Commit d501a8f5 authored by Pascal Hartig's avatar Pascal Hartig

Backbone + RequireJS: Use Bower components

Ref #475
parent 037d063a
"name": "todomvc-backbone-requirejs",
"version": "0.0.0",
"dependencies": {
"backbone": "~0.9.10",
"underscore": "~1.4.4",
"jquery": "~1.9.1",
"todomvc-common": "~0.1.0",
"backbone.localStorage": "~1.1.0",
"requirejs": "~2.1.5",
"requirejs-text": "~2.0.5"
* Backbone localStorage Adapter
* Version 1.1.0
(function(_, Backbone) {
(function (root, factory) {
if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
// AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
define(["underscore","backbone"], function(_, Backbone) {
// Use global variables if the locals is undefined.
return factory(_ || root._, Backbone || root.Backbone);
} else {
// RequireJS isn't being used. Assume underscore and backbone is loaded in <script> tags
factory(_, Backbone);
}(this, function(_, Backbone) {
// A simple module to replace `Backbone.sync` with *localStorage*-based
// persistence. Models are given GUIDS, and saved into a JSON object. Simple
// as that.
......@@ -47,39 +59,51 @@ _.extend(Backbone.LocalStorage.prototype, {
this.localStorage().setItem("-", JSON.stringify(model));
return model.toJSON();
return this.find(model);
// Update a model by replacing its copy in ``.
update: function(model) {
this.localStorage().setItem("-", JSON.stringify(model));
if (!_.include(this.records, this.records.push(;;
return model.toJSON();
if (!_.include(this.records,
return this.find(model);
// Retrieve a model from `` by id.
find: function(model) {
return JSON.parse(this.localStorage().getItem("-";
return this.jsonData(this.localStorage().getItem("-";
// Return the array of all models currently in storage.
findAll: function() {
return _(this.records).chain()
.map(function(id){return JSON.parse(this.localStorage().getItem("-"+id));}, this)
return this.jsonData(this.localStorage().getItem("-"+id));
}, this)
// Delete a model from ``, returning it.
destroy: function(model) {
if (model.isNew())
return false
this.records = _.reject(this.records, function(record_id){return record_id ==;});
this.records = _.reject(this.records, function(id){
return id ===;
return model;
localStorage: function() {
return localStorage;
// fix for "illegal access" error on Android when JSON.parse is passed null
jsonData: function (data) {
return data && JSON.parse(data);
......@@ -90,22 +114,60 @@ _.extend(Backbone.LocalStorage.prototype, {
Backbone.LocalStorage.sync = window.Store.sync = Backbone.localSync = function(method, model, options) {
var store = model.localStorage || model.collection.localStorage;
var resp, syncDfd = $.Deferred && $.Deferred(); //If $ is having Deferred - use it.
var resp, errorMessage, syncDfd = $.Deferred && $.Deferred(); //If $ is having Deferred - use it.
try {
switch (method) {
case "read": resp = != undefined ? store.find(model) : store.findAll(); break;
case "create": resp = store.create(model); break;
case "update": resp = store.update(model); break;
case "delete": resp = store.destroy(model); break;
case "read":
resp = != undefined ? store.find(model) : store.findAll();
case "create":
resp = store.create(model);
case "update":
resp = store.update(model);
case "delete":
resp = store.destroy(model);
} catch(error) {
if (error.code === DOMException.QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR && window.localStorage.length === 0)
errorMessage = "Private browsing is unsupported";
errorMessage = error.message;
if (resp) {
if (options && options.success) options.success(resp);
if (syncDfd) syncDfd.resolve();
if (options && options.success)
if (Backbone.VERSION === "0.9.10") {
options.success(model, resp, options);
} else {
if (options && options.error) options.error("Record not found");
if (syncDfd) syncDfd.reject();
if (syncDfd)
} else {
errorMessage = errorMessage ? errorMessage
: "Record Not Found";
if (options && options.error)
if (Backbone.VERSION === "0.9.10") {
options.error(model, errorMessage, options);
} else {
if (syncDfd)
// add compatibility with $.ajax
// always execute callback for success and error
if (options && options.complete) options.complete(resp);
return syncDfd && syncDfd.promise();
......@@ -113,8 +175,7 @@ Backbone.LocalStorage.sync = window.Store.sync = Backbone.localSync = function(m
Backbone.ajaxSync = Backbone.sync;
Backbone.getSyncMethod = function(model) {
if(model.localStorage || (model.collection && model.collection.localStorage))
if(model.localStorage || (model.collection && model.collection.localStorage)) {
return Backbone.localSync;
......@@ -127,4 +188,5 @@ Backbone.sync = function(method, model, options) {
return Backbone.getSyncMethod(model).apply(this, [method, model, options]);
})(_, Backbone);
return Backbone.LocalStorage;
\ No newline at end of file
* @license RequireJS text 2.0.3 Copyright (c) 2010-2012, The Dojo Foundation All Rights Reserved.
* @license RequireJS text 2.0.5 Copyright (c) 2010-2012, The Dojo Foundation All Rights Reserved.
* Available via the MIT or new BSD license.
* see: for details
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ define(['module'], function (module) {
masterConfig = (module.config && module.config()) || {};
text = {
version: '2.0.3',
version: '2.0.5',
strip: function (content) {
//Strips <?xml ...?> declarations so that external SVG and XML
......@@ -83,16 +83,30 @@ define(['module'], function (module) {
* where strip is a boolean.
parseName: function (name) {
var strip = false, index = name.indexOf("."),
modName = name.substring(0, index),
var modName, ext, temp,
strip = false,
index = name.indexOf("."),
isRelative = name.indexOf('./') === 0 ||
name.indexOf('../') === 0;
if (index !== -1 && (!isRelative || index > 1)) {
modName = name.substring(0, index);
ext = name.substring(index + 1, name.length);
} else {
modName = name;
index = ext.indexOf("!");
temp = ext || modName;
index = temp.indexOf("!");
if (index !== -1) {
//Pull off the strip arg.
strip = ext.substring(index + 1, ext.length);
strip = strip === "strip";
ext = ext.substring(0, index);
strip = temp.substring(index + 1) === "strip";
temp = temp.substring(0, index);
if (ext) {
ext = temp;
} else {
modName = temp;
return {
......@@ -156,7 +170,8 @@ define(['module'], function (module) {
masterConfig.isBuild = config.isBuild;
var parsed = text.parseName(name),
nonStripName = parsed.moduleName + '.' + parsed.ext,
nonStripName = parsed.moduleName +
(parsed.ext ? '.' + parsed.ext : ''),
url = req.toUrl(nonStripName),
useXhr = (masterConfig.useXhr) ||
......@@ -194,11 +209,11 @@ define(['module'], function (module) {
writeFile: function (pluginName, moduleName, req, write, config) {
var parsed = text.parseName(moduleName),
nonStripName = parsed.moduleName + '.' + parsed.ext,
extPart = parsed.ext ? '.' + parsed.ext : '',
nonStripName = parsed.moduleName + extPart,
//Use a '.js' file name so that it indicates it is a
//script that can be loaded across domains.
fileName = req.toUrl(parsed.moduleName + '.' +
parsed.ext) + '.js';
fileName = req.toUrl(parsed.moduleName + extPart) + '.js';
//Leverage own load() method to load plugin value, but only
//write out values that do not have the strip argument,
......@@ -236,10 +251,19 @@ define(['module'], function (module) {
} else if (masterConfig.env === 'xhr' || (!masterConfig.env &&
text.createXhr())) {
text.get = function (url, callback, errback) {
var xhr = text.createXhr();
text.get = function (url, callback, errback, headers) {
var xhr = text.createXhr(), header;'GET', url, true);
//Allow plugins direct access to xhr headers
if (headers) {
for (header in headers) {
if (headers.hasOwnProperty(header)) {
xhr.setRequestHeader(header.toLowerCase(), headers[header]);
//Allow overrides specified in config
if (masterConfig.onXhr) {
masterConfig.onXhr(xhr, url);
(function () {
'use strict';
if (location.hostname === '') {
var _gaq=[['_setAccount','UA-31081062-1'],['_trackPageview']];(function(d,t){var g=d.createElement(t),s=d.getElementsByTagName(t)[0];g.src='//';s.parentNode.insertBefore(g,s)}(document,'script'));
......@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
<title>Backbone.js + RequireJS • TodoMVC</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../../assets/base.css">
<script src="../../assets/base.js"></script>
<script data-main="js/main" src="js/lib/require/require.js"></script>
<!--[if IE]>
<script src="../../assets/ie.js"></script>
......@@ -29,5 +28,6 @@
<p>Written by <a href="">Addy Osmani</a></p>
<p>Part of <a href="">TodoMVC</a></p>
<script data-main="js/main" src="components/requirejs/require.js"></script>
......@@ -22,11 +22,11 @@ require.config({
paths: {
jquery: '../../../assets/jquery.min',
underscore: '../../../assets/lodash.min',
backbone: 'lib/backbone/backbone',
backboneLocalstorage: 'lib/backbone/backbone.localStorage',
text: 'lib/require/text'
jquery: '../components/jquery/jquery',
underscore: '../components/underscore/underscore',
backbone: '../components/backbone/backbone',
backboneLocalstorage: '../components/backbone.localStorage/backbone.localStorage',
text: '../components/requirejs-text/text'
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