Commit f434c38b authored by Rahul Chanila's avatar Rahul Chanila

Update ember data revision from 11 to 12

parent b6d929c0
// Last commit: 2bcc767 (2013-03-07 17:07:46 -0800)
(function() {
window.DS = Ember.Namespace.create({
// this one goes to 11
// this one goes past 11
......@@ -846,7 +849,7 @@ DS._Mappable = Ember.Mixin.create({
instanceMap.set(transformedKey, newValue);
......@@ -2268,7 +2271,6 @@ DS.Store = Ember.Object.extend(DS._Mappable, {
var content = get(array, 'content');
var alreadyInArray = content.indexOf(clientId) !== -1;
var recordArrays = this.recordArraysForClientId(clientId);
var reference = this.referenceForClientId(clientId);
......@@ -2413,7 +2415,6 @@ DS.Store = Ember.Object.extend(DS._Mappable, {
if (prematerialized && {
id =;
} else if (id === undefined) {
var adapter = this.adapterForType(type);
id = this.preprocessData(type, data);
......@@ -2492,6 +2493,8 @@ DS.Store = Ember.Object.extend(DS._Mappable, {
clientIds = typeMap.clientIds,
cidToData = this.clientIdToData;
Ember.assert('The id ' + id + ' has already been used with another record of type ' + type.toString() + '.', !id || !idToClientIdMap[id]);
var clientId = ++this.clientIdCounter;
cidToData[clientId] = data;
......@@ -2518,7 +2521,7 @@ DS.Store = Ember.Object.extend(DS._Mappable, {
this.recordCache[clientId] = record = type._create({
store: this,
clientId: clientId,
clientId: clientId
set(record, 'id', id);
......@@ -2546,12 +2549,10 @@ DS.Store = Ember.Object.extend(DS._Mappable, {
if (id) { delete typeMap.idToCid[id]; }
destroy: function() {
willDestroy: function() {
if (get(DS, 'defaultStore') === this) {
set(DS, 'defaultStore', null);
return this._super();
// ........................
......@@ -3835,6 +3836,7 @@ var storeAlias = function(methodName) {
args = [];
Ember.assert("Your application does not have a 'Store' property defined. Attempts to call '" + methodName + "' on model classes will fail. Please provide one as with 'YourAppName.Store = DS.Store.extend()'", !!store);
return store[methodName].apply(store, args);
......@@ -3843,6 +3845,7 @@ DS.Model.reopenClass({
isLoaded: storeAlias('recordIsLoaded'),
find: storeAlias('find'),
all: storeAlias('all'),
query: storeAlias('findQuery'),
filter: storeAlias('filter'),
_create: DS.Model.create,
......@@ -4180,7 +4183,6 @@ DS.Model.reopenClass({
App.Blog = DS.Model.extend({
users: DS.hasMany(App.User),
owner: DS.belongsTo(App.User),
posts: DS.hasMany(App.Post)
......@@ -4256,6 +4258,51 @@ DS.Model.reopenClass({
return names;
An array of types directly related to a model. Each type will be
included once, regardless of the number of relationships it has with
the model.
For example, given a model with this definition:
App.Blog = DS.Model.extend({
users: DS.hasMany(App.User),
owner: DS.belongsTo(App.User),
posts: DS.hasMany(App.Post)
This property would contain the following:
var relatedTypes = Ember.get(App.Blog, 'relatedTypes');
//=> [ App.User, App.Post ]
@type Ember.Array
relatedTypes: Ember.computed(function() {
var type,
types = Ember.A([]);
// Loop through each computed property on the class,
// and create an array of the unique types involved
// in relationships
this.eachComputedProperty(function(name, meta) {
if (meta.isRelationship) {
type = meta.type;
if (typeof type === 'string') {
type = get(this, type, false) || get(Ember.lookup, type);
if (!types.contains(type)) {
return types;
A map whose keys are the relationships of a model and whose values are
relationship descriptors.
......@@ -4357,6 +4404,21 @@ DS.Model.reopenClass({
get(this, 'relationshipsByName').forEach(function(name, relationship) {, name, relationship);
Given a callback, iterates over each of the types related to a model,
invoking the callback with the related type's class. Each type will be
returned just once, regardless of how many different relationships it has
with a model.
@param {Function} callback the callback to invoke
@param {any} binding the value to which the callback's `this` should be bound
eachRelatedType: function(callback, binding) {
get(this, 'relatedTypes').forEach(function(type) {, type);
......@@ -4447,6 +4509,8 @@ var get = Ember.get, set = Ember.set;
var forEach = Ember.EnumerableUtils.forEach;
DS.RelationshipChange = function(options) {
this.parentReference = options.parentReference;
this.childReference = options.childReference;
this.firstRecordReference = options.firstRecordReference;
this.firstRecordKind = options.firstRecordKind;
this.firstRecordName = options.firstRecordName;
......@@ -4536,10 +4600,10 @@ DS.RelationshipChange.createChange = function(firstRecordReference, secondRecord
return DS.OneToManyChange.createChange(secondRecordReference, firstRecordReference, store, options);
else if (changeType === "oneToNone"){
return DS.OneToNoneChange.createChange(firstRecordReference, {}, store, options);
return DS.OneToNoneChange.createChange(firstRecordReference, secondRecordReference, store, options);
else if (changeType === "manyToNone"){
return DS.ManyToNoneChange.createChange(firstRecordReference, {}, store, options);
return DS.ManyToNoneChange.createChange(firstRecordReference, secondRecordReference, store, options);
else if (changeType === "oneToOne"){
return DS.OneToOneChange.createChange(firstRecordReference, secondRecordReference, store, options);
......@@ -4553,6 +4617,8 @@ DS.RelationshipChange.createChange = function(firstRecordReference, secondRecord
DS.OneToNoneChange.createChange = function(childReference, parentReference, store, options) {
var key = options.key;
var change = DS.RelationshipChange._createChange({
parentReference: parentReference,
childReference: childReference,
firstRecordReference: childReference,
store: store,
changeType: options.changeType,
......@@ -4569,6 +4635,8 @@ DS.OneToNoneChange.createChange = function(childReference, parentReference, stor
DS.ManyToNoneChange.createChange = function(childReference, parentReference, store, options) {
var key = options.key;
var change = DS.RelationshipChange._createChange({
parentReference: childReference,
childReference: parentReference,
secondRecordReference: childReference,
store: store,
changeType: options.changeType,
......@@ -4593,6 +4661,8 @@ DS.ManyToManyChange.createChange = function(childReference, parentReference, sto
key = options.key;
var change = DS.RelationshipChange._createChange({
parentReference: parentReference,
childReference: childReference,
firstRecordReference: childReference,
secondRecordReference: parentReference,
firstRecordKind: "hasMany",
......@@ -4627,6 +4697,8 @@ DS.OneToOneChange.createChange = function(childReference, parentReference, store
var change = DS.RelationshipChange._createChange({
parentReference: parentReference,
childReference: childReference,
firstRecordReference: childReference,
secondRecordReference: parentReference,
firstRecordKind: "belongsTo",
......@@ -4678,6 +4750,8 @@ DS.OneToManyChange.createChange = function(childReference, parentReference, stor
var change = DS.RelationshipChange._createChange({
parentReference: parentReference,
childReference: childReference,
firstRecordReference: childReference,
secondRecordReference: parentReference,
firstRecordKind: "belongsTo",
......@@ -4764,13 +4838,13 @@ DS.RelationshipChange.prototype = {
/** @private */
destroy: function() {
var childReference = this.firstRecordReference,
var childReference = this.childReference,
belongsToName = this.getFirstRecordName(),
hasManyName = this.getSecondRecordName(),
store =,
child, oldParent, newParent, lastParent, transaction;
store.removeRelationshipChangeFor(childReference, belongsToName, this.secondRecordReference, hasManyName, this.changeType);
store.removeRelationshipChangeFor(childReference, belongsToName, this.parentReference, hasManyName, this.changeType);
if (transaction = this.transaction) {
......@@ -4920,7 +4994,9 @@ DS.RelationshipChangeRemove.prototype.sync = function() {
if (secondRecord && firstRecord) {
if(this.secondRecordKind === "belongsTo"){
set(secondRecord, secondRecordName, null);
else if(this.secondRecordKind === "hasMany"){
......@@ -5608,7 +5684,7 @@ DS.Serializer = Ember.Object.extend({
primaryKey: function(type) {
// If the type is `BlogPost`, this will return
// `blog_post_id`.
var typeString = type.toString.split(".")[1].underscore();
var typeString = type.toString().split(".")[1].underscore();
return typeString + "_id";
......@@ -5986,10 +6062,10 @@ DS.Serializer = Ember.Object.extend({
registerEnumTransform: function(type, objects) {
var transform = {
deserialize: function(deserialized) {
return objects.objectAt(deserialized);
return Ember.A(objects).objectAt(deserialized);
serialize: function(serialized) {
return objects.indexOf(serialized);
return Ember.EnumerableUtils.indexOf(objects, serialized);
values: objects
......@@ -6283,6 +6359,13 @@ DS.JSONSerializer = DS.Serializer.extend({
if (sideloadAs) {
this.sideloadMapping.set(sideloadAs, type);
// Set a flag indicating that mappings may need to be normalized
// (i.e. converted from strings -> types) before sideloading.
// We can't do this conversion immediately here, because `configure`
// may be called before certain types have been defined.
this.sideloadMapping.normalized = false;
delete configuration.sideloadAs;
......@@ -6352,7 +6435,7 @@ DS.JSONSerializer = DS.Serializer.extend({
if (this.embeddedType(type, name)) {
if (embeddedChild = get(record, name)) {
value = this.serialize(embeddedChild, { include: true });
value = this.serialize(embeddedChild, { includeId: true });
hash[key] = value;
......@@ -6444,46 +6527,88 @@ DS.JSONSerializer = DS.Serializer.extend({
Iterates over the `json` payload and attempts to load any data
included alongside `root`.
The keys expected for sideloaded data are based upon the types related
to the root model. Recursion is used to ensure that types related to
related types can be loaded as well. Any custom keys specified by
`sideloadAs` mappings will also be respected.
@param {DS.Store subclass} loader
@param {DS.Model subclass} type
@param {Object} json
@param {String} root
sideload: function(loader, type, json, root) {
var sideloadedType, mappings, loaded = {};
var sideloadedType;
loaded[root] = true;
for (var prop in json) {
if (!json.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { continue; }
if (prop === root) { continue; }
if (prop === this.configOption(type, 'meta')) { continue; }
sideloadedType = type.typeForRelationship(prop);
if (!json.hasOwnProperty(prop) ||
prop === root ||
prop === this.configOption(type, 'meta')) {
if (!sideloadedType) {
sideloadedType = this.sideloadMapping.get(prop);
Ember.assert("Your server returned a hash with the key " + prop +
" but you have no mapping for it",
if (typeof sideloadedType === 'string') {
sideloadedType = get(Ember.lookup, sideloadedType);
this.loadValue(loader, sideloadedType, json[prop]);
Ember.assert("Your server returned a hash with the key " + prop + " but you have no mapping for it", !!sideloadedType);
Iterates over all the `sideloadAs` mappings and converts any that are
strings to their equivalent types.
this.sideloadRelationships(loader, sideloadedType, json, prop, loaded);
This is an optimization used to avoid performing lookups for every
call to `sideload`.
normalizeSideloadMappings: function() {
if (! this.sideloadMapping.normalized) {
this.sideloadMapping.forEach(function(key, value) {
if (typeof value === 'string') {
this.sideloadMapping.set(key, get(Ember.lookup, value));
}, this);
this.sideloadMapping.normalized = true;
sideloadRelationships: function(loader, type, json, prop, loaded) {
loaded[prop] = true;
get(type, 'relationshipsByName').forEach(function(key, meta) {
key = meta.key || key;
if (meta.kind === 'belongsTo') {
key = this.pluralize(key);
Configures possible sideload mappings for the types related to a
particular model. This recursive method ensures that sideloading
works for related models as well.
@param {DS.Model subclass} type
@param {Ember.A} configured an array of types that have already been configured
configureSideloadMappingForType: function(type, configured) {
if (!configured) {configured = Ember.A([]);}
type.eachRelatedType(function(relatedType) {
if (!configured.contains(relatedType)) {
var root = this.sideloadMappingForType(relatedType);
if (!root) {
root = this.defaultSideloadRootForType(relatedType);
this.sideloadMapping.set(root, relatedType);
if (json[key] && !loaded[key]) {
this.sideloadRelationships(loader, meta.type, json, key, loaded);
this.configureSideloadMappingForType(relatedType, configured);
}, this);
this.loadValue(loader, type, json[prop]);
loadValue: function(loader, type, value) {
......@@ -6505,6 +6630,36 @@ DS.JSONSerializer = DS.Serializer.extend({
return (plurals && plurals[name]) || name + "s";
// use the same plurals hash to determine
// special-case singularization
singularize: function(name) {
var plurals = this.configurations.get('plurals');
if (plurals) {
for (var i in plurals) {
if (plurals[i] === name) {
return i;
if (name.lastIndexOf('s') === name.length - 1) {
return name.substring(0, name.length - 1);
} else {
return name;
Determines the singular root name for a particular type.
This is an underscored, lowercase version of the model name.
For example, the type `App.UserGroup` will have the root
@param {DS.Model subclass} type
@returns {String} name of the root element
rootForType: function(type) {
var typeString = type.toString();
......@@ -6514,6 +6669,34 @@ DS.JSONSerializer = DS.Serializer.extend({
var parts = typeString.split(".");
var name = parts[parts.length - 1];
return name.replace(/([A-Z])/g, '_$1').toLowerCase().slice(1);
Determines the root name mapped to a particular sideloaded type.
@param {DS.Model subclass} type
@returns {String} name of the root element, if any is registered
sideloadMappingForType: function(type) {
this.sideloadMapping.forEach(function(key, value) {
if (type === value) {
return key;
The default root name for a particular sideloaded type.
@param {DS.Model subclass} type
@returns {String} name of the root element
defaultSideloadRootForType: function(type) {
return this.pluralize(this.rootForType(type));
......@@ -6685,7 +6868,6 @@ DS.Adapter = Ember.Object.extend(DS._Mappable, {
if (payload) {
var loader = DS.loaderFor(store);
var serializer = get(this, 'serializer');
loader.load = function(type, data, prematerialized) {
store.updateId(record, data);
......@@ -7236,14 +7418,121 @@ DS.Adapter.reopenClass({
(function() {
var get = Ember.get;
var get = Ember.get, set = Ember.set;
DS.FixtureSerializer = DS.Serializer.extend({
deserializeValue: function(value, attributeType) {
return value;
serializeValue: function(value, attributeType) {
return value;
addId: function(data, key, id) {
data[key] = id;
addAttribute: function(hash, key, value) {
hash[key] = value;
addBelongsTo: function(hash, record, key, relationship) {
var id = get(record, relationship.key+'.id');
if (!Ember.isNone(id)) { hash[key] = id; }
addHasMany: function(hash, record, key, relationship) {
var ids = get(record, relationship.key).map(function(item) {
return item.get('id');
hash[relationship.key] = ids;
Creates an empty hash that will be filled in by the hooks called from the
`serialize()` method.
@return {Object}
createSerializedForm: function() {
return {};
extract: function(loader, fixture, type, record) {
if (record) { loader.updateId(record, fixture); }
this.extractRecordRepresentation(loader, type, fixture);
extractMany: function(loader, fixtures, type, records) {
var objects = fixtures, references = [];
if (records) { records = records.toArray(); }
for (var i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) {
if (records) { loader.updateId(records[i], objects[i]); }
var reference = this.extractRecordRepresentation(loader, type, objects[i]);
extractId: function(type, hash) {
var primaryKey = this._primaryKey(type);
if (hash.hasOwnProperty(primaryKey)) {
// Ensure that we coerce IDs to strings so that record
// IDs remain consistent between application runs; especially
// if the ID is serialized and later deserialized from the URL,
// when type information will have been lost.
return hash[primaryKey]+'';
} else {
return null;
extractAttribute: function(type, hash, attributeName) {
var key = this._keyForAttributeName(type, attributeName);
return hash[key];
extractHasMany: function(type, hash, key) {
return hash[key];
extractBelongsTo: function(type, hash, key) {
return hash[key];
(function() {
var get = Ember.get, fmt = Ember.String.fmt;
`DS.FixtureAdapter` is an adapter that loads records from memory.
Its primarily used for development and testing. You can also use
`DS.FixtureAdapter` while working on the API but are not ready to
integrate yet. It is a fully functioning adapter. All CRUD methods
are implemented. You can also implement query logic that a remote
system would do. Its possible to do develop your entire application
with `DS.FixtureAdapter`.
DS.FixtureAdapter = DS.Adapter.extend({
simulateRemoteResponse: true,
latency: 50,
serializer: DS.FixtureSerializer,
Implement this method in order to provide data associated with a type
......@@ -7252,7 +7541,7 @@ DS.FixtureAdapter = DS.Adapter.extend({
var fixtures = Ember.A(type.FIXTURES);
throw new Error('the id property must be defined for fixture %@'.fmt(fixture));
throw new Error(fmt('the id property must be defined for fixture %@', [fixture]));
} = + '';
return fixture;
......@@ -7265,7 +7554,19 @@ DS.FixtureAdapter = DS.Adapter.extend({
Implement this method in order to query fixtures data
queryFixtures: function(fixtures, query, type) {
return fixtures;
Ember.assert('Not implemented: You must override the DS.FixtureAdapter::queryFixtures method to support querying the fixture store.');
updateFixtures: function(type, fixture) {
if(!type.FIXTURES) {
type.FIXTURES = [];
var fixtures = type.FIXTURES;
this.deleteLoadedFixture(type, fixture);
......@@ -7283,18 +7584,19 @@ DS.FixtureAdapter = DS.Adapter.extend({
find: function(store, type, id) {
var fixtures = this.fixturesForType(type);
var fixtures = this.fixturesForType(type),
Ember.assert("Unable to find fixtures for model type "+type.toString(), !!fixtures);
Ember.warn("Unable to find fixtures for model type " + type.toString(), fixtures);
if (fixtures) {
fixtures = fixtures.findProperty('id', id);
fixture = Ember.A(fixtures).findProperty('id', id);
if (fixtures) {
if (fixture) {
this.simulateRemoteCall(function() {
store.load(type, fixtures);
}, store, type);
this.didFindRecord(store, type, fixture, id);
}, this);
......@@ -7311,8 +7613,8 @@ DS.FixtureAdapter = DS.Adapter.extend({
if (fixtures) {
this.simulateRemoteCall(function() {
store.loadMany(type, fixtures);
}, store, type);
this.didFindMany(store, type, fixtures);
}, this);
......@@ -7322,9 +7624,8 @@ DS.FixtureAdapter = DS.Adapter.extend({
Ember.assert("Unable to find fixtures for model type "+type.toString(), !!fixtures);
this.simulateRemoteCall(function() {
store.loadMany(type, fixtures);
}, store, type);
this.didFindAll(store, type, fixtures);
}, this);
findQuery: function(store, type, query, array) {
......@@ -7336,43 +7637,82 @@ DS.FixtureAdapter = DS.Adapter.extend({
if (fixtures) {
this.simulateRemoteCall(function() {
}, store, type);
this.didFindQuery(store, type, fixtures, array);
}, this);
createRecord: function(store, type, record) {
var fixture = this.mockJSON(type, record); = this.generateIdForRecord(store, record);
this.updateFixtures(type, fixture);
this.simulateRemoteCall(function() {
store.didSaveRecord(record, fixture);
}, store, type, record);
this.didCreateRecord(store, type, record, fixture);
}, this);
updateRecord: function(store, type, record) {
var fixture = this.mockJSON(type, record);
this.updateFixtures(type, fixture);
this.simulateRemoteCall(function() {
store.didSaveRecord(record, fixture);
}, store, type, record);
this.didUpdateRecord(store, type, record, fixture);
}, this);
deleteRecord: function(store, type, record) {
var fixture = this.mockJSON(type, record);
this.deleteLoadedFixture(type, fixture);
this.simulateRemoteCall(function() {
}, store, type, record);
this.didDeleteRecord(store, type, record);
}, this);
simulateRemoteCall: function(callback, store, type, record) {
deleteLoadedFixture: function(type, record) {
var id = this.extractId(type, record);
var existingFixture = this.findExistingFixture(type, record);
if(existingFixture) {
var index = type.FIXTURES.indexOf(existingFixture);
type.FIXTURES.splice(index, 1);
return true;
findExistingFixture: function(type, record) {
var fixtures = this.fixturesForType(type);
var id = this.extractId(type, record);
return this.findFixtureById(fixtures, id);
findFixtureById: function(fixtures, id) {
var adapter = this;
return Ember.A(fixtures).find(function(r) {
if(''+get(r, 'id') === ''+id) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
simulateRemoteCall: function(callback, context) {
if (get(this, 'simulateRemoteResponse')) {
setTimeout(callback, get(this, 'latency'));
// Schedule with setTimeout, callback, get(this, 'latency'));
} else {
// Asynchronous, but at the of the runloop with zero latency, callback);
......@@ -7395,6 +7735,16 @@ DS.RESTSerializer = DS.JSONSerializer.extend({
return key + "_id";
keyForHasMany: function(type, name) {
var key = this.keyForAttributeName(type, name);
if (this.embeddedType(type, name)) {
return key;
return this.singularize(key) + "_ids";
......@@ -7499,12 +7849,25 @@ DS.RESTAdapter = DS.Adapter.extend({
dirtyRecordsForRecordChange: function(dirtySet, record) {
this._dirtyTree(dirtySet, record);
dirtyRecordsForHasManyChange: function(dirtySet, record, relationship) {
var embeddedType = get(this, 'serializer').embeddedType(record.constructor, relationship.secondRecordName);
if (embeddedType === 'always') {
relationship.childReference.parent = relationship.parentReference;
this._dirtyTree(dirtySet, record);
_dirtyTree: function(dirtySet, record) {
get(this, 'serializer').eachEmbeddedRecord(record, function(embeddedRecord, embeddedType) {
if (embeddedType !== 'always') { return; }
if (dirtySet.has(embeddedRecord)) { return; }
this.dirtyRecordsForRecordChange(dirtySet, embeddedRecord);
this._dirtyTree(dirtySet, embeddedRecord);
}, this);
var reference = record.get('_reference');
......@@ -7512,12 +7875,10 @@ DS.RESTAdapter = DS.Adapter.extend({
if (reference.parent) {
var store = get(record, 'store');
var parent = store.recordForReference(reference.parent);
this.dirtyRecordsForRecordChange(dirtySet, parent);
this._dirtyTree(dirtySet, parent);
dirtyRecordsForHasManyChange: Ember.K,
createRecords: function(store, type, records) {
if (get(this, 'bulkCommit') === false) {
return this._super(store, type, records);
......@@ -7762,6 +8123,168 @@ DS.RESTAdapter = DS.Adapter.extend({
(function() {
var camelize = Ember.String.camelize,
get = Ember.get,
var passthruTransform = {
serialize: function(value) { return value; },
deserialize: function(value) { return value; }
var defaultTransforms = {
string: passthruTransform,
boolean: passthruTransform,
number: passthruTransform
function camelizeKeys(json) {
var value;
for (var prop in json) {
value = json[prop];
delete json[prop];
json[camelize(prop)] = value;
function munge(json, callback) {
function applyTransforms(json, type, transformType) {
var transforms = registeredTransforms[transformType];
Ember.assert("You are trying to apply the '" + transformType + "' transforms, but you didn't register any transforms with that name", transforms);
get(type, 'attributes').forEach(function(name, attribute) {
var attributeType = attribute.type,
value = json[name];
var transform = transforms[attributeType] || defaultTransforms[attributeType];
Ember.assert("Your model specified the '" + attributeType + "' type for the '" + name + "' attribute, but no transform for that type was registered", transform);
json[name] = transform.deserialize(value);
function ObjectProcessor(json, type, store) {
this.json = json;
this.type = type; = store;
ObjectProcessor.prototype = {
load: function() {, {}, this.json);
camelizeKeys: function() {
return this;
munge: function(callback) {
munge(this.json, callback);
return this;
applyTransforms: function(transformType) {
applyTransforms(this.json, this.type, transformType);
return this;
function processorFactory(store, type) {
return function(json) {
return new ObjectProcessor(json, type, store);
function ArrayProcessor(json, type, array, store) {
this.json = json;
this.type = type;
this.array = array; = store;
ArrayProcessor.prototype = {
load: function() {
var store =,
type = this.type;
var references = {
return store.load(type, {}, object);
camelizeKeys: function() {
return this;
munge: function(callback) {
this.json.forEach(function(object) {
munge(object, callback);
return this;
applyTransforms: function(transformType) {
var type = this.type;
this.json.forEach(function(object) {
applyTransforms(object, type, transformType);
return this;
function arrayProcessorFactory(store, type, array) {
return function(json) {
return new ArrayProcessor(json, type, array, store);
DS.BasicAdapter = DS.Adapter.extend({
find: function(store, type, id) {
var sync = type.sync;
Ember.assert("You are trying to use the BasicAdapter to find id '" + id + "' of " + type + " but " + type + ".sync was not found", sync);
Ember.assert("The sync code on " + type + " does not implement find(), but you are trying to find id '" + id + "'.", sync.find);
sync.find(id, processorFactory(store, type));
findQuery: function(store, type, query, recordArray) {
var sync = type.sync;
Ember.assert("You are trying to use the BasicAdapter to query " + type + " but " + type + ".sync was not found", sync);
Ember.assert("The sync code on " + type + " does not implement query(), but you are trying to query " + type + ".", sync.query);
sync.query(query, arrayProcessorFactory(store, type, recordArray));
DS.registerTransforms = function(kind, object) {
registeredTransforms[kind] = object;
DS.clearTransforms = function() {
registeredTransforms = {};
(function() {
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
'use strict';
Todos.Store = DS.Store.extend({
revision: 11,
revision: 12,
adapter: 'Todos.LSAdapter'
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