Commit 88fb0b5f authored by Grégory Wisniewski's avatar Grégory Wisniewski

Many fixes for r2564.

- Pop queued transaction from the beginning instead of end
- Restore test for begin with a tid
- Add test to check transactions unlocking mechanism
- Add/fix comments

git-svn-id: 71dcc9de-d417-0410-9af5-da40c76e7ee4
......@@ -389,6 +389,7 @@ class TransactionManager(object):
A storage node has been lost, don't expect a reply from it for
current transactions
# iterate over a copy because _unlockPending may alter the dict
for tid, txn in self._tid_dict.items():
if txn.forget(uuid):
......@@ -396,32 +397,30 @@ class TransactionManager(object):
def _unlockPending(self):
# unlock pending transactions
while self._queue:
tid = self._queue[0][1]
# _queue can contain un-prepared transactions
uuid, tid = self._queue.pop(0)
txn = self._tid_dict.get(tid, None)
# _queue can contain un-prepared transactions
if txn is not None and txn.locked():
self._on_commit(tid, txn)
self._queue.insert(0, (uuid, tid))
def abortFor(self, node):
Abort pending transactions initiated by a node
neo.logging.debug('Abort for %s', node)
# nothing to do
if node not in self._node_dict:
# remove transactions
neo.logging.debug('Abort TXN for %s', node)
uuid = node.getUUID()
# XXX: this loop is usefull only during an import
for nuuid, ntid in list(self._queue):
if nuuid == uuid:
self._queue.remove((uuid, ntid))
if node in self._node_dict:
# remove transactions
remove = self.remove
for tid in self._node_dict[node].keys():
remove(uuid, tid)
# the code below is usefull only during an import
for nuuid, ntid in list(self._queue):
if nuuid == uuid:
self._queue.remove((uuid, tid))
# discard node entry
del self._node_dict[node]
......@@ -375,6 +375,9 @@ class NeoUnitTestBase(NeoTestBase):
def checkAnswerTransactionInformation(self, conn, **kw):
return self.checkAnswerPacket(conn, Packets.AnswerTransactionInformation, **kw)
def checkAnswerBeginTransaction(self, conn, **kw):
return self.checkAnswerPacket(conn, Packets.AnswerBeginTransaction, **kw)
def checkAnswerTids(self, conn, **kw):
return self.checkAnswerPacket(conn, Packets.AnswerTIDs, **kw)
......@@ -79,9 +79,16 @@ class MasterClientHandlerTests(NeoUnitTestBase):
calls = tm.mockGetNamedCalls('begin')
self.assertEqual(len(calls), 1)
calls[0].checkArgs(client_uuid, None)
# Client asks for a TID
conn = self.getFakeConnection(client_uuid, self.client_address) = tm_org
service.askBeginTransaction(conn, tid1)
calls = tm.mockGetNamedCalls('begin')
self.assertEqual(len(calls), 1)
calls[0].checkArgs(client_uuid, None)
args = self.checkAnswerBeginTransaction(conn, decode=True)
self.assertEqual(args, (tid1, ))
def test_08_askNewOIDs(self):
service = self.service
......@@ -35,6 +35,11 @@ class testTransactionManager(NeoUnitTestBase):
def makeUUID(self, i):
return '\0' * 12 + pack('!Q', i)
def makeNode(self, i):
uuid = self.makeUUID(i)
node = Mock({'getUUID': uuid, '__hash__': 0})
return uuid, node
def testTransaction(self):
# test data
node = Mock({'__repr__': 'Node'})
......@@ -108,7 +113,7 @@ class testTransactionManager(NeoUnitTestBase):
self.assertEqual(txnman.getPendingList(), [])
# ...and the lock is available
txnman.begin(client_uuid, self.getNextTID())
def test_getNextOIDList(self):
txnman = TransactionManager(lambda tid, txn: None)
......@@ -226,14 +231,30 @@ class testTransactionManager(NeoUnitTestBase):
def testClientDisconectsAfterBegin(self):
client1_uuid = self.makeUUID(1)
client2_uuid = self.makeUUID(2)
tm = TransactionManager(lambda tid, txn: None)
tid1 = self.getNextTID()
tid2 = self.getNextTID()
tm.begin(client1_uuid, tid1)
node1 = Mock({'getUUID': client1_uuid, '__hash__': 0})
self.assertTrue(tid1 not in tm)
def testUnlockPending(self):
callback = Mock()
uuid1, node1 = self.makeNode(1)
uuid2, node2 = self.makeNode(2)
storage_uuid = self.makeUUID(3)
tm = TransactionManager(callback)
ttid1 = tm.begin(uuid1)
ttid2 = tm.begin(uuid2)
tid1 = tm.prepare(node1, ttid1, 1, [], [storage_uuid], 0)
tid2 = tm.prepare(node2, ttid2, 1, [], [storage_uuid], 0)
tm.lock(tid2, storage_uuid)
# txn 2 is still blocked by txn 1
self.assertEqual(len(callback.getNamedCalls('__call__')), 0)
tm.lock(tid1, storage_uuid)
# both transactions are unlocked when txn 1 is fully locked
self.assertEqual(len(callback.getNamedCalls('__call__')), 2)
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