Commit 9ca6532b authored by scoder's avatar scoder Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #1869 from scoder/readonly_buffers

implement read-only memoryviews
parents 83ffbe08 e4838d84
......@@ -8,10 +8,6 @@ Cython Changelog
Features added
* When compiling with gcc, the module init function is now tuned for small
code size instead of whatever compile flags were provided externally.
(Github issue #2102)
* Cdef classes can now multiply inherit from ordinary Python classes.
(The primary base must still be a c class, possibly ``object``, and
the other bases must *not* be cdef classes.)
......@@ -19,6 +15,13 @@ Features added
* Type inference is now supported for Pythran compiled NumPy expressions.
Patch by Nils Braun. (Github issue #1954)
* The ``const`` modifier can be applied to memoryview declarations to allow
read-only buffers as input. (Github issues #1605, #1869)
* When compiling with gcc, the module init function is now tuned for small
code size instead of whatever compile flags were provided externally.
(Github issue #2102)
* C file includes are moved behind the module declarations if possible, to allow
them to depend on module declarations themselves.
Patch by Jeroen Demeyer. (Github issue #1896)
......@@ -870,7 +870,10 @@ class ExprNode(Node):
elif not src_type.is_error:
"Cannot convert '%s' to memoryviewslice" % (src_type,))
elif not src.type.conforms_to(dst_type, broadcast=self.is_memview_broadcast,
if src.type.writable_needed:
dst_type.writable_needed = True
if not src.type.conforms_to(dst_type, broadcast=self.is_memview_broadcast,
if src.type.dtype.same_as(dst_type.dtype):
msg = "Memoryview '%s' not conformable to memoryview '%s'."
......@@ -4298,6 +4301,11 @@ class MemoryViewIndexNode(BufferIndexNode):
indices = self.indices
have_slices, indices, newaxes = MemoryView.unellipsify(indices, self.base.type.ndim)
if not getting:
self.writable_needed = True
if self.base.is_name or self.base.is_attribute:
self.base.entry.type.writable_needed = True
self.memslice_index = (not newaxes and len(indices) == self.base.type.ndim)
axes = []
......@@ -12772,12 +12780,12 @@ class CoerceToMemViewSliceNode(CoercionNode):
def generate_result_code(self, code):
code.putln("%s = %s(%s);" % (self.result(),
error_cond = self.type.error_condition(self.result())
code.putln(code.error_goto_if(error_cond, self.pos))
class CastNode(CoercionNode):
......@@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ class FusedCFuncDefNode(StatListNode):
"{{memviewslice_cname}} {{coerce_from_py_func}}(object)")
"{{memviewslice_cname}} {{coerce_from_py_func}}(object, int)")
......@@ -400,7 +400,7 @@ class FusedCFuncDefNode(StatListNode):
# try {{dtype}}
if itemsize == -1 or itemsize == {{sizeof_dtype}}:
memslice = {{coerce_from_py_func}}(arg)
memslice = {{coerce_from_py_func}}(arg, 0)
if memslice.memview:
__PYX_XDEC_MEMVIEW(&memslice, 1)
# print 'found a match for the buffer through format parsing'
......@@ -28,12 +28,12 @@ def concat_flags(*flags):
format_flag = "PyBUF_FORMAT"
memview_c_contiguous = "(PyBUF_C_CONTIGUOUS | PyBUF_FORMAT | PyBUF_WRITABLE)"
memview_f_contiguous = "(PyBUF_F_CONTIGUOUS | PyBUF_FORMAT | PyBUF_WRITABLE)"
memview_any_contiguous = "(PyBUF_ANY_CONTIGUOUS | PyBUF_FORMAT | PyBUF_WRITABLE)"
memview_full_access = "PyBUF_FULL"
#memview_strided_access = "PyBUF_STRIDED"
memview_strided_access = "PyBUF_RECORDS"
memview_c_contiguous = "(PyBUF_C_CONTIGUOUS | PyBUF_FORMAT)"
memview_f_contiguous = "(PyBUF_F_CONTIGUOUS | PyBUF_FORMAT)"
memview_any_contiguous = "(PyBUF_ANY_CONTIGUOUS | PyBUF_FORMAT)"
memview_full_access = "PyBUF_FULL_RO"
#memview_strided_access = "PyBUF_STRIDED_RO"
memview_strided_access = "PyBUF_RECORDS_RO"
......@@ -3753,18 +3753,12 @@ class DefNodeWrapper(FuncDefNode):
entry = arg.entry
code.putln("%s = %s;" % (entry.cname, item))
func = arg.type.from_py_function
if func:
if arg.type.from_py_function:
if arg.default:
# C-typed default arguments must be handled here
code.putln('if (%s) {' % item)
rhs = "%s(%s)" % (func, item)
if arg.type.is_enum:
rhs = arg.type.cast_code(rhs)
code.putln("%s = %s; %s" % (
code.error_goto_if(arg.type.error_condition(arg.entry.cname), arg.pos)))
item, arg.entry.cname, arg.pos, code))
if arg.default:
code.putln('} else {')
code.putln("%s = %s;" % (
......@@ -4005,17 +3999,14 @@ class DefNodeWrapper(FuncDefNode):
def generate_arg_conversion_from_pyobject(self, arg, code):
new_type = arg.type
func = new_type.from_py_function
# copied from CoerceFromPyTypeNode
if func:
lhs = arg.entry.cname
rhs = "%s(%s)" % (func, arg.hdr_cname)
if new_type.is_enum:
rhs = PyrexTypes.typecast(new_type, PyrexTypes.c_long_type, rhs)
code.putln("%s = %s; %s" % (
code.error_goto_if(new_type.error_condition(arg.entry.cname), arg.pos)))
if new_type.from_py_function:
error(arg.pos, "Cannot convert Python object argument to type '%s'" % new_type)
......@@ -2481,9 +2481,12 @@ def p_c_simple_base_type(s, self_flag, nonempty, templates = None):
error(pos, "Expected an identifier, found '%s'" %
if s.systring == 'const':
base_type = p_c_base_type(s,
self_flag = self_flag, nonempty = nonempty, templates = templates)
return Nodes.CConstTypeNode(pos, base_type = base_type)
base_type = p_c_base_type(s, self_flag=self_flag, nonempty=nonempty, templates=templates)
if isinstance(base_type, Nodes.MemoryViewSliceTypeNode):
# reverse order to avoid having to write "(const int)[:]"
base_type.base_type_node = Nodes.CConstTypeNode(pos, base_type=base_type.base_type_node)
return base_type
return Nodes.CConstTypeNode(pos, base_type=base_type)
if looking_at_base_type(s):
#print "p_c_simple_base_type: looking_at_base_type at", s.position()
is_basic = 1
......@@ -316,6 +316,21 @@ class PyrexType(BaseType):
def needs_nonecheck(self):
return 0
def _assign_from_py_code(self, source_code, result_code, error_pos, code,
from_py_function=None, error_condition=None, extra_args=None):
args = ', ' + ', '.join('%s' % arg for arg in extra_args) if extra_args else ''
convert_call = "%s(%s%s)" % (
from_py_function or self.from_py_function,
if self.is_enum:
convert_call = typecast(self, c_long_type, convert_call)
return '%s = %s; %s' % (
code.error_goto_if(error_condition or self.error_condition(result_code), error_pos))
def public_decl(base_code, dll_linkage):
if dll_linkage:
......@@ -493,12 +508,11 @@ class CTypedefType(BaseType):
def from_py_call_code(self, source_code, result_code, error_pos, code,
from_py_function=None, error_condition=None):
if from_py_function is None:
from_py_function = self.from_py_function
if error_condition is None:
error_condition = self.error_condition(result_code)
return self.typedef_base_type.from_py_call_code(
source_code, result_code, error_pos, code, from_py_function, error_condition)
source_code, result_code, error_pos, code,
from_py_function or self.from_py_function,
error_condition or self.error_condition(result_code)
def overflow_check_binop(self, binop, env, const_rhs=False):
env.use_utility_code(UtilityCode.load("Common", "Overflow.c"))
......@@ -621,6 +635,7 @@ class MemoryViewSliceType(PyrexType):
def same_as_resolved_type(self, other_type):
return ((other_type.is_memoryviewslice and
self.writable_needed == other_type.writable_needed and
self.dtype.same_as(other_type.dtype) and
self.axes == other_type.axes) or
other_type is error_type)
......@@ -767,7 +782,18 @@ class MemoryViewSliceType(PyrexType):
src = self
if src.dtype != dst.dtype:
if self.writable_needed and not dst.writable_needed:
return False
src_dtype, dst_dtype = src.dtype, dst.dtype
if dst_dtype.is_const:
# Requesting read-only views is always ok => consider only the non-const base type.
dst_dtype = dst_dtype.const_base_type
if src_dtype.is_const:
# When assigning between read-only views, compare only the non-const base types.
src_dtype = src_dtype.const_base_type
if src_dtype != dst_dtype:
return False
if src.ndim != dst.ndim:
......@@ -885,11 +911,12 @@ class MemoryViewSliceType(PyrexType):
def from_py_call_code(self, source_code, result_code, error_pos, code,
from_py_function=None, error_condition=None):
return '%s = %s(%s); %s' % (
from_py_function or self.from_py_function,
code.error_goto_if(error_condition or self.error_condition(result_code), error_pos))
# NOTE: auto-detection of readonly buffers is disabled:
# writable = self.writable_needed or not self.dtype.is_const
writable = not self.dtype.is_const
return self._assign_from_py_code(
source_code, result_code, error_pos, code, from_py_function, error_condition,
extra_args=['PyBUF_WRITABLE' if writable else '0'])
def create_to_py_utility_code(self, env):
self._dtype_to_py_func, self._dtype_from_py_func = self.dtype_object_conversion_funcs(env)
......@@ -917,25 +944,29 @@ class MemoryViewSliceType(PyrexType):
if self.dtype.is_pyobject:
utility_name = "MemviewObjectToObject"
to_py = self.dtype.create_to_py_utility_code(env)
from_py = self.dtype.create_from_py_utility_code(env)
if not (to_py or from_py):
return "NULL", "NULL"
to_py_function = self.dtype.to_py_function
if not self.dtype.to_py_function:
get_function = "NULL"
from_py_function = None
if not self.dtype.is_const:
from_py_function = self.dtype.from_py_function
if not self.dtype.from_py_function:
if not (to_py_function or from_py_function):
return "NULL", "NULL"
if not to_py_function:
get_function = "NULL"
if not from_py_function:
set_function = "NULL"
utility_name = "MemviewDtypeToObject"
error_condition = (self.dtype.error_condition('value') or
to_py_function = self.dtype.to_py_function,
from_py_function = self.dtype.from_py_function,
dtype = self.dtype.empty_declaration_code(),
error_condition = error_condition,
utility = TempitaUtilityCode.load_cached(
......@@ -1470,11 +1501,9 @@ class CType(PyrexType):
def from_py_call_code(self, source_code, result_code, error_pos, code,
from_py_function=None, error_condition=None):
return '%s = %s(%s); %s' % (
from_py_function or self.from_py_function,
code.error_goto_if(error_condition or self.error_condition(result_code), error_pos))
return self._assign_from_py_code(
source_code, result_code, error_pos, code, from_py_function, error_condition)
class PythranExpr(CType):
......@@ -2438,6 +2467,7 @@ class CArrayType(CPointerBaseType):
def from_py_call_code(self, source_code, result_code, error_pos, code,
from_py_function=None, error_condition=None):
assert not error_condition, '%s: %s' % (error_pos, error_condition)
call_code = "%s(%s, %s, %s)" % (
from_py_function or self.from_py_function,
source_code, result_code, self.size)
......@@ -3879,16 +3909,6 @@ class CEnumType(CIntLike, CType):, self.cname, self.typedef_flag, namespace)
return self
def from_py_call_code(self, source_code, result_code, error_pos, code,
from_py_function=None, error_condition=None):
rhs = "%s(%s)" % (
from_py_function or self.from_py_function,
return '%s = %s;%s' % (
typecast(self, c_long_type, rhs),
' %s' % code.error_goto_if(error_condition or self.error_condition(result_code), error_pos))
def create_type_wrapper(self, env):
from .UtilityCode import CythonUtilityCode
......@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ cdef extern from *:
ctypedef struct __Pyx_TypeInfo:
......@@ -408,6 +409,9 @@ cdef class memoryview(object):
return self.convert_item_to_object(itemp)
def __setitem__(memoryview self, object index, object value):
if self.view.readonly:
raise TypeError("Cannot assign to read-only memoryview")
have_slices, index = _unellipsify(index, self.view.ndim)
if have_slices:
......@@ -507,6 +511,9 @@ cdef class memoryview(object):
def __getbuffer__(self, Py_buffer *info, int flags):
if flags & PyBUF_WRITABLE and self.view.readonly:
raise ValueError("Cannot create writable memory view from read-only memoryview")
if flags & PyBUF_STRIDES:
info.shape = self.view.shape
......@@ -531,7 +538,7 @@ cdef class memoryview(object):
info.ndim = self.view.ndim
info.itemsize = self.view.itemsize
info.len = self.view.len
info.readonly = 0
info.readonly = self.view.readonly
info.obj = self
__pyx_getbuffer = capsule(<void *> &__pyx_memoryview_getbuffer, "getbuffer(obj, view, flags)")
......@@ -1012,7 +1019,10 @@ cdef memoryview_fromslice({{memviewslice_name}} memviewslice,
(<__pyx_buffer *> &result.view).obj = Py_None
if (<memoryview>memviewslice.memview).flags & PyBUF_WRITABLE:
result.flags = PyBUF_RECORDS
result.flags = PyBUF_RECORDS_RO
result.view.shape = <Py_ssize_t *> result.from_slice.shape
result.view.strides = <Py_ssize_t *> result.from_slice.strides
......@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ typedef volatile __pyx_atomic_int_type __pyx_atomic_int;
/////////////// ObjectToMemviewSlice.proto ///////////////
static CYTHON_INLINE {{memviewslice_name}} {{funcname}}(PyObject *);
static CYTHON_INLINE {{memviewslice_name}} {{funcname}}(PyObject *, int writable_flag);
////////// MemviewSliceInit.proto //////////
......@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ static CYTHON_INLINE char *__pyx_memviewslice_index_full(
/////////////// ObjectToMemviewSlice ///////////////
//@requires: MemviewSliceValidateAndInit
static CYTHON_INLINE {{memviewslice_name}} {{funcname}}(PyObject *obj) {
static CYTHON_INLINE {{memviewslice_name}} {{funcname}}(PyObject *obj, int writable_flag) {
{{memviewslice_name}} result = {{memslice_init}};
__Pyx_BufFmt_StackElem stack[{{struct_nesting_depth}}];
int axes_specs[] = { {{axes_specs}} };
......@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ static CYTHON_INLINE {{memviewslice_name}} {{funcname}}(PyObject *obj) {
retcode = __Pyx_ValidateAndInit_memviewslice(axes_specs, {{c_or_f_flag}},
{{buf_flag}}, {{ndim}},
{{buf_flag}} | writable_flag, {{ndim}},
&{{dtype_typeinfo}}, stack,
&result, obj);
......@@ -227,6 +227,33 @@ As for NumPy, new axes can be introduced by indexing an array with ``None`` ::
One may mix new axis indexing with all other forms of indexing and slicing.
See also an example_.
Read-only views
Since Cython 0.28, the memoryview item type can be declared as ``const`` to
support read-only buffers as input::
cdef const double[:] myslice # const item type => read-only view
a = np.linspace(0, 10, num=50)
myslice = a
Note that this does not *require* the input buffer to be read-only::
a = np.linspace(0, 10, num=50)
myslice = a # read-only view of a writable buffer
Writable buffers are still accepted by ``const`` views, but read-only
buffers are not accepted for non-const, writable views::
cdef double[:] myslice # a normal read/write memory view
a = np.linspace(0, 10, num=50)
myslice = a # ERROR: requesting writable memory view from read-only buffer!
Comparison to the old buffer support
......@@ -599,7 +599,7 @@ def readonly(obj):
acquired R
released R
>>> [str(x) for x in R.recieved_flags] # Works in both py2 and py3
>>> [str(x) for x in R.received_flags] # Works in both py2 and py3
cdef object[unsigned short int, ndim=3] buf = obj
......@@ -612,7 +612,7 @@ def writable(obj):
>>> writable(R)
acquired R
released R
>>> [str(x) for x in R.recieved_flags] # Py2/3
>>> [str(x) for x in R.received_flags] # Py2/3
cdef object[unsigned short int, ndim=3] buf = obj
......@@ -626,7 +626,7 @@ def strided(object[int, ndim=1, mode='strided'] buf):
acquired A
released A
>>> [str(x) for x in A.recieved_flags] # Py2/3
>>> [str(x) for x in A.received_flags] # Py2/3
Check that the suboffsets were patched back prior to release.
......@@ -641,7 +641,7 @@ def c_contig(object[int, ndim=1, mode='c'] buf):
>>> A = IntMockBuffer(None, range(4))
>>> c_contig(A)
>>> [str(x) for x in A.recieved_flags]
>>> [str(x) for x in A.received_flags]
return buf[2]
......@@ -654,7 +654,7 @@ def c_contig_2d(object[int, ndim=2, mode='c'] buf):
>>> A = IntMockBuffer(None, range(12), shape=(3,4))
>>> c_contig_2d(A)
>>> [str(x) for x in A.recieved_flags]
>>> [str(x) for x in A.received_flags]
return buf[1, 3]
......@@ -665,7 +665,7 @@ def f_contig(object[int, ndim=1, mode='fortran'] buf):
>>> A = IntMockBuffer(None, range(4))
>>> f_contig(A)
>>> [str(x) for x in A.recieved_flags]
>>> [str(x) for x in A.received_flags]
return buf[2]
......@@ -678,7 +678,7 @@ def f_contig_2d(object[int, ndim=2, mode='fortran'] buf):
>>> A = IntMockBuffer(None, range(12), shape=(4,3), strides=(1, 4))
>>> f_contig_2d(A)
>>> [str(x) for x in A.recieved_flags]
>>> [str(x) for x in A.received_flags]
return buf[3, 1]
......@@ -1103,7 +1103,7 @@ def bufdefaults1(IntStridedMockBuffer[int, ndim=1] buf):
>>> bufdefaults1(A)
acquired A
released A
>>> [str(x) for x in A.recieved_flags]
>>> [str(x) for x in A.received_flags]
......@@ -18,16 +18,17 @@ cdef class MockBuffer:
cdef object format, offset
cdef void* buffer
cdef Py_ssize_t len, itemsize
cdef int ndim
cdef Py_ssize_t* strides
cdef Py_ssize_t* shape
cdef Py_ssize_t* suboffsets
cdef object label, log
cdef int ndim
cdef bint writable
cdef readonly object recieved_flags, release_ok
cdef readonly object received_flags, release_ok
cdef public object fail
def __init__(self, label, data, shape=None, strides=None, format=None, offset=0):
def __init__(self, label, data, shape=None, strides=None, format=None, writable=True, offset=0):
# It is important not to store references to data after the constructor
# as refcounting is checked on object buffers.
self.label = label
......@@ -35,6 +36,7 @@ cdef class MockBuffer:
self.log = ""
self.offset = offset
self.itemsize = self.get_itemsize()
self.writable = writable
if format is None: format = self.get_default_format()
if shape is None: shape = (len(data),)
if strides is None:
......@@ -127,16 +129,19 @@ cdef class MockBuffer:
raise ValueError("Failing on purpose")
self.recieved_flags = []
self.received_flags = []
cdef int value
for name, value in available_flags:
if (value & flags) == value:
if flags & cpython.buffer.PyBUF_WRITABLE and not self.writable:
raise BufferError("Writable buffer requested from read-only mock: %s" % ' | '.join(self.received_flags))
buffer.buf = <void*>(<char*>self.buffer + (<int>self.offset * self.itemsize))
buffer.obj = self
buffer.len = self.len
buffer.readonly = 0
buffer.readonly = not self.writable
buffer.format = <char*>self.format
buffer.ndim = self.ndim
buffer.shape = self.shape
# mode: error
# cython: auto_pickle=False
ctypedef int[1] int_array
ctypedef int[2] int_array2
......@@ -30,6 +31,6 @@ d = z # not an error
_ERRORS = u"""
20:0: Assignment to slice of wrong length, expected 2, got 1
21:0: Assignment to slice of wrong length, expected 1, got 2
21:0: Assignment to slice of wrong length, expected 2, got 1
22:0: Assignment to slice of wrong length, expected 1, got 2
......@@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ def writable(unsigned short int[:, :, :] mslice):
>>> writable(R)
acquired R
released R
>>> [str(x) for x in R.recieved_flags] # Py2/3
>>> [str(x) for x in R.received_flags] # Py2/3
buf = mslice
......@@ -279,8 +279,8 @@ def cascaded_buffer_assignment(obj):
def tuple_buffer_assignment1(a, b):
>>> A = IntMockBuffer("A", range(6))
>>> B = IntMockBuffer("B", range(6))
>>> A = IntMockBuffer("A", range(6)) # , writable=False)
>>> B = IntMockBuffer("B", range(6)) # , writable=False)
>>> tuple_buffer_assignment1(A, B)
acquired A
acquired B
......@@ -293,8 +293,8 @@ def tuple_buffer_assignment1(a, b):
def tuple_buffer_assignment2(tup):
>>> A = IntMockBuffer("A", range(6))
>>> B = IntMockBuffer("B", range(6))
>>> A = IntMockBuffer("A", range(6)) # , writable=False)
>>> B = IntMockBuffer("B", range(6)) # , writable=False)
>>> tuple_buffer_assignment2((A, B))
acquired A
acquired B
......@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ def explicitly_release_buffer():
released A
After release
cdef int[:] x = IntMockBuffer("A", range(10))
cdef int[:] x = IntMockBuffer("A", range(10)) # , writable=False)
del x
print "After release"
......@@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ def get_int_2d(int[:, :] buf, int i, int j):
def get_int_2d_uintindex(int[:, :] buf, unsigned int i, unsigned int j):
Unsigned indexing:
>>> C = IntMockBuffer("C", range(6), (2,3))
>>> C = IntMockBuffer("C", range(6), (2,3)) # , writable=False)
>>> get_int_2d_uintindex(C, 0, 0)
acquired C
released C
......@@ -422,6 +422,10 @@ def set_int_2d(int[:, :] buf, int i, int j, int value):
IndexError: Out of bounds on buffer access (axis 1)
>>> C = IntMockBuffer("C", range(6), (2,3), writable=False)
>>> set_int_2d(C, -2, -3, 9)
Traceback (most recent call last):
BufferError: Writable buffer requested from read-only mock: FORMAT | ND | STRIDES | WRITABLE
buf[i, j] = value
......@@ -588,11 +592,11 @@ def char_index_vars(int[:, :] buf, char i, char j, int value):
def list_comprehension(int[:] buf, len):
>>> list_comprehension(IntMockBuffer(None, [1,2,3]), 3)
>>> list_comprehension(IntMockBuffer(None, [1,2,3]), 3) # , writable=False), 3)
cdef int i
print u"|".join([unicode(buf[i]) for i in range(len)])
print "|".join([str(buf[i]) for i in range(len)])
......@@ -600,7 +604,7 @@ def wraparound_directive(int[:] buf, int pos_idx, int neg_idx):
Again, the most interesting thing here is to inspect the C source.
>>> A = IntMockBuffer(None, range(4))
>>> A = IntMockBuffer(None, range(4)) # , writable=False)
>>> wraparound_directive(A, 2, -1)
>>> wraparound_directive(A, -1, 2)
......@@ -625,22 +629,22 @@ def writable(obj):
>>> writable(R)
acquired R
released R
>>> [str(x) for x in R.recieved_flags] # Py2/3
>>> [str(x) for x in R.received_flags] # Py2/3
cdef unsigned short int[:, :, :] buf = obj
buf[2, 2, 1] = 23
def strided(int[:] buf):
def strided(const int[:] buf):
>>> A = IntMockBuffer("A", range(4))
>>> A = IntMockBuffer("A", range(4), writable=False)
>>> strided(A)
acquired A
released A
>>> [str(x) for x in A.recieved_flags] # Py2/3
>>> [str(x) for x in A.received_flags] # Py2/3
Check that the suboffsets were patched back prior to release.
>>> A.release_ok
......@@ -649,13 +653,13 @@ def strided(int[:] buf):
return buf[2]
def c_contig(int[::1] buf):
def c_contig(const int[::1] buf):
>>> A = IntMockBuffer(None, range(4))
>>> A = IntMockBuffer(None, range(4), writable=False)
>>> c_contig(A)
>>> [str(x) for x in A.recieved_flags]
>>> [str(x) for x in A.received_flags]
return buf[2]
......@@ -664,10 +668,10 @@ def c_contig_2d(int[:, ::1] buf):
Multi-dim has separate implementation
>>> A = IntMockBuffer(None, range(12), shape=(3,4))
>>> A = IntMockBuffer(None, range(12), shape=(3,4)) # , writable=False)
>>> c_contig_2d(A)
>>> [str(x) for x in A.recieved_flags]
>>> [str(x) for x in A.received_flags]
return buf[1, 3]
......@@ -675,10 +679,10 @@ def c_contig_2d(int[:, ::1] buf):
def f_contig(int[::1, :] buf):
>>> A = IntMockBuffer(None, range(4), shape=(2, 2), strides=(1, 2))
>>> A = IntMockBuffer(None, range(4), shape=(2, 2), strides=(1, 2)) # , writable=False)
>>> f_contig(A)
>>> [str(x) for x in A.recieved_flags]
>>> [str(x) for x in A.received_flags]
return buf[0, 1]
......@@ -688,10 +692,10 @@ def f_contig_2d(int[::1, :] buf):
Must set up strides manually to ensure Fortran ordering.
>>> A = IntMockBuffer(None, range(12), shape=(4,3), strides=(1, 4))
>>> A = IntMockBuffer(None, range(12), shape=(4,3), strides=(1, 4)) # , writable=False)
>>> f_contig_2d(A)
>>> [str(x) for x in A.recieved_flags]
>>> [str(x) for x in A.received_flags]
return buf[3, 1]
......@@ -711,9 +715,9 @@ def generic(int[::view.generic, ::view.generic] buf1,
released A
released B
>>> [str(x) for x in A.recieved_flags]
>>> [str(x) for x in A.received_flags]
>>> [str(x) for x in B.recieved_flags]
>>> [str(x) for x in B.received_flags]
print buf1[1, 1]
......@@ -741,9 +745,9 @@ def generic(int[::view.generic, ::view.generic] buf1,
# 11
# released A
# released B
# >>> [str(x) for x in A.recieved_flags]
# >>> [str(x) for x in A.received_flags]
# >>> [str(x) for x in B.recieved_flags]
# >>> [str(x) for x in B.received_flags]
# """
# print buf1[1, 1]
......@@ -771,9 +775,9 @@ def indirect_strided_and_contig(
released A
released B
>>> [str(x) for x in A.recieved_flags]
>>> [str(x) for x in A.received_flags]
>>> [str(x) for x in B.recieved_flags]
>>> [str(x) for x in B.received_flags]
print buf1[1, 1]
......@@ -802,9 +806,9 @@ def indirect_contig(
released A
released B
>>> [str(x) for x in A.recieved_flags]
>>> [str(x) for x in A.received_flags]
>>> [str(x) for x in B.recieved_flags]
>>> [str(x) for x in B.received_flags]
print buf1[1, 1]
......@@ -827,7 +831,7 @@ def indirect_contig(
def safe_get(int[:] buf, int idx):
>>> A = IntMockBuffer(None, range(10), shape=(3,), offset=5)
>>> A = IntMockBuffer(None, range(10), shape=(3,), offset=5) # , writable=False)
Validate our testing buffer...
>>> safe_get(A, 0)
......@@ -857,7 +861,7 @@ def safe_get(int[:] buf, int idx):
def unsafe_get(int[:] buf, int idx):
Access outside of the area the buffer publishes.
>>> A = IntMockBuffer(None, range(10), shape=(3,), offset=5)
>>> A = IntMockBuffer(None, range(10), shape=(3,), offset=5) # , writable=False)
>>> unsafe_get(A, -4)
>>> unsafe_get(A, -5)
......@@ -870,7 +874,7 @@ def unsafe_get(int[:] buf, int idx):
def mixed_get(int[:] buf, int unsafe_idx, int safe_idx):
>>> A = IntMockBuffer(None, range(10), shape=(3,), offset=5)
>>> A = IntMockBuffer(None, range(10), shape=(3,), offset=5) # , writable=False)
>>> mixed_get(A, -4, 0)
(4, 5)
>>> mixed_get(A, 0, -4)
......@@ -902,12 +906,12 @@ def printbuf_int_2d(o, shape):
>>> printbuf_int_2d(IntMockBuffer("A", range(6), (2,3)), (2,3))
>>> printbuf_int_2d(IntMockBuffer("A", range(6), (2,3), writable=False), (2,3))
acquired A
0 1 2 END
3 4 5 END
released A
>>> printbuf_int_2d(IntMockBuffer("A", range(100), (3,3), strides=(20,5)), (3,3))
>>> printbuf_int_2d(IntMockBuffer("A", range(100), (3,3), strides=(20,5), writable=False), (3,3))
acquired A
0 5 10 END
20 25 30 END
......@@ -915,14 +919,14 @@ def printbuf_int_2d(o, shape):
released A
>>> printbuf_int_2d(IntMockBuffer("A", [[1,2],[3,4]]), (2,2))
>>> printbuf_int_2d(IntMockBuffer("A", [[1,2],[3,4]], writable=False), (2,2))
acquired A
1 2 END
3 4 END
released A
# should make shape builtin
cdef int[::view.generic, ::view.generic] buf
cdef const int[::view.generic, ::view.generic] buf
buf = o
cdef int i, j
for i in range(shape[0]):
......@@ -933,14 +937,14 @@ def printbuf_int_2d(o, shape):
def printbuf_float(o, shape):
>>> printbuf_float(FloatMockBuffer("F", [1.0, 1.25, 0.75, 1.0]), (4,))
>>> printbuf_float(FloatMockBuffer("F", [1.0, 1.25, 0.75, 1.0], writable=False), (4,))
acquired F
1.0 1.25 0.75 1.0 END
released F
# should make shape builtin
cdef float[:] buf
cdef const float[:] buf
buf = o
cdef int i, j
for i in range(shape[0]):
......@@ -982,9 +986,9 @@ ctypedef td_h_short td_h_cy_short
def printbuf_td_cy_int(td_cy_int[:] buf, shape):
>>> printbuf_td_cy_int(IntMockBuffer(None, range(3)), (3,))
>>> printbuf_td_cy_int(IntMockBuffer(None, range(3)), (3,)) # , writable=False), (3,))
0 1 2 END
>>> printbuf_td_cy_int(ShortMockBuffer(None, range(3)), (3,))
>>> printbuf_td_cy_int(ShortMockBuffer(None, range(3)), (3,)) # , writable=False), (3,))
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Buffer dtype mismatch, expected 'td_cy_int' but got 'short'
......@@ -997,9 +1001,9 @@ def printbuf_td_cy_int(td_cy_int[:] buf, shape):
def printbuf_td_h_short(td_h_short[:] buf, shape):
>>> printbuf_td_h_short(ShortMockBuffer(None, range(3)), (3,))
>>> printbuf_td_h_short(ShortMockBuffer(None, range(3)), (3,)) # , writable=False), (3,))
0 1 2 END
>>> printbuf_td_h_short(IntMockBuffer(None, range(3)), (3,))
>>> printbuf_td_h_short(IntMockBuffer(None, range(3)), (3,)) # , writable=False), (3,))
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Buffer dtype mismatch, expected 'td_h_short' but got 'int'
......@@ -1010,14 +1014,14 @@ def printbuf_td_h_short(td_h_short[:] buf, shape):
print 'END'
def printbuf_td_h_cy_short(td_h_cy_short[:] buf, shape):
def printbuf_td_h_cy_short(const td_h_cy_short[:] buf, shape):
>>> printbuf_td_h_cy_short(ShortMockBuffer(None, range(3)), (3,))
>>> printbuf_td_h_cy_short(ShortMockBuffer(None, range(3), writable=False), (3,))
0 1 2 END
>>> printbuf_td_h_cy_short(IntMockBuffer(None, range(3)), (3,))
>>> printbuf_td_h_cy_short(IntMockBuffer(None, range(3), writable=False), (3,))
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Buffer dtype mismatch, expected 'td_h_cy_short' but got 'int'
ValueError: Buffer dtype mismatch, expected 'const td_h_cy_short' but got 'int'
cdef int i
for i in range(shape[0]):
......@@ -1025,14 +1029,14 @@ def printbuf_td_h_cy_short(td_h_cy_short[:] buf, shape):
print 'END'
def printbuf_td_h_ushort(td_h_ushort[:] buf, shape):
def printbuf_td_h_ushort(const td_h_ushort[:] buf, shape):
>>> printbuf_td_h_ushort(UnsignedShortMockBuffer(None, range(3)), (3,))
>>> printbuf_td_h_ushort(UnsignedShortMockBuffer(None, range(3), writable=False), (3,))
0 1 2 END
>>> printbuf_td_h_ushort(ShortMockBuffer(None, range(3)), (3,))
>>> printbuf_td_h_ushort(ShortMockBuffer(None, range(3), writable=False), (3,))
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Buffer dtype mismatch, expected 'td_h_ushort' but got 'short'
ValueError: Buffer dtype mismatch, expected 'const td_h_ushort' but got 'short'
cdef int i
for i in range(shape[0]):
......@@ -1040,14 +1044,14 @@ def printbuf_td_h_ushort(td_h_ushort[:] buf, shape):
print 'END'
def printbuf_td_h_double(td_h_double[:] buf, shape):
def printbuf_td_h_double(const td_h_double[:] buf, shape):
>>> printbuf_td_h_double(DoubleMockBuffer(None, [0.25, 1, 3.125]), (3,))
>>> printbuf_td_h_double(DoubleMockBuffer(None, [0.25, 1, 3.125], writable=False), (3,))
0.25 1.0 3.125 END
>>> printbuf_td_h_double(FloatMockBuffer(None, [0.25, 1, 3.125]), (3,))
>>> printbuf_td_h_double(FloatMockBuffer(None, [0.25, 1, 3.125], writable=False), (3,))
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Buffer dtype mismatch, expected 'td_h_double' but got 'float'
ValueError: Buffer dtype mismatch, expected 'const td_h_double' but got 'float'
cdef int i
for i in range(shape[0]):
......@@ -1079,7 +1083,7 @@ def printbuf_object(object[:] buf, shape):
>>> a, b, c = "globally_unique_string_23234123", {4:23}, [34,3]
>>> get_refcount(a), get_refcount(b), get_refcount(c)
(2, 2, 2)
>>> A = ObjectMockBuffer(None, [a, b, c])
>>> A = ObjectMockBuffer(None, [a, b, c]) # , writable=False)
>>> printbuf_object(A, (3,))
'globally_unique_string_23234123' 2
{4: 23} 2
......@@ -1145,11 +1149,11 @@ def bufdefaults1(int[:] buf):
"strided" by defaults which should show
up in the flags.
>>> A = IntStridedMockBuffer("A", range(10))
>>> A = IntStridedMockBuffer("A", range(10)) # , writable=False)
>>> bufdefaults1(A)
acquired A
released A
>>> [str(x) for x in A.recieved_flags]
>>> [str(x) for x in A.received_flags]
......@@ -1160,9 +1164,9 @@ def basic_struct(MyStruct[:] buf):
See also buffmt.pyx
>>> basic_struct(MyStructMockBuffer(None, [(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)]))
>>> basic_struct(MyStructMockBuffer(None, [(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)])) # , writable=False))
1 2 3 4 5
>>> basic_struct(MyStructMockBuffer(None, [(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)], format="ccqii"))
>>> basic_struct(MyStructMockBuffer(None, [(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)], format="ccqii")) # , writable=False))
1 2 3 4 5
print buf[0].a, buf[0].b, buf[0].c, buf[0].d, buf[0].e
......@@ -1172,9 +1176,9 @@ def nested_struct(NestedStruct[:] buf):
See also buffmt.pyx
>>> nested_struct(NestedStructMockBuffer(None, [(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)]))
>>> nested_struct(NestedStructMockBuffer(None, [(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)])) # , writable=False))
1 2 3 4 5
>>> nested_struct(NestedStructMockBuffer(None, [(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)], format="T{ii}T{2i}i"))
>>> nested_struct(NestedStructMockBuffer(None, [(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)], format="T{ii}T{2i}i")) # , writable=False))
1 2 3 4 5
print buf[0].x.a, buf[0].x.b, buf[0].y.a, buf[0].y.b, buf[0].z
......@@ -1184,11 +1188,11 @@ def packed_struct(PackedStruct[:] buf):
See also buffmt.pyx
>>> packed_struct(PackedStructMockBuffer(None, [(1, 2)]))
>>> packed_struct(PackedStructMockBuffer(None, [(1, 2)])) # , writable=False))
1 2
>>> packed_struct(PackedStructMockBuffer(None, [(1, 2)], format="T{c^i}"))
>>> packed_struct(PackedStructMockBuffer(None, [(1, 2)], format="T{c^i}")) # , writable=False))
1 2
>>> packed_struct(PackedStructMockBuffer(None, [(1, 2)], format="T{c=i}"))
>>> packed_struct(PackedStructMockBuffer(None, [(1, 2)], format="T{c=i}")) # , writable=False))
1 2
......@@ -1199,11 +1203,11 @@ def nested_packed_struct(NestedPackedStruct[:] buf):
See also buffmt.pyx
>>> nested_packed_struct(NestedPackedStructMockBuffer(None, [(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)]))
>>> nested_packed_struct(NestedPackedStructMockBuffer(None, [(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)])) # , writable=False))
1 2 3 4 5
>>> nested_packed_struct(NestedPackedStructMockBuffer(None, [(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)], format="ci^ci@i"))
>>> nested_packed_struct(NestedPackedStructMockBuffer(None, [(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)], format="ci^ci@i")) # , writable=False))
1 2 3 4 5
>>> nested_packed_struct(NestedPackedStructMockBuffer(None, [(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)], format="^c@i^ci@i"))
>>> nested_packed_struct(NestedPackedStructMockBuffer(None, [(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)], format="^c@i^ci@i")) # , writable=False))
1 2 3 4 5
print buf[0].a, buf[0].b, buf[0].sub.a, buf[0].sub.b, buf[0].c
......@@ -1212,7 +1216,7 @@ def nested_packed_struct(NestedPackedStruct[:] buf):
def complex_dtype(long double complex[:] buf):
>>> complex_dtype(LongComplexMockBuffer(None, [(0, -1)]))
>>> complex_dtype(LongComplexMockBuffer(None, [(0, -1)])) # , writable=False))
print buf[0]
......@@ -1231,7 +1235,7 @@ def complex_struct_dtype(LongComplex[:] buf):
Note that the format string is "Zg" rather than "2g", yet a struct
is accessed.
>>> complex_struct_dtype(LongComplexMockBuffer(None, [(0, -1)]))
>>> complex_struct_dtype(LongComplexMockBuffer(None, [(0, -1)])) # , writable=False))
0.0 -1.0
print buf[0].real, buf[0].imag
......@@ -1359,7 +1363,7 @@ def test_cdef_function2():
def test_generic_slicing(arg, indirect=False):
Test simple slicing
>>> test_generic_slicing(IntMockBuffer("A", range(8 * 14 * 11), shape=(8, 14, 11)))
>>> test_generic_slicing(IntMockBuffer("A", range(8 * 14 * 11), shape=(8, 14, 11))) # , writable=False))
acquired A
3 9 2
308 -11 1
......@@ -1367,7 +1371,7 @@ def test_generic_slicing(arg, indirect=False):
released A
Test direct slicing, negative slice oob in dim 2
>>> test_generic_slicing(IntMockBuffer("A", range(1 * 2 * 3), shape=(1, 2, 3)))
>>> test_generic_slicing(IntMockBuffer("A", range(1 * 2 * 3), shape=(1, 2, 3))) # , writable=False))
acquired A
0 0 2
12 -3 1
......@@ -1375,13 +1379,13 @@ def test_generic_slicing(arg, indirect=False):
released A
Test indirect slicing
>>> test_generic_slicing(IntMockBuffer("A", shape_5_3_4_list, shape=(5, 3, 4)), indirect=True)
>>> test_generic_slicing(IntMockBuffer("A", shape_5_3_4_list, shape=(5, 3, 4)), indirect=True) # , writable=False), indirect=True)
acquired A
2 0 2
0 1 -1
released A
>>> test_generic_slicing(IntMockBuffer("A", shape_9_14_21_list, shape=(9, 14, 21)), indirect=True)
>>> test_generic_slicing(IntMockBuffer("A", shape_9_14_21_list, shape=(9, 14, 21)), indirect=True) # , writable=False), indirect=True)
acquired A
3 9 2
10 1 -1
......@@ -1413,7 +1417,7 @@ def test_generic_slicing(arg, indirect=False):
def test_indirect_slicing(arg):
Test indirect slicing
>>> test_indirect_slicing(IntMockBuffer("A", shape_5_3_4_list, shape=(5, 3, 4)))
>>> test_indirect_slicing(IntMockBuffer("A", shape_5_3_4_list, shape=(5, 3, 4))) # , writable=False))
acquired A
5 3 2
0 0 -1
......@@ -1428,7 +1432,7 @@ def test_indirect_slicing(arg):
released A
>>> test_indirect_slicing(IntMockBuffer("A", shape_9_14_21_list, shape=(9, 14, 21)))
>>> test_indirect_slicing(IntMockBuffer("A", shape_9_14_21_list, shape=(9, 14, 21))) # , writable=False))
acquired A
5 14 3
0 16 -1
......@@ -1553,7 +1557,7 @@ def test_direct_slicing(arg):
Fused types would be convenient to test this stuff!
Test simple slicing
>>> test_direct_slicing(IntMockBuffer("A", range(8 * 14 * 11), shape=(8, 14, 11)))
>>> test_direct_slicing(IntMockBuffer("A", range(8 * 14 * 11), shape=(8, 14, 11))) # , writable=False))
acquired A
3 9 2
308 -11 1
......@@ -1561,7 +1565,7 @@ def test_direct_slicing(arg):
released A
Test direct slicing, negative slice oob in dim 2
>>> test_direct_slicing(IntMockBuffer("A", range(1 * 2 * 3), shape=(1, 2, 3)))
>>> test_direct_slicing(IntMockBuffer("A", range(1 * 2 * 3), shape=(1, 2, 3))) # , writable=False))
acquired A
0 0 2
12 -3 1
......@@ -1586,7 +1590,7 @@ def test_direct_slicing(arg):
def test_slicing_and_indexing(arg):
>>> a = IntStridedMockBuffer("A", range(10 * 3 * 5), shape=(10, 3, 5))
>>> a = IntStridedMockBuffer("A", range(10 * 3 * 5), shape=(10, 3, 5)) # , writable=False)
>>> test_slicing_and_indexing(a)
acquired A
5 2
......@@ -1622,7 +1626,7 @@ def test_oob():
IndexError: Index out of bounds (axis 1)
cdef int[:, :] a = IntMockBuffer("A", range(4 * 9), shape=(4, 9))
cdef int[:, :] a = IntMockBuffer("A", range(4 * 9), shape=(4, 9)) # , writable=False)
print a[:, 20]
......@@ -1665,7 +1669,7 @@ def test_nogil_oob2():
IndexError: Index out of bounds (axis 0)
cdef int[:, :] a = IntMockBuffer("A", range(4 * 9), shape=(4, 9))
cdef int[:, :] a = IntMockBuffer("A", range(4 * 9), shape=(4, 9)) # , writable=False)
with nogil:
a[100, 9:]
......@@ -1711,7 +1715,7 @@ def test_convert_slicenode_to_indexnode():
released A
cdef int[:] a = IntMockBuffer("A", range(10), shape=(10,))
cdef int[:] a = IntMockBuffer("A", range(10), shape=(10,)) # , writable=False)
with nogil:
a = a[2:4]
print a[0]
......@@ -1721,10 +1725,10 @@ def test_convert_slicenode_to_indexnode():
def test_memslice_prange(arg):
>>> test_memslice_prange(IntMockBuffer("A", range(400), shape=(20, 4, 5)))
>>> test_memslice_prange(IntMockBuffer("A", range(400), shape=(20, 4, 5))) # FIXME: , writable=False))
acquired A
released A
>>> test_memslice_prange(IntMockBuffer("A", range(200), shape=(100, 2, 1)))
>>> test_memslice_prange(IntMockBuffer("A", range(200), shape=(100, 2, 1))) # FIXME: , writable=False))
acquired A
released A
......@@ -2388,7 +2392,7 @@ def test_inplace_assignment():
def test_newaxis(int[:] one_D):
>>> A = IntMockBuffer("A", range(6))
>>> A = IntMockBuffer("A", range(6)) # , writable=False)
>>> test_newaxis(A)
acquired A
......@@ -2410,7 +2414,7 @@ def test_newaxis(int[:] one_D):
def test_newaxis2(int[:, :] two_D):
>>> A = IntMockBuffer("A", range(6), shape=(3, 2))
>>> A = IntMockBuffer("A", range(6), shape=(3, 2)) # , writable=False)
>>> test_newaxis2(A)
acquired A
shape: 3 1 1
......@@ -2444,3 +2448,16 @@ def test_newaxis2(int[:, :] two_D):
def test_const_buffer(const int[:] a):
>>> A = IntMockBuffer("A", range(6), shape=(6,), writable=False)
>>> test_const_buffer(A)
acquired A
released A
cdef const int[:] c = a
# mode: run
# tag: readonly, const, numpy
import numpy as np
def new_array():
return np.arange(10).astype('float')
ARRAY = new_array()
cdef getmax(const double[:] x):
"""Example code, should work with both ro and rw memoryviews"""
cdef double max_val = -float('inf')
for val in x:
if val > max_val:
max_val = val
return max_val
cdef update_array(double [:] x):
"""Modifying a ro memoryview should raise an error"""
x[0] = 23.
cdef getconst(const double [:] x):
"""Should accept ro memoryviews"""
return x[0]
def test_mmview_rw(x):
>>> test_mmview_rw(ARRAY)
return getmax(x)
def test_mmview_ro(x):
>>> test_mmview_ro(new_array())
assert x.flags.writeable is False
return getmax(x)
def test_update_mmview_rw(x):
>>> test_update_mmview_rw(new_array())
return x[0]
def test_update_mmview_ro(x):
>>> test_update_mmview_ro(new_array())
assert x.flags.writeable is False
except ValueError: pass
assert False, "RO error not raised!"
return getconst(x)
def test_rw_call_getmax(double[:] x):
>>> test_rw_call_getmax(new_array())
assert getconst(x) == 23
return getmax(x)
def test_const_mmview_ro(x):
>>> test_const_mmview_ro(new_array())
assert x.flags.writeable is False
return getconst(x)
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