Commit 0b7ef6ad authored by Vincent Pelletier's avatar Vincent Pelletier

Remove test_renameObjectsPreservesUid: it is not a required feature. What is...

Remove test_renameObjectsPreservesUid: it is not a required feature. What is costly in renaming an object is updating all relations pointing at (or traversing) renamed object. Updating the uid in category table is "just" a consequence from this, and will be done anyway - even if uid is the same.

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent 3351ae39
......@@ -1838,28 +1838,6 @@ class TestPropertySheet:
self.assertRaises(ValueError, getattr, not_ok, 'attr')
self.assertFalse(hasattr(not_ok, 'attr'))
def test_renameObjectsPreservesUid(self, quiet=quiet, run=run_all_test):
"""Test that object renaming preserves original uid.
This features allows to avoid reindexing all related objects, as it
can be extremely costly.
if not run: return
folder = self.getOrganisationModule()
initial_id = 'foo'
final_id = 'bar'
folder.newContent(portal_type='Organisation', id=initial_id)
folder = self.getOrganisationModule()
document = folder[initial_id]
initial_uid = document.uid
folder.manage_renameObjects([initial_id], [final_id])
folder = self.getOrganisationModule()
document = folder[final_id]
self.assertEqual(initial_uid, document.uid)
def test_renameObjectsReindexSubobjects(self, quiet=quiet, run=run_all_test):
"""Test that renaming an object with subobjects causes them to be
reindexed (their path must be updated).
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