=link_tonamespace_project_tag_path(@project.namespace,@project,tag.name),class: 'btn btn-remove remove-row has-tooltip',title: "Delete tag",method: :delete,data: {confirm: "Deleting the '#{tag.name}' tag cannot be undone. Are you sure?",container: 'body'},remote: truedo
=link_tonamespace_project_tag_path(@project.namespace,@project,tag.name),class: "btn btn-remove remove-row has-tooltip #{protected_tag?(@project,tag)?'disabled':''}",title: "Delete tag",method: :delete,data: {confirm: "Deleting the '#{tag.name}' tag cannot be undone. Are you sure?",container: 'body'},remote: truedo
=link_tonamespace_project_tag_path(@project.namespace,@project,@tag.name),class: 'btn btn-remove remove-row has-tooltip',title: "Delete tag",method: :delete,data: {confirm: "Deleting the '#{@tag.name}' tag cannot be undone. Are you sure?"}do
=link_tonamespace_project_tag_path(@project.namespace,@project,@tag.name),class: "btn btn-remove remove-row has-tooltip #{protected_tag?(@project,@tag)?'disabled':''}",title: "Delete tag",method: :delete,data: {confirm: "Deleting the '#{@tag.name}' tag cannot be undone. Are you sure?"}do
return"You are not allowed to create protected tags on this project."#TODO: Wording, it is a specific tag which you don't have access too, not all protected tags which might have different levels
return"You are not allowed to create this tag as it is protected."