnce;
* @return {string} String representation of the object.
toString : function () {
return '[SignalBinding isOnce: ' + this._isOnce +', isBound: '+ this.isBound() +', active: ' + + ']';
/*global signals:true, SignalBinding:false*/
// Signal --------------------------------------------------------
function validateListener(listener, fnName) {
if (typeof listener !== 'function') {
throw new Error( 'listener is a required param of {fn}() and should be a Function.'.replace('{fn}', fnName) );
* Custom event broadcaster
* <br />- inspired by Robert Penner's AS3 Signals.
* @author Miller Medeiros
* @constructor
signals.Signal = function () {
* @type Array.<SignalBinding>
* @private
this._bindings = [];
signals.Signal.prototype = {
* @type boolean
* @private
_shouldPropagate : true,
* If Signal is active and should broadcast events.
* <p><strong>IMPORTANT:</strong> Setting this property during a dispatch will only affect the next dispatch, if you want to stop the propagation of a signal use `halt()` instead.</p>
* @type boolean
active : true,
* @param {Function} listener
* @param {boolean} isOnce
* @param {Object} [scope]
* @param {Number} [priority]
* @return {SignalBinding}
* @private
_registerListener : function (listener, isOnce, scope, priority) {
var prevIndex = this._indexOfListener(listener),
if (prevIndex !== -1) { //avoid creating a new Binding for same listener if already added to list
binding = this._bindings[prevIndex];
if (binding.isOnce() !== isOnce) {
throw new Error('You cannot add'+ (isOnce? '' : 'Once') +'() then add'+ (!isOnce? '' : 'Once') +'() the same listener without removing the relationship first.');
} else {
binding = new SignalBinding(this, listener, isOnce, scope, priority);
return binding;
* @param {SignalBinding} binding
* @private
_addBinding : function (binding) {
//simplified insertion sort
var n = this._bindings.length;
do { --n; } while (this._bindings[n] && binding._priority <= this._bindings[n]._priority);
this._bindings.splice(n + 1, 0, binding);
* @param {Function} listener
* @return {number}
* @private
_indexOfListener : function (listener) {
var n = this._bindings.length;
while (n--) {
if (this._bindings[n]._listener === listener) {
return n;
return -1;
* Add a listener to the signal.
* @param {Function} listener Signal handler function.
* @param {Object} [scope] Context on which listener will be executed (object that should represent the `this` variable inside listener function).
* @param {Number} [priority] The priority level of the event listener. Listeners with higher priority will be executed before listeners with lower priority. Listeners with same priority level will be executed at the same order as they were added. (default = 0)
* @return {SignalBinding} An Object representing the binding between the Signal and listener.
add : function (listener, scope, priority) {
validateListener(listener, 'add');
return this._registerListener(listener, false, scope, priority);
* Add listener to the signal that should be removed after first execution (will be executed only once).
* @param {Function} listener Signal handler function.
* @param {Object} [scope] Context on which listener will be executed (object that should represent the `this` variable inside listener function).
* @param {Number} [priority] The priority level of the event listener. Listeners with higher priority will be executed before listeners with lower priority. Listeners with same priority level will be executed at the same order as they were added. (default = 0)
* @return {SignalBinding} An Object representing the binding between the Signal and listener.
addOnce : function (listener, scope, priority) {
validateListener(listener, 'addOnce');
return this._registerListener(listener, true, scope, priority);
* Remove a single listener from the dispatch queue.
* @param {Function} listener Handler function that should be removed.
* @return {Function} Listener handler function.
remove : function (listener) {
validateListener(listener, 'remove');
var i = this._indexOfListener(listener);
if (i !== -1) {
this._bindings[i]._destroy(); //no reason to a SignalBinding exist if it isn't attached to a signal
this._bindings.splice(i, 1);
return listener;
* Remove all listeners from the Signal.
removeAll : function () {
var n = this._bindings.length;
while (n--) {
this._bindings.length = 0;
* @return {number} Number of listeners attached to the Signal.
getNumListeners : function () {
return this._bindings.length;
* Stop propagation of the event, blocking the dispatch to next listeners on the queue.
* <p><strong>IMPORTANT:</strong> should be called only during signal dispatch, calling it before/after dispatch won't affect signal broadcast.</p>
* @see signals.Signal.prototype.disable
halt : function () {
this._shouldPropagate = false;
* Dispatch/Broadcast Signal to all listeners added to the queue.
* @param {...*} [params] Parameters that should be passed to each handler.
dispatch : function (params) {
if (! {
var paramsArr =,
bindings = this._bindings.slice(), //clone array in case add/remove items during dispatch
n = this._bindings.length;
this._shouldPropagate = true; //in case `halt` was called before dispatch or during the previous dispatch.
//execute all callbacks until end of the list or until a callback returns `false` or stops propagation
//reverse loop since listeners with higher priority will be added at the end of the list
do { n--; } while (bindings[n] && this._shouldPropagate && bindings[n].execute(paramsArr) !== false);
* Remove all bindings from signal and destroy any reference to external objects (destroy Signal object).
* <p><strong>IMPORTANT:</strong> calling any method on the signal instance after calling dispose will throw errors.</p>
dispose : function () {
delete this._bindings;
* @return {string} String representation of the object.
toString : function () {
return '[Signal active: '+ +' numListeners: '+ this.getNumListeners() +']';
global.signals = signals;
}(window || this));
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