When pulling changes from the source repository, GitLab will now check that at
least one of the stored host keys matches before connecting. This can prevent
malicious code from being injected into your mirror, or your password being
To use SSH public key authentication, you'll also need to choose that option
from the authentication methods dropdown. GitLab will generate a 4096-bit RSA
key and display the public component of that key to you:

You then need to add the public SSH key to the source repository configuration.
If the source is hosted on GitLab, you should add it as a [Deploy Key][deploy-key].
Other sources may require you to add the key to your user's `authorized_keys`
file - just paste the entire `ssh-rsa AAA.... user@host` block into the file on
its own line and save it.
Once the public key is set up on the source repository, press `Save changes` and your
mirror will begin working.
If you need to change the key at any time, you can press the `Regenerate key`
button to do so. You'll have to update the source repository with the new key
to keep the mirror running.
### How it works
Once you activate the pull mirroring feature, the mirror will be inserted into
a queue. A scheduler will start every minute and schedule a fixed amount of
mirrors for update, based on the configured maximum capacity.
If the mirror successfully updates it will be enqueued once again with a small
backoff period.
If the mirror fails (eg: branch diverged from upstream), the project's backoff
period will be penalized each time it fails up to a maximum amount of time.
## Pushing to a remote repository **[STARTER]**
>[Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ee/merge_requests/249) in
@@ -83,7 +270,7 @@ To use this option go to your project's repository settings page under push mirr
To set up a mirror from GitLab to GitHub, you need to follow these steps:
1. Create a [GitHub personal access token](https://help.github.com/articles/creating-a-personal-access-token-for-the-command-line/) with the "public_repo" box checked:

1. Fill in the "Git repository URL" with the personal access token replacing the password `https://GitHubUsername:GitHubPersonalAccessToken@github.com/group/project.git`:
@@ -94,7 +281,7 @@ To set up a mirror from GitLab to GitHub, you need to follow these steps:
1. And either wait or trigger the "Update Now" button: