Commit 972aeb02 authored by Gerald Dalley's avatar Gerald Dalley

Added the unit test numpy_subarray.pyx

parent e466fb2a
# tag: numpy
cimport numpy as np
cimport cython
import numpy as py_numpy
__doc__ = u"""
>>> test_record_subarray()
def test_record_subarray():
cdef np.ndarray x = py_numpy.zeros((2,2),
dtype=[('a', py_numpy.int32),
('b', py_numpy.float64, (3, 3))])
cdef np.dtype descr = x.dtype
cdef np.dtype a_descr = descr.fields['a'][0]
cdef np.dtype b_descr = descr.fields['b'][0]
assert descr.fields == {'a': (py_numpy.dtype('int32'), 0),
'b': (py_numpy.dtype(('<f8', (3, 3))), 4)}
assert not np.PyDataType_HASSUBARRAY(descr)
assert not np.PyDataType_HASSUBARRAY(a_descr)
assert np.PyDataType_HASSUBARRAY(b_descr)
assert <tuple>b_descr.subarray.shape == (3, 3)
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