Commit 9a95d6b5 authored by Jérome Perrin's avatar Jérome Perrin Committed by Kazuhiko Shiozaki

dms: also test text conversion with cache filled

The test was only testing with empty cache
parent c7f58b2c
......@@ -1553,7 +1553,9 @@ class TestDocument(TestDocumentMixin):
upload_file = makeFileUpload('cmyk_sample.jpg')
document = self.portal.portal_contributions.newContent(file=upload_file)
self.assertEqual('Image', document.getPortalType())
self.assertEqual('ERP5 is a free software.', document.asText())
for _ in ('empty_cache', 'cache'):
self.assertEqual(document.asText(), 'ERP5 is a free software.')
def test_MonochromeImageResize(self):
upload_file = makeFileUpload('monochrome_sample.tiff')
......@@ -1561,8 +1563,10 @@ class TestDocument(TestDocumentMixin):
self.assertEqual('Image', document.getPortalType())
resized_image = document.convert(format='png', display='small')[1]
identify_output = Popen(['identify', '-verbose', '-'], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE).communicate(resized_image)[0]
self.assertNotIn('1-bit', identify_output)
self.assertEqual('ERP5 is a free software.', document.asText())
self.assertNotIn(b'1-bit', identify_output)
for _ in ('empty_cache', 'cache'):
self.assertEqual(document.asText(), 'ERP5 is a free software.')
def test_Base_showFoundText(self):
# Create document with good content
......@@ -2055,7 +2059,9 @@ document.write('<sc'+'ript type="text/javascript" src="
document = self.portal.document_module.newContent(
for _ in ('empty_cache', 'cache'):
self.assertEqual(document.asText(), 'ERP5 is a free software.')
def test_broken_pdf_asText(self):
class StringIOWithFilename(StringIO.StringIO):
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