<ahref="labs/architecture-examples/javascriptmvc/todo/todo/"data-source="http://javascriptmvc.com"data-content="JavaScriptMVC is an open-source framework containing the best ideas in jQuery development. It guides you to successfully completed projects by promoting best practices, maintainability, and convention over configuration.">JavaScriptMVC</a>
<ahref="labs/architecture-examples/dermis"data-source="https://github.com/wearefractal/dermis"data-content="dermis is a tiny framework that provides models, collections, controllers, and data-binding out of the box. dermis is designed to be the simplest possible solution for creating complex applications">dermis</a>
<ahref="labs/architecture-examples/stapes/"data-source="http://hay.github.com/stapes"data-content="Stapes is a (really) tiny Javascript MVC micro-framework (1.7kb) that has all the building blocks you need when writing an MVC app. It includes a powerful event system, support for inheritance, use with AMD, plugin support and more. A RequireJS Todo application is <a href='dependency-examples/stapes_require/index.html'>also</a> available.">Stapes</a>
A todo app built using [dermis](https://github.com/wearefractal/dermis)
dermis is a tiny framework that provides models, collections, controllers, and data-binding out of the box. dermis is designed to be the simplest possible solution for creating complex applications