Commit 3a6fbe0b authored by gabrieldemarmiesse's avatar gabrieldemarmiesse

Added %%cython options.

parent 8ff9c50d
......@@ -91,6 +91,8 @@ You can show Cython's code analysis by passing the ``--annotate`` option::
.. figure:: jupyter.png
For more information about the arguments of the ``%%cython`` magic, see
:ref:`Compiling with a Jupyter Notebook <compiling_notebook>`.
Using the Sage notebook
......@@ -429,6 +429,64 @@ running session. Please check `Sage documentation
You can tailor the behavior of the Cython compiler by specifying the
directives below.
.. _compiling_notebook:
Compiling with a Jupyter Notebook
It's possible to compile code in a notebook cell with Cython.
For this you need to load the Cython magic::
%load_ext Cython
Then you can define a Cython cell by writing ``%%cython`` on top of it.
Like this::
cdef int a = 0
for i in range(10):
a += i
Note that each cell will be compiled individually. So if you use a package in a Cython
cell, you will have to import this package in the same cell. It's not enough to
have imported the package in a previous cell. Cython will tell you about it at
compilation time if you don't comply.
Additional allowable arguments to the Cython magic are:
============================================ =======================================================================================================================================
-a, --annotate Produce a colorized HTML version of the source.
-+, --cplus Output a C++ rather than C file.
-f, --force Force the compilation of a new module, even if the source has been previously compiled.
-3 Select Python 3 syntax
-2 Select Python 2 syntax
-c=COMPILE_ARGS, --compile-args=COMPILE_ARGS Extra flags to pass to compiler via the extra_compile_args.
--link-args LINK_ARGS Extra flags to pass to linker via the extra_link_args.
-l LIB, --lib LIB Add a library to link the extension against (can be specified multiple times).
-L dir Add a path to the list of libary directories (can be specified multiple times).
-I INCLUDE, --include INCLUDE Add a path to the list of include directories (can be specified multiple times).
-S, --src Add a path to the list of src files (can be specified multiple times).
-n NAME, --name NAME Specify a name for the Cython module.
--pgo Enable profile guided optimisation in the C compiler. Compiles the cell twice and executes it in between to generate a runtime profile.
--verbose Print debug information like generated .c/.cpp file location and exact gcc/g++ command invoked.
============================================ =======================================================================================================================================
.. _compiler-directives:
Compiler directives
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