| `scope` | string | no | The scope of pipelines, one of: `running`, `pending`, `finished`, `branches`, `tags`; |
| `scope` | string | no | The scope of pipelines, one of: `running`, `pending`, `finished`, `branches`, `tags`; |
| `status` | string | no | The status of pipelines, one of: `running`, `pending`, `success`, `failed`, `canceled`, `skipped`; |
| `status` | string | no | The status of pipelines, one of: `running`, `pending`, `success`, `failed`, `canceled`, `skipped`; |
| `ref` | string | no | The ref of pipelines |
| `ref` | string | no | The ref of pipelines |
| `yaml_errors`| string | no | If true, Returns only yaml error pipelines |
| `yaml_errors`| string | no | If true, returns only yaml error pipelines |
| `username`| string | no | The name of user who triggered pipelines |
| `username`| string | no | The name of user who triggered pipelines |
| `order_by`| string | no | The order_by which is combined with a `sort`, one of: `id`, `status`, `ref`, `username`, `started_at`, `finished_at`, `created_at`, `updated_at`; |
| `order_by`| string | no | Return requests ordered by `id`, `status`, `ref`, `username`, `started_at`, `finished_at`, `created_at` or `updated_at` fields. Default is `id` |
| `sort` | string | no | The sort method which is combined with an `order_by`, one of: `asc`, `desc`; |
| `sort` | string | no | Return requests sorted in `asc` or `desc` order. Default is `desc` |