Commit fc96c622 authored by Robert Bradshaw's avatar Robert Bradshaw

Complex powers.

parent 348974c8
......@@ -5655,7 +5655,12 @@ class PowNode(NumBinopNode):
def analyse_c_operation(self, env):
NumBinopNode.analyse_c_operation(self, env)
if self.type.is_complex:
error(self.pos, "complex powers not yet supported")
if self.type.real_type.is_float:
self.operand1 = self.operand1.coerce_to(self.type, env)
self.operand2 = self.operand2.coerce_to(self.type, env)
self.pow_func = "__Pyx_c_pow" + self.type.real_type.math_h_modifier
error(self.pos, "complex int powers not supported")
self.pow_func = "<error>"
elif self.type.is_float:
self.pow_func = "pow" + self.type.math_h_modifier
......@@ -1095,7 +1095,8 @@ class CComplexType(CNumericType):
real_type = self.real_type.declaration_code(''),
m = self.funcsuffix))
m = self.funcsuffix,
is_float = self.real_type.is_float))
return True
def create_to_py_utility_code(self, env):
......@@ -1112,7 +1113,8 @@ class CComplexType(CNumericType):
real_type = self.real_type.declaration_code(''),
m = self.funcsuffix))
m = self.funcsuffix,
is_float = self.real_type.is_float))
self.from_py_function = "__Pyx_PyComplex_As_" + self.specialization_name()
return True
......@@ -1271,11 +1273,17 @@ proto="""
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define __Pyx_c_is_zero%(m)s(z) ((z)==(%(real_type)s)0)
#define __Pyx_c_conj%(m)s(z) (::std::conj(z))
/*#define __Pyx_c_abs%(m)s(z) (::std::abs(z))*/
#if %(is_float)s
#define __Pyx_c_abs%(m)s(z) (::std::abs(z))
#define __Pyx_c_pow%(m)s(a, b) (::std::pow(a, b))
#define __Pyx_c_is_zero%(m)s(z) ((z)==0)
#define __Pyx_c_conj%(m)s(z) (conj%(m)s(z))
/*#define __Pyx_c_abs%(m)s(z) (cabs%(m)s(z))*/
#if %(is_float)s
#define __Pyx_c_abs%(m)s(z) (cabs%(m)s(z))
#define __Pyx_c_pow%(m)s(a, b) (cpow%(m)s(a, b))
static CYTHON_INLINE int __Pyx_c_eq%(m)s(%(type)s, %(type)s);
......@@ -1286,7 +1294,10 @@ proto="""
static CYTHON_INLINE %(type)s __Pyx_c_neg%(m)s(%(type)s);
static CYTHON_INLINE int __Pyx_c_is_zero%(m)s(%(type)s);
static CYTHON_INLINE %(type)s __Pyx_c_conj%(m)s(%(type)s);
/*static CYTHON_INLINE %(real_type)s __Pyx_c_abs%(m)s(%(type)s);*/
#if %(is_float)s
static CYTHON_INLINE %(real_type)s __Pyx_c_abs%(m)s(%(type)s);
static CYTHON_INLINE %(type)s __Pyx_c_pow%(m)s(%(type)s, %(type)s);
......@@ -1335,15 +1346,60 @@ impl="""
z.imag = -a.imag;
return z;
#if %(is_float)s
static CYTHON_INLINE %(real_type)s __Pyx_c_abs%(m)s(%(type)s z) {
return hypot%(m)s(z.real, z.imag);
return sqrt%(m)s(z.real*z.real + z.imag*z.imag);
static CYTHON_INLINE %(type)s __Pyx_c_pow%(m)s(%(type)s a, %(type)s b) {
%(type)s z;
%(real_type)s r, lnr, theta, z_r, z_theta;
if (b.imag == 0 && b.real == (int)b.real) {
if (b.real < 0) {
%(real_type)s denom = a.real * a.real + a.imag * a.imag;
a.real = a.real / denom;
a.imag = -a.imag / denom;
b.real = -b.real;
switch ((int)b.real) {
case 0:
z.real = 1;
z.imag = 0;
return z;
case 1:
return a;
case 2:
z = __Pyx_c_prod%(m)s(a, a);
return __Pyx_c_prod%(m)s(a, a);
case 3:
z = __Pyx_c_prod%(m)s(a, a);
return __Pyx_c_prod%(m)s(z, a);
case 4:
z = __Pyx_c_prod%(m)s(a, a);
return __Pyx_c_prod%(m)s(z, z);
if (a.imag == 0) {
if (a.real == 0) {
return a;
r = a.real;
theta = 0;
} else {
r = __Pyx_c_abs%(m)s(a);
theta = atan2%(m)s(a.imag, a.real);
lnr = log%(m)s(r);
z_r = exp%(m)s(lnr * b.real - theta * b.imag);
z_theta = theta * b.real + lnr * b.imag;
z.real = z_r * cos%(m)s(z_theta);
z.imag = z_r * sin%(m)s(z_theta);
return z;
......@@ -23,6 +23,39 @@ def test_arithmetic(double complex z, double complex w):
return +z, -z+0, z+w, z-w, z*w, z/w
def test_pow(double complex z, double complex w, tol=None):
Various implementations produce slightly different results...
>>> a = complex(3, 1)
>>> test_pow(a, 1)
>>> test_pow(a, 2, 1e-15)
>>> test_pow(a, a, 1e-15)
>>> test_pow(complex(0.5, -.25), complex(3, 4), 1e-15)
if tol is None:
return z**w
return abs(z**w / <object>z ** <object>w - 1) < tol
def test_int_pow(double complex z, int n, tol=None):
>>> [test_int_pow(complex(0, 1), k, 1e-15) for k in range(-4, 5)]
[True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True]
>>> [test_int_pow(complex(0, 2), k, 1e-15) for k in range(-4, 5)]
[True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True]
>>> [test_int_pow(complex(2, 0.5), k, 1e-15) for k in range(0, 10)]
[True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True]
if tol is None:
return z**n + <object>0 # add zero to normalize zero sign
return abs(z**n / <object>z ** <object>n - 1) < tol
def test_div_by_zero(double complex z):
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