Commit 422a77f8 authored by Peter Alexander's avatar Peter Alexander

naming references changed from 'option' to 'directive'

parent 49ef0f6b
......@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ def parse_command_line(args):
options.emit_linenums = True
elif option in ("-X", "--directive"):
options.compiler_directives = Options.parse_option_list(pop_arg())
options.compiler_directives = Options.parse_directive_list(pop_arg())
except ValueError, e:
sys.stderr.write("Error in compiler directive: %s\n" % e.message)
......@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ embed = False
# Declare compiler directives
option_defaults = {
directive_defaults = {
'boundscheck' : True,
'nonecheck' : False,
'embedsignature' : False,
......@@ -77,35 +77,35 @@ option_defaults = {
# Override types possibilities above, if needed
option_types = {}
directive_types = {}
for key, val in option_defaults.items():
if key not in option_types:
option_types[key] = type(val)
for key, val in directive_defaults.items():
if key not in directive_types:
directive_types[key] = type(val)
option_scopes = { # defaults to available everywhere
directive_scopes = { # defaults to available everywhere
# 'module', 'function', 'class', 'with statement'
'autotestdict' : ('module',),
'test_assert_path_exists' : ('function',),
'test_fail_if_path_exists' : ('function',),
def parse_option_value(name, value):
def parse_directive_value(name, value):
Parses value as an option value for the given name and returns
the interpreted value. None is returned if the option does not exist.
>>> print parse_option_value('nonexisting', 'asdf asdfd')
>>> print parse_directive_value('nonexisting', 'asdf asdfd')
>>> parse_option_value('boundscheck', 'True')
>>> parse_directive_value('boundscheck', 'True')
>>> parse_option_value('boundscheck', 'true')
>>> parse_directive_value('boundscheck', 'true')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: boundscheck directive must be set to True or False
type = option_types.get(name)
type = directive_types.get(name)
if not type: return None
if type is bool:
if value == "True": return True
......@@ -119,25 +119,25 @@ def parse_option_value(name, value):
assert False
def parse_option_list(s):
def parse_directive_list(s):
Parses a comma-seperated list of pragma options. Whitespace
is not considered.
>>> parse_option_list(' ')
>>> parse_directive_list(' ')
>>> (parse_option_list('boundscheck=True') ==
>>> (parse_directive_list('boundscheck=True') ==
... {'boundscheck': True})
>>> parse_option_list(' asdf')
>>> parse_directive_list(' asdf')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Expected "=" in option "asdf"
>>> parse_option_list('boundscheck=hey')
>>> parse_directive_list('boundscheck=hey')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Must pass a boolean value for option "boundscheck"
>>> parse_option_list('unknown=True')
>>> parse_directive_list('unknown=True')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Unknown option: "unknown"
......@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ def parse_option_list(s):
if not '=' in item: raise ValueError('Expected "=" in option "%s"' % item)
name, value = item.strip().split('=')
type = option_types[name]
type = directive_types[name]
except KeyError:
raise ValueError('Unknown option: "%s"' % name)
if type is bool:
......@@ -153,10 +153,10 @@ class PostParse(CythonTransform):
- For __cythonbufferdefaults__ the arguments are checked for
CBufferAccessTypeNode has its options interpreted:
CBufferAccessTypeNode has its directives interpreted:
Any first positional argument goes into the "dtype" attribute,
any "ndim" keyword argument goes into the "ndim" attribute and
so on. Also it is checked that the option combination is valid.
so on. Also it is checked that the directive combination is valid.
- __cythonbufferdefaults__ attributes are parsed and put into the
type information.
......@@ -304,14 +304,14 @@ class PxdPostParse(CythonTransform, SkipDeclarations):
class InterpretCompilerDirectives(CythonTransform, SkipDeclarations):
After parsing, options can be stored in a number of places:
After parsing, directives can be stored in a number of places:
- #cython-comments at the top of the file (stored in ModuleNode)
- Command-line arguments overriding these
- @cython.optionname decorators
- with cython.optionname: statements
- @cython.directivename decorators
- with cython.directivename: statements
This transform is responsible for interpreting these various sources
and store the option in two ways:
and store the directive in two ways:
- Set the directives attribute of the ModuleNode for global directives.
- Use a CompilerDirectivesNode to override directives for a subtree.
......@@ -330,16 +330,16 @@ class InterpretCompilerDirectives(CythonTransform, SkipDeclarations):
special_methods = set(['declare', 'union', 'struct', 'typedef', 'sizeof', 'typeof', 'cast', 'address', 'pointer', 'compiled', 'NULL'])
def __init__(self, context, compilation_option_overrides):
def __init__(self, context, compilation_directive_overrides):
super(InterpretCompilerDirectives, self).__init__(context)
self.compilation_option_overrides = {}
for key, value in compilation_option_overrides.iteritems():
self.compilation_option_overrides[unicode(key)] = value
self.compilation_directive_overrides = {}
for key, value in compilation_directive_overrides.iteritems():
self.compilation_directive_overrides[unicode(key)] = value
self.cython_module_names = set()
self.option_names = {}
self.directive_names = {}
def check_directive_scope(self, pos, directive, scope):
legal_scopes = Options.option_scopes.get(directive, None)
legal_scopes = Options.directive_scopes.get(directive, None)
if legal_scopes and scope not in legal_scopes:
self.context.nonfatal_error(PostParseError(pos, 'The %s compiler directive '
'is not allowed in %s scope' % (directive, scope)))
......@@ -349,19 +349,19 @@ class InterpretCompilerDirectives(CythonTransform, SkipDeclarations):
# Set up processing and handle the cython: comments.
def visit_ModuleNode(self, node):
options = copy.copy(Options.option_defaults)
for key, value in self.compilation_option_overrides.iteritems():
directives = copy.copy(Options.directive_defaults)
for key, value in self.compilation_directive_overrides.iteritems():
if not self.check_directive_scope(node.pos, key, 'module'):
self.wrong_scope_error(node.pos, key, 'module')
del self.compilation_option_overrides[key]
del self.compilation_directive_overrides[key]
if key in node.option_comments and node.option_comments[key] != value:
if key in node.directive_comments and node.directive_comments[key] != value:
warning(node.pos, "Compiler directive differs between environment and file header; this will change "
"in Cython 0.12. See", 2)
self.options = options
node.directives = options
self.directives = directives
node.directives = directives
node.cython_module_names = self.cython_module_names
return node
......@@ -380,15 +380,15 @@ class InterpretCompilerDirectives(CythonTransform, SkipDeclarations):
if node.module_name == u"cython":
newimp = []
for pos, name, as_name, kind in node.imported_names:
if (name in Options.option_types or
if (name in Options.directive_types or
name in self.special_methods or
if as_name is None:
as_name = name
self.option_names[as_name] = name
self.directive_names[as_name] = name
if kind is not None:
"Compiler option imports must be plain imports"))
"Compiler directive imports must be plain imports"))
newimp.append((pos, name, as_name, kind))
if not newimp:
......@@ -400,10 +400,10 @@ class InterpretCompilerDirectives(CythonTransform, SkipDeclarations):
if node.module.module_name.value == u"cython":
newimp = []
for name, name_node in node.items:
if (name in Options.option_types or
if (name in Options.directive_types or
name in self.special_methods or
self.option_names[] = name
self.directive_names[] = name
newimp.append((name, name_node))
if not newimp:
......@@ -426,12 +426,12 @@ class InterpretCompilerDirectives(CythonTransform, SkipDeclarations):
if in self.cython_module_names:
node.is_cython_module = True
node.cython_attribute = self.option_names.get(
node.cython_attribute = self.directive_names.get(
return node
def try_to_parse_option(self, node):
# If node is the contents of an option (in a with statement or
# decorator), returns (optionname, value).
def try_to_parse_directive(self, node):
# If node is the contents of an directive (in a with statement or
# decorator), returns (directivename, value).
# Otherwise, returns None
optname = None
if isinstance(node, CallNode):
......@@ -439,56 +439,56 @@ class InterpretCompilerDirectives(CythonTransform, SkipDeclarations):
optname = node.function.as_cython_attribute()
if optname:
optiontype = Options.option_types.get(optname)
if optiontype:
directivetype = Options.directive_types.get(optname)
if directivetype:
args, kwds = node.explicit_args_kwds()
if optiontype is bool:
if directivetype is bool:
if kwds is not None or len(args) != 1 or not isinstance(args[0], BoolNode):
raise PostParseError(node.function.pos,
'The %s option takes one compile-time boolean argument' % optname)
'The %s directive takes one compile-time boolean argument' % optname)
return (optname, args[0].value)
elif optiontype is str:
elif directivetype is str:
if kwds is not None or len(args) != 1 or not isinstance(args[0], (StringNode, UnicodeNode)):
raise PostParseError(node.function.pos,
'The %s option takes one compile-time string argument' % optname)
'The %s directive takes one compile-time string argument' % optname)
return (optname, str(args[0].value))
elif optiontype is dict:
elif directivetype is dict:
if len(args) != 0:
raise PostParseError(node.function.pos,
'The %s option takes no prepositional arguments' % optname)
'The %s directive takes no prepositional arguments' % optname)
return optname, dict([(key.value, value) for key, value in kwds.key_value_pairs])
elif optiontype is list:
elif directivetype is list:
if kwds and len(kwds) != 0:
raise PostParseError(node.function.pos,
'The %s option takes no keyword arguments' % optname)
'The %s directive takes no keyword arguments' % optname)
return optname, [ str(arg.value) for arg in args ]
assert False
return None
def visit_with_options(self, body, options):
oldoptions = self.options
newoptions = copy.copy(oldoptions)
self.options = newoptions
def visit_with_directives(self, body, directives):
olddirectives = self.directives
newdirectives = copy.copy(olddirectives)
self.directives = newdirectives
assert isinstance(body, StatListNode), body
retbody = self.visit_Node(body)
directive = CompilerDirectivesNode(pos=retbody.pos, body=retbody,
self.options = oldoptions
self.directives = olddirectives
return directive
# Handle decorators
def visit_FuncDefNode(self, node):
options = []
directives = []
if node.decorators:
# Split the decorators into two lists -- real decorators and options
# Split the decorators into two lists -- real decorators and directives
realdecs = []
for dec in node.decorators:
option = self.try_to_parse_option(dec.decorator)
if option is not None:
directive = self.try_to_parse_directive(dec.decorator)
if directive is not None:
if realdecs and isinstance(node, CFuncDefNode):
......@@ -496,12 +496,12 @@ class InterpretCompilerDirectives(CythonTransform, SkipDeclarations):
node.decorators = realdecs
if options:
if directives:
optdict = {}
options.reverse() # Decorators coming first take precedence
for option in options:
name, value = option
legal_scopes = Options.option_scopes.get(name, None)
directives.reverse() # Decorators coming first take precedence
for directive in directives:
name, value = directive
legal_scopes = Options.directive_scopes.get(name, None)
if not self.check_directive_scope(node.pos, name, 'function'):
if name in optdict:
......@@ -517,16 +517,16 @@ class InterpretCompilerDirectives(CythonTransform, SkipDeclarations):
optdict[name] = value
body = StatListNode(node.pos, stats=[node])
return self.visit_with_options(body, optdict)
return self.visit_with_directives(body, optdict)
return self.visit_Node(node)
def visit_CVarDefNode(self, node):
if node.decorators:
for dec in node.decorators:
option = self.try_to_parse_option(dec.decorator)
if option is not None and option[0] == u'locals':
node.directive_locals = option[1]
directive = self.try_to_parse_directive(dec.decorator)
if directive is not None and directive[0] == u'locals':
node.directive_locals = directive[1]
"Cdef functions can only take cython.locals() decorator."))
......@@ -535,15 +535,15 @@ class InterpretCompilerDirectives(CythonTransform, SkipDeclarations):
# Handle with statements
def visit_WithStatNode(self, node):
option = self.try_to_parse_option(node.manager)
if option is not None:
directive = self.try_to_parse_directive(node.manager)
if directive is not None:
if is not None:
PostParseError(node.pos, "Compiler option with statements cannot contain 'as'"))
PostParseError(node.pos, "Compiler directive with statements cannot contain 'as'"))
name, value = option
name, value = directive
if self.check_directive_scope(node.pos, name, 'with statement'):
return self.visit_with_options(node.body, {name:value})
return self.visit_with_directives(node.body, {name:value})
return self.visit_Node(node)
class WithTransform(CythonTransform, SkipDeclarations):
......@@ -2582,7 +2582,7 @@ def p_compiler_directive_comments(s):
if m:
name =
value = Options.parse_option_value(str(name), str(
value = Options.parse_directive_value(str(name), str(
if value is not None: # can be False!
result[name] = value
except ValueError, e:
......@@ -2593,7 +2593,7 @@ def p_compiler_directive_comments(s):
def p_module(s, pxd, full_module_name):
pos = s.position()
option_comments = p_compiler_directive_comments(s)
directive_comments = p_compiler_directive_comments(s)
s.parse_comments = False
doc = p_doc_string(s)
......@@ -2608,7 +2608,7 @@ def p_module(s, pxd, full_module_name):
repr(, repr(s.systring)))
return ModuleNode(pos, doc = doc, body = body,
full_module_name = full_module_name,
option_comments = option_comments)
directive_comments = directive_comments)
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