Commit 91183a1d authored by Vincent Pelletier's avatar Vincent Pelletier

ERP5Type.patched.DCWorkflow: Factorise consecutive tests.

parent 530cc655
......@@ -209,6 +209,8 @@ def DCWorkflowDefinition_listGlobalActions(self, info):
DCWorkflowDefinition.listGlobalActions = DCWorkflowDefinition_listGlobalActions
# Patches over original listObjectActions:
# - Factorise consecutive tests.
def DCWorkflowDefinition_listObjectActions(self, info):
Allows this workflow to
......@@ -224,9 +226,8 @@ def DCWorkflowDefinition_listObjectActions(self, info):
res = []
for tid in sdef.transitions:
tdef = self.transitions.get(tid, None)
if tdef is not None and tdef.trigger_type == TRIGGER_USER_ACTION:
if tdef.actbox_name:
if self._checkTransitionGuard(tdef, ob):
if tdef is not None and tdef.trigger_type == TRIGGER_USER_ACTION and \
tdef.actbox_name and self._checkTransitionGuard(tdef, ob):
res.append((tid, {
'id': tid,
'name': tdef.actbox_name % info,
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